
Portfolio Manager EMS BE B2C

Posting date : 12/12/2024

Requisition ID : 38516

Portfolio Manager EMS BE B2C


Senior Portfolio Manager EMS BE B2C




About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 areas of expertise :

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.

More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (



As one of GEMS’s front divisions, BP Downstream’s mission is to manage energy risks for Engie Energy Supply activities in CWE. As part of BP Downstream, and jointly with the BE Retail Pricing team, the Energy Management Sales B2C Belgium team (EMS BE B2C) is at the heart of energy management of Engie’s BE Retail portfolio.

The EMS BE B2C team interacts with several internal teams such as: others Downstream’s teams, Trading, IT, Finance, Risk, Back Office…


Role :

As a senior portfolio manager in EMS BE B2C:

  • You actively assess and manage commodity risks linked to the dynamics of the BE B2C sales portfolio, for all its commodities – Power, Natural gas, Certificates - meaning operate and optimize costing, forecasting, sourcing, and hedging strategies, within a defined mandate;
  • You report the portfolio financials linked to the energy management results and performance to the commercial BU;
  • You design and implement various strategies to reduce, internalize or externalize risks, towards and in collaboration with stakeholders; (Trading, other BUs);
  • In close collaboration with the commercial entities, you structure and optimally cost standard and non-standard offers: by identifying potential risks and ensuring use of adequate and up to date costing models, risk bricks and data availability;
  • You use and challenge data, models, processes & tools to answers supplier’s vision and ambition;  
  • You take the business lead for the development of the tools, models, process, and portfolio/data representation of all commercial offer's portfolio;
  • You manage contacts with multiple stakeholders to which you present and explain energy management

    Hard skills:

  • Must have:
    • Knowledge on financial products
    • Understanding of trading and risk management business
    • Knowledge on energy systems and markets
    • Elevated level of numeracy and strong analytical, combined with a hands-on approach


  • Good to have:
    • Proficient in Python and Excel VBA
    • Familiar with using APIs

  Soft skills:

  • Must have:
    • Willing to work in a front position with direct impact on Group’s and BU’s P&L
    • Team player
    • Highly resilient
    • Result-oriented practical thinker
    • Rigorous and accurate
    • Autonomous
    • Communication and presentation skills
    • Customer focus
    • Proactive and accountable
    • Ability to coach colleagues
    • Daring to step out of your comfort zone

Education and professional background:

  • Engineering degree or business school, master
  • 3 to 5 years' experience in similar field is required



  • English (+ French or Dutch, is a nice to have)



The job is based in Brussels, travels to Paris occasionally



If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals. All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.



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Nuclear Project Manager

Posting date : 11/12/2024

Requisition ID : 28005

Nuclear Project Manager

Klaar om je positieve impact vorm te geven? Sluit je dan aan bij Tractebel, onderdeel van de ENGIE Groep, en onze 5600 gepassioneerde experts wereldwijd die zich iedere dag inzetten om te bouwen aan een duurzamere wereld. Dit is jouw kans om mee te stappen in het avontuur van de eeuw: het versnellen van de energietransitie en de levens van mensen verbeteren met zinvolle projecten. Draag bij aan koolstofneutraliteit in verschillende sectoren, zoals kernenergie, hernieuwbare energie, gas en elektriciteit, elektriciteitsnetten, waterkrachtcentrales en stuwdammen, waterbeheer en -voorziening, ontzilting, complexe en hoogtechnologische gebouwen, transportinfrastructuren en havens en waterwegen.
Klaar om het verschil te maken? Dan kijken we ernaar uit je te ontmoeten! 


Wat wij bieden


  • Tractebel is meer dan een werkplek. Dit is jouw kans om te groeien aan de zijde van topexperts in impactvolle projecten wereldwijd. Deze omgeving is gebouwd op teamgeest waarin je je hoogste potentieel kunt bereiken. Het management steunt actief de ontwikkeling van zijn mensen en er zijn talloze mogelijkheden tot groei binnen de ENGIE Groep. 
  • Wij bieden een competitief salarispakket, inclusief representatievergoedingen, dubbel betaalde vakantiedagen, maaltijdcheques, ecocheques, bonussen, ziekteverzekering, pc-privéplan, ENGIE-aandelenopties en meer. 
  • Onze mobiliteitsplannen kunnen aangepast worden aan jouw behoeften: een bedrijfswagen, treinabonnement, leasefiets of combinaties hiervan ... Je kan je bedrijfswagen ook inruilen voor het flexibele en fiscaal gunstige Belgische mobiliteitsbudget!** 
  • Flexibele hybride regelingen maken telewerken (2-3 dagen per week), werken op locatie of onderweg mogelijk. Via voordelige aankoopprogramma's en genereuze bijdragen aan je mobiele en internetabonnementen deelt Tractebel in de kosten van je thuiskantoor. 
  • Vakantie: 20 wettelijke dagen + 12 compensatieverlofdagen (voor een voltijds werkschema). Je kunt ook 5 extra dagen kopen voor extra ontspanning. 
  • Om onze successen te vieren en plezier te maken komen we samen voor teamsporten, afterworks, teambuildingactiviteiten, ons jaarlijkse feest en veel meer.

Jouw missie   


Als Project Manager binnen onze departement Nucleaire draag je elke dag bij aan onze missie door een cruciale rol te spelen in het beheer en monitor van het ontwerp en/of de uitvoering van onze nucleaire  ontmantelingsprojecten.  Je stelt de ontwerp- en investeringsbudgetten op en consolideert deze voor het project als geheel. Je bepaalt de globale tijdsplanning, je controleert de geleverde diensten voor het project en je bewaakt de voortgang op het vlak van het halen van de oplevertermijnen alsook de verwachte rentabiliteit.

Je belangrijkste verantwoordelijkheden  


  • Je verzorgt de interne contacten met onze Métiers (dit zijn de Technische Competence Centres) en de ondersteunende afdelingen (juridisch, financiën, IT, risicobeheer, communicatie, …);
  • Na overleg met de experten van Tractebel definieer je de taken en machtig je je projectteam (dat je functioneel aanstuurt) om deze uit te voeren;
  • Je coördineert de acties voor raakvlakken tussen disciplines en je waakt over de adequate integratie van de verschillende specialisaties in het project;
  • Je monitort het project ten einde de afgesproken scope op te leveren binnen contractuele deadline en budget;
  • Je organiseert meetings met de klant en ondersteunt de klant, als partner, bij het leveren van de Tractebel meerwaarde aan het project;
  • Je verzorgt de technische en commerciële contacten met de klanten en partners en stippelt commerciële acties uit waar nodig.

Als ambassadeur van Tractebel (ENGIE) draag je het imago en de waarden van Tractebel en de ENGIE-groep (Ethiek, QHSE,…) uit in al uw contacten, zowel binnen de ENGIE-groep als met andere externe stakeholders.

We horen graag van mensen met  


  • Een Master diploma in Engineering;
  • Talenkennis: Nederlands (en bij voorkeur basiskennis Frans) en Engels;
  • Kennis in projectmanagement met betrekking tot opvolging budget, planning en risico’s;
  • 5 jaar professionele ervaring als projectleider of assistent projectleider, en kennis van de processen van Engineering (opeenvolgende fasen, contractuele benaderingen, …)
  • Kennis van Belgische kerncentrales / nucleaire sector is een sterke troef;
  • BA4, VCA en Habilitatie om toegang te krijgen tot nucleaire sites is vereist.

Wie je bent  


  • Je kan zelfstandig werken en hebt veiligheid hoog in het vaandel staan;
  • Je kan technische situaties snel analyseren en gerichte acties definiëren;
  • Je bent dynamisch, flexibel, stressbestendig en nauwkeurig;
  • Je bent resultaatgericht, hebt een sterke klantgerichtheid, bent een teamspeler in een veranderende omgeving.


Wie we zijn  


Mensen, ethiek, veiligheid en duurzaamheid zijn onze topprioriteiten. Met Tractebel verkeer je in een unieke positie om een positieve impact te maken op de wereldwijde net zero-doelstellingen. Als drijvende kracht achter deze doelstellingen zien we jou als onze grootste troef. Onze mensen komen op de eerste plaats en diversiteit is onze kracht. Wij zijn één wereldwijde gemeenschap die een afspiegeling is van onze rijke diversiteit van nationaliteiten, achtergronden, seksuele geaardheden en leeftijden. ENGIE wil tegen 2030 veertig procent vrouwen in managementfuncties, in lijn met Tractebels streven naar Gendergelijkheid en Inclusiviteit. Diversiteit biedt immers nieuwe perspectieven die de drijvende kracht zijn achter prestaties en innovatie.Daarom verwelkomen we alle sollicitanten en blijven we ons inzetten voor een inclusieve werkplek.


Ontdek hier meer over Tractebel, onze activiteiten en waarom je je bij ons zou moeten aansluiten.


Als een van de 96.000 medewerkers tellende ENGIE Groep kun je een carrière uitbouwen in de baanbrekende ontwikkeling van koolstofarme oplossingen wereldwijd. Elke dag krijg je de kans om een duurzamere wereld vorm te geven.   





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Posting date : 11/12/2024

Requisition ID : 14780







De afdeling is verantwoordelijk voor alle projecten met betrekking tot de studies en de aanpassingen van bestaande Belgische kerncentrales (Doel/Tihange), inclusief LTO-projecten (Long Term Operation). Deze projecten kunnen gaan van de pre-haalbaarheidsstudies tot de uiteindelijke indienststelling van de installaties, inclusief haalbaarheidsstudies, ontwerp, aankoop en on-site realisatieactiviteiten.


Binnen dit departement ben je verantwoordelijk voor projecten (studies en/of aanpassingen) met betrekking tot de kerncentrales in België, met een focus op LTO Ageing (EI&C, mechanische en civiele werken).




  • Je beheert / volgt het ontwerp en/of de uitvoering van het project op;
  • Je laat de ontwerp- en investeringsbudgetten opstellen en consolideert deze voor het project in zijn geheel. Je bepaalt het algemene tijdschema, je controleert de diensten die voor het project worden geleverd en je bewaakt de voortgang wat betreft het halen van de leveringstermijnen en de verwachte rentabiliteit;
  • Na overleg met de experts definieer je de taken en geef je je projectteam (dat je functioneel leidt) de bevoegdheid om ze uit te voeren;
  • Je organiseert vergaderingen met de klant en ondersteunt de klant, als partner, bij het leveren van de toegevoegde waarde van Tractebel aan het project;
  • Je verzorgt de interne contacten met de competence centers en ondersteunende departementen (juridisch, financieel, IT, risicobeheer, communicatie, ...);
  • Je coördineert de acties op de interfaces tussen disciplines en u controleert de adequate integratie van de verschillende specialiteiten in het project;
  • Je verzorgt de technische en commerciële contacten met de eventuele klanten en partners en je definieert waar nodig commerciële acties;
  • Je zorgt voor de relevante administratieve taken met betrekking tot de procedures met de ondersteuning van een Project Assistent;
  • Voor de projecten waar je bent aangesteld als 'Project Engineer', ondersteun je de Project Manager of Project Director bij het uitvoeren van alle bovenstaande taken.




  • Je hebt een ingenieursdiploma ;
  • Je hebt minstens 5 jaar ervaring als projectmanager of assistent-projectmanager, en je hebt kennis van de processen van Engineering (opeenvolgende fasen, contractuele aanpak, ...)
  • Kennis van Belgische kerncentrales is een sterke troef ;
  • Je moedertaal is Nederlands en je spreekt vloeiend Engels ;
  • Je bent resultaatgericht, je hebt een sterke klantgerichtheid, je bent een teamspeler in een veranderende omgeving ;
  • Je bent dynamisch, flexibel, stressbestendig, nauwgezet ;
  • Je werkt op het hoofdkantoor in Brussel met regelmatige bezoeken aan de Belgische kerncentrale (Doel) en af en toe bezoeken buiten België ;
  • BA4, VCA, Habilitation to access nuclear sites zijn vereist.


Ons aanbod


Wij bieden meer dan alleen een baan: je krijgt de mogelijkheid om een complexe job vol uitdagingen uit te voeren in een inspirerende omgeving waarin we bijdragen aan tal van projecten in de (inter)nationale nucleaire industrie en waarin jij je carrière kunt ontwikkelen.


We doen ons uiterste best om de beste werkomgeving voor onze medewerkers te bieden in functie van hun persoonlijke behoeften op het gebied van werk-privébalans met:

  • de mogelijkheid voor gedeeltelijk thuiswerk en flexibele uren;
  • goed ontworpen en comfortabele werkruimtes om de productiviteit en focus te verhogen;
  • veel ruimtes waar je even kunt pauzeren met je collega's en een hapje of een drankje kunt nuttigen;
  • een gratis fitnessruimte op kantoor in Brussel die kan worden gebruikt binnen uw gewenste tijdschema.



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Business Development Manager

Posting date : 03/12/2024

Requisition ID : 36847

Business Development Manager

Welcome to ENGIE Belgium! Every day, we work together to develop efficient energy solutions to build a carbon neutral future!


For the Global Business Unit Energy Solutions Benelux & Sun4Business Solar – Storage team in Belgium, having developed over 120 MWp of solar projects across Wallonia, Brussels, and Flanders in the last 7 years, we are currently looking for a


Business Development Manager (M/W/X)


Our team focuses on innovative and flexible energy solutions, including a significant number of carport installations with Power Purchase Agreements.


WE OFFER YOU as Business Development Manager



  • An inclusive culture: a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered.
  • A professional development: opportunities for continuous learning and career development (Leadership, Project management, Health & Safety, etc.)..
  • An active contribution to the energy transition : make a positive impact on the environment.
  • A healthy work-life balance thanks to 34 holidays, possibility to work up to 2 days from home, and to work at 80%.
  • A competitive salary package, with numerous extra-legal benefits:
    • A tax-optimized bonus plan
    • Hospitalization and medical expenses insurance
    • An attractive retirement plan
    • A company car or a green alternative through our mobility plan
    • A public transport subscription; our offices are less than 10 minutes from Brussels North station
  • A welcome in a dynamic and caring organization which is committed to well-being, ensuring employees can be themselves and EDGE Certified. EDGE Certified organizations have demonstrated their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and have been assessed against the highest Global Standards.
  • A gym on-site and a variety of activities offered in the ENGIE’s Body-Mind & Social program which aims to enhance our employees’ well-being.



YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES as Business Development Manager



  • Lead and Inspire: Manage and mentor a team of 5 talented business developers (7) Charlotte Barthélémy | LinkedIn, (7) Seppe Vanaken | LinkedIn, (7) Hendrik Vermeersch | LinkedIn, (7) Thomas Jolie | LinkedIn, (7) Claude Vanderheyde | LinkedIn, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment across Wallonia, Brussels, and Flanders and report to (7) Dean Van Raemdonck (he/his) | LinkedIn , Manager Solar and Storage.
  • Strategic Development: Identify and develop new business opportunities within the solar and battery sectors, ensuring alignment with our strategic goals. This includes participating in development committees to steer project direction and strategy.
  • Client Engagement: Work closely with the sales team to present projects to clients and ensure seamless follow-up of the commercial process.
  • Financial and Structural Input: Provide financial insights and structuration input to optimize project finance and business models. Develop and implement the commercial strategy to ensure the financial viability and success of projects.
  • Project Management: Oversee the planning, execution, and successful completion of projects, collaborating closely with the Project management team and other key stakeholders across departments (Legal, Health & Safety, Finance, Regulatory Affairs, B2B account managers, etc ..).
  • Innovation: Drive the development of new business models and partnerships, focusing on decentralized generation, microgrids, local energy communities, battery optimization, and flexibility solutions. This includes integrating innovative approaches to onsite solar projects, such as carports with Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).


YOUR PROFILE as Business Development Manager



  • Degree in Engineering, Business, Law, or a related field, with expertise in renewable energy.
  • Operational experience in innovative business development, with knowledge of project finance.
  • Experience in team management with a focus on fostering a collaborative and inclusive team culture.
  • Excellent communication skills and fluent in Dutch or French.
  • Health & safety oriented : you always take responsibility for the health and safety of yourself and your colleagues!


YOUR HR CONTACT PERSON :  Laetitia Lebrun –




To become a leader of the carbon-neutral transition in Belgium, ENGIE masters all professions related to the energy sector: from energy production to consumption optimization, from research and innovation to the maintenance of the most complex installations, from engineering to the construction and implementation of projects. Our 7,000 employees in Belgium are building a better future for our planet.
A better future for all of us!

GBU Energy Solutions comprises 45,000 dedicated men and women united by a common mission: to help our clients (cities, municipalities, industries, and large corporations) succeed in their energy transition by developing decentralized low-carbon infrastructures and providing associated energy services.

Energy Solutions Benelux has contracted over 120MW of photovoltaic parcs (more than 200 sites / 250,000 solar panels) under the ENGIE Sun4Business brand and installed over 1,500 public charging stations under the ENGIE Vianeo brand. This network already serves 60,000 unique customers. The goal for solar energy is to develop an additional 200 MW to reach 320 MW by 2030, representing 25% of the target market (asset-based), leveraging favourable regulations, innovation, and market adaptation. The goal for electric mobility is to deploy 7,000 public charging stations (14,000 charging points, including 1,700 fast chargers) by 2030. Energy Solutions Benelux contributes to the strategic priorities defined by ENGIE in Belgium: renewables, flexibility (batteries, charge management, etc.), and the customer (Energy Transition Makers).



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Head of Compensation & Benefits

Posting date : 03/12/2024

Requisition ID : 37863

Head of Compensation & Benefits

Welcome to ENGIE Belgium! Every day, we work together to develop efficient energy solutions to build a carbon neutral future!


For our HR organization in Belgium, we are currently looking for a Head of Compensation & Benefits (F/M/X)!


WE OFFER YOU as Head of Compensation & Benefits


  • A central role within the Belgian HR management team and for the Engie Belgian organization.
  • A team where mutual respect, trust, collaboration, and flexibility are commonly shared values.
  • A competitive salary package, with numerous fringe benefits:
    • a fiscally optimized annual bonus plan
    • hospitalization & medical cost insurance
    • attractive pension plan
    • a company car or a green alternative via our Mobility Plan
    • a monthly net allowance
  • A healthy work-life balance thanks to 34 holidays, possibility to work up to 2 days from home.
  • A welcome in a dynamic and caring organization which is committed to well-being, ensuring employees can be themselves and EDGE Certified.  EDGE Certified organizations have demonstrated their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and have been assessed against the highest Global Standards.
  • A gym on-site and a variety of activities offered in the ENGIE’s Body-Mind & Social program which aims to enhance our employees’ well-being.


YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES as Head of Compensation & Benefits


  • You are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing the company's compensation and benefits programs, strategies, policies and procedures.
  • You are the primary HR contact for Belgian leaders and teams, fostering strong relationships to ensure that ENGIE’s compensation and benefits offerings are competitive, equitable and aligned with the company’s strategic objectives. 
  • Your ensure compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, conduct regular market analysis to monitor trends and make recommendations, oversee the administration of employee benefits programs, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks and manage the annual salary review process, including the development of salary structures and the administration of salary increases.
  • You collaborate with senior management, HR partners and Talent Acquisition teams to develop and execute strategies that attract, retain and motivate talent,  and to ensure  integration of the programs with overall HR strategies.
  • You lead a team of 7 HR professionals and report to the HR Director Belgium


YOUR PROFILE as Head of Compensation & Benefits


  • You have a Bachelor's  of Master’s degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or a related field.
  • You have proven HR Leadership experience and strong knowledge of compensation and benefits principles and practices.
  • An affinity with HRIS / HR Performance and change management is certainly appreciated.
  • You are a true people manager.
  • You have strong communication skills and are fluent in Dutch, French and English.



Engie Tower Brussels – Boulevard Simon Bolivar 36 – 1000 Brussels



Laetitia Lebrun –

We believe any recruitment decision should be a sustainable one, taken by both parties and in full transparency. Don’t hesitate to reach out in case you have specific questions you want to get answered before applying.




To become a leader of the carbon-neutral transition in Belgium, ENGIE masters all professions related to the energy sector: from energy production to consumption optimization, from research and innovation to the maintenance of the most complex installations, from engineering to the construction and implementation of projects. Our 7,000 employees in Belgium are building a better future for our planet.
A better future for all of us!


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HSE Advisor

Posting date : 29/11/2024

Requisition ID : 37623

HSE Advisor

Welcome to ENGIE BELGIUM! Every day we work on energy-efficient solutions, building towards a carbon-neutral future! For the Business Unit Renewables Belgium & Netherlands, we are looking for a (M/F/X) Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Advisor.




  • You promote the safety culture in your daily work and help to develop and maintain it for all our Belgian and Dutch renewable energy activities (Wind Onshore, PV, BESS battery projects, etc.).
  • You coordinate the maintenance of the IS045001 certificate.
  • You are actively involved in the development, construction, and eventual operational phase of our renewable energy projects, providing constructive and professional HSE advice and ensuring compliance with safety and environmental policies.
  • You initiate improvements and develop clear procedures and instructions.
  • You conduct participative risk analyses with our "Renewables" team and think about realistic control measures.
  • You ensure that colleagues on the work floor are motivated to follow our safety regulations.
  • You liaise with management, employees, contractors, site managers, and other relevant stakeholders.
  • You support the internal environmental coordinator in the coordination and follow-up of environmental conditions and obligations associated with the development, construction, and operation of our renewable energy projects.




  • You have completed a bachelor's degree with at least 3 years of relevant professional experience in an industrial production environment.
  • You have a certificate as a safety advisor level 1 or level 2.
  • Knowledge of electrical safety, and a certificate as an environmental coordinator and safety coordinator are a plus.
  • You are fluent in Dutch, French, and English.
  • You have strong communication skills and enjoy engaging with both technical and business partners.
  • You are willing to travel to sites across Belgium.




  • The chance to play a crucial role in providing renewable energy where safety and health always come first.
  • A healthy work-life balance with 34 vacation days, the possibility to work from home up to 2 days a week, flexible working hours, and the option to work 80%.
  • A sustainable working environment in a well-connected office space near the North Station in Brussels (reimbursement for train travel).
  • Numerous opportunities to develop yourself through on-the-job coaching and training to help you grow in your role.
  • A pleasant working atmosphere and dynamic team led by Werner Van den Driessche | LinkedIn.
  • A permanent contract with a competitive salary package, supplemented with fringe benefits:
    • A basic salary based on your knowledge and experience that is indexed annually;
    • Double vacation pay, a fiscally optimized bonus plan, and a year-end bonus;
    • A representation allowance;
    • Hospitalization plan for you and your family members and health insurance;
    • Attractive pension scheme;
    • Meal vouchers;
    • A company car or a green alternative through our mobility plan;
    • A smartphone + subscription, laptop, and internet allowance;
    • A public transport subscription.
  • A dynamic and caring organization committed to well-being, inclusion, and diversity, where everyone can be themselves and which is EDGE certified. EDGE-certified organizations have demonstrated their commitment to inclusion, equality, and diversity and have been evaluated according to the highest global standards.
  • (for the administrative building in Brussels) an on-site gym and a variety of activities as part of the ENGIE Body-Mind-Social program, aimed at improving the well-being of our employees.



Valerie Theys –



Simon Bolivarlaan 36, 1000 Brussels




As one of the largest energy companies in the world, ENGIE aims to lead the energy transition in Europe. To this end, the Group is developing in energy services, electricity production from renewable sources, and digital applications.

ENGIE Belgium's ambitions in the field of renewable energy are very high. Today we have nearly 600MW in operation and by the end of 2030, we aim to grow to 1000MW!

The Engie Renewables Belgium & Netherlands department, part of the Engie Renewables Global Business Unit, is dedicated to the development, construction, and operation of renewable energy projects.



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Electrical Project Engineer - Industry

Posting date : 27/11/2024

Requisition ID : 38319

Electrical Project Engineer - Industry


Ready to engineer your positive impact? Then join Tractebel, part of the ENGIE Group, and our 5,600 passionate experts around the globe, driven by shaping a more sustainable world every day. It’s your chance to be a part of the adventure of the century: accelerating the energy transition – while enhancing people’s lives through meaningful projects. Make your contribution to carbon neutrality in markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. 
Are you ready to make a difference? Then we look forward to meeting you! 


What we offer 

  • Tractebel is more than a place to work. It’s your chance to evolve alongside top experts on impactful projects around the world. It’s an environment built on team spirit, where you can reach your highest potential. Management actively supports the development of its people, and the opportunities for growth within the ENGIE Group are wide open. 
  • We offer a competitive salary package including representation allowances, double paid holidays, meal vouchers, eco cheques, bonuses, health insurance, PC purchase plan, ENGIE stock options, and more. 
  • Our mobility plans are customizable to your needs, including a company car, train pass, bike lease, or combinations thereof. You can also swap your company car for the flexible and tax-friendly Belgian Mobility Budget! ** 
  • Flexible, hybrid arrangements enable working from home (2-3 days per week), on-site or on the go. Tractebel participates in your home office expenses, through advantageous purchase programs and generous contributions to your internet and mobile plans. 
  • Holidays: 20 legal days + 12 compensatory leave days (for a full-time work schedule). You can also buy 5 extra days for even more relaxation. 
  • To celebrate our successes, and just have fun, we get together for team sports, afterworks, team -building activities, our annual party, and more.

Your Mission


As an Electrical Project Engineer at Tractebel, you will be responsible for the electrical engineering related to industrial buildings in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams. You ensure timely delivery, adherence to quality standards, and alignment with client expectations.


Your key responsibilities


  • You participate in the electrical design of projects by evaluating the most appropriate technical solutions, conducting feasibility studies, and preparing cost estimates.
  • You ensure projects are executed within budget, on schedule, and in compliance with quality and H&S standards.
  • You report regularly project progress to internal and external stakeholders.
  • You respond to the specific needs and expectations of clients, maintaining a high level of client satisfaction.
  • You stay up to date with standards, guidelines, and emerging techniques in your discipline and share this knowledge with your team.
  • You collaborate constructively with colleagues, external partners (e.g., architects, contractors), and clients during all project phases.


We would love to hear from people with


  • A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Engineering.
  • At least 5 years of experience in electrical design.
  • Proficiency in French and English.
  • Strong analytical skills and a client-oriented mindset.
  • Knowledge in:
    • High voltage systems.
    • Low voltage systems (e.g., power supply, cabling, lighting, electrical diagrams, lightning protection).
    • Very low voltage systems (e.g., fire detection, CCTV, access control).
    • Site security, tunnel, and rail techniques.
  • Familiarity with AutoCAD and BIM software (e.g., REVIT, Naviswork, Stabicad) is a plus.
  • Experience with calculation software (e.g., Dialux, Ecodial, Caneco) is an asset.


Who you are


  • A good team player with a strong client-focused approach.
  • Autonomous, efficient, and goal-oriented in achieving personal and project objectives.
  • Dynamic, flexible, and an excellent communicator.
  • Skilled in organization and project management.

Who we are  


Our top priorities are people, ethics, safety, and sustainability. With Tractebel, you are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on global net-zero targets. The driving force behind reaching these goals is our greatest asset: you. Our people come first, and our strength is in our diversity. Because diversity leads to fresh perspectives that drive performance and innovation! Therefore, we welcome all applicants and remain committed to an inclusive workplace. 
Find out more about Tractebel, our activities and why you should join us here
As part of the 96,000-strong ENGIE Group, your career path in pioneering low-carbon solutions around the world knows no limits. Every day is your opportunity to shape a more sustainable world.   

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