SAP SuccessFactors id

Customer Service Officer

Posting date : 20/06/2024

Requisition ID : 27345

Customer Service Officer

Customer Service Officer


Location: Brussel


Over ons (ENGIE GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) biedt oplossingen voor energielevering en diensten voor risicobeheer om klanten te ondersteunen op hun weg naar een koolstofarme economie, terwijl de activa van ENGIE worden geoptimaliseerd en wordt bijgedragen aan waardecreatie.

ENGIE is een wereldwijde referentie op het gebied van koolstofarme energie en diensten, met een toonaangevende energiebeheeractiviteit, geleid door de entiteit Global Energy Management & Sales, die haar expertise heeft opgebouwd via een uitgebreide en gediversifieerde portefeuille van activa gedurende meer dan 20 jaar. 3.300 medewerkers wereldwijd ontwikkelen onze oplossingen via +20 internationale verkoopplatformen. We dekken de hele energiemix: hernieuwbare en thermische energie, aardgas en LNG, biomassa en milieuproducten. Onze experts bieden oplossingen op maat op basis van een brede knowhow op het gebied van energiebeheer.

Onze 120.000 klanten strekken zich uit over de hele waardeketen: producenten, vermogensontwikkelaars, financiële spelers, nutsbedrijven, distributeurs en fabrikanten. Dankzij ons wereldwijde bereik en onze sterke lokale aanwezigheid kunnen we deze uiteenlopende klanten diensten op maat bieden en inspelen op snelle veranderingen in zowel volwassen markten als opkomende markten.

Onze 4 expertisegebieden :

- Vermogensbeheer

- Diensten voor energietransitie

- Levering van energie en grondstoffen

- Risicobeheer & markttoegang

Bij GEMS stimuleren we teamgeest, nieuwsgierigheid en innovatie, met behoud van een gezonde balans tussen werk en privé.

Meer info op GEM Hub of LinkedIn


Context :

Voor onze business-unit Global Energy Management and Sales in Brussel zijn wij op zoek naar een Customer Service Officer binnen onze Customer Service Afdeling (Business-to-Business).

Als Customer Service Officer speel je een cruciale rol in het leveren van een uitzonderlijke klantervaring. Je zorgt voor het afhandelen van diverse klant gerelateerde zaken indien nodig met tussenkomst van andere partijen. Je luistert actief naar de behoeften van onze klanten en biedt tijdige en passende oplossingen om hun problemen op te lossen. Daarnaast werk je nauw samen met verschillende interne afdelingen om klanttevredenheid te waarborgen en verbeteringen voor te stellen die onze servicekwaliteit verhogen.

Tijdens contacten met klanten detecteert u commerciële opportuniteiten en u speelt daar op in.

Je beantwoordt klantvragen en sensibiliseert klanten in de energietransitie (verdere digitalisering,…) om onze zero carbon-doelstellingen te bereiken.


Verantwoordelijkheden :

Je beheert jouw klantenportefeuille en bent contact persoon voor deze klanten in nauwe samenwerking met een Accountmanager, coach of collega.

Je beheert klantengegevens/ informatie in de productiesystemen en zorgt ervoor dat die up-to-date en correct is.

Je maakt offertes/ contracten op voor de klanten in lijn met onze commerciële aanpak en volgens richtlijnen van de Account Managers, met inbegrip van offertes en contracten op maat. Je volgt de getekende contracten op en de activiteiten hieraan gelinkt.

  • Je werkt samen met andere partijen/ diensten om eventuele vragen/ problemen op te lossen.
  • Je draagt bij aan het verbeteren van  de processen en systemen om de efficiëntie te verhogen.
  • Je start switches op en volgt deze op in het kader van nieuwe en bestaande contracten.
  • Je rapporteert aan de leidinggevende over de prestaties van de customer service activiteiten, over eventuele problemen of verbeteringen voorstellen.
  • vragen/ problemen op te lossen.

Jouw profiel :

  • Je bent communicatief sterk in het Nederlands. Kennis van het Frans is een plus.
  • Je hebt een bachelor diploma of gelijkwaardig door ervaring
  • Je beschikt over een basisbegrip van digitale tools en technologieën en kan snel nieuwe digitale vaardigheden aanleren.
  • Je bent dynamisch en stressbestendig
  • Je beschikt over goede administratieve en communicatieve vaardigheden
  • Je bent flexible, je kan autonoom en resultaatgericht werken
  • Je beschikt over analytische vaardigheden waarbij je streeft naar efficiëntie en nauwkeurigheid.
  • Je bent een echte teamspeler met een positieve en proactieve houding
  • Je hebt een klantgerichte ingesteldheid en schuwt geen proactieve contacten met de klant.
  • Je hebt kennis van de energiemarkt


Herken je jezelf in dit profiel? Dan ben jij het talent dat we zoeken! Stuur ons je CV en wie weet mogen we je binnenkort tot onze collega's rekenen!

Bij ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales streven we er elke dag naar om een inclusieve werkomgeving te creëren waarin onze medewerkers hun potentieel ten volle kunnen ontplooien.

Als onderdeel van ons streven naar gelijkheid en rechtvaardigheid, staan al onze functies open voor mensen met een handicap. Als u een redelijke aanpassing nodig hebt om deel te nemen aan het rekruteringsproces, informeer dan uw rekruteerder die u graag zal helpen.

Over ENGIE :

Onze groep is een wereldwijde referentie in koolstofarme energie en diensten. Ons doel is de energietransitie naar een koolstofneutrale wereld te versnellen door middel van een lager energieverbruik en milieuvriendelijkere oplossingen, waarbij economische prestaties hand in hand gaan met een positieve impact op mens en planeet. We steunen op onze kernactiviteiten (gas, hernieuwbare energie, diensten) om onze klanten concurrerende oplossingen te bieden. Met onze 170.000 medewerkers, onze klanten en onze partners vormen we een levendige gemeenschap van spelers die zich inzetten voor de exploitatie en distributie van de koolstofarme energie van morgen.



Customer Service Officer – Customer Service

Location: Bruxelles


A propos nous (ENGIE GEMS) :

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) fournit des solutions d'approvisionnement en énergie et des services de gestion des risques pour accompagner ses clients dans leur parcours de décarbonisation, tout en optimisant les actifs d'ENGIE et en contribuant à la création de valeur.

ENGIE est une référence mondiale en matière d'énergie et de services à faible émission de carbone, avec une activité de gestion de l'énergie de premier plan, pilotée par son entité " Global Energy Management & Sales " qui a construit son savoir-faire via un portefeuille d'actifs vaste et diversifié pendant + 20 ans. 3 300 employés dans le monde développent nos solutions, à travers +20 plateformes commerciales internationales. Nous couvrons l'ensemble du mix énergétique : énergie renouvelable et thermique, gaz naturel et GNL, biomasse, produits environnementaux. Nos experts fournissent des solutions sur mesure basées sur un large éventail de savoir-faire en matière de gestion de l'énergie.

Nos 120 000 clients couvrent l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur : producteurs, développeurs d'actifs, acteurs financiers, services publics, distributeurs et industriels. Notre portée mondiale et notre forte présence locale nous permettent d'offrir à ces divers clients des services sur mesure et de répondre aux changements rapides sur les marchés matures ou émergents.

Nos 4 pôles d’expertise :

  • La gestion d'actifs
  • Services de transition énergétique
  • Approvisionnement en énergie & matières premières
  • Gestion des risques & accès au marché

Chez GEMS, nous encourageons l'esprit d'équipe, la curiosité et l'innovation tout en préservant l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée.

Plus d'informations sur GEM Hub ou LinkedIn


Contexte :

Pour notre unité commerciale Global Energy Management and Sales à Bruxelles, nous recherchons un Customer Service Officer au sein de notre département Customer Service (Business-to-Business).

En tant qu'Agent du service client, vous êtes un réel ambassadeur d’Engie auprès de nos clients. Vous leur garantissez, avec l’intervention d’autres départements si nécessaire, un support irréprochable. Vous écoutez attentivement leurs besoins et leur offrez des solutions sur mesure à leurs problèmes. Lors des contacts réguliers avec nos clients, vous identifiez des opportunités commerciales et les exploitez judicieusement. Tout en répondant aux questions de nos clients, vous veillez à les sensibiliser à l’importance de la transition énergétique (poursuite de la digitalisation, etc.) pour atteindre nos objectifs zéro carbone.

Vos responsabilités:

  • Vous gérez votre portefeuille clients et êtes leur interlocuteur, tout en collaborant étroitement avec un Account Manager, un coach ou un autre collègue attitré.
  • Vous gérez les données/informations clients dans les systèmes de production et vous assurez qu'elles sont toujours à jour et correctes.
  • Vous préparez des offres/contrats pour les clients en ligne avec notre approche commerciale et selon les directives des Account Managers, y compris des devis et des contrats personnalisés. Vous effectuez le suivi des contrats signés et des activités qui y sont liées.
  • Vous travaillez en collaboration avec d'autres parties/services pour résoudre toute requête.
  • Vous contribuez à l'amélioration de nos processus dans le souci d’accroître leur efficacité.
  • Vous démarrez les switchs et les suivez dans le cadre des contrats nouveaux et existants.
  • Vous rapportez au gestionnaire la performance des activités de service à la clientèle, tout problème ou toute suggestion d'amélioration de nos services.

Votre profil :

  • Vous parlez couramment le néerlandais. Une bonne connaissance du français est un atout indéniable.
  • Vous êtes titulaire d'un baccalauréat ou pouvez justifier d’une expérience préalable équivalente.
  • Vous avez une compréhension de base des outils et technologies numériques et pouvez rapidement acquérir de nouvelles compétences numériques.
  • Vous êtes dynamique et résistant au stress.
  • Vous êtes efficace et précis dans votre travail.
  • Vous aimez le travail en équipe et adoptez une attitude tant positive que proactive face aux tâches qui vous sont confiées.
  • Vous êtes passionné par le service aux clients et les aidez de manière proactive.
  • Vous avez de bonnes compétences administratives et êtes à l’aise pour communiquer au téléphone avec nos clients.
  • Vous possédez des compétences analytiques
  • Vous avez idéalement une bonne connaissance du marché de l'énergie


Vous vous reconnaissez dans ce profil ? Si oui, vous êtes le talent que nous recherchons ! Envoyez-nous votre CV et nous aurons peut-être le plaisir de vous compter bientôt parmi nos collègues !

Chez ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales, nous veillons au quotidien à créer un environnement de travail inclusif au sein duquel nos collaborateurs peuvent exprimer leur plein potentiel.

Dans un souci d’égalité et d’équité qui nous tient à cœur, tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes handicapées. Si tu as besoin d'aménagements raisonnables pour participer au processus de recrutement, merci d’en informer ton recruteur qui se fera un plaisir de t’aider.

A propos d’ENGIE

Notre groupe est une référence mondiale en matière d'énergie et de services à faible émission de carbone. Nous avons comme objectif d’accélérer la transition énergétique vers un monde neutre en carbone, grâce à une réduction de la consommation d'énergie et à des solutions plus respectueuses de l'environnement, en conciliant performance économique et impact positif sur les personnes et la planète. Nous nous appuyons sur nos métiers clés (gaz, énergies renouvelables, services) pour offrir des solutions compétitives à nos clients. Avec nos 170 000 employés, nos clients et nos partenaires, nous formons une vibrante communauté d’acteurs engagés dans l’exploitation et la distribution des énergies décarbonées


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Customer Journey Officer

Posting date : 20/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29806

Customer Journey Officer

Customer Journey Officer

About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 areas of expertise :

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (


One of the business platforms within GEMS, BP Clients, is dedicated to serving and expanding our client portfolio by offering them valuable and sustainable energy management solutions.

The Customer Journey department handles the energy contracts (gas and power) of our clients from the moment they are signed until their completion, taking care of invoicing, reporting, payment tracking, collection and estimation of volumes and revenues for the monthly closing process.

Customer Journey works closely with the sales team of BP Clients, which specializes in Industrial Giants.


We are looking for a Customer Journey Officer who will be responsible for the post-trade and invoicing activities of our Gas and Power Full Supply Contracts for Belgium and the Netherlands. As a Customer Journey officer, you will be the main point of contact for our customers, ensuring their satisfaction and loyalty. You will also be involved in the digitalization project of our invoicing processes, which aims to improve efficiency and quality.

Your main tasks will include:

- Manage the customer relationship from contract signature to invoice payment, including contract administration, billing, dispute resolution, and customer feedback.

- Contribute to the digitalization project of our invoicing processes, by providing feedback, testing solutions, and supporting the change management.

- Collaborate with the digital team, the Sales, the Structuration, the Hedging Position Management and Finances teams to build what is needed to give the customer an excellent experience when signing a Full Supply contract with GEM

- Collaborate with finances to be on time for Closing and more generally speaking of financial events

- Give visibility on what is done by the team, for instance using KPI

- Monitor and report on the performance of our contracts, identifying risks and opportunities for improvement.

Hard skills:

- Proficiency in data analysis and reporting tools, such as Excel, PowerPoint, PowerBI

- Knowledge in Gas and Power Supply contract and energy markets

Soft skills:

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with a customer-oriented mindset and a problem-solving attitude. Agile mindset

Education and professional background:

- A bachelor's degree or equivalent in business administration, engineering, economics, finance, or related fields.

- At least 3 years of experience in customer relationship management, preferably in the energy sector.


- Proficiency in Dutch, French, English both written and spoken.


No specific travel, occasionally travels to Paris


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals. All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 

About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.

Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date

Energy Manager

Posting date : 20/06/2024

Requisition ID : 30596

Energy Manager

About Us  


ENGIE is a global energy player, focused on renewables and low-carbon decentralized energy infrastructure. The Group is pillared by 4 key businesses - Renewables, Energy Solutions, Networks, Thermal & Supply, and together with our 96,000 employees, we are committed to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions.  


We have a plan. We want to have a positive impact and meaning in our jobs to accelerate the energy transition and to meet the challenges of our century together. We defend a new model of society that reconciles economic performance, human progress and respect for the environment. We interact with a committed community that is shaking things up and inventing the future: we rely on the power of the collective and we identify and gather around us all the actors who make tomorrow’s world emerge. We take an active role in managing our careers, in a Group that allows everyone to fulfil their potential. We are constantly developing our practices. We ensure the development of our teams by embodying the ENGIE Ways of Leading. 


Energy is our future, save it.  




  • Support and provide value engineering solution in terms of costs and energy saving.
  • Network, establish and build a broad base relationship with customers.
  • Propose suitable Energy Efficient systems to customers while aligning with consultant's design as well as complying with Singapore Greenmark certification.
  • Provide operating & life cycle cost (ROI) based on different manufactures' magnetic bearing chiller best efficiency part load.
  • Provide design calculation not limited to chiller plant efficiency, chilled water and condenser water pump head, cooling load for AHU, PCC and fac efficiency.
  • Assist in tender and bid queries.
  • Provide training and impart knowledge to internal employees and external partners
  • Support B2B project from specification-in to bidding and installation.
  • Support the sales engineering team for B2B projects with design, cooling load calculation & other technical activities including field support for installation inspection, technical seminar and troubleshooting trainings.
  • Provide information lead to sales team for the securing of projects.



  • Minimum Degree in Engineering or related discipline
  • At least 8 years of working experience in the Energy industry or related fields
  • Possess a Certified Green Mark Manager (GMM) or Singapore Certified Energy Manager (SCEM) accreditation will be an advantage
  • Experience in energy saving and management for chiller systems will be an advantage
  • Strong technical knowledge and experiences in all types of HVAC systems used in commercial and industrial buildings will be an advantage
  • Experience in compressors and heating system will be an advantage
  • Possess good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Able to work and deliver results under pressure
  • Has a good safety mindset and displays good WSH behaviour.
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(Junior) Business Analist Marktprocessen

Posting date : 20/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29135

(Junior) Business Analist Marktprocessen

Bij ENGIE ontwikkelen we de duurzame energie van morgen. Daarvoor volgen we de marktwijzigingen op de voet. Als (Junior) Business Analist Marktprocessen volg jij de energiemarkt die volop in beweging is en maak jij deel van uit.



Wat ga je doen als (Junior) Business Analist Marktprocessen?

De energiemarkt is volop in beweging. ENGIE wil versneld overschakelen op duurzame energie en ontwikkelt energieproducten die duurzaam, flexibel en transparant zijn. Jouw uitdaging vind je in data over alle ontwikkelingen in de energiemarkt. Vraag en aanbod van energie moeten in balans zijn. Samen met jouw collega’s zorg je ervoor dat alles rondom de toewijzing (allocatie) en afrekening (settlement en reconciliatie) van verbruik op de best mogelijke manier geregeld is. Data vormen het begin- en eindpunt van je dag, want jij houdt je bezig met het:


  • Beheren van de gegevens van al onze klanten
  • Ontvangen van alle verbruiksgegevens.
  • Controleren op juistheid van de marktgegevens.
  • Volgen van actuele en toekomstige regelgeving voor de energiemarkt.
  • Verzorgen van financiële afwikkeling richting de netbeheerders en Sales organisaties.
  • Testen en accepteren van wijzigingen in processen en systemen.
  • Afstemmen met andere gebruikers bij wijzingen in marktprocessen of -gegevens.


In deze functie ontwikkel jij je als business analist voor alle allocatie, reconciliatie en settlement activiteiten. Samen met jouw gemotiveerde collega professionals werken jullie in het hart van de energievoorziening binnen een internationale context. Daarnaast zijn marktwijzigingen aan de orde van de dag. Jij zorgt dat je samen met je collega’s op de hoogte bent van alle ontwikkelingen en zorgt ervoor dat data tijdig, volledig en juist bij de stakeholders terecht blijft komen.


Tot slot, het werk dat je doet als (Junior) Business Analist Marktprocessen is van groot belang, omdat het de ruggengraat vormt voor de bedrijfsvoering van EMS. Het integreren van wijzigingen in systemen en processen en het zorgen voor tijdige, volledige en juiste data zijn cruciale aspecten om de energiemarkt soepel te laten verlopen.


Wie is ENGIE en waar kom je te werken?

Als energieleverancier werkt ENGIE hard aan de overgang naar een CO2-neutrale economie. We verduurzamen onze klantportefeuilles en flexibele energiecentrales. Ook werken we aan grootschalige groene waterstof, zon- en windenergie, biogas en energieopslag. En we helpen onze zakelijke en particuliere klanten aan het best passende energiecontract. Daarbij hoort het managen van de energiekosten met energie- en duurzaamheidsoplossingen.


Als Business Analist Marktprocessen werk je bij Energy Management Sales (EMS). EMS is onderdeel van ENGIE dat als schakel tussen de verschillende energieleveranciers en de markt zorgt voor de juiste verdeling en balans tussen vraag en aanbod van klanten. Jij gaat binnen EMS deel uit maken van het team Marktdata. Dit team bestaat uit jonge mensen die op een open en transparante wijze EMS en ENGIE verder willen brengen. Er wordt hard gewerkt met ook genoeg oog voor ontspanning op zijn tijd. Intern heb je veel contact met de andere collega’s binnen EMS, maar ook met de collega’s van IT, Regulatory en Marketing & Sales en Retail.


“Wij zoeken bij voorkeur een dame, bij gelijke geschiktheid, voor deze functie om zo de diversiteit van ons team te verhogen”


Wat neem jij mee als (Junior) Business Analist Marktprocessen?

Wat voor een ander complexe gegevens zijn, zie jij als verhaal omdat je de verbinding tussen alle data ziet. Met jouw analytisch vermogen weet jij de gegevens aan elkaar te koppelen en te vertalen in waardevolle en concrete vervolgstappen. Dat begint bij het tijdig verzamelen van kwalitatieve en volledige data. Je werkt nauwkeurig, accuraat en voert je werk uit met een aanstekelijk enthousiasme. Jouw interesse in wet- en regelgeving helpt hierbij. Een flinke uitdaging? Jazeker! Maar wel een hele leuke.


Daarnaast heb je:

  • Je hebt Wo-werk- en denkniveau met daarbij een afgeronde Hbo-opleiding in een analytische richting;
  • Je bent analytisch sterk ontwikkeld, je bent data gericht en je wilt je graag ontwikkelen als business analist binnen de energiewereld;
  • Een uitstekende beheersing van zowel Nederlands als Engels in woord en geschrift.



Wat bieden wij jou als (Junior) Business Analist Marktprocessen?

Een organisatie met veel aandacht voor de bedrijfscultuur en (door)groeimogelijkheden voor onze medewerkers. Daarnaast krijg je ook nog:


  • Een salaris tussen de €3.300,- en €4.700,- (met doorgroeimogelijkheden) afhankelijk van kennis en ervaring en op basis van een fulltime dienstverband (schaal A10);
  • 25 vakantiedagen, 13 ADV dagen en 3 ½ vitaliteitsdagen (o.b.v. een fulltime dienstverband);
  • 8% vakantietoeslag;
  • Eindejaarsuitkering van 4,5%;
  • Werkgeversbijdrage Benefit Budget van 1,8% van het bruto maandsalaris;
  • Een pensioenregeling bij het ABP waarvan wij 70% van de kosten op ons nemen;
  • Korting op je energiecontract met 100% groene stroom van ENGIE;
  • De mogelijkheid om hybride te werken is groot. Veel reguliere besprekingen zijn online.
  • ENGIE draagt bij met een laptop, telefoon en uitrusting voor een ergonomische ingerichte thuiswerkplek.

Ben je enthousiast? Solliciteer dan meteen door op de button hieronder te klikken.


Heb je vragen?

Voor vragen over de procedure kun je contact opnemen met Jos Boomsma, Senior Corporate Recruiter, via 06-12696240 of via Mocht je vragen hebben over de functie, het team of andere inhoudelijke vragen dan mag je contact opnemen met Werner de Rijke, Senior Business Analist Marktprocessen via 06-29127331. Een appje sturen mag ook.


* Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat mannen al reageren op een functie wanneer zij voor 60% voldoen aan de wensen van de toekomstig werkgever. Terwijl vrouwen pas reageren wanneer zij zelf vinden een 100% match te zijn. Zonde! Mocht je nu niet aan alle wensen voldoen en wel interesse hebben, laat het ons weten. We komen graag met je in contact!

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Trainee - Monitorizare Business

Posting date : 19/06/2024

Requisition ID : 27120

Trainee - Monitorizare Business


Creează un nou început în carieră cu ENGIE Traineeship Program!


Dacă vorbești limba engleză, ai o pasiune pentru analiză, excel, cifre ai absolvit sau urmezi cursurile de master al unei facultăți specializate în domeniul economic și îți dorești să pui în practică ce ai învățat, vino alături de noi. Pe parcursul unui an, îți vei desfășura activitatea, prin rotație, în 2 dintre departamentele nostre cu specific economic și vei avea ocazia să aplici practic cunoștințele din facultate și să îți exersezi zilnic limba engleză.


Cum ar trebui să fii?

  • O persoană analitică, pasionată de cifre și organizată.
  • Îți place să înveți constant lucruri noi și lucreazi bine în echipă.
  • Deschis/ă la oportunitatea de a învăța și a-și dezvolta abilități noi, în fiecare zi.
  • Îți place să faci magie in Excel.
  • Îți place să te implici - fie prin voluntariat, programe de practică, schimburi de experiență etc.
  • Comunici ușor, chiar și în limba engleză.


Te recunoști în cele de mai sus? Atunci hai în echipa de profesioniști ENGIE Romania!

Vei face parte dintr-un program de traineeship care va ajuta la creșterea și dezvoltarea ta profesională!


Ce vei găsi la noi?

  • Oportunitatea dezvoltării profesionale în domeniul studiat;
  • Contract de muncă pe o perioadă de 12 luni, cu posibilitatea prelungirii ulterioare pe perioadă nedeterminată;
  • Cursuri și dezvoltare profesională continuă;
  • Flexibilitate și înțelegere astfel ca tu să poți ajunge la examene și cursuri.


Dacă cele de mai sus îți fac cu ochiul, înscrie-te în ENGIE Traineeship Program.


Tu esti energia viitorului!



Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.

În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:


Descrierea companiei

Grupul ENGIE este o referință globală în domeniul energiei și al serviciilor cu emisii reduse de carbon. Alături de cei 4.250 de angajați din România, de clienți, parteneri și părți interesate, ne angajăm să accelerăm tranziția către o economie cu impact neutru în ceea ce privește emisiile de carbon, printr-un consum redus de energie și soluții prietenoase cu mediul. Inspirați de ambiția noastră, îmbinăm performanța economică cu producerea unui impact pozitiv asupra oamenilor și planetei, bazându-ne pe activitățile noastre cheie – gaze naturale, energie electrică, servicii tehnice – pentru a oferi soluții competitive clienților noștri

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Energy Account Manager

Posting date : 18/06/2024

Requisition ID : 21024

Energy Account Manager

Exciting Opportunity: Energy Account Manager (Leeds - Hybrid) 


About Engie


ENGIE is a global leader in low-carbon energy supply and services. We have been active in the UK energy market for over 20 years, and our investments in energy infrastructure are focused on energy storage and renewable energy (solar, wind, biogas), whilst supplying energy to organisations of all sizes.


We are reshaping the energy future by reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet, and we are looking for people who are committed to help turn our vision into reality.


About the role

ENGIE are recruiting for an Account Manager. This role is a Hybrid role with the requirement to visit the Leeds office and other customer locations.
This is a Permanent role, working full time Monday to Friday. On offer is a competitive salary, bonus and benefits package.


Key Responsibilities

  • To assist in identifying and developing new opportunities and to ensure a high level of service to customers in order to deliver personal and team based targets.
  • To contribute towards the delivery of the team and sales department’s targets.
  • To be the face of ENGIE for customers, prospects and Key TPIs.
  • To act as a Lead Key Account Manager where required (e.g. to cover annual leave or sickness).
  • To attend external customer meetings where appropriate.
  • To attend internal meetings and support the wider operation teams in delivering service to customers.
  • Work to build and deliver structured relationships with key TPIs and prospects to deliver the required sales targets.
  • Manage a portfolio of customers, ensuring completeness and accuracy of data required to perform the contract, ensure a market leading service and experience for customers & key TPIs and maximising value at all times.


Key Requirements

  • Proven ability to manage customer relationships within the UK industrial and commercial energy supply sector
  • Developed experience of sales process and techniques and optimisation specific to energy supply.
  • Previous industry experience (minimum of 3 years’ experience managing an I&C portfolio)
  • Knowledge of the UK Energy Market with special reference to flexible supply contracts.
  • Knowledge of complex products (traded market) and product development.
  • Knowledge of the management of multi-site customers
  • Knowledge of services, compliance and Energy Efficiency measures.
  • Strong numerical, analytical and IT skills. / Microsoft Office proficient.
  • Commercial awareness, including the ability to negotiate.
  • Knowledge of sales techniques and optimisation.


What benefits we offer?

Flexible Working
We understand the importance of work-life balance and recognise that everyone is striving to find the perfect one between work and home life. That's why we offer a hybrid working model that combines the convenience of remote work with the benefits of collaborating in a professional office environment. You'll have the flexibility to work from home part of the time, allowing you to optimise your productivity while enjoying a comfortable work setup.


Bonus Programme
We reward your hard work and dedication with a competitive bonus programme that recognises and values your contributions. Your efforts are appreciated and directly reflected in your financial rewards.


Life Assurance
We prioritise your peace of mind by offering life assurance coverage. You can feel confident knowing that your loved ones will be protected in the event of the unexpected.


Income Protection
Your financial security matters to us. Our income protection benefits ensure that you have a safety net in place, providing a valuable source of income if you're unable to work due to illness or injury.


Employer Pension Contribution
We invest in your future by contributing to your pension plan. You can enjoy the confidence and peace of mind that comes with knowing that you're building a solid foundation for your retirement.


Healthcare Cash Plan
Your well-being matters to us, which is why we provide a healthcare cash plan. You'll have access to a range of healthcare benefits, including reimbursement for medical expenses, dental and optical care, and more. Take care of yourself and your family's health without financial worries.


We offer a range of flexible benefits to employees alongside hundreds of retail and lifestyle discounts through myENGIE.


Diverse Employer
ENGIE’s purpose is to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions, and we know that the most successful businesses are the most sustainable ones. Diversity, equity and inclusion is key to sustainability and success and our goal is to attract, engage and retain the best talent, bringing the best thinking to our business from inside and outside of our industry. Our ambition is to make sure everyone at ENGIE feels valued, respected and included. We know that diverse teams have more creativity, imagination, innovation and problem solving capabilities, so we are committed to tackling inequalities and creating a diverse and inclusive business.


Equal Opportunity
We're an equal opportunity employer, which means we'll consider all suitably qualified applicants regardless of gender identity or expression, ethnic origin, nationality, religion or beliefs, age, sexual orientation, disability status or any other protected characteristic. We recruit and develop our people based on merit and we're committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. During the application process you will be asked to complete an equality questionnaire on a voluntary basis and any data we collect will be treated confidentially and used for evaluation purposes only. This helps us understand our audience so we can make sure we are doing everything we can to attract a diverse range of people and ensure our recruitment processes are fair and inclusive.

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Posting date : 18/06/2024

Requisition ID : 30455


 ENGIE Zielona Energia Sp. z o.o.

Is looking for a candidate for the position of:

Indirect Sales Coordinator

Location: Poland



ENGIE is a global energy company and a leading provider of electricity, natural gas, and energy services. Employing 96,000 people in 26 countries worldwide, ENGIE achieved revenues of 93.9 billion euros and EBIT of 9 billion euros in 2022. ENGIE strives to be a leader in energy transformation. We seek talented and motivated individuals to help shape the future of energy. Join a rewarding and flexible work environment that encourages innovation and creativity, and help us meet the energy challenges of today and tomorrow.

ENGIE Zielona Energia is one of ENGIE's companies located in Katowice. We sell energy to business customers in the country and offer PPA solutions (long-term agreements for 100% renewable energy).



Main responsibilities:


  • Identifying new sales channels for electricity, green electricity, green natural gas, and PPA products
  • Overseeing the sales process of products through indirect channels (managing the technical process and sales support)
  • Initiating contacts and negotiating, as well as maintaining direct business relationships with partners
  • Managing the product offering directed to clients, including creating price lists, securing positions, and verifying IRiESD
  • Implementing and monitoring the sales plan
  • Settling and verifying partners
  • Monitoring and reporting on the work of partners and sales representatives
  • Creating and updating sales materials (economic, technical, and regulatory aspects)
  • Providing product and ethical training
  • Monitoring and analyzing the market and managing key sales performance indicators
  • Coordinating work with the ENGIE Group


Candidate profile:

  • Higher education, preferably in technical or economic fields
  • Minimum of 5 years of professional experience, at least 3 years in coordinating indirect sales in the energy sector
  • Proficiency in English at the B2 level
  • Developed skills and knowledge of sales and negotiation techniques
  • Communicative and able to establish contacts easily
  • Knowledge of the electricity market mechanisms in Poland
  • Ability to operate efficiently and independently
  • Persistence in achieving set goals
  • Mobility



We offer:

  • Attractive bonus system
  • vacation subsidies, holiday subsidies
  • Life insurance
  • Multisport card for 1 PLN
  • Medical care for 1 PLN
  • English language classes
  • Financing for specialized courses, training, studies
  • Flexible working hours and hybrid work mode
  • Office in the city center of Katowice (Altus) and a parking card
  • Great coffee and fruits
  • Friendly and eco-friendly work environment



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Technical Support Specialist

Posting date : 18/06/2024

Requisition ID : 30448

Technical Support Specialist

Job Title: Technical Support Specialist 

Department: Customer Finance 

Reporting: Head of Customer Finance  & IT  

Location: Kampala 

Job grade: 15 


About ENGIE Energy Access 

ENGIE Energy Access is one of the leading Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) and mini-grids solutions provider in Africa, with a mission to deliver affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions and life-changing services with exceptional customer experience. The company is a result of the integration of Fenix International, ENGIE Mobisol and ENGIE Power Corner; and develops innovative, offgrid solar solutions for homes, public services and businesses, enabling customers and distribution partners access to clean, affordable energy. The PAYGo solar home systems are financed through affordable installments from $0.19 per day and the Mini grids foster economic development by enabling electrical productive use and triggering business opportunities for entrepreneurs in rural communities. With over 1,700 employees, operations in nine countries across Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia), almost 1.5 million customers and over 7 million lives impacted so far, ENGIE Energy Access aims to remain the leading clean energy company, serving millions of customers across Africa by 2025. 


Job Purpose/Mission 

The Technical Support Specialist role will ensure the provision of superior customer service throughout the business, through the maintenance, enhancement and efficient operation of IT functions. Additionally, the role will include responsibility for ensuring the security and integrity of IT operations and systems. 

The Technical Support Specialist will work closely with the Global Digital & IT team where escalations are required, including issues of a security nature or where additional expert advice and assistance is required. 




  •  Provide first point of IT Support contact for Uganda staff, covering all computer workstation hardware, software and associated peripherals. 

  • Deploy computers and associated peripherals including new installations and redeployment of existing equipment to defined standards. 

  • Troubleshoot technical issues to resolution and/or escalate to colleagues, suppliers or partner organizations as required. 

  • Log all incidents and service requests in EEA’s designated service desk system, where necessary log issues on behalf of EEA staff. Manage service desk tickets, planning and prioritizing systematically to minimize backlog and ensure operational efficiency. 

  • Be a part of the distributed IT Specialists team across all EEA markets and provide this service for the other countries should the need arise. 

  • Review vendor contracts and coordinate IT-related purchased (hardware, software and services) to ensure effective deployment or solutions aligned with both user needs and EEA standards. 

  • Direct and coordinate the local implementation of EEA Uganda IT operations, projects and programs, ensuring alignment of IT services with the business needs of the area(s) and adherence to established project management principles and best practices. 

  • As a key member of the distributed EEA IT team, lead security initiatives, education and resolution programs to enhance and maintain EEA’s security profile within the overall ENGIE group. 


  • Security: Ensure system and data security is maintained at a high standard, ensuring the integrity of the EEA network is not compromised. 

  • Monitoring: Work with colleagues to monitor performance of EEA systems, ensuring that issues are appropriately escalated and resolved. 


  • Customer Service: As the internal customer-facing IT representative, work with all users to ensure that they have the tools to do their work effectively and are knowledgeable in the use of those tools. 

  • Communication: Effectively communicate with Uganda staff at all levels to keep them abreast of news and events related to IT services and how they may be impacted. 


 Knowledge and skills  


  • At least 4-6 years relevant IT/industry work experience. 

  • Relevant Microsoft or equivalent certification 

  • Excellent technical knowledge of PC/Mac hardware 

  • Software and hardware troubleshooting 

  • Network infrastructure experience, including routers, switches and firewalls 

  • Active Directory administration 

  • Outstanding written and verbal communication skills (English) 

  • Excitement about EEA’s mission and a deep desire to make an impact on off-grid and financially underserved customers in sub-Saharan Africa. 

  • Ability and drive to work independently 

  • Thrives on teamwork 

  • Endless curiosity 

  • Leadership and project management experience: we are looking for entrepreneurial candidates who have started or contributed significantly to a particular project, team, or new company and we especially value candidates who have seen projects through from start to finish, from design to scale up phase. 



  • Degree or Masters in a relevant field from a recognized institution  



  • English 

  • Any other local language 



  • Detailed understanding of Cloud Security, specifically in Azure and SaaS collaboration products (M365, G-Suite a plus). 

  • Detailed understanding of Identity and Access Management, modern authentication / SSA and authorization. 


We thank all applicants for their interest, however due to the large volume of applications we receive, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 


ENGIE is an equal opportunity employer, promoting diversity and committed to creating an inclusive environment for all. All applications are screened based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without any regard to origin, age, name, sexual identity, orientation or preference, religion, marital status, health, disability, political opinions, union involvement or citizenship. Our differences are our strengths! 

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Regional Commercial Manager

Posting date : 18/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29496

Regional Commercial Manager

Job Title: Regional Commercial Manager 

Department: Commercial    

Reporting: Commercial Performance Manager      

Location: Region assigned 

Job grade: 15 


About ENGIE Energy Access 

ENGIE Energy Access is one of the leading Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) and mini-grids solutions provider in Africa, with a mission to deliver affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions and life-changing services with exceptional customer experience. The company is a result of the integration of Fenix International, ENGIE Mobisol and ENGIE Power Corner; and develops innovative, offgrid solar solutions for homes, public services and businesses, enabling customers and distribution partners access to clean, affordable energy. The PAYGo solar home systems are financed through affordable installments from $0.19 per day and the Mini grids foster economic development by enabling electrical productive use and triggering business opportunities for entrepreneurs in rural communities. With over 1,700 employees, operations in nine countries across Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia), almost 1.5 million customers and over 7 million lives impacted so far, ENGIE Energy Access aims to remain the leading clean energy company, serving millions of customers across Africa by 2025. 


Job Purpose/Mission 

The Regional Commercial Manager will be responsible for driving revenue growth in the entire region as per the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. He will be responsible for growing and managing a healthy customer portfolio in their region, enforcing good customer relationship management and hitting loan recovery targets.  

This crucial position has many important operational responsibilities, including: motivating and monitoring the performance of your Sales Team and Field Training Team; directly managing and coaching team leaders and Field Training Managers; investigating any issues affecting the repayment rates in your region e.g. fraud; managing stakeholder relationships within your region; and bridging the information gap between the field and HQ, with the overall aim to deliver commercial excellence and overall business growth. 

The role will report to the Uganda Commercial Performance Manager, and they will work closely with our field development, marketing and customer finance teams.  The Regional Commercial Manager Manager will also share best practices with teams in other regions as we work to improve commercial operations across Uganda. 



  1. Business Optimization: 

  • Manage overall business performance of allocated region, define and implement strategies to grow business and recover declining performance. 

  • Credit Risk Management: Ensure your region maintains a healthy portfolio, with most customers trending towards completion – and quickly investigate on the ground and react with a change in strategy when customer repayment falls below acceptable levels.  

  • Coordinate the implementation of the marketing initiatives while ensuring we get maximum return on investment for all the costs we incur in areas of marketing.  

  • Propose new polices to iterate business strategy, as per the context of different regions   


  1. New Point of Sale expansion and Brand footprint: 

  • Lead in the regional expansion by ensuring the retail network in your region grows with the help of an Area Retail Coordinator hired under each Team leader. 

  • Keep an eye on competition within your region and ensure you take adequate measures to protect and grow our business from competitive pressures.  

  • Pro-actively inform your leadership team and take measures to ensure My Sol remains a paramount brand name in solar products for your area.  

  • Design working strategies for getting >80% of Point of Sales delivering >150 sales per month. 

  • Prospects and Map potential sales locations, neighborhoods and towns to boost footprint and baseline structures. 


  1. Recruit, Train, and Mentor regional teams:  

  • Recruit and Train Sales field team (Team leaders and My sol champions) (in existing and new areas) about Sales strategy and processes, ensuring High quality cohorts . 

  • Use multiple avenues for finding the right talent to sell our products with the help of village influencers such as the village heads, teachers, religious heads, doctors, farmers and others, as applicable.  

  • Provide complete clarity to the regional team related to their day-to-day tasks, sales & collections plans, routes and targets. 

  • Manage performance and Coach low performing sales field team (including Agents) 


 Knowledge and skills  

  • >5 years sales experience within a progressive sale and/or financial services environment or rural environment, with at least 3 years in management role, leading large teams   

  • Experience in Data-Driven Decision-making process  

  • Strong communication skills  

  • Experience working in rural areas  

  • Experience managing a commission-based sales team  

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel & Google Apps  


We believe that great managers:  

  • Deliver ambitious results: As a high-performing and accountable leader, you create an enabling environment for effective action and bold decision which contribute to successful delivery of results.  

  • Act with integrity: As an ethical leader you are honest, respectful, objective, and transparent. You create and build upon a foundation of trust and openness.  

  • Inspire and mentor the team: As an inspirational leader you walk the talk. You empower and coach your team with trust and humility.  

  • Are accessible: as an accessible leader, you develop and maintain deep connections with stakeholders through approachability and active listening.  

  • Ensure diversity and inclusion: as an inclusive leader, you ensure diversity and foster a sense of belonging. 



  • Bachelor's degree in business administration, Economics or related area 



  • English 

  • Any other local language 



  • Excellent proficiency in use of computer applications, Microsoft Office products. 

  • High Proficiency in Excel, Tableau and other data analysis tools. 


We thank all applicants for their interest, however due to the large volume of applications we receive, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 


ENGIE is an equal opportunity employer, promoting diversity and committed to creating an inclusive environment for all. All applications are screened based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without any regard to origin, age, name, sexual identity, orientation or preference, religion, marital status, health, disability, political opinions, union involvement or citizenship. Our differences are our strengths! 

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Power Marketing Advisor, Commercial Structuring - Renewables

Posting date : 17/06/2024

Requisition ID : 30255

Power Marketing Advisor, Commercial Structuring - Renewables

What You Can Expect

As the Power Marketing Advisor, Commercial Structuring – Renewables the primary function of this role is to support ENGIE’s project marketing efforts to secure long term offtake for the company’s wind, solar, and energy storage development portfolio. The work entails analyzing new business opportunities in the United States and Canada, maintaining accurate and updated records of market analyses performed by the group, researching market trends, and providing insights on competitor activity, developing communication materials which highlight ENGIE’s capabilities and key attributes of potential product offerings, and cultivating new and existing customer relationships.


Every day in this role the Power Marketing Advisor will have significant analytical responsibilities working for the Structured Origination team in developing and maintaining a strong collaborative culture within the group and ENGIE, which shall include liaising with ENGIE’s risk management and energy trading groups.


  • Analyze wholesale electricity markets and evaluate new potential hedging opportunities, balancing a quantitative approach to evaluating risk with effective communication skills to explain complex hedging concepts concisely to stakeholders from various disciplines (finance, project development, operations, engineering, strategic management, etc.)
  • Help identify national industry trends impacting the future of renewable development opportunities and their competitiveness as they relate to customers
  • Collaborate and coordinate with ENGIE’s project support teams from development, construction, operations and maintenance, procurement, finance, accounting, energy trading and transmission analysis teams
  • Provides structuring insights and risk mitigation analysis of new opportunities, including term sheet review and drafting, prospective project analysis, existing agreements, and incentive assessment
  • Coordinates the preparation of ENGIE internal approval processes



What You’ll Bring

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Accounting, Mathematics, Engineering, or related field of study in which you have learned contracts management, negotiations, risk management, forecasting, financial modeling, power settlements, trading, and quantitative analysis
  • Minimum seven (7) years' energy experience, with a strong analytical focus
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint skills
  • Commercial acumen in addition to deep analytic and/or technical capabilities
  • Ability to operate with high energy and flexibility in a fast-paced, dynamic working environment
  • Strong technical writing capabilities, attention to detail and presentation skills
  • Consistent and reliable attendance with the ability to manage time efficiently and a self-starter
  • Capability to collaborate across departments within the company and with external customers



Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work policy
  • Must be available to travel domestically up to 15% of the time
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies




Salary Range: $96,100 – $147,660 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match. But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it! Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community. ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


This role is eligible for sponsorship.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 


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