ENGIE is launching today #ENGIEHarmonyProject. This communications programme, designed to be long-lasting, aims to bring together innovative and sustainable projects under the same banner, led by the teams of ENGIE and its partners, which are contributing to more harmonious progress, all over the world. Convinced that progress reconciling individual interests with the general interest is possible, the Group demonstrates with #ENGIEHarmonyProject the strength of its commitment to now developing solutions with positive economic, social and environmental impacts.
#ENGIEHarmonyProject is backed in particular by an advertising campaign featuring collaborative projects, emblematic of tomorrow’s world, which show that ENGIE is reinventing itself to combine efficiency with operational performance and the general interest. Projects are being developed by its teams in partnership with start-ups, local actors, artists and economic, socio-cultural and technological actors … all having in common the desire to act in favour of harmonious progress.
Among the first projects being promoted is the film “Solar Graffiti”, shot in Mexico, which tells the true story of a derelict sports stadium in the suburbs of Mexico City, rehabilitated thanks to a street art work combined with 100% green lighting via the latest generation of organic solar films. A world first in which ENGIE engineers collaborate with Heliatek company and the Mexican artist, N3O. More than simply an advertising film, this project unites local communities and is bringing life back to an entire neighbourhood. A second film, entitled “Green Gas Farmers”, has been shot with ENGIE teams, in partnership with AgriBioMéthane and local farmers. It tells the true story of ten or so farmers who are recycling their waste to make biogas from it and biomethane, thereby cleaning up their village. More than simply an advertising film, the production enabled many local people to come together around a responsible meal, made up of local products and cooked using gas. These two films are the first of a saga which will cover the five continents between now and 2019, seeking out innovative and collaborative solutions.
« “#ENGIEHarmonyProject illustrates in a very tangible and modern way, ENGIE’s action in favour of harmonious progress, reconciling individual interests with the general interest. ENGIE is among the global brands which have a responsibility to design and implement other modes of development, to create wealth differently. To achieve this, we must unite the strengths of our teams with those of all the civil society actors. We are proud of what we are achieving together with our partners to be useful both to our customers and to the world which surrounds us”, emphasises Ana Busto, ENGIE Executive Vice President, in charge of Brand and Communications.
Development of renewable electricity, green gases as renewable hydrogen, sustainable mobility solutions in cities, energy efficiency solutions, connected smart buildings and energy communities, etc. Through #ENGIEHarmonyProject, ENGIE is promoting collective action and thus confirming its role as an energy revolution pioneer.
Film 1 - #ENGIEHarmonyProject in Mexico. “Solar Graffiti”, a collaborative project between ENGIE, its Heliatek partner and a Mexican artist.
The film illustrates a project which aims to convert a derelict stadium in Mexico City, into a friendly venue, that is more pleasing and safer, thanks to its rehabilitation by a work of art that mixes graffiti with organic solar films. A fresco of light by the Mexican artist N3O produced with the technological support of ENGIE engineers, which has improved the daily lives of local people over the long-term.
Film 2 - #ENGIEHarmonyProject in Vendée. “Green Gas Farmers”, a collaborative project between ENGIE and its AgriBioMéthane partner
The film illustrates the initiative of ten or so farmers who are recycling their agricultural waste in rural Vendée and transforming it into biogas and biomethane. A methanisation unit and a biomethane service station have been created in collaboration with AgriBioMéthane and ENGIE. A project with positive environmental, social and economic impacts for the whole region.