SAP SuccessFactors id

Controleur Risk Credit (h/f)

Date de publication : 27/06/2024

Requisition ID : 30242

Controleur Risk Credit (h/f)

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) fournit des solutions d'approvisionnement en énergie et des services de gestion des risques pour accompagner ses clients dans leur parcours de décarbonisation, tout en optimisant les actifs d'ENGIE et en contribuant à la création de valeur.

ENGIE est une référence mondiale en matière d'énergie et de services à faible émission de carbone, avec une activité de gestion de l'énergie de premier plan, pilotée par son entité « Global Energy Management & Sales » qui a construit son savoir-faire via un portefeuille d'actifs vaste et diversifié pendant + 20 ans.

3 300 employés dans le monde développent nos solutions, à travers +20 plateformes commerciales internationales. Nous couvrons l'ensemble du mix énergétique : énergie renouvelable et thermique, gaz naturel et GNL, biomasse, produits environnementaux. Nos experts fournissent des solutions sur mesure basées sur un large éventail de savoir-faire en matière de gestion de l'énergie.

Nos 120 000 clients couvrent l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur : producteurs, développeurs d'actifs, acteurs financiers, services publics, distributeurs et industriels. Notre portée mondiale et notre forte présence locale nous permettent d'offrir à ces divers clients des services sur mesure et de répondre aux changements rapides sur les marchés matures ou émergents.

Nos 4 expertises :

  • La gestion d'actifs
  • Services de transition énergétique
  • Approvisionnement en énergie & matières premières
  • Gestion des risques & accès au marché

Chez GEMS, nous encourageons l'esprit d'équipe, la curiosité et l'innovation tout en préservant l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée

Plus d'informations sur GEM Hub ou LinkedIn.

Entreprises & Collectivités, Business Platform de GEMS, s’appuyant sur environ  700 collaborateurs et un maillage territorial fort, a pour mission la commercialisation en France d’énergies (gaz, électricité, énergie renouvelable) auprès de ses clients BtoB.

Fournisseur–conseil de référence des Entreprises et Collectivités, notre ambition est de devenir le fournisseur de préférence des entreprises en les accompagnant au quotidien dans la gestion de leur énergie et de manière à répondre aux enjeux de la transition énergétique.

Partenaires de nos clients dans la durée, nous développons et mettons en œuvre des solutions innovantes adaptées à leurs besoins et usages et leur garantissons une performance durable.


Nous gérons et développons un portefeuille d’environ 65 0000 clients de tous les secteurs d’activités représentant 700 000 sites fournis en gaz naturel, électricité, énergies renouvelables (via des offres certifiées par des garanties d’origine, PPA, BPA, etc….)


Notre objectif : renforcer notre leadership en développant des des offres globales et innovantes mixant énergie et digital (mobilité, bâtiments intelligents...), permettant à nos clients de consommer moins et mieux.

Plus d'informations sur ou LinkedIn


Au sein du groupe ENGIE, la Business Plateform de GEMS Entreprises & Collectivités (E&C) a pour mission la vente d’énergie au BtoB : entreprises et collectivités


Dans le cadre d’une vacance éventuelle, la BP Entreprises et Collectivités recherche, au sein de la Direction Financière, Pôle Contrôle des Risques (maîtrise des risques stratégiques, marché, crédit et opérationnel) recherche :


Un Contrôleur Risk Credit (h/f)


Missions et activités


Sous la direction de votre Responsable de Pôle, vous gérez en aval le processus risque de contrepartie (traitement de la sinistralité sur le portefeuille) et en appui du Responsable Credit Risk E&C sur les opérations les plus nécessaires à son activité.


A ce titre, vous avez pour principales responsabilités :



Vous êtes responsable :

De la supervision des sollicitations pour passage irrécouvrabilité sur clôture pour insuffisance d’actif ou certificat d’irrécouvrabilité.

De la validation des propositions de plans d’apurement du passif adressés par le mandataire judiciaire.

Du contrôle du suivi des procédures sur le périmètre E&C par ELLISPHERE tous les mois, et de l’établissement du reporting mensuel des procédures.

Du contrôle du fichier des points de livraison bloqués en pricing, et gestion au quotidien de cette liste en fonction des demandes (offres fermes et tacites reconduction)

Du contrôle des indicateurs de performance et de compliance des activités de gestion du risque de contrepartie à destination de GEMS et Risk corporate :

  • Production et contrôle périodique des KPI
  • Commentaire des plus gros impayés
  • Contrôle des données sources
  • Sécurisation des sources critiques et de leur MCO
  • Design de nouveaux KPI et de l’architecture des database destinées à leur production


En collaboration, vous êtes responsable :

  • De la prise en compte de vos activités dans les projets SI d’E&C
  • De la validation éventuelle des plans d’apurement et échéanciers


En collaboration, vous êtes responsable :

  • De l’élaboration des éléments clés à communiquer aux contreparties externes et internes
  • De l’utilisation des garanties collectées sur votre périmètre d’action.
  • De l’intégration des informations fournies par les assureurs crédit


Par ailleurs, en support des autres membres de l’équipe vous serez amené(e) à apporter votre expertise pour :

  • Assurer la continuité des activités critiques relatives à la maitrise des risques de contrepartie (traitement des demandes des commerciaux)
  • La mise en pratique des contrôles INCOME et leur évolution

Au sein de votre Pôle, vous êtes amené(e) à échanger avec l’ensemble des interlocuteurs et parties prenantes



Profil recherché et compétences

Formation :

De formation Bac+ 5 dans le domaine de l’ingénierie, de la data science, du commerce, de la finance ou équivalent, vous justifiez d’une d’expérience de plus de deux ans dans l’environnement des data sciences et du data management.


Expérience professionnelle : nature, durée

Vous maîtrisez les offres portées par la BE E&C et les outils associés. Vous êtes pédagogue avec l’envie de partager vos connaissances et de faire progresser vos interlocuteurs.

Connaissance Databricks, Python, PWBI à minima

Une maitrise de Salesforce est essentielle pour ce poste, la connaissance de SAP bienvenue

Appétence pour les systèmes d’information et capacité à en comprendre le fonctionnement.

Capacités de négociation (interne/externe)

Capacité à intégrer des éléments/informations d’ordre juridique

Une expérience en lien avec des fonctions commerciales et juridiques serait appréciée


Langues : L’anglais courant est un plus


Compétences métiers :

Vous êtes rigoureux (se) doté (e) de solides compétences et faites preuve d’initiative. Votre état d’esprit, votre capacité à proposer des solutions pertinentes aux problématique, votre rigueur et votre autonomie sont des qualités indispensables à la réussite de ce poste.


Compétences comportementales :

Vous avez la capacité à vous organiser, prioriser vos tâches, autonome et le sens de la relation client.


Chez ENGIE Entreprises et Collectivités, nous sommes fermement engagés en faveur de la diversité, de l’équité et de l’inclusion. Nous valorisons la richesse des expériences et des perspectives de chacun, et nous nous efforçons de créer un environnement où tous les talents peuvent s’épanouir. 


Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap. Si vous avez besoin d'aménagements raisonnables pour participer au processus de recrutement, veuillez en informer votre recruteur, qui se fera un plaisir de vous aider.

ID de l'offre d'emploi
Langue sur SAP SF
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Job Posting Date


Date de publication : 25/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29922


About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.


ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.


3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.


Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 expertises:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (



The RES Trading team is looking for a motivated individual who wants to become an integral part of a dynamic desk covering CWE countries for Renewables assets and Batteries. We are part of the largest player in this sector. The team is working closely with the origination/structuring team on short term as well as long term PPA. The team is also interacting strongly with other stakeholders such as Market Analysts, Quantitatives analysts, Operations and IS teams. The position of Trader Assistant is available in Brussels and will cover the following activities:


  • Pricing
  • Risk Management
  • Booking
  • Reporting
  • PnL Analysis
  • Process automation


Hard skills:

  • Must have:
  • Analytical and quantitative skills, combined with a hands-on approach,
  • Strong understanding of information management tool, 
  • The capability to code languages in Python, 
  • A good understanding financial production (hedging, derivatives, options)


  • Good to have:
  • Knowledge on the Energy Markets
  • A good understanding of accounting mechanisms (both industrial and trading), of market finance (hedging, derivatives, etc), of the power business and associated trading strategies are required


Soft skills:

  • Assertive, inquisitive and stress resilient, 
  • You have also a high level of integrity, 
  • Well organized and pro-active, 
  • Able to perform during with tight deadlines, 
  • You are eager to learn, tenacious, with a strong business drive, 
  • A real team player able to transfer your knowledge, and able to coordinate the inputs/actions of various units 


Education and professional background:


  • Master's degree (BAC +5) or equivalent in general engineering, mathematics or computer science
  • No experience required



  • Fluent in English
  • Other languages are a strong plus (French, Dutch or German) 


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.

ID de l'offre d'emploi
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Job Posting Date

Trading Quantitative Analyst - VIE (H/F)

Date de publication : 24/06/2024

Requisition ID : 12257

Trading Quantitative Analyst - VIE (H/F)

About US (GEMS):
ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,300 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our +120,00 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 expertises:
• Asset management
• Energy transition services
• Energy supply & global commodities
• Risk management & market access

At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.

More info on GEM Hub ( or LinkedIn (


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 170,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.

Within the GEMS Business Unit, the Australia and New Zealand Business Platform (BP ANZ) are managing and developing the group’s trading activities for these regions around 4 main pillars: risk management and market access, asset management, green solutions and energy supply businesses.

The missions of the BP ANZ are:
- Support the development and the operations of the other GBUs (Global Business Units) in all aspects related to risk representation and risk management
- Develop a commercial franchise which contributes to the overall risk management of the portfolio and generates value

The GEMS ANZ Analytics team develops market insights and quantitative models. These are used to optimise dispatchable assets, forecast customer consumptions, risk manage positions, assess long term prices, value hedging product and shape strategy.

The purpose of this role is to provide subject matter expertise for quantitative commodity trading models built by the Analytics team. The analysis and insights generated will lead to improved decision making across the rest of GEMS ANZ and the wider ANZ business.

The incumbent is responsible and accountable for the following key responsibilities: activities which can align to evolve with the business’ requirements.

• Develop quantitative financial models to value energy derivatives (Power, Green, Gas)
• Engage with the Forward Trading and Commercial teams to develop and operate models and tools to support trading decisions
• Work together with Head of Analytics or Head of Forward Power Trading on complex, ill-defined tasks with minimal assistance from Manager (i.e. gather requirements, come up with design, implement and test)
• Ensure that the analytical work is complete to a high standard and on time, while regularly communicating the status of the project
• Provide thought leadership and creativity in developing innovative solutions to new problems, together with the Head of Analytics and Principal Analyst Quantitative Modelling
• Proactively suggest new possibilities for analytics/projects to the Head of Analytics and Head of Forward Power Trading

The incumbent must adhere to all regulatory and compliance requirements relevant to the requirements of the role.
You must comply with all Health Safety & Environment compliance requirements, as they apply to your position, other team members and to the Company.


Education and professional background:
•Tertiary degree in relevant discipline
•Masters/PhD in Quantitative Discipline (Maths/Physics/Engineering) favourable
•Experienced within the wholesale electricity, gas, and financial markets (ideally in Australia) and the fundamentals of how these markets operate and interact.

Hard skills:
•1 to 5 years relevant experience to the role
•NEM experience favourable
•Experience developing and running quantitative models to support commodity trading. E.g. Option valuation models
•Technical / programming skills
•SQL, Microsoft Excel, coding in R and Python

•Statistical skills


Soft skills:
• Organisation, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data
• Excellent analytical thinker and problem solver
• Work revolves around coming up with models, tools and techniques that have not been done before, as such, there is a lot of experimentation
• Project Leadership and mentoring of junior team members


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provide equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 

All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 

ID de l'offre d'emploi
Langue sur SAP SF
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Job Posting Date

Alternant Informaticien

Date de publication : 20/06/2024

Requisition ID : 30662

Alternant Informaticien

A Propos


CN Solutions est une entreprise pionnière de l’efficacité énergétique, grâce à ses solutions et son business model innovant. Elle intervient auprès de tous les consommateurs d’énergie (grands comptes tertiaires et industrie), de façon directe ou en partenariat. A tous, elle propose des services énergétiques, ainsi que la réalisation de projets d’efficacité énergétique en clé en main. CN Solutions intègre dans ces projets des solutions technologiques développées par ses équipes.

Notre ambition est la suivante : bousculer les systèmes de pensée habituels et proposer une nouvelle vision des choses.

Afin d’accompagner nos équipes, nous recherchons actuellement un(e) :

Un Alternant informaticien pour contribuer à la programmation de notre nouvel outil de supervision énergétique BEX®. Poste H/F en alternance  basé à Angers.


Rattaché(e) à l’agence d’Angers (49) vous intégrez une équipe de 8 personnes.


Descriptif du poste  

Notre nouvel outil de supervision est basé sur la plateforme PANORAMA E2 de la société CODRA. Cet outil est basé sur la création d’objets qui sont ensuite implémentés dans la solution :

Vos principales missions seront :

o            Programmation des objets liés à l’acquisition de données (Modbus/TCP, OPC, etc..)

o            Programmation des objets calculs Energétiques.

o            Gestion de la sauvegarde des data sur base SQL.

o            Paramétrage des fonctions graphiques de la supervision.

o            Mise en service de l’outil sur site Client.


Profil recherché 

•            En 2e ou 3e année d’un BUT GEII , ou BTS informatique.

•            Vous êtes autonome et opérationnel

•            Vous savez comprendre les enjeux techniques et financiers d’un projet

•            Des connaissances en Thermique sont un plus

•            Vous maitrisez Word et Excel

•            Permis B exigé




ID de l'offre d'emploi
Langue sur SAP SF
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Job Posting Date

Market Risk Analyst Junior

Date de publication : 20/06/2024

Requisition ID : 24562

Market Risk Analyst Junior




Junior Market Risk Analyst


About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 expertises:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (



You will be part of the Global Risk Analytics team (8 people) who is in charge of the Market Risk monitoring and advisory of the GEMS (Global Energy Management) Business Unit of ENGIE and its regulated entity EGM (Engie Global Markets).

You will evolve in a collaborative team that thrives in a dynamic, technology and data driven environment. Your contributions will directly impact our commitment to excellence and innovation within the Risk Expertise center of GEMS.


We are committed to producing and reporting of key risk metrics, providing timely insights to relevant stakeholders across the organization. As stewards of risk governance, we design and maintain robust frameworks for market risk measurement, limit setting, and control, ensuring alignment with regulatory requirements and internal policies.


Collaborating closely with trading desks, operating in a global environment in the fast changing Commodity World, we foster collaboration and knowledge sharing across regions and business lines, leveraging diverse perspectives to enhance risk awareness and decision-making with our priority objective to uphold the integrity of GEMS & EGM risk management framework.


Our expertise in market risk management extends to the development, enhancement and validation of risk models, systems, and processes, driving continuous improvement and innovation, partnering tightly with Quant Risk & Front Office as well as IT teams.


Digital is at the heart of the team DNA, leveraging on cutting edge technologies and analytical tools , we integrate digital solutions seamlessly into our operations to foster agility, increase our ability to extract actionable insights from vast volume of data.




As a Junior Risk Officer, you play an important role in supporting the risk management function within our organization. This entry-level position provides an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience in risk identification, assessment, and mitigation, while contributing to the overall effectiveness of our risk management processes.


Key Responsibilities


Risk Assessment: Conduct comprehensive risk assessments and scenario analyses to evaluate the potential impact of various risk events. Participate in risk identification workshops and meetings to contribute insights and perspectives on potential risks and their implications.


Risk Monitoring and Reporting: Prepare regular risk reports and dashboards for senior management and the board of directors, highlighting emerging risks and areas of concern.


Model and New Product Validation: Support the validation of risk models and the assessment of new products or business initiatives to ensure their compliance with internal risk management policies and regulatory requirements. Assist in evaluating the effectiveness and accuracy of risk models and methodologies used by the organization.


Hard skills:

Must have:

  • Data Analysis: Proficiency in data analysis tools and techniques, including Excel & Python to analyze and interpret complex data sets related to market risk.


  • Financial Knowledge: Understanding of financial markets, instruments and products


  • Risk Management Principles: Knowledge of risk management principles, methodologies, and best practices, including risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and monitoring.


  • Model Validation: Understanding of risk models and quantitative techniques used for market risk measurement and validation, including VaR (Value at Risk) and stress testing methodologies.


Good to have:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Familiarity with regulatory requirements and industry standards governing market risk management


  • Commodity Markets: knowledge of the Commodity World is a plus.


Soft skills:

  • Communication: Effective communication skills, both verbal and written, to convey complex risk concepts and findings to stakeholders at all levels of the organization.


  • Analytical Thinking: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to analyze data, identify trends, and make informed decisions about market risk exposures.


  • Teamwork: Collaborative mindset and ability to work effectively as part of a team, supporting colleagues and contributing to a positive and inclusive work environment.

Education and professional background:

  • Master's degree in finance, risk management or a related field.
  • 1+ year of experience in Market Risks, preferably in a Banking or Utilities company in a Trading environment.


  • English


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 

 All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.

ID de l'offre d'emploi
Langue sur SAP SF
Job Contract
Job City
Job Posting Date

VIE - Pricing Analyst (H/F)

Date de publication : 10/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29667

VIE - Pricing Analyst (H/F)

About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.


ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.


3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.


Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.


Our 4 expertises:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (



GEMS Iberia is one of the main local Business Platforms of GEMS, it is responsible for the development and management of GEMS’ activities in Spain and Portugal. Its staff is essentially based in Madrid. It can rely on the proximity to its markets and clients, while leveraging the deep expertise and footprint of GEMS and ENGIE globally. 

Supply Energy Management (SEM) team manages activities and interactions regarding our supply business in Spain. More specifically, SEM team provides quality energy management services and pricing/offering to our Sales Team for the Supply business in order to enable our clients to access green power and gas from our portfolio of Renewable Assets. The SEM team interacts with several internal teams such as : Sales, Trading, Finance, IT, Back-Office. 



We seeking a talented and motivated V.I.E Pricing Analyst to join our SEM team in Madrid. As a Pricing Analyst, your primary focus will be on automating and enhancing critical tasks related to pricing, structuring, and risk management. You’ll play a crucial role in ensuring accurate and efficient decision-making processes, with the ability to take initiative in several areas, accompanied by experienced experts. You will have the opportunity to experience working in a motivated environment, enjoying understanding and solving complex problems and being able to see the impact of your work in GEMS Iberia platform.




  1. Load Forecasting at Inception: 
  • Develop and implement robust load forecasting models to predict energy demand accurately. 
  • Collaborate with data scientists and engineers to enhance forecasting algorithms. 
  • Monitor and adjust forecasts based on market dynamics. 
  1. Structuration: 
  • Analyze complex green power and gas energy contracts and structures. 
  • Ensure alignment with business goals and risk appetite. 
  • Optimize contract terms for profitability and risk mitigation. 
  1. Costing: 
  • Evaluate market cost components  
  • Calculate pricing based on cost drivers and market conditions through data analysis. 
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to validate cost assumptions. 



  1. Contract Representation: 
  • Translate negotiated terms into clear and concise contract language. 
  • Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. 
  • Maintain an organized repository of contracts. 
  1. Portfolio Structuration & Modelling: 
  • Manage energy portfolios by optimizing asset allocation. 
  • Develop portfolio models to assess risk exposure. 
  • Implement hedging strategies to mitigate price volatility. 
  1. Load Forecasting Follow-Up: 
  • Continuously track actual load data against forecasts. 
  • Identify discrepancies and adjust models as needed. 
  • Provide insights to stakeholders for informed decision-making. 
  1. P&L Explanation on Full Value: 
  • Analyze profit and loss statements related to energy transactions. 
  • Explain P&L drivers, including volume, price, and cost components. 
  • Collaborate with finance teams to ensure accurate financial reporting. 
  1. Exposure Risk Management: 
  • Monitor volume and residual price risks. 
  • Implement risk mitigation strategies (e.g., hedging, diversification). 
  • Collaborate with risk management teams to assess exposure levels. 


Hard skills:

  • Must have:
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Proficiency in Power Bi, Python, or other data analysis tools 
  • Knowledge of energy markets, pricing mechanisms or risk management. 


  • Good to have:
  • Experience with other data visualization and analysis tools (similar to Power Bi, i.e. Dataiku).
  • Familiarity with machine learning algorithms and techniques

Soft skills:

  • Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail
  • Ability to interpret and communicate findings from complex data sets
  • Ability to work in a collaborative environment with colleagues from different countries and cultures.
  • Driven by excellence and looking to perform at high standards


Education and professional background:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Science, Data or Computer Science, Finance, Economics or related field. 
  • Experience with data analysis and visualization techniques and tools


  • English: working proficiency
  • Spanish: intermediate proficiency


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.

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VIE - Energy Strategy & Business Development Analyst (H/F)

Date de publication : 10/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29666

VIE - Energy Strategy & Business Development Analyst (H/F)

About GEMS:

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.


ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.


3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.


Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.


Our 4 expertises:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (




GEMS Iberia is one of the main local Business Platforms of GEMS, it is responsible for the development and management of GEMS’ activities in Spain and Portugal. Its staff is essentially based in Madrid with a multicultural environmental, more than 10 different nationalities and around 80 employees. It can rely on the proximity to its markets and clients, while leveraging the deep expertise and footprint of GEMS in other geographies and ENGIE globally.


The Strategy and Business Development mission is to facilitate GEMS Iberia gets ready for the future in a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) context, being responsible of defining the vision for the long-term and identifying and developing new activities of added value aligned with decarbonization strategy of the Group. In order to accomplish this, we closely work with many different areas within GEMS Iberia platform (Sales, Origination, Structuring, Trading, Market Intelligence, etc…) but also with colleagues from platforms in other countries as well as other Business Units in Spain (Renewables, Flexible Generation, Corporate Strategy, etc…).




We are seeking a talented and motivated V.I.E Analyst to join our Strategy & BD team in Madrid to support setting the foundations to build a green energy management division in a multinational with big ambitions in Iberia. You will have the opportunity to develop a transversal knowledge of energy management and energy sector activities by interacting with multiple areas and divisions while being part of a collaborative project and diverse team.



  • Support Business Development on the different projects ongoing (Batteries, Green gases, Energy Efficiency Certificates, Carbon Offsets, etc…) preparing Business Plans, SWOT analysis and documentation for internal communication to management and leaderships.
  • Sector follow up in order to identify trends, business opportunities and risks by participating in seminars, talking to consultants and partners.
  • Support on communication and information sharing with the whole platform regarding energy sector and sustainability topics.


Hard skills:

  • Strong analytical skills
  • Business Acumen: Understanding financial concepts, energy market dynamics, and industry trends.
  • Market Research: Conducting thorough research on energy markets, competitors, and customer needs.
  • Project Management: Organizing and overseeing initiatives related to business development.
  • Energy Industry Knowledge: Familiarity with energy sources, regulations, and sustainability trends.
  • Presentation Skills: Creating compelling and informative presentations for stakeholders.
  • Proficiency in Digital tools and coding Power Bi, Python, or other data analysis tools 


Soft skills:

  • Proactive and open minded, curiosity to learn new topics
  • Collaboration: Good in business relationships and interaction with people. Working seamlessly with cross-functional teams and external partners
  • Business Oriented: Strong motivation for sustainable development and business outcomes. Applying critical thinking to evaluate opportunities and risks.
  • Driven by excellence, willing to perform at high standards
  • Communication: Effective verbal and written communication to convey complex ideas.
  • Adaptability to a changing environment and new topics.
  • Problem-Solving: Identifying challenges and proposing innovative solutions.
  • Negotiation: Skillful negotiation during partnerships, contracts and deals.
  • Time Management: Balancing multiple tasks and deadlines efficiently.
  • Organizational Skills: Demonstrating excellent organizational abilities, maintaining structured workflows, and prioritizing tasks effectively.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Upholding integrity and ethical standards in business practices.


Education and professional background:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Science, Economics or Finance



  • Fluent in English and Spanish


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.

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Job Posting Date

VIE - Middle & Finance Officer (H/F)

Date de publication : 10/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29664

VIE - Middle & Finance Officer (H/F)

About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.


ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.


3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.


Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.


Our 4 expertises:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (



As a VIE, you will join the Middle Office and Finance team of  GEMS Iberia, currently integrated by 4 members. You will be responsible for supporting the trading activities and ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the financial data. You will also participate in various projects and initiatives to improve the efficiency and quality of the processes and systems. In addition, you will participate actively in the analysis of the results, validate results of different portfolios in S-P and MtM accounting and report results on a monthly basis to different stakeholders.




  • Monitor  the trading transactions and positions in the front office system
  • Reconcile the trades and cash flows with the counterparties and the clearing houses
  • Produce and analyze the daily profit and loss reports and explain the main drivers
  • Ensure the compliance with the accounting standards and the regulatory requirements
  • Participate in the month-end and year-end closing activities and the audit process
  • Collaborate with the other teams within the company, such as risk, back office, IT, and operations
  • Contribute to the enhancement of the existing procedures and tools and the implementation of new ones
  • Reporting to the group of KPI´s and monthly figures
  • Actively participate in the budgeting and forecasting of Opex and Capex. Analyse of deviations from Budget and prior forecast
  • Help to design and deliver the tools needed for automatization



Hard skills:

  • Must have:
    • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
    • Proficiency in Power Bi, Python, or other data analysis tools  
    • Attention to detail and accuracy


  • Good to have:
    • Fluent Spanish
    • Knowledge of energy markets

Soft skills:

  • Must have:
    • Good communication and interpersonal skills
    • Driven by excellence, you want to perform at high standards
    • Highly Inquisitive
    • Are self-starting, you have the motivation and drive to excel
    • Truly seek constant self-improvement and growth


Education and professional background:

  • High School Diploma or Bachelor Degree (preferent in DIGITAL and DATA) 


  • Between one or two years of experience



  • Are fluent in English (Spanish is an added benefit, but not a must)


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.

ID de l'offre d'emploi
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Job City
Job Posting Date

V.I.E - Market Risk Analyst (H/F)

Date de publication : 10/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29484

V.I.E - Market Risk Analyst (H/F)

A propos de GEMS: 

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) fournit des solutions d'approvisionnement en énergie et des services de gestion des risques pour accompagner ses clients dans leur démarche de décarbonisation, tout en optimisant les actifs d'ENGIE et en contribuant à la création de valeur.

ENGIE est une référence mondiale en matière d'énergie et de services bas carbone, avec une activité de gestion de l'énergie de premier plan, pilotée par son entité "Global Energy Management & Sales" qui a construit son savoir-faire en gérant le portefeuille d'actifs important et diversifié du Groupe depuis plus de 20 ans.


3 600 employés dans le monde entier développent nos solutions, à travers plus de 20 plateformes commerciales internationales. Nous couvrons l'ensemble du bouquet énergétique : énergie renouvelable et thermique, gaz naturel et GNL, biomasse, produits environnementaux. Nos experts fournissent des solutions sur mesure basées sur un large éventail de savoir-faire en matière de gestion de l'énergie, en mettant l'accent sur la décarbonisation et la décentralisation.


Nos 190 000 clients couvrent l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur : producteurs, développeurs d'actifs, acteurs financiers, services publics, distributeurs et industriels. Notre portée mondiale et notre forte présence locale nous permettent d'offrir à ces clients divers des services sur mesure et de répondre aux changements rapides dans les marchés matures ou émergents.


Nos 4 expertises :

- Gestion d'actifs

- Services de transition énergétique

- Approvisionnement en énergie et matières premières

- Gestion des risques et accès au marché


Chez GEMS, nous encourageons les résultats exceptionnels, l'esprit d'équipe, la curiosité et l'innovation tout en préservant l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée.


Plus d'informations sur GEMS Hub ( ou LinkedIn (




Engie est un acteur clé de l’énergie et fournit du gaz et de l’électricité à de nombreux clients en Roumanie.


Les marchés de l’électricité et du gaz Roumains se développent et sont soumis à une volatilité croissante. Afin de sécuriser son résultat, Engie cherche à renforcer le suivi de la performance économique et des risques de marché.


L’équipe cherche à améliorer la représentation de ses positions en gaz et en électricité et à affiner le suivi de la rentabilité de ses transactions. L’équipe Market Risk est le maillon central d’information et de support pour s’assurer d’une représentation adéquate des risques.


Plus largement, GEMS Roumanie souhaite automatiser les processus opérationnels et fiabiliser l’ensemble des données permettant le pilotage de l’activité dans le cadre du mandat de risque qu’il lui a été confié pour continuer sa croissance sur l’activité de trading d’énergie.


Ainsi, l’équipe GEMS Roumanie recherche un VIE à Bucarest afin de continuer le développement et l’automatisation du suivi des risques de marché de son portefeuille, et de partager les connaissances et bonnes pratiques avec l’ensemble des front-Officers. L’équipe de suivi de risque accompagnera la croissance attendue des activités de marché, notamment sur le gaz.


Le VIE sera établi à Bucarest où il travaillera au sein d’Engie Romania, dans l’équipe GEMS, sous la supervision du Head of Market Risk. Il intégrera une équipe jeune de 60 personnes, dynamique et ambitieuse. De multiples interactions avec la direction financière, les traders et Sales, et les centres d’expertise du siège seront la clé de la réussite de cette mission.


Missions :


  • Production des rapports journaliers de suivi des risques
  • Analyse des positions, des stratégies de couverture et des limites
  • Poursuite de l’automatisation des rapports (Python & PowerBI)
  • Conseil sur la représentation adéquates des risques dans le système de deal management
  • Compréhension des variations du résultat et appui des équipes finances et contrôle de gestion.
  • Soutien à la migration vers un nouveau système d’information (ETRM) pour améliorer l’efficacité opérationnelle


Localisation : Bucarest, Roumanie.


Compétences techniques:

  • Compétences d’analyses
  • Affinité pour la digitalisation (Python / Office 365- Power BI)



  • Curiosité, flexibilité, optimisme, motivation, autonomie et esprit d’initiative.
  • Intérêt pour la gestion des risques dans le monde des marchés de l’énergie/trading.


Parcours académique:

  • BAC +5 Ecole de commerce/ Ingénieur/Université avec une connaissance approfondie en Finance de marché/Comptabilité.



  • Anglais courant


Si vous répondez à ces exigences, vous êtes le talent que nous recherchons. Ne perdez pas de temps !

Postulez en joignant votre CV actualisé, quel que soit votre sexe.

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales s'engage à créer un environnement non sexiste qui libère le potentiel de chacun et offre des opportunités d'emploi égales à tous les individus.

Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes handicapées. Si vous avez besoin d'aménagements raisonnables pour participer au processus de recrutement, veuillez en informer votre recruteur, qui se fera un plaisir de vous aider.


About ENGIE:

Notre groupe est une référence mondiale en matière d'énergie et de services à faible émission de carbone. Notre raison d'être est d'agir pour accélérer la transition vers un monde neutre en carbone, grâce à une réduction de la consommation d'énergie et à des solutions plus respectueuses de l'environnement, en conciliant performance économique et impact positif sur les personnes et la planète. Nous nous appuyons sur nos activités clés (gaz, électricité, énergies renouvelables, services) pour offrir des solutions compétitives à nos clients. Avec nos 96 000 salariés, nos clients, nos partenaires et nos parties prenantes, nous formons une communauté de bâtisseurs imaginatifs, qui s'engagent chaque jour pour un progrès plus harmonieux. 

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Job Posting Date

Accounting Gaz Controller Officer

Date de publication : 03/06/2024

Requisition ID : 27844

Accounting Gaz Controller Officer

Accounting Gaz Controller Officer 

About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,300 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our +120,00 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 expertises:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEM Hub ( or LinkedIn (



FinOps Gas is the department providing support to Gas Business Platform in its main activities

  • Gaz contract risk management
  • Gaz portfolio renewal including through green activities development (Biomethane, Hydrogen and low carbone )
  • Gaz sourcing and risk management for internal clients ( B2B , B2C , Giants )
  • Physical assets ( transport and storage capacities ) management for physical and financial optimization purposes

Finance and Operation Gaz is a team constituted by 3 teams :

  • Middle Office/Business control gas in charge of  PnL / CFFO reporting, control and analysis &  budget construction
  • Product control : controls consistency between booking, contractual documents and invoicing
  • Accounting : guarantees the quality of the data sent into accounting systems along with deadlines respect

The open position is Accounting Officer position reporting to Head of Accounting Team


Your role will consist in producing mainly but not exclusively deliverables related to monthly closing exercises ( including day to day controls prior to clising exercises ).

Main missions are :

  • Closing processes
  • Participate to daily meetings / closing status for daily closing deliverables and provide updates / alerts on scope under supervision
  • Define / align closing process for accounting packages under finops gaz responsibility ( OC 9511/9562 in industrial accounting ; OC 9512 / 9563 in Trading accounting)
  • Follow up / control accounting entries via eco / accounting bridge reconciliation, reconciliation with internal counterparties for manual entries
  • Exchange with FO to ensure that you have a good understanding of contract / asset modelization in order to define the relevant accounting treatment / feed
  • Work on process continuous improvements / recurrent pain points
  • Accounting treatments
  • In liaison with Accis team / standard accounting team confirm the relevant accounting treatment / accounting schema
  • Support MO / BC team on the economic/accounting P&L reconciliation
  • Transversal topics
  • Involvement/Contribution in process automation
  • Continuous improvements in Accounting team processes ( closing, referential management..)
  • Ensure the existence of process documentation and update
  • Collaborate with auditors ( either internal or external )  / perform relevant course of action ( provide requested details, follow up recommendations 

Hard skills:

  • High level of comfort with the digital tools Excel mainly ( knowledge of Dataiku , Power BI is a plus )  
  • Analytical and quantitative skills, combined with a hands-on approach
  • Ability to optimize the processes and interact with IT teams & business teams ( FO / other finops teams )  
  • A good knowledge of gas business and associated trading strategies will be a plus

Soft skills:

  • You have a high level of integrity and adaptability
  • Well organized and pro-active, solution oriented
  • Able to perform during specific reporting cycles with tight deadlines
  • A real team player mindset as in this role it’s key to coordinate inputs / actions with several units

Education and professional background:

  • Degree in engineering/economics/finance/accounting
  • Previous experience in trading environment and or energy markets is a plus


  • English : Professional
  • French : Fluent


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provide equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


No travels required

About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 170,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress

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