SAP SuccessFactors id

Projectleider - Nuclear

Posting date : 06/06/2024

Requisition ID : 19494

Projectleider - Nuclear




Als Project Manager Nuclear beheer en monitor je het ontwerp en/of de uitvoering van onze nucleaire  projecten.  Je stelt de ontwerp- en investeringsbudgetten op en consolideert deze voor het project als geheel. Je bepaalt de globale tijdsplanning, je controleert de geleverde diensten voor het project en je bewaakt de voortgang op het vlak van het halen van de oplevertermijnen alsook de verwachte rentabiliteit.


  • Na overleg met de experts van Tractebel definieer je de taken en machtig je je projectteam (dat je functioneel aanstuurt) om deze uit te voeren. Je organiseert meetings met de klant en ondersteunt de klant, als partner, bij het leveren van de Tractebel meerwaarde aan het project;
  • Je verzorgt de interne contacten met onze Métiers (dit zijn de Technische Competence Centres) en de ondersteunende afdelingen (juridisch, financiën, IT, risicobeheer, communicatie, …);
  • Je coördineert de acties op de raakvlakken tussen disciplines en je waakt over de adequate integratie van de verschillende specialismen in het project;
  • Je verzorgt de technische en commerciële contacten met de eventuele klanten en partners en stippelt commerciële acties uit waar nodig;
  • Voor de projecten waarbij je wordt aangesteld als ‘Project Engineer’ ondersteun je de Project Manager of Project Director bij het realiseren van alle bovengenoemde taken.


Als ambassadeur van Tractebel (ENGIE) draag je het imago en de waarden van Tractebel en de ENGIE-groep (Ethiek, QHSE,…) uit in al uw contacten, zowel binnen de ENGIE-groep als met andere externe stakeholders.




Binnen de Tractebel Business Area Global Nuclear, kom je terecht in het departement dat verantwoordelijk is voor de Tractebel projecten die we uitvoeren in opdracht van Electrabel. Dit departement is verantwoordelijk voor alle projecten die verband houden met de studies en de aanpassingen van bestaande Belgische kerncentrales (Doel en Tihange), inclusief ontmantelingsprojecten en LTO-projecten (Long Term Operation). Deze projecten kunnen betrekking hebben op pre-haalbaarheidsstudies tot en met de uiteindelijke ingebruikname van de installaties, inclusief haalbaarheids-, ontwerp-, inkoop- en realisatieactiviteiten op locatie.


Binnen dit departement ben je verantwoordelijk voor de projecten aan jou toegewezen (studies en/of aanpassingen), telkens met betrekking tot de kerncentrales in België. Je rapporteert hierbij aan de Group Manager Projecten.


Uw profiel


Minimale vereisten:

  • een Master diploma in Engineering;
  • Talenkennis: Nederlands (en bij voorkeur basiskennis Frans) en Engels;
  • De werkingsprincipes van een kerncentrale en de daarbij horende veiligheidssystemen;
  • Je hebt 5 jaar professionele ervaring als projectleider of assistent projectleider, en je hebt kennis van de processen van Engineering (opeenvolgende fasen, contractuele benaderingen, …)
  • Kennis van Belgische kerncentrales is een sterke troef;
  • BA4, VCA en Habilitatie om toegang te krijgen tot nucleaire sites is vereist.


Je beantwoordt aan volgende profielomschrijving:

  • Je kan autonoom werken en draagt veiligheid hoog in het vaandel;
  • Je bent dynamisch, flexibel, stressbestendig en rigoureus
  • Je bent resultaatgericht, hebt een sterke klantgerichtheid, bent een teamspeler in een veranderende omgeving



Ons aanbod


Wij bieden meer dan alleen een baan: je krijgt de mogelijkheid om een complexe job vol uitdagingen uit te voeren in een inspirerende omgeving waarin we bijdragen aan tal van projecten in de (inter)nationale nucleaire industrie en waarin jij je carrière kunt ontwikkelen.


We doen ons uiterste best om de beste werkomgeving voor onze medewerkers te bieden in functie van hun persoonlijke behoeften op het gebied van werk-privébalans met:

  • de mogelijkheid voor gedeeltelijk thuiswerk en flexibele uren;
  • goed ontworpen en comfortabele werkruimtes om de productiviteit en focus te verhogen;
  • veel ruimtes waar je even kunt pauzeren met je collega's en een hapje of een drankje kunt nuttigen;
  • een gratis fitnessruimte op kantoor in Brussel die kan worden gebruikt binnen uw gewenste tijdschema.



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Posting date : 06/06/2024

Requisition ID : 14780







De afdeling is verantwoordelijk voor alle projecten met betrekking tot de studies en de aanpassingen van bestaande Belgische kerncentrales (Doel/Tihange), inclusief LTO-projecten (Long Term Operation). Deze projecten kunnen gaan van de pre-haalbaarheidsstudies tot de uiteindelijke indienststelling van de installaties, inclusief haalbaarheidsstudies, ontwerp, aankoop en on-site realisatieactiviteiten.


Binnen dit departement ben je verantwoordelijk voor projecten (studies en/of aanpassingen) met betrekking tot de kerncentrales in België, met een focus op LTO Ageing (EI&C, mechanische en civiele werken).




  • Je beheert / volgt het ontwerp en/of de uitvoering van het project op;
  • Je laat de ontwerp- en investeringsbudgetten opstellen en consolideert deze voor het project in zijn geheel. Je bepaalt het algemene tijdschema, je controleert de diensten die voor het project worden geleverd en je bewaakt de voortgang wat betreft het halen van de leveringstermijnen en de verwachte rentabiliteit;
  • Na overleg met de experts definieer je de taken en geef je je projectteam (dat je functioneel leidt) de bevoegdheid om ze uit te voeren;
  • Je organiseert vergaderingen met de klant en ondersteunt de klant, als partner, bij het leveren van de toegevoegde waarde van Tractebel aan het project;
  • Je verzorgt de interne contacten met de competence centers en ondersteunende departementen (juridisch, financieel, IT, risicobeheer, communicatie, ...);
  • Je coördineert de acties op de interfaces tussen disciplines en u controleert de adequate integratie van de verschillende specialiteiten in het project;
  • Je verzorgt de technische en commerciële contacten met de eventuele klanten en partners en je definieert waar nodig commerciële acties;
  • Je zorgt voor de relevante administratieve taken met betrekking tot de procedures met de ondersteuning van een Project Assistent;
  • Voor de projecten waar je bent aangesteld als 'Project Engineer', ondersteun je de Project Manager of Project Director bij het uitvoeren van alle bovenstaande taken.




  • Je hebt een ingenieursdiploma ;
  • Je hebt minstens 5 jaar ervaring als projectmanager of assistent-projectmanager, en je hebt kennis van de processen van Engineering (opeenvolgende fasen, contractuele aanpak, ...)
  • Kennis van Belgische kerncentrales is een sterke troef ;
  • Je moedertaal is Nederlands en je spreekt vloeiend Engels ;
  • Je bent resultaatgericht, je hebt een sterke klantgerichtheid, je bent een teamspeler in een veranderende omgeving ;
  • Je bent dynamisch, flexibel, stressbestendig, nauwgezet ;
  • Je werkt op het hoofdkantoor in Brussel met regelmatige bezoeken aan de Belgische kerncentrale (Doel) en af en toe bezoeken buiten België ;
  • BA4, VCA, Habilitation to access nuclear sites zijn vereist.


Ons aanbod


Wij bieden meer dan alleen een baan: je krijgt de mogelijkheid om een complexe job vol uitdagingen uit te voeren in een inspirerende omgeving waarin we bijdragen aan tal van projecten in de (inter)nationale nucleaire industrie en waarin jij je carrière kunt ontwikkelen.


We doen ons uiterste best om de beste werkomgeving voor onze medewerkers te bieden in functie van hun persoonlijke behoeften op het gebied van werk-privébalans met:

  • de mogelijkheid voor gedeeltelijk thuiswerk en flexibele uren;
  • goed ontworpen en comfortabele werkruimtes om de productiviteit en focus te verhogen;
  • veel ruimtes waar je even kunt pauzeren met je collega's en een hapje of een drankje kunt nuttigen;
  • een gratis fitnessruimte op kantoor in Brussel die kan worden gebruikt binnen uw gewenste tijdschema.



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Green Fuels and Biomass Junior Expert (F/M/X)

Posting date : 05/06/2024

Requisition ID : 19835

Green Fuels and Biomass Junior Expert (F/M/X)

Belgium- Linkebeek- P&I Water & Green fuels



Are you excited about embarking on our journey towards a carbon-neutral world?


We are seeking a collaborative individual who is passionate about making a positive impact on ENGIE Laborelec's success and overall performance. If you have a deep interest in energy transition, power generation, and technology, we urge you to explore this opportunity.


Bring your expertise, grow with us and build your career in safe and diverse environment.



Who are we?


ENGIE Laborelec is a research and expertise center focused on electrical power technology, with a team of over 370 employees from different background. We are part of the ENGIE Group, and more particular the newly created entity called ENGIE Research & Innovation. We support the entire electricity value chain, providing customized solutions to a diverse range of customers from various fields and industries. We are dedicated to achieving a net zero carbon future and finding sustainable solutions.


About the team


Within the Power & Infra Business Line, the Water and Green fuel team is working on CCGT, biomass energy plants and thermal industrial boilers, performing research activities, developing global solutions and managing services to customers worldwide.

More specifically, the Green fuel team is active in the following domains of expertise:

  • Biofuels/green (e)fuels use cases, focusing on biomass conversion technologies and biogenic CO2 production,
  • Greenification of energy assets (e.g. retrofit of fossil fuel boilers to biomass),
  • Combustion of biofuels and green (e)fuels in energy plants,
  • Certification of biofuels and green (e)fuels and related regulatory aspects,
  • Safety aspects (ATEX, HAZID, HAZOP) related to biofuels and green (e)fuels, including H2,
  • Biomass supply chains,
  • Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and savings.

The experts of the team develop a deep understanding and experience of those technical domains in order to:

  • Offer operational expertise to both power plants and industrial assets to anticipate and solve technical problems they can meet, improve their operational excellence and prepare them for future challenges. We perform consultancy like missions at our customer sites as well as troubleshooting interventions.
  • Perform research programs for ENGIE and other stakeholders, where we :
    • map, assess, test and de-risk disruptive technologies,
    • support for consolidating return of experience and standardizing practices,
    • bring Innovation for A to Z optimization through own and co-development: innovative monitoring, modelling and forecasting.


What you’ll be doing


Your responsibilities as Green Fuels and Biomass Junior Expert

Laborelec is looking for a young engineer to manage projects in bio-energy and biotechnologies applied to the energy sector, working with the company's internal and external customers. You are willing to develop and deepen your expertise in the field of green fuels and their use cases inside ENGIE businesses.

Your typical tasks will be related to the:

  • characterisation of the physico-chemical properties of biomass resources,
  • identification of technologies that can be used to convert biomass into various products (biorefineries),
  • execution of in-depth study of biomass conversion processes (biological, chemical or thermal),
  • execution of in-depth study of conversion processes for carbonaceous waste resources (solid, liquid or gaseous),
  • assessment of the environmental risks associated with biomass conversion processes,

You are able to write reports and execute convincing presentations describing the outcome of your work.



If you identify with any of the following, we encourage you to apply! Do you?


•       Have a MSc degree in bio-engineering with good knowledge of bio-processes and thermodynamics,

•       Have ideally already first understanding/technical background of green fuels and their use for energy applications and willing to further deepen your expertise in the field,

•       Have good communication skills and like to work in team,

•       Master English and French, the knowledge of Dutch or other languages is a plus,

•       Want to travel on a regular basis (Europe mainly) for brief missions.



Here's a taste of what Laborelec offers you


  • Flexible Working Environment: A green campus and hybrid workspace (3 days home working/week)  offering flexibility for a good work/life balance 
  • Employee Resource Groups: An exciting position in a leading research and expertise centre, with the possibility of further career development within ENGIE. 
  • An inspiring work environment: with ambitious colleagues and from different background
  • Learning & Development: Growth is a big reason people choose to join our team. We provide opportunities through lunch and learns, training, coaching, mentorship programs, and workshops.
  • Benefits: 34 leave days, 5 days free care for sick children , linen ironing service...
  • Wellness: You will have access to our fun room and fitness space for your enjoyment and well-being



Where we work

Our headquarters is based in Belgium (Linkebeek, near to Brussels), and we have several branches in Europe (France, Germany & the Netherlands), LATAM (Chile) and MESCAT (KSA & UAE)



Our values : The 4B’s


Be You, At Laborelec, we encourage you to be yourself and allow your skills and knowledge to shine through.

Be Safe, keeping our employees safe is our top priority.

Become, as a Laborelec employee, you can build your career.

Belong, join our dynamic community at Laborelec and become an integral part of our team. ​​​​​​​​​​​



Our commitment

At ENGIE Laborelec, we are committed to building a team that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve, including people of all races, genders, ages, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientations.



We'd love to hear from you if this opportunity sparks your interest.

Your HR contact:


Isabelle Croiset









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Specialist/Analyst for IT Systems in Energy

Posting date : 04/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29536

Specialist/Analyst for IT Systems in Energy


ENGIE Zielona Energia Sp. z o.o.

Obraz zawierający clipartOpis wygenerowany automatycznie is looking for a person for position of:

Specialist/Analyst for IT Systems in Energy


Main Responsibilities:

  • Participation in IT/IS projects and initiatives related to the company’s commercial activities, with a focus on digitalization and process automation.
  • Mapping company’s portfolios of renewable energy installations and electricity consumers & contracts in existing / newly-designed IT systems.
  • Participation in various projects related with implementation of regulatory changes supporting Polish and European energy-market
  • Communication with external partners to in order to gather information and batch data.
  • Ensuring data quality and integration within existing flows and processes, as well as designing and establishing new ones according to requirements.
  • Supporting business users in using IT/IS systems.
  • Creating and maintaining software and documentation related with assigned tasks.
  • Collaboration with the business and IT/IS team for ongoing duties and projects at both local and group headquarters levels.
  • Communication and cooperation with other company departments (finance, accounting, KYC, back-office) considering mutual interactions and needs.


The profile:

  • Higher education (MSc or higher degree), preferably in computer science, math, energy or economics
  • Experience working with business-supporting systems and large datasets.
  • Knowledge of architectural patterns and system IT system modelling with UML/BPMN usings CASE tools (Enterprise Architect).
  • Proven programming skills in languages such as Python/R and experience with at least one strongly typed OOP language (e.g., Java/C#/C++).
  • Experience with systems integration topics (different operating systems, cloud environments, middleware, communication technologies, APIs, SQL etc)
  • Deep understanding of the Polish electricity market mechanisms and renewable energy specifics is desirable.
  • Knowledge in statistics and machine learning is a plus.
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience in a similar role.
  • Interpersonal skills for teamwork and effective communication.
  • Eagerness to acquire new knowledge and diligence in executing assigned tasks.
  • High motivation and analytical thinking abilities.
  • Proficiency in both Polish and English (at least intermediate level) for verbal and written communication.


We offer:

  • Attractive salary and bonus program.
  • Opportunity to join the team of a global energy leader – ENGIE Group, with 96,000 employees worldwide.
  • Full-time employment based on an employment contract.
  • Professional development in a friendly atmosphere (access to training and workshops, opportunities for new business development, international collaboration within and beyond ENGIE Group).
  • Parking card (ALTUS, Katowice).
  • Necessary tools (laptop, phone, software).
  • Employee benefits (healthcare package, insurance, sports package).
  • Possibility of partial remote work after the implementation period (1 year )







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Senior HR Partner

Posting date : 04/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29531

Senior HR Partner

ENGIE Belgium is looking for a  passionate and dynamic Senior HR Business Partner to support our Marketing & Sales teams. If you are motivated by finding concrete solutions in a fast-paced market environment, this is the position for you!


Your responsibilities as a Senior HR Business Partner (M/F/X)

  • Define, communicate and implement the HR strategy for Marketing & Sales, in line with Engie's HR strategy.
  • Work with senior managers to anticipate business needs, identify challenges and opportunities, and align HR strategies and plans accordingly.
  • Support the hierarchy in the search for the necessary profiles, the integration of new employees, the implementation of succession plans, and provide ideas and solutions to improve the collective performance of the organization.
  • Model and track workforce planning in the context of organizational needs/changes.
  • Liaise with employees and team leaders: answer questions and provide support regarding internal mobility, onboarding, individual training and development plans, contractual arrangements,...
  • Accelerate employee development by implementing effective learning and development programs, promoting a culture of feedback and recognition, and encouraging diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • Contribute to the maintenance of a good social climate within the entity, manage social relations at the local level within your perimeter, contribute to social relations at the level of the Marketing & Sales entity.
  • Deploy operational improvements in Engie's HR processes and HR systems.
  • Support employee engagement and resolve any issues in a timely and respectful manner.
  • Implement cross-functional projects within your scope of activity.


Your profile as a Senior HR Business Partner (M/F/X)

  • You have a minimum of 5 years of experience as an HR Business Partner or in a similar function in a fast-paced environment.
  • You have a degree in HR, Social Sciences, Psychology, Economics or other Humanities or equivalent experience.
  • You are bilingual Dutch/French and have a professional command of English
  • You have a good knowledge of social legislation.
  • You are a team player, you are a driver of change in the field of HR.
  • You are an effective communicator and a strong collaborator, able to create trusting relationships at all levels.
  • You are proactive, flexible and solution-oriented.
  • You demonstrate integrity, confidentiality and professionalism, while respecting our values and culture.
  • You are aware of safety and the environment, constantly looking out for your well-being and that of your colleagues.
  • Your colleagues see you as someone who is passionate about HR, employee-oriented, and takes responsibility with energy and commitment.


We offer you as a Senior HR Business Partner (M/F/X)

  • Rewarding collaboration : You will have the opportunity to work with many HR specialists in different fields.
  • Flexibility and variety : We offer you variety in your work combined with the necessary flexibility. Balance your professional and personal life with remote work options.
  • Continuous learning : Benefit from a wide range of training and development opportunities.
  • Attractive compensation : Benefit from competitive compensation, a bonus system and fringe benefits.
  • An inclusive environment : Be part of an organization that is committed to well-being, diversity, and inclusion


Place of work:

  • You will be based in Brussels (near Gare du Nord) and will work regularly on the other sites of the Marketing & Sales entity (Ghent, Antwerp, Namur, Gosselies, etc.)


Ready to take on this challenge and be part of a company that builds efficient energy solutions for a carbon-neutral world every day?  Then we'd love to meet you!  Apply now to join our dynamic team at ENGIE Belgium.




To become a leader in the carbon-neutral transition in Belgium, ENGIE masters all energy professions: from energy production to consumption optimization, from research and innovation to the maintenance of the most complex installations, from engineering to construction and the completion of your project. Our 7,000 employees in Belgium are building a better future for our planet.
A better future for all of us!

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Senior Accountant

Posting date : 04/06/2024

Requisition ID : 25139

Senior Accountant


ENGIE Zielona Energia Sp. z o.o.

is looking for a person for position:

Senior Accountant

location: Katowice


Main responsibilities:

Accounting support for Engie Zielona Energia Sp. Z o.o. including:

  • Participation in the preparation of individual financial statements and cooperation with the auditor,
  • Calculation, preparation, and submission of CIT tax documents as well as statistical reports to GUS,
  • Accounting for fixed assets,
  • Reconciliation of deferred income tax,
  • Calculation and submission of tax documents related to withholding tax,
  • Booking of foreign invoices
  • Electronic records management for excise tax and submission of excise declarations.


Candidate profile: 

  • Several years of professional experience gained in the position of Independent Accountant;
  • Knowledge of SAP software is desirable;
  • Familiarity with excise tax in a company engaged in the production and trade of electricity is desirable;
  • Knowledge of income tax and withholding tax;
  • Knowledge of accounting processes and practical familiarity with statutory regulations;
  • Proficiency in English at a level enabling written communication,
  • Fluent Polish.

We offer: 

  • An attractive bonus system
  • Social Fund for employees  – subsidies for vacations, holiday subsidies
  • Life insurance,
  • Multisport card for 1 PLN,
  • Medical care for 1 PLN
  • English language classes
  • Flexible working hours and the option to work remotely from home
  • Office located in the city center of Katowice (Altus) and a parking card
  • Financing for specialized courses, training, and studies
  • Great coffee and fruits
  • Friendly and environmentally friendly work environment


If you believe you are a suitable candidate for this position, we encourage you to apply.



We kindly inform that we will contact selected candidates.


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Senior Business Controller

Posting date : 30/05/2024

Requisition ID : 29010

Senior Business Controller

ENGIE est un acteur mondial de l’énergie, pionnier de la Transition énergétique. Nous œuvrons pour la rendre abordable et fiable. Notre engagement est d’être Net Zéro Carbone en 2045. Pour cela, nous portons l’ambition de devenir le champion des énergies zéro carbone. Pour y parvenir, nous avons une vision, unique sur le marché : l’alliance de la molécule et de l’électron. 


Vous souhaitez rejoindre une entreprise qui s’investit chaque jour pour un monde plus vert ? Au sein d’une équipe dynamique et soudée ? Cette offre est faite pour vous !


Pour accompagner notre développement, ENGIE North Africa recrute actuellement un Senior Business Controller Northern Africa.


Profil recherché :

  • Formation : Diplômé(e) d’une école de commerce ou de gestion (Bac+5), avec une spécialisation en finance, contrôle de gestion ou audit.
  • Expérience : Vous justifiez d’une expérience de 5 à 7 ans en cabinet d’audit et/ou en entreprise, de préférence dans un environnement international. Idéalement, vous avez évolué dans le domaine de l’énergie.
  • Compétences :
    • Dynamisme, sens de l’analyse et rigueur.
    • Excellentes capacités de communication et aptitude au travail en équipe.
    • Adaptabilité à un nouvel environnement de travail et force de proposition.
    • Maîtrise du français et de l’anglais (langues de travail) ainsi qu’une bonne compréhension de l’arabe.
    • Connaissances informatiques : niveau avancé en Pack Office, familiarité avec les outils du groupe (SMART/SAP, MDT).
  • Mission générale et dimensions :
    • Gestion de la clôture mensuelle, et préparation des reporting, tableaux de bord, commentaires et analyses sur le périmètre consolidé de la Région Afrique du Nord, ainsi que par GBU (Renouvelables, FlexGen, …)
    • Participation à la gestion financière de l’entité ENGIE North Africa (contrôle factures, imputations, reporting aux chefs de départements)
    • Analyse et challenge de la performance (Revenue, EBITDA, EBIT, SG&A, CAPEX…) , des KPIs par entités et par métiers.
    • Gestion administratives des entités support (G&A). 
    • Diverses missions de contrôle interne (respect des procédures, …)
    • Préparation du budget/MTP de la Région en lien avec les entités locales
    • Gestion de l’évolution du périmètre : intégration des nouvelles entités et projets, cessions ou fermetures d’entités.  Dialogue quotidien avec les entités, les métiers ainsi que le siège Asia Middle East Africa (Dubaï).


Si vous correspondez à ce profil et que vous êtes prêt(e) à relever ce défi, n’hésitez pas à postuler ! Rejoignez-nous pour contribuer à notre mission Net Zero Carbon 2045. 🌟

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Internal Auditor

Posting date : 30/05/2024

Requisition ID : 26732

Internal Auditor



Internal Auditor


About us (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,300 GEMS employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our +120,00 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 expertises:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEM Hub ( or LinkedIn (



Internal Audit is responsible for periodic control. As such, GEMS Internal Audit Expertise Center (EC Audit) provides professional, objective and independent assessments of GEMS operations by delivering qualitative assurance audit and consultancy services, aiming at adding value and helping the organization improve the performance, efficiency and level of control of operations. Internal Audit verifies that inside practices and processes comply with established rules and regulations and makes recommendations to improve the control framework.

EC Audit’s covers the full spectrum of GEMS activities


EC Audit is a team of 7, composed of 6 Internal Auditors plus the Head of EC.


In GEMS organization & governance, EC Audit has a hierarchical link with GEMS CFO as well as with the Chairman of EGM Audit Committee and ensures its independency through a functional reporting line to ENGIE Group Internal Audit.




We are recruiting an Internal Auditor with a strong expertise in Energy commodity trading, Risk Management & Energy Management.


The Internal Auditor will be led to perform audit engagements on the full spectrum of GEMS activities. This wide scope covers Engie Global Markets (EGM), the banking-regulated entity regulated by the French Banking Authority ACPR, as third line of defense required by regulation, but also all Energy Management activities (Gas, Power, Renewables, …) as well as all BtoB Supply activities of GEMS.

The Internal Auditor could also be required to occasionally contribute to ENGIE Group Internal Audit engagements on Energy Management.


The position reports to the Head of GEMS EC Audit.


The Internal Auditor’s daily responsibilities will consist in conducting end-to-end audits as detailed below:

  • Validate the audit scope and submit the engagement letter in compliance with audit professional standards
  • Build a robust working program and obtain its approval by the Head of Internal Audit
  • Respect the planning and the deadlines
  • Lead the fieldwork and document the audit work in the testing worksheets by collecting evidence to support the audit conclusions
  • Prepare discussion notes and debriefing sessions and give adequate and correct feedback to all stakeholders and the Head of Internal Audit
  • Write an audit report in a synthetic way with clear and realistic audit findings
  • Alert in due time the Head of Internal Audit and the Management in case of any potential regulatory or significant risks that might affect the audit mission or the GEM business continuity
  • Collaborate with a good team spirit with the rest of the audit team on each mission
  • Work in a constructive way with the auditees, the Sponsor and more generally GEMS organization
  • Perform the follow-up of the audit recommendations and related action plans.


Auditors of the team act in turn as Lead Auditor on the various missions.

They are strongly empowered at all stages of the audit mission, from scoping and defining the work program to the fieldwork or report phase.

The position enables to work on very varied subjects, in diverse environments and is characterized by numerous interactions with very varied stakeholders, including the entity’s ExCom members or top management of the Group.


As part of EC Audit team, the Internal Auditor’s responsibilities also include contributing to :

  • Building the Audit Plan in line with the banking regulatory requirements (for EGM) and the International Internal Audit standards by applying a risk based approach.
  • Ensuring Continuous improvement of EC Audit’s methodologies and tools
  • Performing watch on regulations, standards and norms
  • Creating a constructive relationship with GEMS other control functions, GEMS management and all audited teams, as well as with ENGIE Group Internal Audit
  • Fostering a good team spirit and transversal collaboration within the team.


Hard skills:

  • Very strong analytical skills
  • Ability to synthesize, be concise, distinguish the essential points, conclude
  • Rigor and organization to monitor several topics and stakeholders and manage timing constraints
  • Capacity to take into account multiple dimensions and swiftly understand complex situations
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills, precise and clear

Soft skills:

  • High sense of integrity, confidentiality and independence
  • Efficient, result-oriented and able to manage stress
  • Dynamic, flexible, persevering, capable of managing several topics concomitantly or ramping up on new topics
  • Curious, open-minded
  • Good listening skills
  • Nuance, finesse
  • Very good interpersonal skills
  • Team player.

Education and professional background:

More than 8 years of operational experience within GEMS, in commodities domain and/or in audit activities in the banking regulated environment


  • Fluent in French & in English (spoken & written)
  • Another language is a plus.


  • Position based in Paris or Brussels
  • Homeworking possible as per ENGIE GEMS policy (up to 3 days a week as of today)
  • Travels up to 15-20% of time in GEMS Business Platforms (Europe, Singapore, Australia, US, Central and South America)


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provide equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 170,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress


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Business Analist Costing

Posting date : 30/05/2024

Requisition ID : 28845

Business Analist Costing

Bij ENGIE willen wij onze klanten ondersteunen op weg naar een CO2-vrije wereld in 2045. Daar hangt uiteraard een prijskaartje aan. Voor ons én voor de klant. Het bepalen van de juiste prijs doen we dan ook samen, zodat we gezamenlijk kunnen groeien. Wil jij met ons meewerken aan de energietransitie op het gebied van data en IT, en in een dynamische energiemarkt? Lees dan verder.


Wat ga je doen als (Junior) Business Analist Costing?

Als business analist costing ben je verantwoordelijk voor het vaststellen van de kostprijzen voor onze klanten en het boeken van de gecontracteerde volumes. Jij bent de specialist die proactief meedenkt met Marketing & Sales (M&S) over het bieden van klantoplossingen, het optimaliseren en standaardiseren van processen op de afdeling, en het correct inschatten en kwantificeren van klantrisico’s.


Verder ga je:

  • De kostprijzen vaststellen voor de levering en teruglevering van elektriciteit, gas en groene energie aan klanten. Hierbij beoordeel je onder andere de aanvraag op juistheid en volledigheid. Ook controleer je of de kostprijs een correcte weergave is van de kosten en risico’s die gepaard gaan met het dragen van de programmaverantwoordelijkheid.
  • Zorgen voor een tijdige, volledige en juiste sourcing van de ingekochte posities.
  • Proactief meedenken en M&S adviseren over productoplossingen en bijbehorende risico’s voor de klant. Indien nodig ontwikkel en implementeer je op maat gemaakte producten.
  • Specialist zijn in het maken van kostprijsberekeningen en deze kennis inzetten om processen te optimaliseren en te automatiseren.
  • Continu de costing-processen optimaliseren en standaardiseren, waarbij je waar mogelijk automatisering toepast.


Waar kom je te werken?

Als energieleverancier werkt ENGIE hard aan de overgang naar een CO2-vrije economie. We verduurzamen onze klantportefeuilles en flexibele energiecentrales, en zetten ons in voor grootschalige groene waterstof, zonne- en windenergie, biogas en energieopslag. We helpen onze zakelijke en particuliere klanten bij het vinden van het best passende energiecontract en bij het beheer van hun energiekosten met energie- en duurzaamheidsoplossingen.


Jij maakt deel uit van het EMS-team in Zwolle. Binnen de afdeling EMS (Energy Management Sales)  werk je in het Team Costing, dat bestaat uit zes collega’s van verschillende leeftijden. Er heerst een cultuur van gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid, leergierigheid (begrijpen hoe dingen werken) en openheid. Samen met je collega-analisten werk je aan tastbare inzichten in de kosten voor zowel de organisatie als de klant.


Dit breng je mee:

Je begrijpt als geen ander het effect van actie en reactie in een proces, wat ervoor zorgt dat je nauwkeurig te werk gaat. Ook zoek je makkelijk de samenwerking met andere afdelingen op, begrijp je veranderingen en ben je van nature nieuwsgierig om zo processen beter te begrijpen. Verder:


  • Heb je een afgeronde HBO/WO-opleiding in een economische, wiskundige of financiële richting.
  • Je bent analytisch sterk en kunt complexe materie vertalen naar concrete oplossingen.
  • Je hebt affiniteit met IT-processen en kunt de vertaalslag maken naar wat dit betekent voor jouw werk.
  • Je beheerst de Nederlandse en Engelse taal zowel mondeling als schriftelijk.
  • Je bent communicatief vaardig en een teamspeler


Wat bieden wij jou als (Junior) Business Analist Costing?

Een organisatie met veel aandacht voor de bedrijfscultuur en (door)groeimogelijkheden voor onze medewerkers. Daarnaast krijg je ook nog:


  • Een salaris tussen €3.200,- en €5.500,- obv een fulltime dienstverband (schaal A10); Definitieve inschaling vindt plaats aan de hand van meegebrachte kennis en ervaring;
  • Een contract voor een 32 – 40 uur per week;
  • 25 vakantiedagen, 13 ADV dagen en 3 ½ vitaliteitsdagen (o.b.v. een fulltime dienstverband);
  • 8% vakantietoeslag en eindejaarsuitkering van 4,5%;
  • Een pensioenregeling bij het ABP waarvan wij 70% van de kosten op ons nemen;
  • Korting op je energiecontract met 100% groene stroom van ENGIE;
  • Een persoonlijk ontwikkelbudget van € 500,- per jaar;
  • Goede reiskostenvergoeding, reizen met het OV wordt zelfs volledig vergoed.


Ben je enthousiast? Solliciteer dan meteen door op de button hieronder te klikken. Wacht niet te lang. De vacature sluit zodra we de juiste kandidaat hebben gevonden.


Heb je vragen?

Voor vragen over de procedure kun je contact opnemen met Jos Boomsma, Senior Corporate Recruiter, via 06-12696240. Mocht je vragen hebben over de functie, dagelijkse werkzaamheden of het team, dan kun je contact opnemen met Ronald Kosters, Product Owner Costing, via 06-42104181. Een appje sturen mag ook.


* Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat mannen al reageren op een functie wanneer zij voor 60% voldoen aan de wensen van de toekomstig werkgever, terwijl vrouwen pas reageren wanneer zij zelf vinden een 100% match te zijn. Zonde! Mocht je nu niet aan alle wensen voldoen en wel interesse hebben, laat het ons weten. We komen graag met je in contact!"

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Basware Technical Expert (F/M)

Posting date : 29/05/2024

Requisition ID : 19347

Basware Technical Expert (F/M)

ENGIE IT brings the best IT solutions to all of the ENGIE Group's business units and helps them meet all the energy challenges of today and tomorrow.

With us, you get both the friendliness and agility of an SME and the strength and scale of a manor enterprise, along with expertise and commitment, boldness and exellence.

Join ENGIE IT and bring IT to life at teh heart of the energy transition as a : 


Basware Technical Expert (F/M)

Base in Courbevoie (la Défense)


Basware is a SaaS software solution, specialized in managing invoices and payment processes for businesses. The software publisher also wants to offer services linked to electronic invoicing (Partner Dematerialization Platform, according to French DGFIP criteria).

The Technical Expert will be responsible for providing support and technical expertise for the implementation, configuration and maintenance of Basware at Engie.


Engie is working on the implementation of a Group solution for the digitization of incoming invoices, compliant with the requirements of the French Tax Administration for French entities and capable of responding to the local regulatory specificities of other Engie entities.

This project is also part of a broad program to harmonize solutions (especially the ERP systems present in the Group) and improve work processes, called GET (Global Enterprise Transformation).


The person who will occupy this position of Basware Technical Expertise Consultant will therefore have to work on a demanding project governed by calendar constraints (French electronic invoicing reform) and closely monitored by stakeholders (Engie Financial Department & beneficiary entities).



Content of the mission:

- Participation in projects to implement the Basware solution (incoming invoicing) for ENGIE entities, in order to master the information/contacts/specificities of each entity.

- Provide in-depth technical expertise on the Basware platform.

- Ensure the proper functioning and stability of Basware by carrying out tests, analyzes and resolution of technical problems.

- Collaborate with internal teams to resolve technical issues and ensure the stability of Basware.

- Document technical procedures, configurations and problem resolutions for future use.

- Participate in meetings and discussions with internal Engie partners to understand their needs and concerns, and propose improvements or technical solutions on Basware.

- Perform rigorous testing to ensure Basware functions properly and meets internal requirements.

- Train end users on the effective use of Basware and provide ongoing technical support to resolve issues and answer questions.

- Ensure technological monitoring to stay up to date on new features and best practices related to Basware.



- In-depth knowledge of the Basware platform, including key features and technical configurations.

- Experience in implementing and configuring Basware for clients (for external candidates).

- Ability to resolve technical issues in an autonomous way and find creative solutions.

- Excellent oral and written communication skills to work effectively with the software publisher, internal teams and suppliers (French and professional English level).

- Ability to train and support end users in the use of Basware.

- Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously and meet deadlines.

- Knowledge of Basware integration with SAP

- Mastery of the I2P process (invoices to pay), both from a Basware point of view and in its implementation in SAP

- Knowledge of the requirements related to the electronic invoicing reform of the DGFIP (French Tax Administration).


- Listening skill

- Ability to work in a team and with numerous contacts within the Group's Purchasing/Finance sectors

- Collaborative spirit

- Pragmatism

- Reactivity

- Methodology and rigor

- Curiosity

- Strength of proposal

- Sense of organization

- Autonomy

- Patience

- Perseverance.







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