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The Group's Purpose, enshrined in its bylaws, places the environment at the heart of its concerns, based on the two components of the transition to a carbon-neutral economy and a positive impact on the Planet. The Group's environmental policy is part of its broader corporate social responsibility policy, and has been drawn up in coherence with the other Group policies with which it interacts: health and safety, human resources, ethics, risks, purchasing, industrial safety, etc.
The environment is a major challenge for ENGIE and a key asset for creating value with its stakeholders. Its preservation, at the very least, through respect for the "Avoid/Reduce/Compensate" sequence, and whenever possible its improvement through the notion of "Positive Balance", enable us to maintain the availability and richness of the natural resources that the Group uses for its activities and makes available to its customers.
The Group also adheres to the major international principles in favor of preserving the environment, and displays its support for the UN Global Compact, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the OECD Guiding Principles and the Paris Climate Agreement.