
Permitting Specialist

Posting date : 21/05/2024

Requisition ID : 15051

Permitting Specialist









ENGIE Building Solutions, companie din grupul ENGIE România, este specializată în servicii de facility management și soluții de eficiență energetică pentru clienți B2B.


În prezent,  căutăm o persoană proactivă, cu bune abilități de comunicare, orientată spre soluții, pentru a se alătura departamentului GREEN SOLUTIONS OFFICE, în calitate de PERMITTING SPECIALIST


Dacă îțI dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Ne poți ajuta să construim un viitor mai bun. Totul începe cu angajați remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine.


Ce vei face:


  • Vei intermedia relația dintre autoritățile locale și diferitele departamente ale ENGIE Building Solutions în vederea obținerii avizelor și autorizațiilor necesare.
  • Vei pregăti și vei participa la întâlnirile directe cu autoritățile competente, vei asigura suport tehnic în vederea organizării întâlnirilor cu reprezentanți ai autorităților.
  • Vei analiza solicitările primite din partea reprezentanților autorităților și le vei transmite către șeful ierarhic direct și responsabilul de proiect, cu propunerile privind soluționarea lor.
  • Vei colabora cu celelalte departamente pentru transmiterea și primirea informațiilor necesare soluționării solicitărilor autorităților.
  • Vei răspunde de transmiterea la timp către departamentele EBS abilitate să sprijine soluționarea solicitărilor autorităților, într-o formă corectă și completă, a informațiilor conform atribuțiilor ce-ți vor reveni.
  • Vei răspunde solicitărilor clientului intern și respectiv autorităților, prin pregătirea și depunerea tuturor documentelor și realizarea tuturor demersurilor necesare în vederea obținerii avizelor și autorizațiilor aferente proiectelor EEGS/EBS.
  • Vei realiza toate diligențele necesare până la obținerea avizelor și autorizațiilor necesare proiectelor derulate.
  • Vei monitoriza stadiul solicitărilor clientului intern, stadiul solicitărilor adresate autorităților sau primite de la autoritățile locale, vei atenționa departamentele implicate cu privire la posibilele depășiri, dacă este necesar și vei identifica disfuncționalități existente sau posibile.
  • Vei întocmi lunar și vei transmite către șeful ierarhic direct și către departamentele impactate rapoarte privind solicitările primite, tipuri de solicitări, propuneri de soluționare, status de progres și termenele prevăzute/stabilite împreună cu autoritățile.
  • Vei gestiona centralizatorul de avize și autorizații, precum și documentele de evidență a solicitărilor autorităților și a răspunsurilor transmise de compartimentele abilitate cu rezolvarea respectivelor solicitări.
  • Vei întocmi și vei analiza chestionarele de evaluare a nivelului de satisfacție a reprezentanților autorităților locale, vei identifica acțiunile corective și/sau preventive ce se impun pentru îmbunătățirea relațiilor EBS cu autoritățile.
  • Vei elabora documente specifice (prezentări) ce vor fi utilizate cu ocazia întâlnirilor cu autoritățile.


Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:


  • Studii superioare finalizate în domeniul energetic/construcții/instalații;
  • Experiență minimum 1 an în pregătirea, depunerea și obținerea avizelor și autorizațiilor necesare pentru implementarea proiectelor;
  • Cunoștințe de operare MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint);
  • Bună cunoaștere a standardelor, normelor și legislației din domeniu;
  • Permis de conducere categoria B;
  • Abilități de comunicare;
  • Capacitate bună de relaționare;
  • Atitudine activă și promptitudine în soluționarea problemelor și realizarea obiectivelor;
  • Capacitatea de lucru sub presiunea timpului și flexibilitate;
  • Atenție la detalii, minuțiozitate;
  • Capacitatea de sinteză și analiză a datelor rezultate în urma activității desfășurate.




  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Acces la un program de dezvoltare personală și profesională;
  • Tichete de masă;
  • Concediu de odihnă extins, în funcție de vechimea în muncă.


Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:



Despre ENGIE

Grupul ENGIE este prezent în România în trei sectoare de activitate: gaze naturale, energie electrică şi servicii energetice. ENGIE Romania este principala filială a Grupului în România şi deţine companiile Distrigaz Sud Reţele, ENGIE Servicii, ENGIE Building Solutions, Alizeu Eolian şi Brăila Winds. Compania activează în următoarele domenii de activitate: distribuţie şi furnizare de gaze naturale, furnizare de energie electrică, servicii tehnice pentru instalaţiile de gaze naturale şi centrale termice şi producţie de energie electrică. ENGIE Romania şi filialele sale deservesc un portofoliu de 1,9 milioane de clienţi, operează o reţea de distribuţie de circa 20.000 km, deţin două parcuri eoliene cu o capacitate totală de 100 MW şi au peste 4.000 de angajaţi.


Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Technical Officer

Posting date : 21/05/2024

Requisition ID : 28075

Technical Officer

ENGIE Services Singapore is a leading provider of Integrated Facilities Management solutions (IFM), property management, operations and maintenance, specialized rail engineering works, sustainable solutions and FM Consultancy services. With strong presence in various counties across South East Asia, we operate across mission-critical industries - aviation, transportation, healthcare, education, government and commercial.


ENGIE understands the integrated role of facility management and the value of it can be expanded beyond the traditional approach. As a total FM, specialized engineering and sustainable real estate solutions service provider, ENGIE offers a comprehensive range of technical, digital and support services customisable to best suit your unique needs.


  • Lead a team of Technicians and Supervisors for Mechanical facilities related activities

  • Advise and lead the technical investigations for rectification works

  • Liaise with contractors for rectification works or ad-hoc jobs

  • Investigate, analyze and determine the root cause for breakdowns and faults

  • Prepare technical reports on breakdowns and proposals

  • Any other ad-hoc assignments assigned by the supervisor

Job Requirements:

  • Minimum Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

  • At least 3 years’ relevant experience in the facilities management industry

  • Good communication skills, positive mindset and strong willingness to learn

  • Hardworking and able to multi-task

  • Have good documentation practice

  • Has a good safety mindset and displays good WSH behaviour.

Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date

Technical Officer

Posting date : 21/05/2024

Requisition ID : 27444

Technical Officer

ENGIE Services Singapore is a leading provider of Integrated Facilities Management solutions (IFM), property management, operations and maintenance, specialized rail engineering works, sustainable solutions and FM Consultancy services. With strong presence in various counties across South East Asia, we operate across mission-critical industries - aviation, transportation, healthcare, education, government and commercial.


ENGIE understands the integrated role of facility management and the value of it can be expanded beyond the traditional approach. As a total FM, specialized engineering and sustainable real estate solutions service provider, ENGIE offers a comprehensive range of technical, digital and support services customisable to best suit your unique needs.



Technical Officer (Electrical)

Job Description:

  • Lead a team of technicians for all facilities management related activities which include controlling and implementing operations

  • Attend and oversee Electrical maintenance works

  • Investigate, analyze and determine the root cause for breakdowns and faults

  • Prepare and review reports

  • Monitor ad-hoc facilities projects to ensure on time delivery

  • Perform any other tasks as and when required

Job Requirements:

  • Minimum Diploma in Electrical Engineering

  • 3 years relevant experience in Facilities Management

  • Accreditation by Energy Market Authority as Licensed Electrical Worker will be an advantage

  • Good communication skills, positive mindset and strong willingness to learn

  • Hardworking and able to multi-task

  • Have good documentation practice

  • Has a good safety mindset and displays good WSH behaviour

Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date

Facilities Manager

Posting date : 21/05/2024

Requisition ID : 27417

Facilities Manager

ENGIE Service Singapore is a leading provider of Integrated Facilities Management solutions (IFM), property management, operations and maintenance, specialized rail engineering works, sustainable solutions and FM Consultancy services. With strong presence in various counties across South East Asia, we operate across mission-critical industries - aviation, transportation, healthcare, education, government and commercial.


ENGIE understands the integrated role of facility management and the value of it can be expanded beyond the traditional approach. As a total FM, specialized engineering and sustainable real estate solutions service provider, ENGIE offers a comprehensive range of technical, digital and support services customisable to best suit your unique needs.


Facilities Manager


  • Oversee and lead a team of assistant managers, engineers, technical officers, supervisors and technicians in facilities management for commercial building / ministry building / Hospital
  • Establish good working relationships with clients and develop trust and confidence
  • Establish and maintain quality service standards
  • Take charge of the overall Air Conditioning Maintenance Ventilation system
  • Manage the daily AC thermal comfort is within the acceptable limit
  • Schedule maintenance activities for ACMV systems, tracking of maintenance works and follow up actions for systems such as chillers, AHU, FCU, fire protection, gas systems etc
  • Ensure regular meetings with client's and appointed sub providers
  • Handle Tenant’s enquires.
  • Conduct daily audit inspections to ensure the outsource service providers are performing according to their contractual obligations and SLAs.
  • Manage and liaise with external agencies on new initiatives and major repairs and maintenance works
  • Prepare tender documents and specifications, plan, coordinate and execute rectification works
  • Responsible for project costing and cost management
  • Plan training requirement for staff needs for skills improvement
  • Prepare and responsible for annual budget submission, audit report, assessment report for contractors' performance
  • Prepare and certify contractors' payment


  • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering or equivalent from a recognized university
  • At least 10 years of related working experience
  • Proven experience in facility management in a large facility
  • Able to work Independently and possess good interpersonal skills
  • Good communication skills both verbal and written
  • Pro-active, independent, able to work with minimal supervision and perform under pressure
  • Service orientated mindset
  • Strong building and M&E knowledge with hands-on experiences
  • Possess high level of initiative and integrity
  • Possess strong leadership, quality, good planning and organizing ability
  • Has a good safety mindset and displays good WSH behaviors
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Capital Projects Contracts Administrator Senior

Posting date : 18/05/2024

Requisition ID : 28378

Capital Projects Contracts Administrator Senior

What You Can Expect

As our Contracts Analyst Senior, at Georgetown University, in Washington, DC, you will manage the execution of construction contracts working closely with the project team including the prime contractors, subcontractors, engineers, and equipment vendors to ensure that contract terms are understood, adhered to, and in compliance with procurement policies, regulatory, and corporate governance requirements.


Everyday you will manage and administer contracts, specifically for construction and engineering, related to capital improvement projects for campus energy distribution systems. These systems encompass the infrastructure for the production and distribution of chilled water, heating hot water, and steam, along with the electricity and natural gas networks. You will report to the Director of Capital Projects.



What You’ll Bring

  • You possess a Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Supply Chain Management Engineering, or related field
  • You have five 5 years of experience in a related field where you have provided field support during execution of capital projects which involves monitoring contract performance, reviewing project invoicing for contract compliance, tracking project milestones, and timely addressing any issues that arise
  • You have a background in construction contract development, contract management or project execution
  • You have an experience in construction projects, working at sites, managing subcontractors, contracts administration and change management
  • You have experience with contract development and/or contract administration, including an understanding of procurement procedures; along with project execution and project related tax, finance, insurance and legal issues
  • You can address Change Order requests by aligning with the Project Manager and all stakeholders, driving cost and schedule negotiations with the contractor, understanding the project’s scope, and utilizing the contractual terms to preserve the contracting plan
  • You will prepare final Change Order for signatures utilizing the proper Management of Change (MOC) procedures
  • You will provide support, strategy, and resolution to Project Managers on contractual claims and disputes, liaising and keeping informed all Project Stakeholders
  • You will maintain a structured and documented record of all capital project communications, notices, legal records, including lien waivers, bonds, claims
  • You will also support the procurement process of services and materials for successful completion of the capital project
  • You will develop relationships with project stakeholders, construction contractors, qualified equipment vendors, suppliers, and design/engineering firms
  • You will prepare project close-out documentation and final contract requirements at different milestones of a construction project including mechanical completion, substantial completion, and final completion
  • You will develop and maintain effective relationships with subsidiaries, to encourage knowledge sharing; while also establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with University staff
  • You will carry out other duties as assigned



Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work policy;
  • This role requires attendance at a worksite on a weekly basis;
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies;
  • This position consist of 20% of outdoor work, while performing the duties of this job, the employee is exposed to weather conditions
  • Ability to meet highest attendance requirements, being present during project execution




Salary Range: $84,000 – $128,800 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.


Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.



Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 


Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Electrical & Instrument Technician II

Posting date : 18/05/2024

Requisition ID : 28379

Electrical & Instrument Technician II

What You Can Expect

As our Electrical & Instrument Technician II, in Golden, CO you will be responsible performing routine plant electrical/control maintenance functions including, but not limited to motors, MCCs, relays, breakers, electrical disconnects of rotating machinery, UPS/battery systems, and all electrical hand tools in-plant and/or satellite plant equipment. 


Every day your work will include the proper maintenance and operation of complex electrical systems, computers, controls systems, etc. and equipment that can directly affect the safety and operation of the plant. You will report to the Maintenance Supervisor and/or Maintenance Manager.



What You’ll Bring

  • You have a High School Degree or GED equivalent
  • You have 4+ years’ relevant experience and/or training; licenses, endorsements or an equivalent combination of education and experience
  • 2+ years of that experience in electrical, electronic, and pneumatic instrumentation; (steam/ electrical generation plant preferred) or graduation from a two-year electrical or instrumentation and control program
  • You have experience working with a CMMS (Computer Maintenance Management System)
  • You will perform emergency plant electrical/control troubleshooting on plant equipment
  • You will install, test, calibrate, tune, program, repair and troubleshoot pneumatic, electronic-powered equipment, low/medium voltage, analog and digital process control loop hardware
  • You will maintain all plant electrical/control equipment to the highest possible standard to maximize plant availability, reliability, efficiency, and profitability
  • You will analyze electrical problems and take appropriate action to correct and advise supervisor when outside assistance from vendors, engineering contractors, and/or consultants is necessary
  • You will maintain records of readings, test results, and data on all assigned equipment
  • You will recommend equipment operating and/or maintenance changes, which will enhance unit operation and equipment availability
  • You will Utilize a CMMS to maintain records of readings, test results, and data on all assigned equipment, as well as carry out other duties as assigned



Additional Details

  • This role requires attendance at a worksite on a rotation basis;
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license/will drive company vehicle at plant
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies;
  • This position consist of 5% of outdoor work, while performing the duties of this job, the employee is exposed to weather conditions




Salary Range:  $32.79 to $58.70 USD hourly


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.


Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location.


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 


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Operations & Maintenance Technician II

Posting date : 16/05/2024

Requisition ID : 28381

Operations & Maintenance Technician II

What You Can Expect

As Operations & Maintenance Technician II, in Golden, CO you will be responsible for the safe and reliable start-up, operation, and continuous monitoring of boilers, gas turbines, reciprocating engines, electric generators, and associated auxiliary and balance of plant equipment as directed by management. Every day you will  perform selective maintenance on various in-plant and/or satellite equipment, and will report to the Operations Manager & Shift Lead Supervisor.



What You’ll Bring

  • High School Diploma or equivalent required
  • You have Five (5) years of relevant experience and/or training; licenses, endorsements; or an equivalent combination of education and competent technical abilities in one of the following crafts: Maintenance Mechanic, Maintenance Electrician, or Instrument & Control Technician
  • You have the ability to use analytical judgment to plan and perform diversified work, making decisions within prescribed limitations
  • You are confident in performing preventive, predictive, and repair maintenance work tasks on plant equipment; diagnose equipment problems, report abnormal conditions to management, and prepare detailed work requests for plant defects
  • You will be responsible for the safe, proper, and efficient operation of all machinery and related equipment
  • You will inspect plant and equipment, including carrying out scheduled plant checks, and prepare necessary reports and log entries
  • You are comfortable assisting in planning, organizing, and executing unit outages for inspections, overhauls, repairs, and cleaning
  • Assist with preparation and administration of operations, maintenance, and Health Safety & Environmental procedures and reports
  • You will maintain accurate records while monitoring and maintaining plant equipment and systems
  • You will participate in ongoing training to maintain and enhance skills required to perform duties and assist in the training of others
  • Train and qualify as an Operator Technician at the ENGIE facilities in the Denver/Golden Colorado area
  • Other duties related to safe plant operations, maintenance, and reliability



Additional Details

  • This role requires daily attendance at a worksite 
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license
  • Will use company truck on site
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies 
  • The position consists of 90% work indoors and 10% work outdoors; outdoor work may expose the employee to weather conditions 
  • Could involve some lifting / up to 50 lbs 




Salary Range: $32.79 – $58.70 USD hourly


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location.


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 


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Facilities Manager (I)

Posting date : 16/05/2024

Requisition ID : 28451

Facilities Manager (I)

ENGIE Service Singapore is a leading provider of Integrated Facilities Management solutions (IFM), property management, operations and maintenance, specialized rail engineering works, sustainable solutions and FM Consultancy services. With strong presence in various counties across South East Asia, we operate across mission-critical industries - aviation, transportation, healthcare, education, government and commercial.


ENGIE understands the integrated role of facility management and the value of it can be expanded beyond the traditional approach. As a total FM, specialized engineering and sustainable real estate solutions service provider, ENGIE offers a comprehensive range of technical, digital and support services customisable to best suit your unique needs.


Facilities Manager


  • Oversee and lead a team of assistant managers, engineers, technical officers, supervisors and technicians in facilities management for Hospital
  • Establish good working relationships with clients and develop trust and confidence
  • Establish and maintain quality service standards
  • Take charge of the overall Air Conditioning Maintenance Ventilation system
  • Manage the daily AC thermal comfort is within the acceptable limit
  • Schedule maintenance activities for ACMV systems, tracking of maintenance works and follow up actions for systems such as chillers, AHU, FCU, fire protection, gas systems etc
  • Ensure regular meetings with client's and appointed sub providers
  • Handle Tenant’s enquires.
  • Conduct daily audit inspections to ensure the outsource service providers are performing according to their contractual obligations and SLAs.
  • Manage and liaise with external agencies on new initiatives and major repairs and maintenance works
  • Prepare tender documents and specifications, plan, coordinate and execute rectification works
  • Responsible for project costing and cost management
  • Plan training requirement for staff needs for skills improvement
  • Prepare and responsible for annual budget submission, audit report, assessment report for contractors' performance
  • Prepare and certify contractors' payment


  • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering or equivalent from a recognized university
  • At least 10 years of related working experience
  • Proven experience in facility management in a large facility
  • Able to work Independently and possess good interpersonal skills
  • Good communication skills both verbal and written
  • Pro-active, independent, able to work with minimal supervision and perform under pressure
  • Service orientated mindset
  • Strong building and M&E knowledge with hands-on experiences
  • Possess high level of initiative and integrity
  • Possess strong leadership, quality, good planning and organizing ability
  • Has a good safety mindset and displays good WSH behaviors
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Ayudante Operador/a de planta de Biomasa

Posting date : 15/05/2024

Requisition ID : 28187

Ayudante Operador/a de planta de Biomasa

Nuestro Grupo es una referencia mundial en suministro de energía y servicios con bajas emisiones en carbono. Junto con nuestros 96.000 empleados, nuestros clientes, socios y partes interesadas, estamos comprometidos en acelerar la transición hacia una economía neutra en carbono, a través de la reducción del consumo energético y soluciones más respetuosas con el medio ambiente.


Buscamos 3 operadores de planta para realizar la operación y el mantenimiento de una importante instalación de venta de vapor a través de una solución con caldera de biomasa situada en la comarca Baix Llobregat.


DISPONIBILIDAD DE HACER TURNOS ROTATIVOS de mañana y tarde de lunes a viernes + Servicio H24.


En dependencia del Encargado de planta se responsabilizara de:


  • Dar aproyo en la Operativa de la planta durante su turno. 
  • Dar aproyo en la ejecución del mantenimiento de primer nivel según GIMAO
  • ·Cumplimento de los estándares de ENGIE en relación a Seguridad Laboral.
  • ·Cumplimiento de los estándares de ENGIE en relación a Calidad y Medio Ambiente.


Requisitos mínimos

- Formación: FP II, rama mecánica, eléctrica o de gestión del mantenimiento o similar.
- Se valorará el conocimientos del sector biomasa, su gestión y características específicas para la producción de energía


Requisitos deseados

- Ofimática en general, Excel, Word, sistemas de supervisión de mantenimiento GIMAO, otros,...
- Idioma: Se valorarán conocimientos de idiomas.

- Experiencia valorable en el sector de la explotación de equipos industriales y de instalaciones de biomasa concretamente.


Te ofrecemos

·Te proporcionaremos planes de formación y carrera.
·Tendrás la oportunidad de adherirte al sistema de retribución flexible (tarjeta de transporte, ticket guardería, formación, ticket restaurante, seguro de salud, entre otros). ·Formarás parte de un equipo dinámico en el que realmente te desarrollarás y crecerás como profesional.
·Trabajarás con un equipo multidisciplinar que te apoyará en todo momento.
·Formarás parte de una red de más de 90.000 profesionales que trabajan para crear un mundo más sostenible.


Comprometidos con la inclusión

En ENGIE valoramos y fomentamos la diversidad y la inclusión. Estamos comprometidos a acelerar la transición a una economía neutral en carbono lograda mediante la integración de individuos excepcionales y diversos que buscan, apoyan y fortalecen el crecimiento de los demás.


ENGIE es la respuesta si...
· Buscas un proyecto profesional sólido y con proyección profesional. · Valoras formar parte del primer grupo energético independiente del mundo.
· Quieres crecer y desarrollarte dentro de una compañía dinámica y retadora.
· Si consideras que tu trabajo, sumado al esfuerzo de las personas que forman parte de la compañía, puede y debe tener un reflejo positivo en el entorno.
Si quieres formar parte de un grupo internacional, capaz de ofrecer una amplia variedad de puestos de trabajo dentro de un sector dinámico y prometedor.


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Operador/a de Planta de Biomasa

Posting date : 15/05/2024

Requisition ID : 28186

Operador/a de Planta de Biomasa

Nuestro Grupo es una referencia mundial en suministro de energía y servicios con bajas emisiones en carbono. Junto con nuestros 96.000 empleados, nuestros clientes, socios y partes interesadas, estamos comprometidos en acelerar la transición hacia una economía neutra en carbono, a través de la reducción del consumo energético y soluciones más respetuosas con el medio ambiente.


Buscamos 3 operadores de planta para realizar la operación y el mantenimiento de una importante instalación de venta de vapor a través de una solución con caldera de biomasa situada en la comarca Baix Llobregat.


DISPONIBILIDAD DE HACER TURNOS ROTATIVOS de mañana y tarde de lunes a viernes + Servicio H24.


En dependencia del Encargado de planta se responsabilizara de:


  • ·Operativa de la planta durante su turno. Se responsabilizara del aprovisionamiento de biomasa, así como el funcionamiento de la caldera de biomasa, toma de muestras y análisis de humedad de la biomasa.
  • ·Ejecución del mantenimiento de primer nivel según GIMAO
  • ·Asegurar la producción térmica contractual.
  • ·Asegurar la demanda y calidad de las condiciones contractuales.
  • ·Relación con cliente a nivel operacional.
  • ·Cumplimento de los estándares de ENGIE en relación a Seguridad Laboral.
  • ·Cumplimiento de los estándares de ENGIE en relación a Calidad y Medio Ambiente.


Requisitos mínimos

- Formación: FP II, rama mecánica, eléctrica o de gestión del mantenimiento o similar.
- Experiencia: Explotación plantas de energía y servicios en el sector industrial como: o Instalaciones de producción vapor o agua caliente con Biomasa
o Instalaciones de cogeneración CHP
o Instalaciones convencionales de vapor
o Instalaciones convencionales agua caliente, agua sobrecalentada
o Instalaciones convencionales de servicio industrial como aire comprimido, frio industrial y otras.
o Instalaciones eléctricas de BT

- Se valorará el conocimientos del sector biomasa, su gestión y características específicas para la producción de energía
- Capacidad de gestión cliente.


Requisitos deseados

- Ofimática en general, Excel, Word, sistemas de supervisión de mantenimiento GIMAO, otros,...
- Idioma: Se valorarán conocimientos de idiomas.

- Experiencia valorable en el sector de la explotación de equipos industriales y de instalaciones de biomasa concretamente.


Te ofrecemos

·Te proporcionaremos planes de formación y carrera.
·Tendrás la oportunidad de adherirte al sistema de retribución flexible (tarjeta de transporte, ticket guardería, formación, ticket restaurante, seguro de salud, entre otros). ·Formarás parte de un equipo dinámico en el que realmente te desarrollarás y crecerás como profesional.
·Trabajarás con un equipo multidisciplinar que te apoyará en todo momento.
·Formarás parte de una red de más de 90.000 profesionales que trabajan para crear un mundo más sostenible.


Comprometidos con la inclusión

En ENGIE valoramos y fomentamos la diversidad y la inclusión. Estamos comprometidos a acelerar la transición a una economía neutral en carbono lograda mediante la integración de individuos excepcionales y diversos que buscan, apoyan y fortalecen el crecimiento de los demás.


ENGIE es la respuesta si...
· Buscas un proyecto profesional sólido y con proyección profesional. · Valoras formar parte del primer grupo energético independiente del mundo.
· Quieres crecer y desarrollarte dentro de una compañía dinámica y retadora.
· Si consideras que tu trabajo, sumado al esfuerzo de las personas que forman parte de la compañía, puede y debe tener un reflejo positivo en el entorno.
Si quieres formar parte de un grupo internacional, capaz de ofrecer una amplia variedad de puestos de trabajo dentro de un sector dinámico y prometedor.


Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date