Reports of Boards of Directors
Reference Documents
Rivolam and Houlival Financial Statements
F-4 form
F-4 certified by the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission):
Responses to the merger plan by company committees and institutions
Investor Presentations

Analyst Conference of 16 June 2008:
Analyst Conference of 15 October 2007:
Analyst Conference of 3 September 2007:
Analyst Conference of 28 February 2006:
Share simulator for July 21, 2008
Other Press Releases
4 June 2008: The Boards of Directors of Gaz de France and SUEZ call a Shareholders’ Meeting for the Merger
1 April 2008: Adjustment to the structure of the future Group
15 October 2007: Operational and financial objectives of GDF SUEZ
3 September 2007: Approval of the fundamentals of the planned GDF SUEZ merger
20 December 2006: Gaz de France Board Meeting
15 December 2006: Consultation Procedures with Gaz de France European Works Council
22 November 2006: Responses from Gaz de France and SUEZ to the ruling of the Paris Court of Appeal:
13 October 2006: The undertakings made to the European Commission
12 October 2006: Update on the progress of the merger
20 September 2006: Undertakings proposed to the European Commission by SUEZ and Gaz de France
15 June 2006: Update on the progress of the merger
4 May 2006: Confirmation of the merger timetable and upward revision of synergies
29 March 2006: Update on the progress of the merger
27 February 2006: A world energy and environmental leader is born
25 February 2006: