SAP SuccessFactors id

Product Owner for Internal Digitalization (F/M/X)

Posting date : 04/04/2024

Requisition ID : 21464

Product Owner for Internal Digitalization (F/M/X)

Linkebeek, Belgium – People & Digital


Are you excited about embarking on a journey with us towards a carbon-neutral world?


We are seeking a collaborative person who is passionate about making a positive impact on ENGIE Laborelec's success and overall performance. If you have a deep interest in the energy transition, power generation and technology, we urge you to explore this opportunity.


Bring your expertise, grow with us and build your career in a safe and diverse environment.



Who are we?


ENGIE Laborelec is a research and expertise center focused on electrical power technology, with a team of over 370 employees from different backgrounds. We are part of the ENGIE Group, and more particular the newly created entity ENGIE Research & Innovation. We support the entire electricity value chain, providing customized solutions to a diverse range of customers from various fields and industries. We are dedicated to achieving a net zero carbon future and finding sustainable solutions.



About the team


Our Digital department has a double mission.


  • Internally: As a team, we empower Laborelec colleagues across diverse departments by optimizing workflows and fostering a digital-driven approach. We believe in inclusivity, collaboration and diversity, ensuring all voices are heard in our journey towards efficiency and innovation.


  • Externally: We spearhead the development of cutting-edge solutions for our clients, within the ENGIE Group and external clients, accelerating the energy sector's transition towards a sustainable future.


What you’ll be doing

Your responsibilities as a Product Owner for Internal Digitalization

As a Product Owner for Internal Digitalization, you will play a pivotal role in setting up internal business processes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. You’ll collaborate with stakeholders by analyzing, implementing and maintaining several management applications, services and infrastructure solutions.


Specifically this means:


  • Partnering with stakeholders from various departments to define clear goals and prioritize initiatives.
  • Project management & business investigation to drive effective implementation of digital solutions.
  • Ensuring compliance with IT security policies, internal auditing, and ISO9001 compliance, promoting a safe and secure digital environment.
  • Collaboration with colleagues and internal & external suppliers to streamline processes and drive innovation.
  • Contributing to the exploration of technologies and solutions available on the market, conducting make-or-buy analysis, and stay abreast of industry trends.


Examples of management applications:


These include customer relationship management, purchasing, timesheets, team capacities & projects, and document management. While familiarity with specific technologies is beneficial, we prioritize a strong understanding of core concepts and a willingness to adapt and learn.


You may be our future colleague if you identify with the following …

  • Are skilled in planning, organizing, facilitating, and communicating; fostering an inclusive and collaborative work environment.
  • Are rigorous in analysis and problem-solving, with a commitment to finding innovative solutions.
  • Bring a minimum of 6 years of experience as a Product Owner, Business Analyst, or Project Manager, ensuring a wealth of expertise in digital transformation.
  • Hold a Master's degree in Engineering, Economics, Computer Science, or related fields, with hands-on knowledge of computer science and software development.
  • Are fluent in at least two of the three following languages: English, French, and Dutch, and are willing to learn and become fluent in all three languages, promoting effective communication across diverse teams.


Here's a taste of what Laborelec offers you


  • Flexible Working Environment: A green campus and hybrid workspace (3 days home working/week) offering flexibility for a good work/life balance 
  • Employee Resource Groups: An exciting position in a leading research and expertise center, with the possibility for further career development within ENGIE. 
  • An inspiring work environment: Shared with ambitious colleagues from different backgrounds.
  • Learning & Development: Growth is a big reason people choose to join our team. We provide opportunities through lunch-and-learns, training, coaching, mentorship programs, and workshops.
  • Benefits: 34 leave days, 5 days free care for sick children , linen ironing service...
  • Wellness: You will have access to our fun room and fitness space for your enjoyment and well-being.



Where we work

Our headquarters is based in Belgium (Linkebeek, near to Brussels), and we have several branches in Europe (France, Germany & the Netherlands), LATAM (Chile) and MESCAT (KSA & UAE).


Our values : The 4B’s

  • Be You, at Laborelec, we encourage you to be yourself and allow your skills and knowledge to shine through.
  • Be Safe, keeping our employees safe is our top priority.
  • Become, as a Laborelec employee, you can build your career.
  • Belong, join our dynamic community at Laborelec and become an integral part of our team. ​​​​


Our commitment

At ENGIE Laborelec, we are committed to building a team that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve, including people of all races, genders, ages, religions, disabilities and sexual orientations.


We'd love to hear from you if this opportunity sparks your interest.

Your HR contact: Damien Colmant -

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Head of Social Relations France

Posting date : 28/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23556

Head of Social Relations France





Head of Social Relations France / Responsable Relations Sociales France



À propos de GEMS


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) fournit des solutions d'approvisionnement en énergie et des services de gestion des risques pour accompagner ses clients dans leur parcours de décarbonisation, tout en optimisant les actifs d'ENGIE et en contribuant à la création de valeur. ENGIE est une référence mondiale en matière d'énergie et de services à faible émission de carbone, avec une activité de gestion de l'énergie de premier plan, pilotée par son entité " Global Energy Management & Sales " qui a construit son savoir-faire via un portefeuille d'actifs vaste et diversifié pendant + 20 ans.  3 300 employés dans le monde développent nos solutions, à travers +20 plateformes commerciales internationales. Nous couvrons l'ensemble du mix énergétique : énergie renouvelable et thermique, gaz naturel et GNL, biomasse, produits environnementaux. Nos experts fournissent des solutions sur mesure basées sur un large éventail de savoir-faire en matière de gestion de l'énergie. 


Nos 120 000 clients couvrent l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur : producteurs, développeurs d'actifs, acteurs financiers, services publics, distributeurs et industriels. Notre portée mondiale et notre forte présence locale nous permettent d'offrir à ces divers clients des services sur mesure et de répondre aux changements rapides sur les marchés matures ou émergents.  


Nos 4 pôles d'expertise : 

- La gestion d'actifs 

- Services de transition énergétique 

- Approvisionnement en énergie & matières premières 

- Gestion des risques & accès au marché 


Chez GEMS, nous encourageons l'esprit d'équipe, la curiosité et l'innovation tout en préservant l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée. 


Plus d'informations sur GEM Hub ou LinkedIn  


En tant que Responsable des relations sociales France


Votre ligne de reporting :


Sous l'autorité du Head of Human Resources / Leader du Centre d'expertise Ressources Humaines (EC HR) de GEMS, le/la Responsable Relations Sociales France couvre les sociétés composant GEMS en France sur le plan social et juridique en proposant des actions d’accompagnement tout en veillant à la conformité aux lois et réglementations du travail en vigueur. 


Vos principales activités, challenges & responsabilités :


Conseil et veille juridique et réglementaire :


  • Est le principal point de contact pour toutes les questions relatives aux relations sociales pour les établissements de GEMS situés en France et travaille en étroite collaboration avec les domaines d’expertise au sein et en dehors de la Direction Ressources Humaines, et est amené(e) à se coordonner, selon les besoins de l’activité, avec les autres équipes Relations Sociales de GEMS et/ou d’autres équipes RH locales issues des différentes géographies de GEMS, 
  • Prend en charge l’organisation du volet social et juridique de projets (nature des actions à déployer, calendrier…), en adéquation avec les obligations légales et les enjeux organisationnels et business posés, 
  • Surveille et analyse les évolutions législatives et réglementaires en matière de droit du travail et de relations sociales en recommandant les adaptations nécessaires aux politiques et pratiques applicables au sein de GEMS,  
  • Pilote la mise en œuvre des obligations juridiques et sociales et des dispositifs de gestion sociale propres aux projets, en interface avec le management, et en anticipation permanente des potentiels risques dans la conduite du processus social, 
  • Anime l’expertise juridique et réglementaire,  
  • Conseille et accompagne les HR Business Partners dans les dossiers individuels et collectifs, 
  • Assure le suivi des contentieux prud’homaux et des procédures disciplinaires. 


Organisation, animation et coordination des relations sociales :


  • Propose le calendrier social annuel (planification des Instances de Représentation du Personnel, négociations sociales, projets d’entités, …), 
  • Programme et pilote la tenue des Instances de Représentation du Personnel (Comité Social et Économique, CSCCT…), en lien avec les différentes parties prenantes (managers, représentants de la direction, représentants du personnel, organisations syndicales, DRH, filière Santé et Sécurité…), 
  • Conduit les négociations sociales (accords d’entreprise,) en garantissant l’équilibre entre les besoins de l’entreprise et de ses salariés, et participe au suivi de la mise en œuvre des accords conclus, 
  • Contribue à la veille sociale de la BE/BU (climat social, …), assure le reporting Groupe sur les actualités sociales et contribue aux différents comités internes et externes de la fonction, 
  • Participe activement au déploiement des actions relatives à la Diversité, Équité et Inclusion et assure notamment le rôle de référent(e) Handicap, 
  • Met en place des actions de sensibilisation destinées aux employés, aux Managers et aux Leaders sur différents thèmes sociaux. 


Ce descriptif des principales activités est indicatif et peut être sujet à des ajustements en fonction des besoins spécifiques et de l’actualité de GEMS. 


Autorité & Autonomie :


Le/la Responsable Relations Sociales France exerce un niveau élevé d'autonomie tout en maintenant un alignement solide avec son manager, la Head of HR, les équipes composant l’EC HR et le comité exécutif de GEMS. Le poste offre une grande visibilité, un contrôle opérationnel et une supervision de projet. 


Interfaces internes :


Communauté RH (Engie Group, autres BE/BUs), équipes GEMS (Audit, Finance, Compliance & Legal, Services Partagés ...) 


Interfaces externes :


Cabinets Conseil (Avocats), Expertise sociale… 




Formation / Expériences professionnelles / Parcours :


De formation supérieure de type Master en Droit Social, Gestion des Ressources Humaines..., vous disposez d’excellentes connaissances de la législation du travail, idéalement du Statut National des Industries Électriques et Gazières et de la Convention Collective de la Banque, d’une solide expérience (7-8 ans minimum) en relations sociales et dans la résolution de conflits en France. 


Compétences techniques / opérationnelles / Business :


  • Vous avez démontré votre capacité à évoluer dans un environnement complexe et changeant. 
  • Vous mettez votre expertise à disposition de vos clients internes, vous portez un regard novateur sur votre activité et vous vous montrez force de proposition pour faire émerger de nouvelles réflexions, proposer de nouvelles orientations ou de nouveaux dispositifs adaptés au contexte et enjeux de l’entité. 


Compétences comportementales et managériales :


  • Vous êtes autonome et faites preuve de rigueur, d’esprit d’analyse et de synthèse, de réactivité, de flexibilité et d’anticipation dans un environnement de travail dynamique et exigeant. 
  • Vous avez un sens aigu de la confidentialité et de l’éthique professionnelle en traitant des informations sensibles de façon appropriée. 
  • Vous disposez de solides compétences en communication orale et écrite avec la capacité de convaincre et de négocier efficacement. 


Langues et informatique : 


  • Compte tenu du contexte international de GEMS, un bon niveau de maitrise écrit et oral de l’anglais est nécessaire. 
  • Maitrise de MS Office avec une très bonne connaissance d’Excel et de PowerPoint. 


Localisation :




Déplacements professionnels :


Occasionnellement entre Paris et Bruxelles 


A propos d’ENGIE :


Notre groupe est une référence mondiale en matière d’énergie et de services bas carbone. Notre raison d’être est d’agir pour accélérer la transition vers un monde neutre en carbone, par la réduction de la consommation d’énergie et des solutions plus respectueuses de l’environnement, conciliant performance économique et impact positif sur les personnes et la planète.

Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap, veuillez faire savoir à votre recruteur si vous avez besoin d’aménagements raisonnables pour pouvoir participer au processus de recrutement, il se fera un plaisir de vous aider.

Nous nous appuyons sur nos métiers clés (gaz, électricité, énergies renouvelables, services) pour proposer des solutions compétitives à nos clients. Avec nos 96 000 collaborateurs, nos clients, nos partenaires et nos parties prenantes, nous sommes une communauté d’Imaginative Builders, engagés chaque jour pour un progrès plus harmonieux.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales s’engage à créer un environnement non genré qui libère le potentiel de chacun et offre des opportunités d’emploi égales à tous. 

Si tu réponds à ces exigences, tu es le talent que nous recherchons. Ne perds pas de temps ! 

A toi de postuler en joignant ton CV actualisé, quel que soit ton sexe. 

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales s'engage à créer un environnement non sexiste qui libère le potentiel de chacun et offre des opportunités d'emploi égales à tous les individus. 

Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes handicapées. Si tu as besoin d'aménagements raisonnables pour participer au processus de recrutement, Merci d’en informer ton recruteur, qui se fera un plaisir de t’aider.. 

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Expert Metallic Materials (F/M/X)

Posting date : 06/06/2024

Requisition ID : 25201

Expert Metallic Materials (F/M/X)

Linkebeek, Belgium – NUC Metallic Materials



Are you excited about embarking on our journey towards a carbon-neutral world?


We are seeking a collaborative individual who is passionate about making a positive impact on ENGIE Laborelec's success and overall performance. If you have a deep interest in energy transition, power generation, and technology, we urge you to explore this opportunity.


Bring your expertise, grow with us and build your career in safe and diverse environment.




Who are we?


ENGIE Laborelec is a research and expertise center focused on electrical power technology, with a team of over 370 employees from different background. We are part of the ENGIE Group, and more particular the newly created entity called ENGIE Research & Innovation. We support the entire electricity value chain, providing customized solutions to a diverse range of customers from various fields and industries. We are dedicated to achieving a net zero carbon future and finding sustainable solutions.



About the team


Laborelec's Metallic Materials Team is specialized in solving metal-related issues encountered by nuclear, thermal and renewable power plants, and in development of metal expertise for new energy solutions. Our primary task is to boost power plant reliability by analyzing and preventing damage, determining the life span of critical components and analyzing failure cases in the field. This work is complemented with long-term research and innovation projects for evolving (renewable) energy businesses and technologies.




What you’ll be doing


Your responsibilities as Expert Metallic Materials


  • You will be involved on welding problems, metal degradation and ageing issues, offering the opportunity to build up practical experience in the field and to enhance technical knowledge in one or more areas;
  • You act as technical consultant and project engineer for (complex) metal related problems and incidents. This encompasses examining customer queries, collecting the required technical information, elaborating inspection programs for on-site and lab testing, coordinating on-site interventions and lab analyses, interpreting and presenting results;
  • You work on failure and root cause analyses, and you will make recommendations to the customers in order to increase process quality, plant reliability and lifetime;
  • You will grow in your field of expertise and beyond by continuous on-the-job learning and by training opportunities;
  • You will collaborate across Laborelec's various departments and areas of expertise, and will be in direct contact with our various customers, both nationally and internationally.;

You work for nuclear power plants, in addition to conventional and renewable energy plants, and you will solve material issues for industrial installations around the world

You will work alongside a supportive team, and will have access to professional development opportunities to help you grow in your career.



If you identify with any of the following, we encourage you to apply! Do you?


  • Have a master or PhD in material, mechanical or chemical engineering and a relevant experience in material analysis; expertise in failure analysis and root cause analysis and (parctical) welding technologies is an asset;
  • Have passion about technology and are you eager to learn;
  • Demonstrate strong analytical skills;
  • Have hands-on and pragamtic approcah;
  • Share your knowledge, are you a team player and do you look for solutions with colleagues;
  • Have flexibility and are willing to travel to carry out work on-site (1 to 2 times a week to Doel and Tihange, including in nuclear installations, with international trips of about a week)
  • Take a proactive approach, are you stress-resistant and can you cope with short deadlines and can handle unexpected situations;
  • Independently manage your projects; do you keep track on time, scope and budget;
  • Take part on different projects/subjects in parallel;
  • Show customer-focus, creativity and are you able to organize your own work;
  • Have high ethical standards and an inherent safety-conscious attitude;
  • Communicate Dutch and/or French and English, or could become fluent quickly;
  • Have a Nuclear clearance ( it’s an advantage).
  • Hold a driving licence 




Here's a taste of what Laborelec offers you


  • Flexible Working Environment: A green campus and hybrid workspace (3 days home working/week)  offering flexibility for a good work/life balance 
  • Employee Resource Groups: An exciting position in a leading research and expertise centre, with the possibility of further career development within ENGIE. 
  • An inspiring work environment: with ambitious colleagues and from different background
  • Learning & Development: Growth is a big reason people choose to join our team. We provide opportunities through lunch and learns, training, coaching, mentorship programs, and workshops.
  • Benefits: 34 leave days, 5 days free care for sick children , linen ironing service...
  • Wellness: You will have access to our fun room and fitness space for your enjoyment and well-being




Where we work

Our headquarters is based in Belgium (Linkebeek, near to Brussels), and we have several branches in Europe (France, Germany & the Netherlands), LATAM (Chile) and MESCAT (KSA & UAE)





Our values : The 4B’s


Be You, At Laborelec, we encourage you to be yourself and allow your skills and knowledge to shine through.

Be Safe, keeping our employees safe is our top priority.

Become, as a Laborelec employee, you can build your career.

Belong, join our dynamic community at Laborelec and become an integral part of our team. ​​​​




Our commitment

At ENGIE Laborelec, we are committed to building a team that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve, including people of all races, genders, ages, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientations.




We'd love to hear from you if this opportunity sparks your interest.

Your HR contact:


Isabelle Croiset





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Green Fuels and Biomass Junior/ Medior Expert (F/M/X)

Posting date : 27/03/2024

Requisition ID : 15259

Green Fuels and Biomass Junior/ Medior Expert (F/M/X)

Belgium- Linkebeek- P&I Water & Green fuels



Are you excited about embarking on our journey towards a carbon-neutral world?


We are seeking a collaborative individual who is passionate about making a positive impact on ENGIE Laborelec's success and overall performance. If you have a deep interest in energy transition, power generation, and technology, we urge you to explore this opportunity.


Bring your expertise, grow with us and build your career in safe and diverse environment.



Who are we?


ENGIE Laborelec is a research and expertise center focused on electrical power technology, with a team of over 370 employees from different background. We are part of the ENGIE Group, and more particular the newly created entity called ENGIE Research & Innovation. We support the entire electricity value chain, providing customized solutions to a diverse range of customers from various fields and industries. We are dedicated to achieving a net zero carbon future and finding sustainable solutions.


About the team


Within the Power & Infra Business Line, the Water and Green fuel team is working on CCGT, biomass energy plants and thermal industrial boilers, performing research activities, developing global solutions and managing services to customers worldwide.

More specifically, the Green fuel team is active in the following domains of expertise:

  • Biofuels/green (e)fuels use cases, focusing on biomass conversion technologies and biogenic CO2 production,
  • Greenification of energy assets (e.g. retrofit of fossil fuel boilers to biomass),
  • Combustion of biofuels and green (e)fuels in energy plants,
  • Certification of biofuels and green (e)fuels and related regulatory aspects,
  • Safety aspects (ATEX, HAZID, HAZOP) related to biofuels and green (e)fuels, including H2,
  • Biomass supply chains,
  • Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and savings.

The experts of the team develop a deep understanding and experience of those technical domains in order to:

  • Offer operational expertise to both power plants and industrial assets to anticipate and solve technical problems they can meet, improve their operational excellence and prepare them for future challenges. We perform consultancy like missions at our customer sites as well as troubleshooting interventions.
  • Perform research programs for ENGIE and other stakeholders, where we :
    • map, assess, test and de-risk disruptive technologies,
    • support for consolidating return of experience and standardizing practices,
    • bring Innovation for A to Z optimization through own and co-development: innovative monitoring, modelling and forecasting.


What you’ll be doing


Your responsibilities as Green Fuels and Biomass Junior/Medior Expert


•       You execute technical assistance tasks for the Green Fuels team under the supervision of more senior expert. Such activities may be related a.o. to biomass fuel analyses, biomass pretreatment and densification studies, biomass combustion studies, ATEX and HAZOP for safety, certification and regulatory issues for bioenergy applications etc.

•       You deepen your expertise in the green fuels activities of the team      

  • You execute and manage Research and Innovation projects to further identify, develop and unlock new promising technology developments within ENGIE,

•       You develop a strong technical network within your expertise field,

•       You start managing collaborations with partners and subcontractors,

•       You manage small to mid-size projects with good project management skills and a customer centric approach.

You might be required to intervene on site in Belgium and abroad.

You will work alongside a supportive team, and will have access to professional development opportunities to help you grow in your career.


If you identify with any of the following, we encourage you to apply! Do you?


•       Have a MSc degree in electro-mechanical engineering and ideally already 2 years of experience in (some of the) fields mentioned above, or alternatively you have a PhD in electro-mechanical engineering

•       Have ideally already first understanding/technical background of green fuels (biomass, H2,..), and their use for energy applications and willing to further deepen your expertise in the field,

•       Are willing to execute Research and Innovation projects to support ENGIE business ambitions in green (e)fuels,

•       Are willing to do onsite missions,

•       Are able to do the project management of small to mid-size projects,

•       Create and maintain a network with research centers/OEMs/thirds,

•       Have good communication skills are not afraid to convince people,

•       Like to work in team,

•       Master English and French, the knowledge of Dutch or other languages is a plus,

•       Want to travel on a regular basis (Europe mainly) for brief missions.


Here's a taste of what Laborelec offers you


  • Flexible Working Environment: A green campus and hybrid workspace (3 days home working/week)  offering flexibility for a good work/life balance 
  • Employee Resource Groups: An exciting position in a leading research and expertise centre, with the possibility of further career development within ENGIE. 
  • An inspiring work environment: with ambitious colleagues and from different background
  • Learning & Development: Growth is a big reason people choose to join our team. We provide opportunities through lunch and learns, training, coaching, mentorship programs, and workshops.
  • Benefits: 34 leave days, 5 days free care for sick children , linen ironing service...
  • Wellness: You will have access to our fun room and fitness space for your enjoyment and well-being



Where we work

Our headquarters is based in Belgium (Linkebeek, near to Brussels), and we have several branches in Europe (France, Germany & the Netherlands), LATAM (Chile) and MESCAT (KSA & UAE)



Our values : The 4B’s


Be You, At Laborelec, we encourage you to be yourself and allow your skills and knowledge to shine through.

Be Safe, keeping our employees safe is our top priority.

Become, as a Laborelec employee, you can build your career.

Belong, join our dynamic community at Laborelec and become an integral part of our team. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Our commitment

At ENGIE Laborelec, we are committed to building a team that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve, including people of all races, genders, ages, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientations.


We'd love to hear from you if this opportunity sparks your interest.

Your HR contact:


Isabelle Croiset



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Biomass Business Developer

Posting date : 25/03/2024

Requisition ID : 20826

Biomass Business Developer



Business Developer Biomass H/F


About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,300 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our +120,00 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 expertises:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEM Hub ( or LinkedIn (




We're looking for a Commercial Developer to support the ambitious growth of our Biomass Business, and specifically to meet the emerging demand from European industrial players requiring low carbon solutions.



We're looking for a Commercial Developer to support the ambitious growth of our Biomass Business, and specifically to meet the emerging demand from European industrial players requiring low carbon solutions.


  • Build a portfolio of new clients in the industrial segment in NWE, in collaboration with BP Biomass Traders & Originators and originators from other GEMS BPs.
  • Follow-up and maintain commercial relationship with clients in your portfolio
  • Active role throughout life cycle of the transactions: origination, structuring, negotiation, internal approval, execution and transaction management, and management of required due diligence processes
  • Originate and Structure complex Biomass Sales and purchases contracts, in collaboration with Biomass and freight traders and operators, for transactions worldwide with initial focus on NWE


  • Commercial negotiations with counterparties
  • Screen industrial and financial tentative Partners
  • Develop non-standard solutions on physical Biomass commodities
  • Ensure offer products are suitable for Clients and compliant with Engie expectations, technical wise, sustainability wise, regulation wise
  • Develop commercial franchise, if such prospects do not have set relations with Front office
  • Represent Engie in Exhibitions, Forum to value Engie GEM services, offers, contact



Hard skills:

  • University degree in Business, Economy, Finance, Technical or Commercial Engineering
  • Strong communication skills (both written and verbal)
  • Deep understanding of the drivers of commodities markets
  • Excellent contract structuring capabilities (term sheet, review of legal documentation) – drafting, review and negotiation of key transaction documentation, attention to detail
  • Ability to negotiate complex long-term contracts
  • Understanding of technical specifications related to physical commodities
  • Ability to originate and develop transactions or transaction ideas

Soft skills:

  • Commercial orientation
  • Proximity and insight into markets
  • Deal-making skills: critical decision maker, able to adapt strategy quickly in order to deliver results over medium term
  • Cross-commodity knowledge on financial & physical aspects & risks
  • Deal structuring capabilities

Education and professional background:

  • Experience as Originator  (Sales and/or Structurer and/or Trader)
  • Experience in energy or other commodity markets (as trader or other)
  • Experience in negotiating and contracting of structured deals  
  • Experience International commercial activities



  • Enhance Engie GEMs Biomass commercial capabilities through innovative offers
  • Support development of business and portfolio of counterparts
  • Ensure adequate and efficient coordination with other entities within GEMs commercial Community
  • Ensure high quality OC/IC and Group Finance relations



Fluent in English and French, German is a plus


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless of your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provide equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 

All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 170,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress


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Business Assistant

Posting date : 20/03/2024

Requisition ID : 24540

Business Assistant

Business Administrative Assistant (m/w/d)
Office Düsseldorf or Berlin






While society is making strides toward a net-zero future, it isn’t happening fast enough.


ENGIE Impact delivers sustainability and net-zero solutions and services to corporations, cities and governments worldwide. We help organizations accelerate their sustainability transformations by providing end-to-end solutions that are environmentally and economically beneficial and result in long-term growth.

From strategy to implementation, our goal is to help our clients embed sustainability and net-zero throughout their operations, saving money and resources, and reducing their impact on the environment and the climate.

ENGIE Impact is unique because we can leverage ENGIE Group’s world-class expertise in zero-carbon energy, mobility, and buildings as well as innovative digital tools and financing capabilities to offer our clients a true end-to-end solution.

The Sustainability Solutions group within ENGIE Impact is a growing team of deep experts and top-tier consultants who are translating these capabilities into solutions for our clients’ most complex challenges.


With 20+ offices worldwide and headquarters in New York City, ENGIE Impact today has a portfolio of 1,000 clients, including 25% of the Fortune 500 Companies, across more than 1,000,000 sites


Ready to act Right Now, for Tomorrow?



Job Description

Within a rapidly growing team, we are looking for a new dynamic and highly motivated colleague to provide transversal support to our Business consultants on the administration of projects and sales operations. You will be based in Düsseldorf but you will be providing transversal support across our different local offices (Brussels, Paris, London, Berlin and Düsseldorf).

More particularly you will be responsible of the following tasks


  • Sales Administration
    • Act as a support to the proposal process, including gathering necessary files, commercial administrative components and ensure these proposals are on timeline with all internal sales steps followed
    • Work with proposal bidders, you support to ensure that administrative requirements are fulfilled in the delivery of commercial offers and in the definition of contracts
    • Ensure data in our Salesforce (CRM) system is accurate and up-to-date at all times for all sales opportunities you are supporting
    • Prepare briefings for new business meetings and provide prep support for sales


  • Project Administration
    • You support project managers to ensure that project administration is in order. This includes: preparation of mission sheets, follow-up on purchase orders, support in the implementation of project management procedures and best practices (e.g. support definition of latest estimates and verification of project time tracking )
    • Support the onboarding of new clients in close partnership with the client-facing teams to ensure all administrative steps have been completed
    • Work to continuously improve and optimize the administrative process on behalf of our internal teams and clients


  • Executive Assistant
    • Provide support to our leadership team, working both on a one-to-one basis with the individual leaders, but also on a wider basis with internal and external clients
    • Acting as the point of contact between the leadership team and internal or external colleagues
    • Organize and prepare calls, meetings, conferences and team events in presence or as virtual meetings
    • Prepare reports, presentations and help with the creation and administration of dashboards
    • Conduct research into specific matters as required and reporting findings
    • Onboarding of new joiners, requesting access, IT material,..
    • Be a member of the EMEA Assistant team with regular meetings on sharing knowledge and support



Join a rewarding and flexible work environment that encourages autonomy and creativity and help us meet the decarbonization challenges of today and tomorrow. 


Background and Experience

  • You have 3 to 5 years of experience in administrative support in sales or business development or project management.
  • You have previous experience working within an international business context
  • Nice to have: A Business Management or Bachelor’s degree


Communication, interpersonal and problem solving skills

  • You are a team player and are recognized for your interpersonal skills and your ability to work collaboratively in a multicultural team environment
  • You have a strong organization and prioritization skills, are attentive to details and are comfortable in multi-tasking
  • You demonstrate autonomy, efficiency and resourcefulness in the execution of your task to meet deadlines
  • You have proven experience working with various stakeholders across an organization in a fast-paced, dynamic environment


Software Proficiency

  • You are fully proficient in Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point), Teams, SharePoint, Adobe Acrobat.
  • Nice to have: Previous experience with Salesforce or similar CRM software



  • You are fully proficient in German and English, both written and spoken.
  • Nice to have: Knowledge of a language of one of our other local offices (French, Dutch)


Equal Employment Opportunity

All employment decisions shall be made without regard to age, race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, citizenship status or any other basis as protected by federal, state, or local law.

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Junior electrical engineer

Posting date : 07/06/2024

Requisition ID : 23915

Junior electrical engineer

ENGIE Zielona Energia Sp. z o.o.

is looking for a person for position:

Junior Electrical Engineer

Location: Katowice, Poland




  • Conceptual work related to preparing modernization plans for existing facilities, focusing on technical solutions and initial cost estimation of such solutions.
  • Support in implementing the SCADA system, particularly in mapping existing and newly built facilities, and initiating contacts with the OSD to introduce changes in the GPZ (Mikronika, Elkomtech).
  • Support for the Production department in projects aimed at reducing reactive power for both wind farms and photovoltaic farms.
  • Participation in preparing technical specifications for new wind, photovoltaic, and energy storage projects.
  • Support for the department responsible for the construction of new facilities (wind and PV farms) in: selecting technical solutions, verifying project documentation, conducting electrical work inspections, and functional tests.
  • Collaboration with the Engineering department within the ENGIE group.
  • Collaboration with the Development, Projects, and Production departments as technical support for projects ranging from conception to implementation.


We are looking for:

  • Higher education in electrical engineering or related field,
  • SEP E and D qualifications,
  • Knowledge of construction and operation principles of LV/MV/HV electrical equipment,
  • Over to 3 years of experience in a similar position in energy, mining, industrial, or construction environments: preferably in the wind energy, photovoltaic, renewable energy, construction, or conventional energy sectors,
  • Ability to read electrical schematics,
  • Construction qualifications in design and execution are desirable,
  • Fluent in Polish and English.


We offer:

  • Attractive bonuses related to achieving organizational goals;
  • Flexible working hours, including remote work;
  • Subsidized vacations, holiday bonuses;
  • Work tools (laptop, phone, and if necessary, company car);
  • Life insurance;
  • Private medical care;
  • Language classes;
  • Industry training;
  • Friendly and eco-friendly work environment;
  • Great coffee and fruits;
  • Sports card;
  • Real impact on the development of our company;
  • International meetings, team-building events.
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Agile Coach (F/M/X)

Posting date : 08/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23652

Agile Coach (F/M/X)

Linkebeek, Belgium – Agile Coach F/M/X



Are you excited about embarking on our journey towards a carbon-neutral world?


We are seeking a collaborative colleague who is passionate about making a positive impact on ENGIE Laborelec's success and overall performance. If you have a deep interest in energy transition, power generation, and technology, we urge you to explore this opportunity.


Bring your expertise, grow with us and build your career in safe and diverse environment.



Who are we?


ENGIE Laborelec is a research and expertise center focused on electrical power technology, with a team of over 370 employees from different background. We are part of the ENGIE Group, and more particular the newly created entity called ENGIE Research & Innovation. We support the entire electricity value chain, providing customized solutions to a diverse range of customers from various fields and industries. We are dedicated to achieving a net zero carbon future and finding sustainable solutions.


About the team


We are a team of more than 50 Digital Solutions experts dedicated to innovation and excellence in the energy sector. As enablers of the digital transformation within our industry, we are seeking an experienced Agile Coach to join our dynamic team. This role presents a unique opportunity to work alongside talented professionals, driving agility and maximizing project & product success for its clients.


We design advanced differentiating digital components to provide cutting edge advantage to ENGIE business teams leveraging a unique combination of :

  • Technological expertise related to Energy transition,
  • Mathematical & software engineering capabilities.

We thrive by business impact and potential breakthrough. This implies forward thinking and continuous collaborations with the GBUs.

We act as a One-ENGIE team, in full alignment with Digital & Data operating model”.


The mission of the Agile Coach is to drive our aligned teams, multidisciplinary teams organized around a product, to become high performing self-organizing teams that meet our customer expectations.


What you’ll be doing

Your responsibilities as Agile Coach

  • Coach and train agile teams in an IT/digital environment. Foster cross-team collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement using Scrum/Less practices.
  • Facilitate Agile ceremonies such as Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-ups, Sprint Reviews, and Retrospectives.
  • Guide the team in its agile transformation journey, help all contributors adopting the Agile values and practices effectively.
  • Mentor and coach the leadership team to embrace their roles as servant leaders, facilitating a culture of empowerment and accountability.
  • Provide “on the job” support to Scrum Masters and Product Owners, ensuring alignment with Agile methodologies and best practices, helping the Product Owners in backlog prioritization.
  • Guard the quality of delivery by ensuring the quality standards before software is shipped to production.
  • Eliminate impediments or issues beyond the team’s authority. Address these issues so that the team can remain focused on reaching its sprint goal.
  • Guide the teams while facilitating a healthy team dynamic with respect to priorities and scope.
  • Help the teams in interpersonal conflicts and opportunities for growth. Raise people & delivery issues to the leadership team when internal team processes have failed to resolve the issue; help persons and streams through changes.
  • Support the adoption of Agility to our needs/specificities.


You will work alongside a supportive team, and will have access to professional development opportunities to help you grow in your career.


If you identify with any of the following, we encourage you to apply! Do you?

  • Master degree in Engineering, IT or other equivalent with min 10 years of professional experience.
  • Proven experience  of min 3 years as an Agile Coach and Scrum Master in an IT/digital environment.
  • Know-how of several Agile frameworks like Scrum, Less, Kanban etc. …
  • Fluent in French, Dutch, and English.
  • Affinity or interest with product and projects in the energy sector.
  • Excellent coaching and interpersonal skills with the ability to inspire and motivate teams.
  • Outstanding communication skills with the ability to convey concepts in a clear and concise manner.
  • Empathetic approach, able to understand and address the needs of individuals and teams.
  • Structured mindset with a focus on continuous improvement and delivering value.
  • Background as an engineer or IT professional is a plus.
  • Experience in stakeholder management is highly desirable.


Here's a taste of what Laborelec offers you


  • Flexible Working Environment: A green campus and hybrid workspace (3 days home working/week)  offering flexibility for a good work/life balance 
  • Employee Resource Groups: An exciting position in a prominent research and expertise centre, with the possibility of further career development within ENGIE. 
  • An inspiring work environment: with bold colleagues and from different background
  • Learning & Development: Growth is a big reason people choose to join our team. We provide opportunities through lunch and learns, training, coaching, mentorship programs, and workshops.
  • Benefits: 34 leave days, 5 days free care for sick children, linen ironing service...
  • Wellbeing: You will have access to our fun room and fitness space for your enjoyment and well-being



Where we work

Our headquarters is based in Belgium (Linkebeek, near to Brussels), and we have several branches in Europe (France, Germany & the Netherlands), LATAM (Chile) and MESCAT (KSA & UAE)




Our values : The 4B’s


Be You, At Laborelec, we encourage you to be yourself and allow your skills and knowledge to shine through.

Be Safe, keeping our employees safe is our top priority.

Become, as a Laborelec employee, you can build your career.

Belong, join our dynamic community at Laborelec and become an integral part of our team. ​​​​​​​​​​​


Our commitment

At ENGIE Laborelec, we are committed to building a team that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve, including people of all races, genders, ages, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientations.


We'd love to hear from you if this opportunity sparks your interest.

Your HR contact:

Damien Colmant







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IS Management Trainee

Posting date : 14/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23090

IS Management Trainee

Welcome to ENGIE FLEXIBLE GENERATION EUROPE! This operational entity of ENGIE has the ambition to be a key enabler of the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral economy!


The IT department within ENGIE Generation Europe consisting out of 7 entities: infrastructure, network, workplace, cyber security, digital, SAP ERP & operational technology (OT).   FLEXIBLE GENERATION Europe is expert in many specialist areas within the energy sector: around 1,100 employees manage, maintain and operate large-scale, highly flexible and high-performance natural gas, biomass, hydropower and CHP units owned by ENGIE in Belgium, France, UK, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.

Are you looking for an ideal opportunity to kick start your IT career in an international and fascinating high technological environment?  Are you interested in joining a multidisciplinary and diverse IT team that is supporting the energy transition within ENGIE? 


Then our IT management traineeship might be something for you as the IT department  in Antwerp & Brussels is looking to hire trainees for an 18 months rotational management traineeship starting September 1st 2024.




  • An intensive hands-on experience in different IT areas (IA, data science, network, infrastructure, cyber security, digital, operation technology) during a 18-months rotation program (3 assignments of 6-months each including 1 month in a powerplant in France, UK or the Netherlands)
  • Possibility to develop your technical and soft skills by being exposed to challenging and diverse missions and projects in the different countries where we operate.
  • The opportunity to work in diverse and international teams and travel in Europe
  • Being mentored and supported by senior experts and experienced senior IT managers.
  • The opportunity to find out your preferred IT discipline in which you can further develop your IT career within ENGIE.
  • The resources and opportunities to innovate in different fields and technologies.
  • An attractive remuneration package with many options to choose from (an attractive base pay, a bonus scheme,  a range of extralegal benefits (including lease car), lunch vouchers, discounts at a range of stores, the occasional mountain bike trip or lunch jogging with your team mates
  • Become part of a dynamic and caring organization committed to wellbeing, inclusion and diversity.
  • Being welcomed by the Young Generation Network, an international multi-disciplinary team of millennials and digital natives


  • Master degree in computer/data science or any related technical field.
  • Fluent in English and knowledge of any other European language is an asset (Italian, German, Dutch, French, Spanish)
  • High willingness to learn and grow
  • Teamplayer who shares ideas and knowledge with peers
  • You love to take initiative and like to take responsibility in projects.
  • You thrive in challenging and changing environments where you can adopt and work with new technologies
  • You have a driving license


Work location






Valérie Theys




ENGIE FLEXIBLE GENERATION EUROPE, an operational entity of ENGIE Group, is an expert in many specialist areas within the energy sector: around 1,400 employees manage, maintain and operate large-scale, highly flexible and high-performance natural gas, biomass, hydropower and CHP units owned by ENGIE in 7 European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the UK). This entity is also able to develop new applications such as energy security using large battery storage systems or power-to-gas projects (biomethane, hydrogen, …).

In this way ENGIE FLEXIBLE GENERATION EUROPE wants to support the electricity grid to complement renewable energy, and it wants to help large industrial customers to make the transition to the most energy-efficient production process including the significant reduction of their CO2 emissions! . Be a key enabler of the transition towards carbon-neutral economy!





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Green Sales Originator

Posting date : 04/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23184

Green Sales Originator

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.


ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.


3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.


Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.


Our 4 expertises:

  • Asset management
  • Energy transition services
  • Energy supply & global commodities
  • Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (



  • GEM Iberia is one of the main local Business Platforms of GEM, it is responsible for the development and management of GEM’s activities in Spain and Portugal. Its staff is essentially based in Madrid. It can rely on the proximity to its markets and clients, while leveraging the deep expertise and footprint of GEM and ENGIE globally.



  • Client Relationship Management: Create and cultivate strong relationships with key clients in the renewable downstream energy sector. Act as the main point of contact for key accounts and ensure client satisfaction.
  • Sales Strategy: Develop and execute sales strategies to achieve revenue targets for green power products, including solar, wind, and other renewable energy solutions.
  • Business Development: Identify and pursue new business opportunities within existing key accounts. Explore potential expansions of product offerings and services to meet client needs such as risk management services.
  • Market Analysis: Stay informed about market trends, competitor activities, and regulatory changes in the renewable energy industry. Provide insights into market dynamics that may impact sales strategies.
  • Contract Negotiation: Lead negotiations for power purchase agreements (PPAs) and other contractual agreements. Ensure terms are favorable for both the company and the client, while considering regulatory compliance and risk management.
  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Work closely with internal teams, including project development, legal, finance, and technical teams, to ensure seamless execution of projects and contracts.
  • Sales Reporting: Prepare regular reports on sales performance, market trends, and key account activities (SalesForce, CRM…). Provide analysis and recommendations for optimizing sales strategies.
  • Customer Education: Educate clients about the benefits of green power solutions, sustainability initiatives, and the environmental impact of renewable energy projects.
  • Problem Resolution: Address and resolve any issues or concerns raised by key accounts promptly. Work collaboratively with internal teams to ensure effective solutions.


Education and professional background:

  • Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, environmental science, or a related field. Advanced degree (MBA, MSc) is a plus.
  • Proven experience in key account management, sales, or business development within the renewable energy sector, with a focus on green power products.
  • Strong understanding of renewable energy technologies, market dynamics, and sustainability trends.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills, with the ability to convey complex concepts to clients.
  • Self driven with strong team player skills
  • Customer risk management oriented
  • Results-oriented with a track record of meeting or exceeding sales targets.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a dynamic and fast-paced environment.
  • Familiarity with regulatory requirements related to green power sales and renewable energy projects.
  • Analytical skills for assessing market trends, identifying opportunities, and optimizing sales strategies.
  • Passion for sustainability and a commitment to promoting environmentally friendly energy solutions.



  • Proficiency in English (B2 level)
  • High proficiency in Spanish



If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time!

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals.

All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you.



About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.






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