SAP SuccessFactors id

Technisch Verkoper Gooik

Posting date : 26/03/2025

Requisition ID : 44195

Technisch Verkoper Gooik


  • Commercieel: Nauwkeurige opvolging van de toegewezen klanten om ervoor te zorgen dat de verkoopdoelen worden behaald. Je markt omvat de vervanging van gas- en mazoutketels, renovatieprojecten, airconditioning, warmtepompen, ...
  • Veiligheid: Analyseren van de haalbaarheid van projecten. Beoordelen of het werk op een veilige manier uitgevoerd kan worden, en waar nodig passende maatregelen voorstellen.
  • Projectmanagement: Beheren van A tot Z van HVAC-projecten van onze klanten in jouw regio.
  • Klantcommunicatie: Je gaat naar de bouwplaatsen om naar onze klanten te luisteren en hen te adviseren.
  • Administratief beheer: Opmaken van heldere offertes & zorgen voor een goede opvolging van de klanten en communicatie met het agentschap.
  • Kwaliteitsbewaking: Opvolging van het werk van onze technische teams om ervoor te zorgen dat de projecten adequaat worden afgerond.


  • Technische kennis: Je kan een solide kennis van verwarming (B2C en B2B) aantonen; kennis van warmtepomptechnologie is een plus. Je hebt een bewezen ervaring in de sector.
  • Veiligheid: Je hebt een sterk gevoel voor veiligheid en het milieu. Je neemt altijd verantwoordelijkheid voor je eigen gezondheid en veiligheid en die van je collega's!
  • Talen: Je communiceert duidelijk, zowel mondeling als schriftelijk, in het Nederlands en in het Frans. 
  • Communicatieve vaardigheden: Je beschikt over uitstekende communicatieve vaardigheden om te communiceren met het team, klanten en partners. 
  • IT vaardigheden: Kennis van Word en Excel is een vereiste. 
  • Je slaagt erin prioriteiten en deadlines strikt te beheren. 


  • Boeiend werk met veel contacten en autonomie 
  • Aantrekkelijke verloning: competitief basissalaris, individuele en groepsbonussen, elektrische wagen met thuislaadpunt, maaltijdcheques, ecocheques, groepsverzekering, hospitalisatieverzekering, enz.  
  • Ruime opleidingsmogelijkheden. Voortdurende ontwikkeling en leren maken integraal deel uit van ons DNA.  
  • Een voltijdse functie met de mogelijkheid om sommige dagen van thuis uit te werken.  
  • Deel uitmaken van een dynamische en zorgzame organisatie die zich inzet voor welzijn, inclusie en diversiteit.  
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Posting date : 26/03/2025

Requisition ID : 28542


Tractebel is een wereldwijd actief engineering- en consultancybedrijf dat geïntegreerde oplossingen biedt voor duurzame energieprojecten en de gebouwde omgeving. Onze expertise wordt wereldwijd erkend in de meest diverse sectoren waaronder nucleaire en hernieuwbare energie, gas, elektriciteitsnetwerken, waterkrachtcentrales & dammen, waterbronnen, ontzilting, complexe & hoogtechnologische gebouwen, transportinfrastructuur en havens & waterwegen.

Door strategie, ontwerp, engineering, sociale & milieustudies, projectbeheer en interne digitale toepassingen te verbinden, werken we samen met bedrijven en overheidsinstanties om een positieve impact te creëren op mens en planeet.

Gesteund door meer dan 150 jaar ervaring is Tractebel vandaag een gemeenschap van meer dan 5.500 gepassioneerde experts over de hele wereld, toegewijd aan ethisch zakendoen en de strijd tegen klimaatverandering. Tractebel maakt deel uit van de ENGIE Groep, een wereldwijde referentie op het gebied van koolstofarme energie en diensten.



Je werkt als BIM-Project Manager en je bent verantwoordelijk voor het implementeren en coördineren van BIM-processen binnen infrastructuur projecten, vanuit ons kantoor in Hasselt  (of Gent/ Brussel), binnen onze afdeling Transport Infrastructuur, de afdeling binnen Tractebel die voornamelijk projecten ontwerpt/studeert met betrekking tot wegen, tramverbindingen, luchthavens, tunnels en bruggen.

Naast het ontwerpen van wegen is het ontwerpen van rioleringssystemen een tweede belangrijk onderdeel, rekening houdend met de klimaatsverandering en een duurzaam gebruik van het (regen)water.



  • Toezicht houden op de kwaliteit en efficiëntie van het BIM-proces; toezicht op de productie, coördinatie en kwaliteitscontroles en je rapporteert hierover
  • Opstellen van BIM-werkprocedures;  je leidt het proces van het opstellen en organiseren van BIM-werkprocedures, inclusief het bijwerken en actualiseren van BIM-uitvoeringsplan.
  • Leiderschap in BIM-informatieprocedures; je bent verantwoordelijk voor het opbouwen en uitwisselen van BIM-informatieprocedures volgens de geldende standaarden.
  • Opstellen van BIM-planning; je schat het BIM-budget in en bereidt de BIM-planning voor in overeenstemming met de algemene projectplanning
  • Werken in teamverband is voor jou vanzelfsprekend en motiverend.
  • Je communiceert met andere project/disciplineleden.
  • Je blijft op de hoogte van evoluties in je discipline.



  • Je hebt een masterdiploma ingenieurswetenschappen of industriële wetenschappen
  • Een relevante werkervaring van 3 jaar met de toepassing van BIM voor infrastructuurprojecten
  • Je beschikt over leidinggevende en organisatorische vaardigheden om strategische en tactische samenwerkingsrelaties tot stand te brengen
  • Grondige kennis van de digitale context en applicaties inzake BIM
  • Communicatievaardig om alle betrokken partijen effectief te laten samenwerken
  • Je bent planmatige en analytisch ingesteld
  • Je hebt een goede kennis van MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) en MS Project.
  • Je hebt een uitstekende kennis van het Nederlands (zowel schriftelijk als mondeling) en een grondige kennis van het  Engels. Een goede kennis van het Frans is een sterke troef.



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BIM Design Engineer Infrastructure - Roadworks

Posting date : 26/03/2025

Requisition ID : 2831

BIM Design Engineer Infrastructure - Roadworks

Ready to engineer your positive impact? Then join Tractebel, part of the ENGIE Group, and our 5,600 passionate experts around the globe, driven by shaping a more sustainable world every day. It’s your chance to be a part of the adventure of the century: accelerating the energy transition – while enhancing people’s lives through meaningful projects. Make your contribution to carbon neutrality in markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. 
Are you ready to make a difference? Then we look forward to meeting you! 

What we offer 
•    Tractebel is more than a place to work. It’s your chance to evolve alongside top experts on impactful projects around the world. It’s an environment built on team spirit, where you can reach your highest potential. 
•    We actively supports the development of our people, and the opportunities for growth within the ENGIE Group are wide open. 
•    We offer a competitive salary package  including representation allowances, double paid holidays, meal vouchers, eco cheques, bonuses, health insurance, PC purchase plan, ENGIE stock options, and more. 
•    Our mobility plans are customizable to your needs, including a company car, train pass, bike lease, or combinations thereof. You can also swap your company car for the flexible and tax-friendly Belgian Mobility Budget!  
•    Flexible, hybrid arrangements enable working from home (2-3 days per week), on-site or on the go. Tractebel participates in your home office expenses, through advantageous purchase programs and generous contributions to your internet and mobile plans. 
•    Holidays: 20 legal days + 12 compensatory leave days (for a full-time work schedule). You can also buy 5 extra days for even more relaxation. 
•    To celebrate our successes, and just have fun, we get together for team sports, afterworks, team -building activities, our annual party, and more.
Your mission  


As a BIM Engineer Infrastructure in our Infrastructure department you will contribute to our mission everyday by playing a crucial role in designing projects related to roads, tramways, airports, tunnels and bridges. 


Your key responsibilities  

  • Model Development: Create and optimize 3D BIM models for road infrastructure projects, from rimary to secondary roads, including sewage & drainage systems.
  • Collaboration: Work with multidisciplinary teams to integrate BIM into workflows.
  • Quality Control: Review models for accuracy and compliance with standards.
  • Data Management: Organize and maintain project data and documentation.
  • Software Proficiency: Utilize BIM software (e.g., Autocad, Civil 3D, Revit) for design and analysis.
  • Coordination: Lead meetings to resolve design conflicts and align project goals.
  • Training and Support: Mentor team members on BIM best practices and tools.


 We would love to hear from people with  

  • Educational Background: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering (Civil or Industrial).
  • Experience: Minimum of 7 years of relevant work experience in BIM and infrastructure projects.
  • BIM Software Proficiency: Excellent knowledge of AutoCAD and 3D design packages, particularly Civil 3D which is a MUST
  • Pipes Expertise: Strong experience with piping design in Civil 3D is a plus.
  • GIS Knowledge: Familiarity with GIS tools for spatial data integration and analysis.
  • BIM Tools Experience: Experience with BIM software packages such as BIM 360 and Navisworks is highly recommended.
  • 3D Modeling and Technical Drawing: Proficient in creating and manipulating 3D models and producing technical drawings and specifications. You have experience with road design standards, methods and practices
  • Language Proficiency: Good command of at least two of the following languages, with excellent writing skills: Dutch, English, French.


Who you are


  • Detail-Oriented: Meticulous in reviewing models and ensuring accuracy in all aspects of work.
  • Collaborative: Able to work effectively within multidisciplinary teams and foster a cooperative environment.
  • Problem Solver: Skilled at identifying issues and developing innovative solutions in project workflows.
  • Communicative: Strong verbal and written communication skills, able to convey complex information clearly to diverse audiences.
  • Adaptable: Flexible in responding to changing project requirements and able to learn new technologies quickly.
  • Organized: Capable of managing multiple tasks and priorities efficiently while meeting deadlines.
  • Proactive: Takes initiative to improve processes and contribute positively to team dynamics.
  • Analytical: Strong analytical skills to evaluate project data and make informed decisions. 

Who we are  
Our top priorities are people, ethics, safety, and sustainability. With Tractebel, you are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on global net-zero targets. The driving force behind reaching these goals is our greatest asset: you. Our people come first, and our strength is in our diversity. Because diversity leads to fresh perspectives that drive performance and innovation, we welcome all applicants and remain committed to an inclusive workplace. 
Find out more about Tractebel, our activities and why you should join us here


As part of the 96,000-strong ENGIE Group, your career path in pioneering low-carbon solutions around the world knows no limits. Every day is your opportunity to shape a more sustainable world.   


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Posting date : 26/03/2025

Requisition ID : 2445


Klaar om je positieve impact vorm te geven? Sluit je dan aan bij Tractebel, onderdeel van de ENGIE Groep, en onze 5600 gepassioneerde experts wereldwijd die zich iedere dag inzetten om te bouwen aan een duurzamere wereld. Dit is jouw kans om mee te stappen in het avontuur van de eeuw: het versnellen van de energietransitie en de levens van mensen verbeteren met zinvolle projecten. Draag bij aan koolstofneutraliteit in verschillende sectoren, zoals kernenergie, hernieuwbare energie, gas en elektriciteit, elektriciteitsnetten, waterkrachtcentrales en stuwdammen, waterbeheer en -voorziening, ontzilting, complexe en hoogtechnologische gebouwen, transportinfrastructuren en havens en waterwegen.
Klaar om het verschil te maken? Dan kijken we ernaar uit je te ontmoeten! 

Wat wij bieden 
•    Tractebel is meer dan een werkplek. Dit is jouw kans om te groeien aan de zijde van topexperts in impactvolle projecten wereldwijd. Deze omgeving is gebouwd op teamgeest waarin je je hoogste potentieel kunt bereiken. Het management steunt actief de ontwikkeling van zijn mensen en er zijn talloze mogelijkheden tot groei binnen de ENGIE Groep. 
•    Wij bieden een competitief salarispakket, inclusief representatievergoedingen, dubbel betaalde vakantiedagen, maaltijdcheques, ecocheques, bonussen, ziekteverzekering, pc-privéplan, ENGIE-aandelenopties en meer. 
•    Onze mobiliteitsplannen kunnen aangepast worden aan jouw behoeften: een bedrijfswagen, treinabonnement, leasefiets of combinaties hiervan ... Je kan je bedrijfswagen ook inruilen voor het flexibele en fiscaal gunstige Belgische mobiliteitsbudget! 
•    Flexibele hybride regelingen maken telewerken (2-3 dagen per week), werken op locatie of onderweg mogelijk. Via voordelige aankoopprogramma's en genereuze bijdragen aan je mobiele en internetabonnementen deelt Tractebel in de kosten van je thuiskantoor. 
•    Vakantie: 20 wettelijke dagen + 12 compensatieverlofdagen (voor een voltijds werkschema). Je kunt ook 5 extra dagen kopen voor extra ontspanning. 
•    Om onze successen te vieren en plezier te maken komen we samen voor teamsporten, afterworks, teambuildingactiviteiten, ons jaarlijkse feest en veel meer.
Jouw missie  


Als BIM Coördinator in onze afdeling “Infrastructure” draag je elke dag bij aan onze missie door een cruciale rol te spelen als de verbindende schakel in de coördinatie van deelmodellen en bied je essentiële ondersteuning aan onze projectpartners.

Jouw verantwoordelijkheden:

•    Je voegt deelmodellen samen en zorgt voor een soepele coördinatie tussen de verschillende modellen.
•    Je voert clash- en issuedetecties uit voor interdisciplinaire modellen en deelt de resultaten met de betrokken partijen.
•    Je houdt toezicht op en controleert de modelleerafspraken, bestandsnaamgeving en codering.
•    Je verifieert de verschillende deelmodellen om een optimale samenwerking te waarborgen.


Wie zijn jouw projectpartners?
•    Diverse afdelingen binnen Tractebel
•    Onderaannemers van Tractebel
•    Andere studiebureaus en architecten binnen ons consortium
•    Bouwheer(s) – zowel overheden als aannemers


Wat valt niet onder jouw verantwoordelijkheden?
•    Coördineren van deelmodellen binnen een specifieke discipline.
•    Wijzigingen aanbrengen in de modellen.
•    Informatie uit de modellen extraheren.

We horen graag van mensen met  

  • Een bachelor- of masterdiploma in industriële engineering of gelijkwaardige ervaring.
  • 7 jaar relevante werkervaring in de sector.
  • Een uitstekende kennis van AutoCAD en 3D-ontwerppakketten (bij voorkeur Civil 3D).
  • Ervaring met GIS en BIM-software (zoals BIM360, Navisworks) is een pluspunt.
  • Ervaring met infrastructuurprojecten, waaronder primaire en secundaire wegen, riolerings- en drainagesystemen, en bruggen.
  • Bekendheid met wegontwerprichtlijnen, -methoden en -praktijken.


Wie je bent

  Jouw troeven als BIM Coördinator:


  • Gestructureerd en zelfstandig: Je kunt zowel zelfstandig als in teamverband effectief werken.
  • Communicatieve vaardigheden: Je hebt sterke communicatieve vaardigheden en kunt goed met anderen samenwerken.
  • Kennis en interesse in infrastructuur en topografie: Je hebt affiniteit met het vakgebied en blijft op de hoogte van relevante ontwikkelingen.
  • Taalvaardigheid: Je beheerst ten minste twee van de volgende talen uitstekend, zowel mondeling als schriftelijk: Nederlands, Engels, Frans.
  • Teamspeler: Je bent dynamisch, nauwkeurig, oplossingsgericht en creatief.
  • Mobiliteit: Je staat open voor korte of middellange termijn missies naar het buitenland.
  • Rijbewijs: Je bent in het bezit van een internationaal rijbewijs / rijbewijs "B"

Wie we zijn


Mensen, ethiek, veiligheid en duurzaamheid zijn onze topprioriteiten. Met Tractebel verkeer je in een unieke positie om een positieve impact te maken op de wereldwijde net zero-doelstellingen. Als drijvende kracht achter deze doelstellingen zien we jou als onze grootste troef. Onze mensen komen op de eerste plaats en diversiteit is onze kracht. Diversiteit biedt immers nieuwe perspectieven die de drijvende kracht zijn achter prestaties en innovatie. Daarom verwelkomen we alle sollicitanten en blijven we ons inzetten voor een inclusieve werkplek.
Ontdek hier meer over Tractebel, onze activiteiten en waarom je je bij ons zou moeten aansluiten.
Als een van de 96.000 medewerkers tellende ENGIE Groep kun je een carrière uitbouwen in de baanbrekende ontwikkeling van koolstofarme oplossingen wereldwijd. Elke dag krijg je de kans om een duurzamere wereld vorm te geven.   


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Senior Civil Site Engineer - Tihange

Posting date : 25/03/2025

Requisition ID : 44455

Senior Civil Site Engineer - Tihange

Senior Civil Works Site Engineer 

Ready to engineer your positive impact? Then join Tractebel, part of the ENGIE Group, and our 5,600 passionate experts around the globe, driven by shaping a more sustainable world every day. It’s your chance to be a part of the adventure of the century: accelerating the energy transition – while enhancing people’s lives through meaningful projects. Make your contribution to carbon neutrality in markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. 
Are you ready to make a difference? Then we look forward to meeting you! 


What we offer 
Tractebel is more than a place to work. It’s your chance to evolve alongside top experts on impactful projects around the world. It’s an environment built on team spirit, where you can reach your highest potential. Management actively supports the development of its people, and the opportunities for growth within the ENGIE Group are wide open. 
We offer a competitive salary package  including representation allowances, double paid holidays, meal vouchers, eco cheques, bonuses, health insurance, PC purchase plan, ENGIE stock options, and more. 
Our mobility plans are customizable to your needs, including a company car, train pass, bike lease, or combinations thereof. You can also swap your company car for the flexible and tax-friendly Belgian Mobility Budget! ** 
Flexible, hybrid arrangements enable working from home, on-site or on the go. Tractebel participates in your home office expenses, through advantageous purchase programs and generous contributions to your internet and mobile plans. 
Holidays: 20 legal days + 12 compensatory leave days (for a full-time work schedule). You can also buy 5 extra days for even more relaxation. 
To celebrate our successes, and just have fun, we get together for team sports, afterworks, team -building activities, our annual party, and more.

Your mission  
As Senior Civil Works Site Engineer in our Proximity department of the Metier ‘Civil Engineering & Infra’, part of the Business Area Nuclear. You will address the technical follow-up of the civil works related to the different projects that are ongoing and will be realized in the frame of 

  • Long Term Operations – namely the projects associated to the life time extension of Tihange 3;
  • Decommissioning and Dismantling – namely both the new build and modifications associated to the final shutdown of Tihange 1 and  2;
  • Plant Operational Support – namely the civil works assistance we deliver to the operational power plants (e.g. from maintenance works for cooling towers or other important structures, to completely new build structures, as e.g. Spent Fuel Storage Facilities);
  • You will join the Site Team under the mentorship of the Site Lead.



Your key responsibilities  

  • interfacing between Tractebel’s back office, the Client and Contractors realizing the works;
  • inspecting the Contractors’ execution activities, verifying compliance with execution drawings and documents (erection methodology etc.);
  • verifying and monitoring of Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) requirements;
  • management of the technical interfaces between Contractors;
  • management and follow up of main design modifications;
  • participation to regular meetings with the stakeholders: progress, challenges, interfaces, HSE, etc.;
  • drafting work orders and site orders, issuing notes on the execution and shortcomings, and checking the progress reports prepared by the Contractors;
  • continually exchanging information on developments in work, studies, etc.;



We would love to hear from people with  

  • A Master degree in civil/structural engineering.
  • Relevant professional experience in an engineering or contractor’s environment, including design assignments and erection follow-up, preferably in an industrial environment is an advantage;
  • Fluency in French and either Dutch or English;


Who you are   

  • You have a curious mindset and a questioning attitude
  • You are a born team player 
  • You can communicate factual, and you are to the point
  • You have good writing skills for technical notes.


Who we are  
With Tractebel, you are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on global net-zero targets. The driving force behind reaching these goals is our greatest asset: you. Our people come first, and our strength is in our diversity. We are one global community, representing our rich tapestry of nationalities, backgrounds, sexual orientations and ages. In line with ENGIE’s target to reach 40% women in management positions by 2030, our Journey to Gender Parity & Inclusion includes the same goal. Because diversity leads to fresh perspectives that drive performance and innovation!  
Our top priorities are people, ethics, safety, and sustainability.  Find out more about Tractebel, our activities and why you should join us here! 
As part of the 96,000-strong ENGIE Group, your career path in pioneering low-carbon solutions around the world knows no limits. Every day is your opportunity to shape a more sustainable world.   


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Electrical Engineer

Posting date : 24/03/2025

Requisition ID : 44392

Electrical Engineer

Ready to engineer your positive impact? Then join Tractebel, part of the ENGIE Group, and our 5,600 passionate experts around the globe, driven by shaping a more sustainable world every day. It’s your chance to be a part of the adventure of the century: accelerating the energy transition – while enhancing people’s lives through meaningful projects. Make your contribution to carbon neutrality in markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. 
Are you ready to make a difference? Then we look forward to meeting you! 

What we offer 

  • Tractebel is more than a place to work. It’s your chance to evolve alongside top experts on impactful projects around the world. It’s an environment built on team spirit, where you can reach your highest potential. 
  • We actively supports the development of our people, and the opportunities for growth within the ENGIE Group are wide open. 
  • We offer a competitive salary package  including representation allowances, double paid holidays, meal vouchers, eco cheques, bonuses, health insurance, PC purchase plan, ENGIE stock options, and more. 
  • Our mobility plans are customizable to your needs, including a company car, train pass, bike lease, or combinations thereof. You can also swap your company car for the flexible and tax-friendly Belgian Mobility Budget! ** 
  • Flexible, hybrid arrangements enable working from home (2-3 days per week), on-site or on the go. Tractebel participates in your home office expenses, through advantageous purchase programs and generous contributions to your internet and mobile plans. 
  • Holidays: 20 legal days + 12 compensatory leave days (for a full-time work schedule). You can also buy 5 extra days for even more relaxation. 
  • To celebrate our successes, and just have fun, we get together for team sports, afterworks, team -building activities, our annual party, and more.

Your mission  
As an Electrical Engineer in our Nuclear and Conventional Power Generation Business, you will manage all electrical power-related aspects for construction and renovation projects at nuclear and conventional power stations. You will work primarily on projects at nuclear power plants, ensuring both electrical systems and infrastructure meet the highest standards of safety and efficiency. 


Your key responsibilities  

  • Lead the design, renovation, and optimization studies for electrical systems, ensuring compliance with local and international standards and regulations.
  • Define the ratings, technical specifications, and overall design of electrical systems, including generators, generator protection systems, breakers, transformers, MV and LV motors, AC and DC boards, emergency diesel generating sets, cabling, and more.
  • Serve as the Contract Owner for electrical equipment or service tenders, overseeing bid analysis, technical-commercial negotiations, and the awarding of contracts.
  • Manage the technical and commercial follow-up of contracts, ensuring smooth project execution.
  • Participate in factory acceptance tests, supervise on-site assembly, and assist in the commissioning of electrical systems.
  • Stay up to date with industry trends, technological advancements, and changes in nuclear and electrical standards and regulations.
  • Contribute to the continuous improvement of methods and processes in electrical engineering, particularly in the context of nuclear generation units.

Further details on project-specific tasks and technical requirements will be shared with selected candidates prior to the interview.
We would love to hear from people with  

  • Academic Qualifications: Master’s in Electrical Engineering or equivalent, with at least 4 years of relevant experience in an industrial context. Experience in the nuclear field is an advantage.
  • Technical Expertise: Strong background in electrical system design, optimization, and safety, with experience in nuclear power environments being a plus.
  • Analytical Skills: Interest in analyzing and finding solutions to a variety of technical challenges in electrical power systems.
  • Language Proficiency: Fluent in French, with a good understanding of English. Dutch is an asset.


Who you are   

  • You have a keen interest in analyzing and researching solutions for diverse technical challenges in electrical power systems.
  • You are motivated, adaptable, and able to work effectively within a multi-disciplinary team.
  • Customer satisfaction is central to your approach, and you are dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions.
  • You have a dynamic personality with a proactive and innovative mindset.
  • You are independent, highly responsible, and rigorous in your work.
  • You are mobile and open to short- or medium-term assignments abroad.


Who we are  
Our top priorities are people, ethics, safety, and sustainability. With Tractebel, you are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on global net-zero targets. The driving force behind reaching these goals is our greatest asset: you. Our people come first, and our strength is in our diversity. Because diversity leads to fresh perspectives that drive performance and innovation, we welcome all applicants and remain committed to an inclusive workplace. 
Find out more about Tractebel, our activities and why you should join us here
As part of the 96,000-strong ENGIE Group, your career path in pioneering low-carbon solutions around the world knows no limits. Every day is your opportunity to shape a more sustainable world.   

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Nuclear Engineer SMR/AMR

Posting date : 19/03/2025

Requisition ID : 44030

Nuclear Engineer SMR/AMR

Ready to engineer your positive impact? Then join Tractebel, part of the ENGIE Group, and our 5,600 passionate experts around the globe, driven by shaping a more sustainable world every day. It’s your chance to be a part of the adventure of the century: accelerating the energy transition – while enhancing people’s lives through meaningful projects. Make your contribution to carbon neutrality in markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. 
Are you ready to make a difference? Then we look forward to meeting you! 

What we offer 

  • Tractebel is more than a place to work. It’s your chance to evolve alongside top experts on impactful projects around the world. It’s an environment built on team spirit, where you can reach your highest potential. 
  • We actively supports the development of our people, and the opportunities for growth within the ENGIE Group are wide open. 
  • We offer a competitive salary package  including representation allowances, double paid holidays, meal vouchers, eco cheques, bonuses, health insurance, PC purchase plan, ENGIE stock options, and more. 
  • Our mobility plans are customizable to your needs, including a company car, train pass, bike lease, or combinations thereof. You can also swap your company car for the flexible and tax-friendly Belgian Mobility Budget! ** 
  • Flexible, hybrid arrangements enable working from home (2-3 days per week), on-site or on the go. Tractebel participates in your home office expenses, through advantageous purchase programs and generous contributions to your internet and mobile plans. 
  • Holidays: 20 legal days + 12 compensatory leave days (for a full-time work schedule). You can also buy 5 extra days for even more relaxation. 
  • To celebrate our successes, and just have fun, we get together for team sports, afterworks, team -building activities, our annual party, and more.

Your mission   


As Nuclear Engineer SMR/AMR in our Nuclear Safety & Engineering department you will contribute to our mission everyday by playing a crucial role in coordinating transversally the activities of our teams related to Small Modular Reactors (SMR) and Advanced Modular Reactor (AMR) projects. 


Your key responsibilities   

  • Support the Lead Engineer SMR/AMR of the department in his/her mission
  • Coordinate technical answers for offers on SMR/AMR to provide consolidated feedback to the Business Development, Sales and Project teams
  • Provide overviews of SMR/AMR perspectives and efforts to group managers of the department, helping them to manage their team’s workload
  • Animate internal community meetings aiming at sharing return of experience, good practices and SMR/AMR Research & Development (R&D) statuses


We would love to hear from people with  

  • A Master's degree in Engineering (civil or industrial) or equivalent through experience
  • 5 years of experience in the nuclear industry, preferably related to engineering services
  • Experience in leading multidisciplinary teams would be an asset
  • Specific experience in nuclear safety and/or SMR/AMR would be a strong asset
  • Languages : Proficiency in English is a must, along with a good knowledge of French or Dutch

 Who you are   


  • You are autonomous and proactive in carrying out your tasks
  • You are able to identify priorities and take decisions while receiving multiple requests from diverse stakeholders
  • You have good listening and reporting skills
  • You are eager to develop your leadership skills

 Who we are  


Our top priorities are people, ethics, safety, and sustainability. With Tractebel, you are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on global net-zero targets. The driving force behind reaching these goals is our greatest asset: you. Our people come first, and our strength is in our diversity. Because diversity leads to fresh perspectives that drive performance and innovation, we welcome all applicants and remain committed to an inclusive workplace. 
Find out more about Tractebel, our activities and why you should join us here
As part of the 96,000-strong ENGIE Group, your career path in pioneering low-carbon solutions around the world knows no limits. Every day is your opportunity to shape a more sustainable world.   


#TRACTREF-05|35|01|04# #LI-FD1


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