SAP SuccessFactors id

Marketing Product Owner - Energy

Posting date : 25/06/2024

Requisition ID : 24769

Marketing Product Owner - Energy


Chi è ENGIE?

ENGIE mette al centro delle sue attività (elettricità, gas naturale, efficientamento energetico e servizi) lo sviluppo sostenibile, per far fronte alle sfide della transizione energetica verso una low carbon economy: accesso ad un'economia sostenibile, mitigazione e adattamento al cambiamento climatico e ottimizzazione delle risorse.

Chi cerchiamo
Una risorsa da inserire come Energy Product Owner  presso la nostra sede di Milano nell’ambito della Global Business Unit Retail.

La Global Business Unit RETAIL è focalizzata sulla vendita delle commodity ai clienti finali e sull’installazione e manutenzione di caldaie ad uso domestico su gran parte del territorio nazionale con un importante obiettivo di crescita.

Nel 2022 conta oltre 1 milione di clienti per l’energia e i servizi.

La digitalizzazione, i servizi 2.0 e le soluzioni green rappresentano le strategie che la GBU Retail intende incrementare. 

Che cosa farai?
Riporterai allo Strategic Product Manager e, in coordinamento con il team Energy, affiancherai i nostri Manager nella gestione dei prodotti durante il loro ciclo di vita, raccogliendo e assegnando le priorità ai requisiti d’offerta, supporterai la vision del prodotto e lavorerai a stretto contatto con team trasversali per fornire soluzioni vincenti generando un maggiore turnover.

Quali saranno le tue responsabilità?

  • Supportare l’implementazione e sviluppo di nuove Value Proposition d’offerta (Luce, Gas e Servizi di efficienza energetica per la casa): dall’identificazione del target, alla definizione del business plan, del concept d’offerta ed il suo testing, fino alla definizione del processo di vendita e la gestione delle attività di go-to-market necessarie ad andare sul mercato;


  • Sviluppare dentro il team expertise elementi distintivi rispetto ai competitor;


  • Supportare l'organizzazione per portare i prodotti sul mercato attraverso il coordinamento delle funzioni aziendali coinvolte nelle attività ed iniziative inerenti ai prodotti gestiti (IT, Sales, Area Tecnica, Processi e partnership, Customer Service, Legal)


  • Gestire e aggiornare i prodotti a catalogo e la contrattualistica a supporto dei differenti canali commerciali;


  • Conoscere la normativa di settore, dei principali tratti distintivi del mercato energetico italiano e delle informazioni per la gestione delle attività di go to market;


  • Efficientare i tool per le attività di go to market con l’obiettivo di razionalizzare e snellire la filiera


  • Supportare ed individuare le funzionalità chiave da sviluppare per la digitalizzazione dei prodotti e servizi ENGIE;


  • Monitorare e analizzare i principali KPI’s dei prodotti e servizi lanciati sul mercato da ENGIE, inclusi feedback, requisiti e problemi dei clienti;


  • Supportare la struttura di vendita nella realizzazione e raggiungimento del piano campagne commerciali, attraverso l’ideazione ed il lancio di iniziative specifiche o di prodotto dedicati;


  • Supportare la definizione e l’ esecuzione del piano di comunicazione e trade marketing legato al lancio di nuove soluzioni.


Perché tu?

  • Passione per il mondo Retail, in particolare il mondo Energy e Servizi di efficientamento
  • Esperienze pregresse nel mercato Energy verranno considerate un plus
  • Data-driven approach: attitudine all’elaborazione ed analisi dei dati
  • Spiccata attitudine al cliente e capacità di interpretarne il comportamento nell’era digitale;
  • Curiosità e propensione al cambiamento;
  • Predisposizione al lavoro in team
  • Propositività nello svolgimento delle attività assegnate;
  • Conoscenza di MS OFFICE (in particolare Excel), gradita conoscenza di linguaggio di programmazione (R, Python), Miro e Confluence
  • Gradita la conoscenza della lingua inglese
  • Gradita la conoscenza delle metodologie Agile e Design Thinking


Perché scegliere ENGIE?


Lavorare in ENGIE, gruppo multinazionale, significa avere un'ampia varietà di possibilità di carriera in oltre 30 paesi.

Ma significa anche mettere la comunità al centro della tua vita professionale e contribuire a un vero cambiamento nel corso di una carriera stimolante.

Il nostro impegno è chiaro: sosteniamo un modello sociale che concilia la performance economica con l'impatto positivo sulle persone e sul pianeta. Scommettiamo sul potere della collettività e agiamo come parte di una comunità impegnata a sconvolgere e reinventare il futuro. Diversità e inclusione sono al centro della nostra cultura aziendale.

ENGIE si impegna a combattere tutte le forme di discriminazione in materia di occupazione, accesso alla formazione e promozione. Pertanto, l'integrazione e il sostegno di giovani, adulti, persone con disabilità, senza alcuna distinzione di genere, etnia o religione, sono priorità fondamentali della politica delle risorse umane.

Le Certificazioni EDGE e UNI PDR 125/22 conquistate, dimostrano tale impegno.

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Expert Windows Serveur H/F

Posting date : 24/06/2024

Requisition ID : 13875

Expert Windows Serveur H/F

Vous êtes motivé.e  
  • pour mettre vos compétences au service d’un acteur majeur de la transition énergétique, expert et distributeur du gaz naturel ? 
  • pour participer à l’avenir de la distribution du gaz naturel (compteur communicant, technologies du réseau intelligent, développement du biogaz et du GNV, …) ? 
Vous souhaitez acquérir un véritable savoir-faire technique gazier dans une entreprise qui investit dans les innovations digitales ?  
Rejoignez-nous à GRDF ! 
GRDF, filiale indépendante d’ENGIE, est le principal gestionnaire de réseau de distribution de gaz naturel en France. 
GRDF distribue le gaz naturel à plus de 11 millions de clients, pour qu’ils disposent du gaz quand ils en ont besoin, quel que soit leur fournisseur. 
Pour cela, et conformément à ses missions de service public, GRDF conçoit, construit, exploite, entretient le plus grand réseau de distribution d’Europe (198 886 km) et le développe dans plus de 9 500 communes, en garantissant la sécurité des personnes et des biens et la qualité de la distribution. 
Chaque jour, ce sont 11 431 femmes et hommes qui s'investissent dans leur mission. Partout en France, des équipes sont prêtes à intervenir 24h/24 et 7j/7 pour fournir le meilleur service possible. 
Au sein de la Région Ile de France, GRDF recrute : 
Un.e Expert Windows Serveur H/F
Poste basé à Paris (75010)

En tant qu’Expert.e Windows Server, vous êtes rattaché.e aux équipes en charge des Infrastructures au sein du domaine Ingénierie et plus particulièrement au pôle Architecture & Expertise Système.

Vous avez en charge la mise en place des plateformes et socles techniques ainsi que des middlewares qui participeront aux différentes solutions techniques en collaboration avec les architectes et chefs de projets.
Vous êtes garant du cycle de vie de la plateforme et des services dont vous avez la responsabilité.

Vous travaillez en étroite collaboration avec l’ensemble des expertises infrastructures et l'exploitation pour la mise en production, le support de niveau N3 des éléments dont vous êtes responsable des normes et procédures d'exploitations.

La Direction Système d'Information de GRDF, créatrice de valeur et partenaire des métiers, a comme mission d'assurer le fonctionnement et l'adaptation du SI conformément aux besoins des utilisateurs.  A ce titre, elle définit, construit et déploie actuellement de nombreux projets induits par les évolutions de GRDF. 

Vous êtes titulaire d’un diplôme d'Ingénieur ou universitaire de niveau Bac +4, avec une spécialité en IT.

Vous possédez au minimum de 10 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans l’IT et notamment dans les systèmes Windows Server, middleware ainsi que dans le développement en Powershell, API, YAML.

Vous avez une expérience significative en System Windows Server 2019, IIS, SQL server et de l’automatisation via Ansible.

Vous avez une bonne communication orale et écrite, une excellente capacité d’écoute et êtes force de proposition.

Vous appréciez le travail en équipe et êtes en capacité d’appréhender un écosystème complexe.

Lieu de travail :  95 Rue de Maubeuge, 75010 Paris

L’emploi est régi par l’obligation de respect des engagements du code de bonne conduite de GRDF, lequel est constitué des principes d’indépendance, de non-discrimination, de protection des informations commercialement sensibles, d’objectivité et de transparence ; et de la charte éthique de GRDF ; accessibles sur

En tant qu’Employeur responsable, GRDF valorise la diversité des profils de ses collaborateurs. Son engagement en faveur de l’égalité des chances est reconnu par le Label Diversité.

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Chef de Projet technique H/F

Posting date : 24/06/2024

Requisition ID : 1742

Chef de Projet technique H/F



GRDF, filiale indépendante d’ENGIE, est le principal gestionnaire de réseau qui distribue le gaz à plus de 11 millions de clients.


Vous êtes motive(e) ?


•    Pour mettre vos compétences au service d’un acteur majeur de la transition énergétique, expert et distributeur du gaz ?

•    Pour participer à l’avenir de la distribution du gaz (compteur communicant, technologies du réseau intelligent, développement du biogaz et du GNV, …) ?


Au sein de la Région Ile de France, GRDF recrute son :


Chef de projet technique H/F

Poste basé à Paris (75010)


La Direction Système d'Information, créatrice de valeur et partenaire des métiers, assure le fonctionnement, l'adaptation et l’optimisation du SI conformément aux besoins des utilisateurs. 
Son Domaine SI Développement & Communication (SIDC) est responsable des activités SI liées au développement commercial, marketing & communication, digitalisation des services et accueil client. Il assure le pilotage de sujets transverses tels que le programme Fidélisation, le Programme SI Client, la Connaissance Clients, etc.

Le domaine SIDC recherche un chef de projet pour porter la construction des nouvelles offres de services de mise à disposition de données de consommation d’énergie (offres Fournisseurs, Entreprises & Collectivités, Producteurs Biométhane, Interne). Il s’agit d’un périmètre au cœur des enjeux règlementaires et de la maîtrise de l’énergie.




Vous serez responsable du pilotage de l’ensemble des phases projet :


-    Etude de cadrage : Construction de la stratégie globale et de rationalisation des offres MADC 
-    Instruction des besoins : définition des solutions transverses (cartographie fonctionnelle & applicative, diagramme de séquences…) portage des impacts auprès des différentes applications en garantissant la cohérence transverse
-    Définition de la stratégie de recette globale et déroulement des recettes transverses et stratégie de déploiement et préparer le RUN
-    Pilotage global de la roadmap des différentes offres : planning des différentes évolutions applicatives nécessaires à la mise en place des offres, suivi d’avancement, budget & reporting
•    L’activité de RUN des produits construits en phase projet : 


-    Point d'entrée unique des métiers, en charge du suivi des offres (kpi), incidents et anomalies, demandes d'évolutions, en garantissant la cohérence fonctionnelle transverse et la coordination avec l'ensemble des acteurs de la chaîne applicative.
-    Pilotage de la backlog de besoins métier : Priorisation, instruction et construction de la roadmap
-    Pilotage de la roadmap définie, respect du planning et budget




De formation Bac+5 en Informatique, vous justifiez d’une expérience réussie d’au moins 6 ans dans un poste similaire.
Vous savez piloter une équipe, avez pu développer un background technique solide (idéalement expérience en développement) et disposez d’une bonne connaissance des architectures n-Tiers, des APIs et solutions web, vous maîtrisez les architectures fonctionnelles complexes.



Vous aimez travailler dans un environnement dynamique, transverse, sur des périmètres en très forte visibilité (Image de marque et aspects réglementaires).
Doté(e) d’aisance relationnelle, de leadership et de pédagogie, vous savez coordonner différents acteurs techniques, fonctionnels et métier, les challenger et faites preuve de conviction, en sachant adapter votre discours en fonction des interlocuteurs.
Adaptable, vous êtes polyvalent(e), rigoureux(se), organisé(e), vous savez anticiper et prioriser les activités de l'équipe.




Lieu de travail

* Horizon Janvier 2025 : Saint-Denis 93200 - RER B (Station La Plaine Stade de France – à deux stations de Gare du Nord).


Les +

-    Salle de sport

-    Environnement dynamique, locaux agréables

-    CET - Compte Epargne Temps

-    Equilibre vie professionnelle / vie personnelle

-    Jusqu’à 10 jours/mois de télétravail


En tant que salarié.e de GRDF, vous serez engagé.e à nos côtés et au quotidien dans des actions en faveur de l’égalité des chances et de la diversité des profils, reconnues par le Label Diversité.

L'emploi est régi par l'obligation de protection des informations commercialement sensibles, par le respect de l'objectivité, de la transparence et de la non-discrimination à l'égard de l'ensemble des utilisateurs du réseau de distribution. A ce titre, vous veillerez à respecter et faire respecter le code de bonne conduite du distributeur GRDF.



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Projectmanager Engineering

Posting date : 24/06/2024

Requisition ID : 13299

Projectmanager Engineering

Welkom bij ENGIE, leider in de energietransitie! Elke dag werken wij energie-efficiënte oplossingen uit en bouwen zo aan een koolstofneutrale toekomst!

De verlenging van onze nucleaire activiteiten in België opent de deur naar ambitieuze projecten en vertegenwoordigt een grote nationale uitdaging. Wij zijn op zoek naar de beste talenten om hieraan bij te dragen.

Voor de kerncentrale van Doel zijn we actief op zoek naar meerdere Project Managers.


Jouw uitdaging als Projectmanager Engineering

Je bent verantwoordelijk voor:
•    Het aansturen en beheren van projecten in Doel die, in functie van de aard van het project, kort- of langlopend en mono- of multidisciplinair kunnen zijn.
•    Dit houdt in:                            
o    Richting geven gedurende de verschillende projectfases: gaande van probleemstelling die leidt tot ontwikkeling van de technische oplossing, over opvolging van implementatie in de installatie, tot de nazorg van de bijhorende documenten en wisselstukken.
o    Beheer van de scope, planning, kwaliteit, risico’s en budget van de toegewezen projecten
o    Samenstellen, dagelijkse organisatie, coördinatie en supervisie van het projectteam.
o    Autonoom beheer van de projecten (neemt beslissingen, zoekt zelf oplossingen voor problemen en conflicten)
o    Beheer van interfaces met andere projecten en operationele activiteiten.
o    Overleggen en rapporteren aan een cross-functionele organisatie
o    Organiseren van de nodige project- en design reviews  
o    Rapporteren aan de hiërarchie en comités.


De ideale match

•    Ervaring in projectmanagement binnen industriële installaties is een pluspunt
•    Je bent in staat projecten op te volgen, proactief bij te sturen, en feedback te bezorgen aan de stakeholders
•    Je bent goed georganiseerd en resultaatgericht
•    Je bent in staat om een kwaliteitsvolle vorderingsrapportering op te stellen
•    Je ervaart het naleven van mijlpalen binnen een planning, en budgettaire controle binnen het project als belangrijk
•    Je draagt de regels van klassieke en nucleaire veiligheid bij het uitvoeren van de werken, hoog in het vaandel
•    Je kijkt vooruit, anticipeert op toekomstige risico’s en leert snel op basis van eigen en externe ervaringen
•    Je hebt overtuigingskracht en bent beslissingsvaardig
•    Je bent gericht op efficiënt teamwork, kan delegeren en opvolgen
•    Je bent je zeer bewust van je voorbeeldfunctie
•    Je legt vlot nieuwe contacten en kan transversaal werken, dit met zowel interne medewerkers als met onderaannemers
•    Je bent communicatief vaardig, zowel schriftelijk als mondeling, in het Nederlands, Frans, en het Engels
•    Specifieke kennis van SAP, Clarity, MS project is een pluspunt.


Wij bieden jou 


  • Een boeiende uitdaging in een constant evoluerende sector
  • Een brede waaier aan opleidings- en ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden gedurende je loopbaan
  • Een aangename werksfeer en gezond evenwicht tussen werk en privé
  • Doorgroeimogelijkheden afhankelijk van je ambities en capaciteiten
  • Een contract van onbepaalde duur met een competitief salaris, aangevuld met tal van voordelen, o.a.:
    • 34 verlofdagen (20 wettelijke + 14 extra legaal)
    • een bedrijfswagen of toegang tot andere mobiliteitsoplossingen
    • loonevolutie en variabele verloning volgens een prestatiegericht verloningssysteem
    • hospitalisatieverzekering en verzekering ambulante medische kosten
    • aanvullend pensioenplan (inclusief overlijdensdekking, invaliditeitsdekking)
    • korting op je jaarlijkse energiefactuur


Meer weten over werken in een kerncentrale? Klik hier voor meer informatie


Jouw contactpersoon

Caroline De Rom –

Sophie Cattaruzza –


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Key Account Manager

Posting date : 24/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29215

Key Account Manager

Key Account Manager (focus Real Estate)


About US (GEMS) :


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.


Our 4 areas of expertise :

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (

Context :

For the team in Supply B2B Belgium we are searching in the team of Premium Sales a Key Account Manager with focus on Real Estate customers. You will work in a team of 12 Key Account Managers managing federal organized customers in the Belgian territory. The sales approach is based on F2F relation management

Your role :


  • Ultimate responsible for managing a portfolio of approximately 50 customers and prospects. A portfolio will be federally composed of accounts almost active in building management (syndic), property management (offices and warehousing) and retail. Most activities are located in Flanders.
  • Striving for a long-term partnership and value creation with the customers in your portfolio. Therefore you develop an adapted commercial strategy per customer that will allow you to achieve the imposed objectives, with regard to contracted volume and margin for the supply of energy (electricity and natural gas) and energy linked services.
  • Take the lead in the contract negotiations with your customers
  • Meet all your customers and contacts frequently in F2F-modus
  • Work very closely with after-sales employees and ensure that customer and prospect data is entered correctly and completely into the existing IT-systems. Giving support in offering, invoicing, switching and dunning processes to ensure a high level of control over all activities in the entire customer portfolio
  • Work together with colleagues within the premium sales team and other B2B salesteam. You will meet the premium sales team on a weekly bases during a sales meeting. The purpose is exchange of information and best practices to enhance the global level of professionalism in the team. Team spirit, trust, care and one Engie our the basic principles of the team dynamics
  • Organize dedicated meetings to solve specific files/problems and build up a broad network within Gems with colleagues in downstream, legal, IT, marketing& energy transition services,  finance,… and within the broad Engie group (mirror supply B2B organizations in other countries)
  • Promote the image and values ​​(ethics, safety, sustainability, etc.) of the Engie group in all your contacts, both within and outside the group
  • Report to the Sales Manager B2B Premium Sales


Hard skills :

Must have:

  • Results-oriented and very dedicated to achieve your goals. A sufficient dose of entrepreneurship is a must. Organize your agenda and account plan independently
  • Work accurately and be aware of the value of the underlying contracts
  • Well-developed analytical skills and strong in conceptual thinking
  • Stress resistant


Good to have:

  • Experience with complex negotiations


Soft skills :

Must have:

  • Knowing the products that ENGIE Electrabel offers, and/or you are motivated to acquire this knowledge quickly.
  • Acting customer centric and apply the principles of continuous improvement
  • Dynamic and focused on collaboration


Education and professional background :

  • An university degree with an economic or technical background or equivalent through experience.
  • Preferably have at least 5 years of experience in a management position or in project management



  • Dutch-speaking with a good knowledge of French and English

Travels :

  • The place of employment is Brussels. Present in Brussels at least once a week on Friday.
  • The rest of the week will be completed flexible in relation to customer visits, projects, administrative follow-up, from home, from Brussels or via other Engie locations.
  • International travelling is possible, but rather exceptional


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE :

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.


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Fiancial Advisor

Posting date : 21/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29430

Fiancial Advisor

Senior Financial Advisor AI&FA EUROPE (M/F/X)


Positions to be filled either in FRANCE (Paris) or BELGIUM (Brussels) 


Welcome to ENGIE! Join us to accelerate the energy transition and to meet the challenges of our century together. We will make the transition happen!


To support and accelerate our sustainable growth and enable ENGIE with his commitment towards the energy transition, we are looking for a Senior AIFA Financial Advisor to join the AIFA team dedicated to the East Europe Cluster (Germany, Italy, Romania, Poland, Slovakia).


The team is dedicated to support ENGIE’s operations across the 4 Global Business Units (Renewables, Energy Solutions, Networks, Flexible Generation & Retail).


Your mission as Senior Financial Advisor AIFA


The Acquisitions, Investments and Financial Advisory (AIFA) team at ENGIE Group is a dynamic unit involved in significant transactions and strategic initiatives. The Senior Financial Advisor in AIFA leads the valuation, risk analysis of new projects, and manages M&A and project financing transactions. This role also supervises Junior and Financial Advisors in the team.

The team works on a wide variety of projects and technologies, including energy efficiency, power generation, PPPs, networks, and more. These projects can be greenfield/brownfield, financed, or part of buy-side or sell-side M&As, negotiated deals/public tenders. This provides a challenging and stimulating work environment with numerous professional development opportunities.


Your key Accountabilities as Senior Financial Advisor AIFA 


Every day you will lead several transactions (3 to 5 totaling c.1 Bn€), contribute to decision making, supervise the work of several team members and manage interactions with internal project stakeholders and external counterparties.


In particular, you will:


  • Lead the financial modeling and analysis supporting investment decisions for project development, acquisition and divestment opportunities in line with ENGIE guidelines
  • Provide valuation and structure guidance throughout the business development process, advise on commercial agreements, risk allocation, bankability of contracts, financing and expected investment returns
  • Coordinate valuation, tax, accounting, reporting, financing matters across all aspects of the project
  • Determine the best investment structure accordingly taking into account strategy, governance, flexibility, value creation matters and provide recommendation on the transaction terms and conditions
  • Present investment opportunities to ENGIE leadership, defend project economics and risks in committees
  • Undertake transversal assignments like Impairments tests or look-back analyses
  • Support or lead partnership/consortium discussions (assessment of partners, negotiation of partnership term sheet/contracts, governance, investment structure, value creation, return differentiation)
  • Select and appoint required transaction advisors
  • Review and contribute to the drafting all transaction documents/contracts (SPA, SHA, off-take and supply contracts) from the point of view of financial robustness, bankability, risk allocation, accounting, consolidation, tax, partnership
  • Coach and mentor junior members of the team



Internal interfaces

  • Group M&A
  • Business development team
  • Centres of expertise (IFRS, tax, legal, etc.)
  • Corporate finance, treasury and insurance


External interfaces

  • Banks/financing institutions
  • Legal, technical, tax and accounting advisors
  • Auditors and Big4 advisors


Reporting Line

  • You will report to the Head of AIFA for East Europe or for the Country



Your profile as Senior Financial Advisor AIFA


  • Education: Master’s degree in Finance, Business, Economics, Accounting, Engineering, or a related discipline.
  • Experience: 7-10 years in project valuation in power, renewable energy, and/or infrastructure/energy network. Experience in M&A and project finance transactions.
  • Understanding: Deep knowledge of investment, acquisitions, and divestments, including valuation methodologies, risk allocation, and transaction structuring.
  • Negotiation Skills: Experience in negotiating financing contracts/agreements, advisory mandates, ability to represent ENGIE with various stakeholders including governments.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Analytical Skills: Strong analytical and quantitative skills, with a detail-oriented approach.
  • Leadership: Leadership skills with an interest in team management and people development.
  • Organizational Skills: Good organizational and planning skills.
  • Cultural Efficiency: Ability to work efficiently across diverse cultures.
  • Languages: Proficiency in English is mandatory. Knowledge of German and French is a plus.
  • Travel: Willingness to travel a few days per week, when needed.


Work locations

Positions to be filled either in BELGIUM (Brussels) or FRANCE  (Paris)



Our Offer as Financial Advisor AIFA

  • Impactful Role: Work on purposeful initiatives that accelerate the transition toward a carbon-neutral economy.
  • Continuous Learning: Unlock a wide range of training and development opportunities.
  • Attractive Remuneration: Enjoy competitive compensation, including a bonus scheme and extralegal benefits.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Balance your professional and personal life with remote work options.
  • Inclusive Environment: Be part of an organization committed to well-being, diversity, and inclusion.

Join us in shaping the future and delivering real value to our customers and our business!






AI&FA (Acquisition Investment & Financial Advisory) team is a group of 120 financial professional across 15 countries, who provide advisory services internally and lead project finance transactions. The team is under the Group CFO’s responsibility and at the service of GBUs CEOs, CFOs, Business Development, M&A and Strategy departments. AIFA members are involved from target identification, feasibility analysis or project origination to post acquisition or financing via integration plans, restructuring and impairment testing.


ENGIE develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take up today’s major energy and environmental challenges: meeting energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group provides highly efficient and innovative solutions to individuals, cities and businesses by relying on diversified gas-supply sources, flexible and low-emission power generation as well as unique expertise in four key sectors: independent power production, liquefied natural gas, renewable energy and energy efficiency services.

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Head of Credit Operations

Posting date : 21/06/2024

Requisition ID : 30690

Head of Credit Operations

Job Title: Head of Credit Operations 

Department: Global Customer Finance 

Reporting Line: Head of Customer Finance 

Location: Any EEA country of operation or Berlin (Germany) 

This position involves an estimated 30% to 40% business travel to other EEA countries of operation as well as occasional travel for department or functional workshops or representation of ENGIE Energy Access 

About ENGIE Energy Access (EEA) 

ENGIE Energy Access is a leading Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) and mini-grid solutions provider in Africa. The company develops innovative, off-grid solar solutions for homes, public services, and businesses, enabling customers and distribution partners access to clean, affordable energy. The PAYGO solar home systems are financed through affordable instalments from $0.19 per day and the mini grids foster economic development by enabling electrical productive use and triggering business opportunities for entrepreneurs in rural communities. With over 1,800 employees, operations in nine countries across Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia), over 2.5 million customers and more than 12 million lives impacted so far, ENGIE Energy Access aims to impact 30 million lives across Africa by 2030. 

Job Overview 

  • With EEA selling its products on credit to hundreds of thousands of individual customers every year, EEA’s Customer Finance function plays a key role in the success of the business. 

  • The Global Customer Finance function supports EEA’s operating entities on credit product design, workflow enhancement guidance, portfolio management tools and capacity building. 

  • Within the Credit Operations Team of the Global Customer Finance function, we work on operational standards, workflows, systems and tools for EEA’s dedicated call centers, field teams and back-office teams to help support customer repayment. 

  • The Head of Credit Operations is a senior manager in EEA’s Global Customer Finance department. She/ he has an integral role in advancing EEA’s CF function through her/ his responsibility for EEA's financial services strategy and the development and management of related credit operations as well as for motivating and managing a team of dedicated professionals. Beyond, and in close co-operation with the Country Directors, senior managers of the Commercial and Digital functions and the Head of Customer Finance, she/ he is responsible for providing leadership, spirit and skills necessary for EEA’s CF operations teams in general, and Country Heads of CF in particular, to achieve their respective targets across the business.  

  • The Head of Credit Operations and her/ his team focus on achieving both effectiveness (in terms of management of timely repayment) and efficiency (in terms of overall ROI of credit operations activities) of EEA’s credit operations across markets. The role is responsible for the deployment of adequate credit operations policies, procedures, guidelines, monitoring and reporting as well as general operational practice, case-specific action plans, team capability and capacity development within and bordering the Customer Finance function, to deliver results. 

Key Responsibilities  

  • Credit Operations: Framework, Strategy and Standards. In alignment with the Head of Customer Finance enhance EEA's business case through an innovative, effective, robust, and customer-centric best-practice Credit Operations Framework and drive its implementation to deliver results:  

    • Credit Operations Framework. Develop and continuously refine EEA's Credit Operations Framework along the principles of commercial viability, subsidiarity, customer centricity, rule-based decision-making, and data-smart digitized workflows.  

    • Credit Operations Ownership. Own EEA’s Credit Operations Framework for implementation across the business. 
    • Financial Services Strategy. Drive the process of designing, implementing, scaling, managing and continuously innovating EEA's Financial Services Strategy (PAYGo plans, arrears-type loans, education loans, cash loans, insurance, etc.)  
    • Credit Operations Strategy. Drive the process of designing, implementing, and managing cohesive multi-stage Credit Operations strategies to be applied across the business. 
    • Policies, Standards & Procedures. As process owner conceptualize, document & maintain EEA-wide Credit Operations Policies, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and other core materials in the form of a Credit Operations Handbook. 
    • Analytical Foundation. Substantiate EEA's Financial Services Strategy and its Credit Operations Strategy implementation through appropriate analytical foundation. -Credit Operations: Operational Excellence & Cross-Functional Agenda. In alignment with the Head of CF drive credit operations practice along the steps of the credit cycle:  
  • Credit Operations Practice & Execution Support. Build, manage and iterate industry-leading credit operations across all markets guided by the credit cycle, including the structure, framework, policies, systems, routines, and tools which enable Country teams to execute on agreed objectives, as well as related on-the-ground execution support. 

    • Cross-Functional Agenda:  

      • Financial Product Specs. Provide material support to Country teams in areas such as financial product design, pilot and commercial launch, policy and process, partnership management, performance review as well as customer-facing and back-end operations.  
      • Digital System Specs & Tools. Lead the CF team in translating credit operations workflow and standards into Digital infrastructure specs. 
      • Service Level Monitoring. Identify cross-functional dependencies and agree on internal service level standards and escalation paths.  

      • Commission Systems. Translate credit operations results into global guidance on training materials, performance targets, and commission systems. 

  • Localization & Configuration. Provide oversight and strategic guidance to countries in their localization strategies, processes and standards related to credit operations. 

  • Adoption of Standards. Provide leadership and direction for change management and adoption of standards, tools, and practices on credit operations as they are rolled out.  

  • Performance Reporting. Guide the framework of credit operations analysis and dashboards for real-time, accurate views of activities and their results across the credit cycle. 

  • Deliver Against Targets. Take responsibility for and manage EEA’s Credit Operations on a commercial basis against agreed budget and targets including comprehensive, specific, and timely KPI reporting. 

  • Country Level Engagement 

    • Annual Planning. Contribute materially to the annual strategic CF planning process. 
    • Action Plans. Provide direct support and guidance to EEA markets on regular action plan development to drive achievement of credit targets of the business.  

    • Turnaround Scenarios. Where needed, provide focused attention and support to underperforming countries in turnaround scenarios related to credit performance. 

    • General Implementation & Support. Provide direct support and coordination of Global Customer Finance resources for implementation of action plans and day-to-day support. 
  • One Team Development 

    • Manage Direct Reports. Directly manage, coach, and develop a high-performing, motivated Credit Operations team (currently comprising six FTE). 

    • Country Capacity, Roles & Organizational Structure. Work closely with country teams to define the organizational structure, roles, responsibilities, and capacity needed for their Credit Operations function. 

    • Credit Culture. Foster a strong, customer-centric credit culture across the operation built on credit risk awareness and understanding of credit principles. 

    • Capability Development & Training. Directly support capability development areas for global and country teams on credit operations topics. 

  • Active Participation in Cross-Functional Global Strategy & Governance, including: 

    • Monthly & quarterly business performance review 

    • Annual planning & budgeting & target setting for CF country operations 

    • Product strategy, Customer Journey, Go to Market Strategy, Digital Roadmap 

  • Internal & External Stakeholder Management 

    • Internal Stakeholder & Relationship Management. Create and maintain positive working relationships with internal stakeholders within country and global teams, effective lines of communication, and strong empathy for our internal customers.  

    • Internal Advocacy. In alignment with the Head of Customer Finance, represent CF’s credit operations perspective vis-à-vis other Group functions and/ or third parties and partners. 

    • Industry Engagement & Partnerships. Represent EEA’s credit operations and financial services expertise within the industry, including our partnerships in research. 

At EEA, we have high expectations for our managers. Each manager plays a key role in creating an exceptional experience not only for our customers but for every person on our team. Our managers help EEA realize our ambitious goals while developing their own leadership skills and facilitating growth for their direct reports. 

We believe that great managers: 

  • Deliver ambitious results: as a high-performing and accountable leader, you create an enabling environment for effective action and bold decisions which contribute to successful delivery of results. 

  • Act with integrity: as an ethical leader you are honest, respectful, objective, and transparent. You create and build upon a foundation of trust and openness. 

  • Inspire and mentor the team: as an inspirational leader you walk the talk. You empower and coach your team with trust and humility. 

  • Are accessible: as an accessible leader, you develop and maintain deep connections with stakeholders through approachability and active listening.  

  • Ensure diversity and inclusion: as an inclusive leader, you ensure diversity and foster a sense of belonging. 

Qualifications and skills 


  • 12+ years of professional experience in credit operations and portfolio management; work experience in Sub-Saharan Africa in the off-grid energy sector is a plus 

  • 8+ years of domain experience in credit or consumer finance operations or other data-smart lending operations based on commercial principles; exposure to individual micro lending technology and experience in data-driven and digital financial services is a plus 

  • Relevant experience in leading multi-cultural, decentral teams 

  • Proven ability and agility to perform in a VUCA environment 

  • Senior profile with commercial acumen and a can-do-attitude combining output orientation, number orientation, process orientation, customer orientation and team orientation 

  • High level of professional curiosity; elevated level of interest in how to make processes work to their best and an aptitude to investigate and crosscheck information before acting on it 

  • Strong analytical and presentation skills; ability to combine hard data and observations on operational realities and translate into actionable guidance 

  • Strong and confident communicator who is adept at cross-functional collaboration, sharing feedback, information, and knowledge with others when joint solutions are required 

  • Empathy and stamina in collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders including customers and customer-facing teams across the business and its cultural contexts 

  • Familiarity with the characteristics of our customer base and the challenges faced by our customer-facing teams 


  • University degree required; master's degree in economics, agricultural economics, development economics, business, finance, microfinance, or a related subject is desired 

  • Certification in a relevant topic (e.g. project management; process mapping; Six Sigma; microfinance or portfolio management) is a plus. 


  • English written and spoken fluency required 

  • French, Swahili, or Portuguese is a plus 


  • Proficiency with standard Microsoft Office software packages is required 

  • Experience with Tableau or other data visualization tools and approaches are a plus 

  • Ability to develop SQL queries and/ or experience with other statistics packages is a plus 

ENGIE is an equal opportunity employer, promoting diversity and committed to creating an inclusive environment for all. All applications are screened based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without any regard to origin, age, name, sexual identity, orientation or preference, religion, marital status, health, disability, political opinions, union involvement or citizenship. Our differences are our strengths! 

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