SAP SuccessFactors id

Alternant Technique

Posting date : 23/04/2024

Requisition ID : 25966

Alternant Technique

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Nous recherchons notre Alternant(e) Technique (F/H)


Besançon (25)


Vous êtes à la recherche d’une alternance ? Vous souhaitez apprendre un métier qui a du sens ? Être accompagné(e) par un tuteur inspirant et à l’écoute ? Rejoignez-nous pour 2 ans à partir de septembre 2024 !

ENGIE solutions, développe un savoir-faire unique dans la production et la distribution d’énergies vertueuses (géothermie, biomasse, gaz et cogénération, valorisation énergétique des déchets ménagers, …).


Vos missions, si vous les acceptez :


En collaboration avec le contremaître, l’alternant(e) aura en charge :


 Le dépannage et la maintenance  CVC ;

✔ La soudure acier, cuivre, galva ;

 Le traitement d'eau ;

 La liste de smissions est non exhaustive ...


Ce poste est fait pour vous si:


 Vous préparez un BAC PRO TMSEC / BAC PRO TFCA / BAC PRO MEI / CAP installateur thermique / BAC PRO électrotechnique.

 Vous êtes motivé et souhaitez apprendre l'expertise d'un métier


Mais également si...


 Vous savez vous adapter, vous aimez évoluer dans un environnement agile et en constante évolution

 Vous êtes organisé(é), sérieux(se) et très professionnel(le)

 Vous êtes ponctuel(le) et fiable





Préparer votre diplôme en toute sérénité et intégrer le monde de l’entreprise en apprenant un métier. Chez ENGIE Solutions, nous menons une vraie politique RH pour faciliter la vie de nos équipes. Ainsi, votre formation et votre équilibre professionnel / personnel, sera au cœur des préoccupations de votre tuteur! Alors, serez-vous des nôtres ?


Qui sommes-nous?


A propos de ENGIE Solutions​

ENGIE Solutions est l’allié durable des villes, des industries et des entreprises tertiaires sur la voie de la décarbonation. Pour accélérer leur transition énergétique et mieux associer performance économique et énergétique, chaque jour, au cœur des territoires, nos 16 000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs conçoivent des mix énergétiques et des installations pour répondre aux besoins de nos clients, en fonction de leurs ressources, grâce à une palette de solutions complémentaires comme les réseaux locaux d’énergie, la production d’énergies décarbonées sur leurs sites ou nos services de performance énergétique.​

ENGIE Solutions est une marque du groupe ENGIE, groupe mondial de référence dans l’énergie bas carbone et les services, dont la raison d’être est d’agir pour accélérer la transition vers un monde neutre en carbone. ENGIE Solutions a réalisé un CA de 5,8 milliards d’euros en 2023.​

Recruteur responsable, "ENGIE Solutions" s’inscrit dans le cadre des Labels Diversité et Egalité obtenus par le Groupe ENGIE et œuvre en faveur d’un recrutement garantissant l’égalité des chances et la non-discrimination. Il agit conformément à la politique Diversité, Équité et Inclusion du Groupe ENGIE,           « Be.U@ENGIE », qui permet à chaque individu d’être respecté et de se sentir libre afin de donner le meilleur de lui-même. »​

Pour en savoir plus : ​

Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date

Alternant technique

Posting date : 23/04/2024

Requisition ID : 25964

Alternant technique

Nous recherchons notre Alternant/ Alternante Technique (F/H)


Besançon (25)


Vous êtes à la recherche d’une alternance ? Vous souhaitez apprendre un métier qui a du sens ? Être accompagné(e) par un tuteur inspirant et à l’écoute ? Rejoignez-nous pour 2 ans à partir de septembre 2024 !

ENGIE solutions, développe un savoir-faire unique dans la production et la distribution d’énergies vertueuses (géothermie, biomasse, gaz et cogénération, valorisation énergétique des déchets ménagers, …).


Vos missions, si vous les acceptez :


En collaboration avec le responsable maintenance, l’alternant(e) aura en charge :


 Apprentissage sur installations de production thermique et électrique

✔ Maintenance des installations (électrique, thermique, fluides, convoyage...)

 Utilisaiton de GMAO, lecture de schémas (électrique, hydraulique, fluie, PID...)

 Travaux d'amélioration continue

 Mise en Sécurité

 Mise aux normes

 Participation active à la vie de l'entreprise


Ce poste est fait pour vous si: 


 Vous avez une base technique général et informatique

 Vous avez envie d'évoluer et de faire évoluer la structure

 Vous voulez apprendre un métier complexe

 Vous aimez faire face à la difficulté


Mais également si...


 Vous savez vous adapter, vous aimez évoluer dans un environnement agile et en constante évolution

 Vous êtes organisé(e), sérieux(se) et très professionnel(le)

 Vous êtes ponctuel(le) et fiable





Préparer votre diplôme en toute sérénité et intégrer le monde de l’entreprise en apprenant un métier. Chez ENGIE Solutions, nous menons une vraie politique RH pour faciliter la vie de nos équipes. Ainsi, votre formation et votre équilibre professionnel / personnel, sera au cœur des préoccupations de votre tuteur! Alors, serez-vous des nôtres ?


Qui sommes-nous?


A propos de ENGIE Solutions​

ENGIE Solutions est l’allié durable des villes, des industries et des entreprises tertiaires sur la voie de la décarbonation. Pour accélérer leur transition énergétique et mieux associer performance économique et énergétique, chaque jour, au cœur des territoires, nos 16 000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs conçoivent des mix énergétiques et des installations pour répondre aux besoins de nos clients, en fonction de leurs ressources, grâce à une palette de solutions complémentaires comme les réseaux locaux d’énergie, la production d’énergies décarbonées sur leurs sites ou nos services de performance énergétique.​

ENGIE Solutions est une marque du groupe ENGIE, groupe mondial de référence dans l’énergie bas carbone et les services, dont la raison d’être est d’agir pour accélérer la transition vers un monde neutre en carbone. ENGIE Solutions a réalisé un CA de 5,8 milliards d’euros en 2023.​

Recruteur responsable, "ENGIE Solutions" s’inscrit dans le cadre des Labels Diversité et Egalité obtenus par le Groupe ENGIE et œuvre en faveur d’un recrutement garantissant l’égalité des chances et la non-discrimination. Il agit conformément à la politique Diversité, Équité et Inclusion du Groupe ENGIE,           « Be.U@ENGIE », qui permet à chaque individu d’être respecté et de se sentir libre afin de donner le meilleur de lui-même. »​

Pour en savoir plus : ​

Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
Language on SAP SF
Job Contract
Job City
Job Posting Date

Assembly Technician

Posting date : 19/04/2024

Requisition ID : 26784

Assembly Technician

Job Title:   

Technicien d'Assemblage H/F



Reporting line:

Wharehouse Manager




  1. À propos d’ENGIE


ENGIE est le plus grand producteur indépendant d'électricité au monde et l'un des principaux acteurs du gaz naturel et des services énergétiques. Le groupe a plus de 50 ans d'expérience sur le continent africain et a la capacité unique d'implémenter des solutions intégrées tout au long de la chaîne de valeur énergétique, de la production d'électricité centralisée aux solutions hors réseau (systèmes solaires domestiques, mini-réseaux) et aux services énergétiques. ENGIE Africa compte presque 4 000 employés, possède une capacité de production d’électricité de 3,15 GW, en exploitation ou en construction, et occupe une position de leader sur le marché décentralisé de l’énergie fournissant de l’énergie propre à plus de 4 millions de personnes par le biais d’installations solaires domestiques et de micro-réseaux locaux.

ENGIE PowerCorner est le développeur et opérateur de mini-réseaux du Groupe ENGIE qui fournit une électricité renouvelable, fiable et abordable, ainsi que des services énergétiques innovants, aux populations hors-réseaux des zones rurales en Afrique. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons une combinaison d’innovations clées : des unités de production d’électricité renouvelables solaires standardisées, un mini-réseau autonome combiné à des compteurs intelligents, et la technologie de paiement mobile.


Périmètre de Responsabilités


Les responsabilités listées ci-dessous sont celles pour lesquelles vous avez été recruté et que vous devrez assumer pour ENGIE Energy Access Bénin. Ces dernières sont sujettes à changement à tout moment.

Rapportant au Responsable de l’Entrepôt et du Transport de ENGIE Energy Access Bénin, le Technicien d’Assemblage aidera à la bonne gestion des opérations au sein d’une start-up dynamique qui évolue aux frontières de l’énergie renouvelable et des technologies de paiement mobile.


Responsabilités principales


  • Aider au chargement des livraisons à l’entrepôt et des livraisons aux points de vente ;
  • Effectuer un contrôle minutieux et de qualité du stock à l’arrivée et au départ ;
  • Effectuer l’assemblage des produits SmartLife à travers le logiciel prévu à cet effet ;
  • Être méticuleux lors de l’assemblage des équipements afin de minimiser les erreurs ;
  • Être proactif et enthousiaste dans la détection des erreurs et les remonter à sa hiérarchie ;
  • Être alerte et responsable en vue d’assurer la sécurité de vos collègues de travail
  • Maintenir en bon état le stock de l’entrepôt et éviter qu’il ne soit endommagé, perdu ou dérobé ;
  • Avoir une bonne connaissance de nos produits : les détails, les caractéristiques, les prix etc. ;
  • Participer aux inventaires, aux audits et aux rapprochements ;
  • Participer activement à la classification et au rangement des kits ;
  • Améliorer continuellement ses connaissances sur les produits et ses compétences en matière de maintenance ;
  • Prendre soin des ordinateurs et de tout l’équipement mis à disposition. 


Responsabilités techniques


  • Soutenir le processus de remise à neuf du produit SmartLife ;
  • Effectuer le tri et la remise à neuf de tous les accessoires SmartLife ;
  • Identifier les produits défectueux en collaboration avec les Conseillers Points Services en vue de les réparer ;
  • Effectuer des enregistrements précis, des rapports sur la qualité du produit dans l’inventaire quotidien des produits SmartLife reconditionnés et saisir des informations précises dans le logiciel dédié. 




Vous vous êtes reconnu(e) dans cette offre ?


Déposez votre dossier à l’adresse : 


Constitution du dossier de candidature :


  • Un Curriculum Vitae détaillé au format PDF et sous la forme de NOM+ Prénoms.
  • Une lettre de motivation adressée à la Responsable des Ressources Humaines.


Nous remercions tous les candidats de leur intérêt, mais en raison du grand volume de candidatures que nous recevons, seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés.


ENGIE est un employeur engagé dans la diversité, l’égalité des chances et la création d’un environnement inclusif pour tous. Toutes les candidatures sont examinées en fonction des besoins de l’entreprise, des exigences du poste et des qualifications individuelles, sans aucun égard quant à l’origine, l’âge, le patronyme, l’identité, l’orientation ou la préférence sexuelle, la religion, la situation familiale, l’état de santé, le handicap, les opinions politiques, les engagements syndicats ou encore la citoyenneté. Nos différences font notre force !



Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
Language on SAP SF
Job Contract
Job Posting Date

Field Operator

Posting date : 10/04/2024

Requisition ID : 26070

Field Operator


Position Title:

Field Operator – AVON PLANT

Reports to:

Shift Charge Engineer



Closing Date:

19 April 2024




  • Assists Shift Charge Engineer to supervise and oversee daily plant operations and maintenance in the Operations Shift Team in order to ensure that operational targets are achieved safely, efficiently and within the company rules and procedures, OEM guidelines, legal, environmental, contractual and other requirements;
  • Assist to establish the appropriate procedures and computerized maintenance management processes as applicable to a prudent operation management, in particular the permit to work system;
  • Ensures correct operational line-up and local operation of the systems;
  • Unloads fuel tankers in a safe manner; 
  • Understands and adheres to all Plant Safety Guidelines and Procedures. Strives to maintain an injury-free environment;
  • Understands and masters the Plant Emergency Handling Procedures;
  • Participates in the Plant Training and Qualification Program;
  • Ensures control of the plant process and electrical distribution through the plant Distributed Control System (DCS) and other process control devices;
  • Assists in scheduling daily maintenance actions, plant configuration changes and varying power generation levels;
  • Monitors plant chemistry and chemicals handling;
  • Identifies problems with plant equipment and clearly communicates the conditions associated with these problems to the Shift Charge Engineer / Plant Maintenance Team;
  • Ensures the completion of shift round checklists, routine daily/weekly/monthly test checklists and equipment change-over checklists, etc.;
  • Coordinates with the Shift Charge Engineer and Operation Engineer;
  • Submits the necessary reports and recommendations to the Shift Charge Engineer concerning equipment/plant status and/or any problems;
  • Responsible for the generation and sending the Plant’s daily data requirements in a timely manner to all applicable parties;
  • Maintaining high standards of management, ethics and leadership;




Essential Qualifications:

  • Grade 12/N3 or NQF Level 4
  • Demonstrated competence at engineering level supported by relevant education and training



  • At least 3 years’ experience in the operation of a power plant;
  • Use of safe systems of work
  • Use of computerized management system
  • Reporting






  • Drive to achieve results through himself and others
  • Ability to build and work with multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary staff
  • Ability to work together with the other departments in order to achieve the best result for the company
  • Take ownership
  • Maintains high ethics standard
  • Motivation and leadership of team and individual team members
  • Respects the others as well as the cultural diversity
  • Seek, organize and exchange information for decision making  and problem solving
  • Ability to create a climate of open communication on personal and professional issues
  • Ability to work autonomously, prioritizing tasks and activities in line with business objectives
  • Quality and environmental awareness and managing according to quality standards and procedures
  • Innovation, vision, creativity, taking initiative, problem solving and decision making
  • A pro-active approach to planning and decision making
  • Ability to build effective relationships with key stakeholders


  • English Language: excellent communication skills both written and verbal;
  • Afrikaans/Zulu/Xhosa is an advantage;


  • Computer literate: must have a high degree of skill in Business Computing Applications such as Databases, Word Processors, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint and Enterprise Resource Planning applications (Maximo/SAP or equivalent);



  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures
  • Behaves in a responsible way
  • Lives the values of the company;
  • Undertakes other duties as may be requested within reason.
Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
Language on SAP SF
Job Contract
Job Posting Date

Plant Trainee - Operations

Posting date : 05/04/2024

Requisition ID : 25720

Plant Trainee - Operations


Position Title:

Plant Trainee: Field Operator – (18 Months Fixed Term Contract)

Reports to:

Operations Manager




Dedisa Peaking Power Plant, Port Elizabeth


12 April 2024



  • Be trained and developed in assisting the Shift Charge Engineer to supervise and oversee daily plant operations and maintenance in the Operations Shift Team in order to ensure that operational targets are achieved safely, efficiently and within the company rules and procedures, OEM guidelines, legal, environmental, contractual and other requirements;
  • Assist to establish the appropriate procedures and computerized maintenance management processes as applicable to a prudent operation management, in particular the permit to work system;
  • Ensures correct operational line-up and local operation of the systems;
  • Unloads fuel tankers in a safe manner;
  • Understands and adheres to all Plant Safety Guidelines and Procedures. Strives to maintain an injury-free environment;
  • Understands and masters the Plant Emergency Handling Procedures;
  • Participates in the Plant Training and Qualification Program;
  • Ensures control of the plant process and electrical distribution through the plant Distributed Control System (DCS) and other process control devices;
  • Assists in scheduling daily maintenance actions, plant configuration changes and varying power generation levels;
  • Monitors plant chemistry and chemicals handling;
  • Identifies problems with plant equipment and clearly communicates the conditions associated with these problems to the Shift Charge Engineer / Plant Maintenance Team;
  • Ensures the completion of shift round checklists, routine daily/weekly/monthly test checklists and equipment change-over checklists, etc.;
  • Coordinates with the Shift Charge Engineer and Operation Engineer;
  • Submits the necessary reports and recommendations to the Shift Charge Engineer concerning equipment/plant status and/or any problems;
  • Maintaining high standards of management, ethics and leadership;


  • The Job Holder works as a trainee within the operations department and reports to the Operation Manager.


  • The Job Holder will work and communicate with:
  • Internal: Maintenance, Operation and HSE Departments;
  • • The Job Holder must communicate with his own team (other Operators), the maintenance technicians and Contractors as necessary.



Essential Qualifications:

  • An accredited Technical Diploma or Degree


• Experience in the operation of a power plant will be ideal;

• Communication skills

• Use of safe systems of work

• Use of computerized management systems

• Reporting



• Drive to achieve results through himself and others

• Ability to work with multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary staff

• Ability to work together with the other departments in order to achieve the best result for the company

• Take ownership

• Self-starter

• Ability to manage self-study and development program in order to complete self-passed learning schedule which will also include research.

• Maintains high ethics standard

• Respects the others as well as the cultural diversity

• Ability to create a climate of open communication on personal and professional issues

• Safety , quality and environmental awareness and managing according to quality standards and procedures

• Innovation, vision, creativity, taking initiative, problem solving and decision making

• Ability to build effective relationships with key stakeholders



• English Language: excellent communication skills both written and verbal.

• Afrikaans/Zulu/Xhosa is an advantage.


IT & Systems:

• Computer literate: must have a high degree of skill in Business Computing Applications such as Databases, Word Processors, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint, and Enterprise Resource Planning applications (Maximo/ SAP or equivalent).



  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures
  • Behaves in a responsible way
  • Lives the values of the company;
  • Undertakes other duties as may be requested within reason.
Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
Language on SAP SF
Job Contract
Job Posting Date

Trainee Mechanical Technician

Posting date : 04/04/2024

Requisition ID : 25639

Trainee Mechanical Technician


Position Title:

Trainee - Mechanical Technician (18 Months Fixed Term Contract) – AVON PLANT

Reports to:

Mechanical Engineer



Closing Date:

11 April 2024



  • To train as a mechanical technician, to undertake a structured training program of practical work in order to gain the required skills and knowledge to support the maintenance team.


  • To ensure plant Mechanical equipment is maintained as per procedures documented in the Maintenance Management System (Maximo) and as per instructions of the Mechanical Engineer;


  • To assist Mechanical Engineer ensuring that all Mechanical equipment is well maintained and all notifications of planned and unplanned work are completed on time.




  • Observing, learning and understanding a wide range of engineering skills and processes while under the instruction of skilled technical staff.
  • To be able to demonstrate these skills and processes as the training period progresses by working independently or with a team, to undertake tasks as instructed and increasing overall contribution to the maintenance department.
  • Learning and understanding the importance of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) within the workspace.
  • Participate in the site HSE programs.
  • To develop the ability to read technical drawings and process and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID’s)
  • To develop the skills to construct or modify apparatus and instruments from verbal instructions and drawings to a high degree of precision.
  • To learn how to maintain workshop and plant equipment and to perform repairs.
  • To maintain a logbook over the duration of the training period, recording projects that have been undertaken and the skills learned.
  • To maintain and to ensure general good housekeeping of the workplace and workshop areas.
  • To maintain a smart appearance and to act in a professional and respectful manner at all times.
  • Participate to fault finding activities as necessary along with the maintenance team to determine failure conditions and to perform the required repairs;
  • Undertakes other duties as may be expected within reason.
  • Assumes ownership of plant Mechanical equipment and strives to keep them in the best possible condition







  • The Job Holder will be based at Avon Peaking Power Plant
  • Peakers Operations (Pty) Ltd (“the Company”) operates two open cycle peaking power facilities through its O&M Agreements with the Owners of Dedisa Peaking Power Pty Ltd and Avon Peaking Power Pty Ltd;


  • Dedisa Peaking Power Plant and Avon Peaking Power Plant has capacity of 342 MW and 685 MW respectively;


  • The Company is fully owned by ENGIE with registered office: Block E, Lincolnwood Office Park, Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, 2191, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa;


  • The Owner Company is 38% owned by ENGIE, 25% by Mitsui, 27% by BEE SPV and 10% by BBBEE SPV;


  • The projects are Independent Peaking Power Generation projects, having a 15 years Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Eskom Holdings as a single off-taker




The Job Holder will work and communicate with:

  • Internal: The Maintenance, Operation and HSE Department;
  • The Job Holder must communicate with their own team (other Mechanical Technicians), Mechanical Engineer and Contractors as necessary.



Essential Qualifications:

  • An accredited Mechanical Eng National Diploma or Degree Mechanical Engineering/ N6 with trade test certificate.




  • At least 1 to 2 years’ experience
  • Use of computerized systems (Databases, Word Processors, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint)
  • Experience in the maintenance of a power plant is an advantage.
  • Theoretical, practical training an added advantage



  • English Language: excellent communication skills both written and verbal
  • Afrikaans/Zulu/Xhosa is an added advantage




  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures
  • Behaves in a responsible way
  • Lives the values of the company;
  • Undertakes other duties as may be expected within reason.
Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
Language on SAP SF
Job Contract
Job Posting Date


Posting date : 02/04/2024

Requisition ID : 25380




SUDOR – 1 post




Distrigaz Sud Rețele, filială a ENGIE Romania, este liderul distribuției de gaze naturale în România. Cu o expertiză de peste 47 de ani în acest domeniu, compania deține contracte de concesiune pentru distribuția de gaze naturale în 1.358 de localități, pe raza a 20 de județe din sudul și centrul României și a municipiului București, gestionând o rețea de distribuție de peste 22.500 de km.


La Distrigaz Sud Retele, dorim să venim în întâmpinarea nevoilor clienților noștri și să îi ajutăm să își atingă obiectivele, într-un mod eficient. Căutăm oameni talentați, care să pună clienții în centrul a tot ceea ce facem.


În prezent, căutăm o persoană pentru a se alătura echipei din cadrul FOL Complex Făgăraș, în calitate de  sudor.


Dacă îți dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Ne poți ajuta să construim un viitor mai bun. Totul începe cu angajati remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine.


Ce vei face:

  • Vei respecta condițiile impuse de legislația în domeniu și cele din documentațiile tehnice avizate la lucrările pe care le vei executa în zona ta de responsabilitate (conducte, branșamente, stații de reglare, posturi de reglare, contoare).
  • Vei răspunde de exploatarea, întreținerea și funcționarea în bune condiții a sculelor, utilajelor, dispozitivelor și aparaturii cu care vei fi dotat.
  • Vei răspunde de probele de rezistență și etanșeitate efectuate, precum și de sudurile, îmbinările și de înfiletările care nu pot fi probate decât în gaz cu spumă de apă și săpun sau solutii speciale.
  • Vei răspunde de controlul calității sudurilor pentru conducte de OL care se realizează vizual și, după caz, prin metode nedistructive conform proiectului de execuție avizat.
  • Vei comunica imediat către șeful ierarhic direct/ șeful de formație/ CSE/ CAD/ SE (după caz) orice disfuncționalitate depistată în cadrul sistemului de distribuție a gazelor naturale sau orice altă anomalie și vei acționa în vederea scoaterii din pericol sau a remedierii conform sarcinilor și instrucțiunilor de lucru specifice.
  • Vei identifica probleme ce pot surveni în sistemul de distribuție a gazelor naturale din zona ta de competență și vei propune soluții de rezolvare ale acestora.
  • Vei verifica sudurile efectuate și în cazul apariției unor neetanseităti vei lua măsurile necesare pentru remedierea lor.
  • Vei respecta condițiile impuse de documentația tehnică, vei alege judicios materialul de adaos, cât și regimul de lucru (tensiune, intensitate, viteză de sudură, timp de sudare, presiune, timp de răcire, etc.).
  • Vei respecta regulile de securitate ale companiei și cele legislative, precum și procedurile și instrucțiunile de lucru interne.
  • Vei asigura buna colaborare în relația cu clienții, precum și cu operatorii economici autorizați care execută lucrări în cadrul sistemelor de distribuție a gazelor naturale, firmele de construcții care execută lucrări asupra structurii rutiere, pentru a nu deteriora rețeaua de distribuție gaze naturale și pentru a nu afecta funcționalitatea elementelor de control.
  • Vei urmări lucrările realizate de terți în zona de siguranță a rețelei de distribuție, modalitățile de lucru și obligațiile pe care aceștia trebuie să le respecte atunci când realizează astfel de lucrări.
  • Vei colecta și vei depozita selectiv deșeurile generate în urmă activităților desfășurate și pe cele de la sediul unității organizaționale.
  • Vei răspunde de calitatea, legalitatea, confidențialitatea și conținutul lucrărilor pe care le vei executa.
  • Vei îndeplini și alte atribuții trasate de șeful ierarhic direct sau șeful de formație, conform reglementărilor legislative, Recunoașterea Internă a Competențelor (RIC) și procedurilor de lucru în vigoare.


Responsabilitati specifice, in functie de autorizare:

  • Vei pregăti echipamentele și materialele în vederea sudării în OL (generator sudură,trusa de sudură, butelii de oxigen și acetilenă, accesorii, dispozitiv de tăiat cu role, aliniatoare etc.).
  • Vei executa prinderea prin puncte de sudură a pieselor și subansamblelor, în locuri greu accesibile, precum și a profilelor de diferite grosimi.
  • Vei executa lucrări de tăiere cu flacăra oxiacetilenica a pieselor cu configurație diferită confecționate din tablă sau oțel carbon, de încălzire cu flacăra oxiacetilenica a tablelor, a țevilor, a profilelor și pieselor în vederea îndepărtării, îndoirii, borduirii, pasuirii și suprapunerii etanșe, de încărcare cu sudură a suprafețelor uzate, de îmbinare a țevilor prin sudură, de confecționare a ecliselor, a nervurilor, a rasuflatorilor.
  • Vei realiza integritatea suprafețelor încălzite și delimitarea lor clară, tăierea perfect perpendiculară și coaxialitatea pieselor de sudat.
  • Te vei ocupa de curățarea suprafețelor de sudură ale țevilor și fitingurilor (orice eventual reziduu trebuie înlăturat), precum și de alinierea extremitatilor țevilor.

Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:

  • Școală generală;
  • Curs calificare în meseria de sudor;
  • Autorizație ISCIR sudor (SOLE/ SOLA);.
  • Experiență minimum 1 an în exploatarea sistemului de distribuție de gaze naturale;
  • Cunoașterea Legislației în domeniu, normelor tehnice în vigoare, Notelor interne, procedurilor și instrucțiunilor de lucru specifice sistemului de distribuție gaze naturale (Mentenanță Preventivă, Mentenanță Corectivă, Tehnic Clientela);
  • Exigență și rigoare profesională atestată și prin ,,Autorizația de sudor”;
  • Aptitudinea de a transmite și recepta cu ușurință informațiile în scris și verbal;
  • Atitudine activă în soluționarea problemelor și realizarea obiectivelor;
  • Autorizație ANRE - instalator autorizat, conform legislației în vigoare, reprezintă avantaj.




  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Acces la un program de dezvoltare personală și profesională;
  • Tichete de masă;
  • Concediu de odihnă extins, în funcție de vechimea în muncă;
  • Primă de vacanță.

Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:

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Posting date : 07/05/2024

Requisition ID : 24406








Angajăm Frigotehnist - Aplică la ENGIE Building Solutions!


ENGIE Building Solutions este una dintre companiile din Grupul ENGIE România care furnizează servicii de mentenanță tehnică și soluții de eficiență energetică pentru clienții business.


Ce vei face:

  • Vei realiza curățarea, repararea și punerea în funcțiune a echipamentelor de climatizare, refrigerare și ventilație;
  • Vei reface izolațiile țevilor, daca este cazul;
  • Vei verifica etanșeitatea traseelor de conducte;
  • Vei verifica presiunea în instalație cu ajutorul bateriei de manometre;
  • Vei asigura tensionarea curelelor și a alinierii roților de curea.


  • Studii medii finalizate cu bacalaureat, de preferat cu profil electric/electromecanic;
  • Calificat în meseria de frigotehnist;
  • Minimum 1 an experiență de lucru în activități de mentenanță;
  • Autorizația AGFR reprezintă un real avantaj;
  • Permis de conducere categoria B.


  • Tichete de masă la valoarea maximă legală de 40 de lei/zi lucrată;
  • Concediu de odihnă de pana la 24 de zile lucrătoare, în funcție de vechimea în muncă; 
  • Bonus de performanță în funcție de obiectivele îndeplinite;
  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Suport pentru obținerea de certificări și autorizații;
  • Loc de muncă stabil – contract de muncă pe perioadă nedeterminată.


Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:


Despre ENGIE

Grupul ENGIE este prezent în România în trei sectoare de activitate: gaze naturale, energie electrică şi servicii energetice. ENGIE Romania este principala filială a Grupului în România şi deţine companiile Distrigaz Sud Reţele, ENGIE Servicii, ENGIE Building Solutions, Alizeu Eolian şi Brăila Winds. Compania activează în următoarele domenii de activitate: distribuţie şi furnizare de gaze naturale, furnizare de energie electrică, servicii tehnice pentru instalaţiile de gaze naturale şi centrale termice şi producţie de energie electrică. ENGIE Romania şi filialele sale deservesc un portofoliu de 1,9 milioane de clienţi, operează o reţea de distribuţie de circa 20.000 km, deţin două parcuri eoliene cu o capacitate totală de 100 MW şi au peste 4.000 de angajaţi.

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Industriemechaniker / Betriebsschlosser (m/w/d)

Posting date : 23/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23059

Industriemechaniker / Betriebsschlosser (m/w/d)


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Mechanical Maintenance Technician

Posting date : 20/02/2024

Requisition ID : 2363

Mechanical Maintenance Technician

Our thermal power plant in the region of Brussels (Drogenbos) is looking for a                    

Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X).


Valves, pumps, valves & valves hold no secrets for you?
You have a real DO mentality? You have the ambition to play a key role in the transition to a carbon neutral economy?


Apply via the above or 'apply now' button below for our position of

Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X).



WE OFFER YOU as a Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X):


  • A high-tech workplace where passion for technology is key.
  • A work environment where safety always comes first.
  • A pleasant working atmosphere and a top team of experienced technicians who will be happy to share their knowledge and guide you in this new professional challenge. Together with your colleagues, you will report to Stefan, Patrick and Kris - senior technicians of the department.
  • Numerous opportunities to develop yourself, thanks to extensive training "on the job" and the possibility of acquiring other competencies of your choice.
  • Close supervision from Day 1 by an assigned godmother or godfather.
  • A stable company that offers job security.
  • A pleasant work atmosphere and healthy work-life balance.
  • A day job with a nice 38h schedule that guarantees a good work-life balance: 7h-11h30 - lunch break (30min) - 12h-15h15. On Fridays we stop at 2:45pm and you can start your weekend early!
  • Lots of variety in your job combined with the necessary freedom and flexibility.
  • A clerical contract (38h) of indefinite duration with a competitive salary package consisting of a nice gross salary and numerous fringe benefits:
    • Monthly indexation of your base salary
    • Annual salary increase according to energy sector scales
    • Annual double vacation pay, collective bonus and year-end bonus.
    • 20 leave days + 13 ADV days
    • Do you make professional trips to other entities? Then you will be compensated for this via a mileage allowance. If you make these trips outside your working hours, you will also receive an additional mobility allowance.
    • Medical expenses and hospitalization costs are reimbursed for you and your family members
    • Supplemental pension plan
    • Meal vouchers €8
    • Laptop & cell phone



YOUR CHALLENGE as a Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X):


  • Together with your colleagues, you are responsible for the day-to-day execution of maintenance work on mechanical systems, tools and components.
  • Your duties will include: diagnosis, planning, work preparation, coordination of execution and monitoring and reporting. 
  • In addition to your day-to-day duties, you will also work on certain projects, revisions, planned or unplanned interventions, ....
  • You work mainly from the headquarters in Drogenbos, which is easily accessible by public transport. 
     Do you want to push your boundaries? Then you occasionally have the opportunity to go on a trip to get to know the other installations and colleagues better.


Take a look at our plant through this link and visit our site virtually!



YOUR PROFILE as a Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X):


  • You have a Graduate or A2 level degree (Mechanics/Electromechanics) with preferably several years of relevant experience as a maintenance technician within a maintenance environment.
  • You are eager to learn, forward thinking and possess a healthy dose of responsibility.
  • You are a true team player who can also work independently within a very diverse environment.
  • You speak Dutch well or are willing to learn this within a period of 1 year with support from ENGIE.





Contact Lise: Lise Raes - Recruiter ENGIE 






  • Short phone contact between you and our recruiter Lise (motivation, understanding position)
  • First HR interview online (Comprehensive introduction, soft skills testing and completing online HR testing)
  • 2nd physical technical interview with manager of the team: Herman Dirix and senior technician: here you can completely prove yourself technically.
  • Are we positive? Then we would be happy to introduce you to the entity manager and make a final decision.
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