
Protecting the Environment

ENGIE evolves in a world where environmental issues are multiplying. Risks related to climate change, overexploitation of natural resources including water, biodiversity loss and air pollution are central concerns for the Group and the resilience of its activities. Environment is one of the key CSR issues for a leader in the world of energy and energy services like ENGIE.

The Group's Purpose, enshrined in its bylaws, places the environment at the heart of its concerns, based on the two components of the transition to a carbon-neutral economy and a positive impact on the Planet. The Group's environmental policy is part of its broader corporate social responsibility policy, and has been drawn up in coherence with the other Group policies with which it interacts: health and safety, human resources, ethics, risks, purchasing, industrial safety, etc.


The environment is a major challenge for ENGIE and a key asset for creating value with its stakeholders. Its preservation, at the very least, through respect for the "Avoid/Reduce/Compensate" sequence, and whenever possible its improvement through the notion of "Positive Balance", enable us to maintain the availability and richness of the natural resources that the Group uses for its activities and makes available to its customers. 

The Group also adheres to the major international principles in favor of preserving the environment, and displays its support for the UN Global Compact, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the OECD Guiding Principles and the Paris Climate Agreement.


Visuel engagment climat

Certain that we are facing a climate emergency and fully aware of the importance of the role that we play, our Group has set itself the goal of contributing to a transition to a carbon-neutral world by considering the control of its greenhouse gas emissions as a major challenge. Since 2015, we have been firmly committed to aligning ourselves with the Paris Agreement. We are drastically reducing emissions related to our industrial activities, and we obtained in 2020, the SBTi “2°C” certification, followed by the SBTi “well-below 2°C” certification in February 2023, for our 2030 objectives, a key step towards the Group’s net zero emission by 2045. 

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Committing to Nature


December 2022 was a major step for biodiversity with the signing of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Numerous economic players, including ENGIE, joined forces during this 15th Conference of the Parties to demonstrate their involvement and underline the need to act immediately to halt the loss of biodiversity and reverse the downward trend, while also continuing efforts to respect the Paris Climate Agreement. In 2023, ENGIE continued to work on developing SBTn guides and took part in the TNFD Forum. To identify the necessary steps to become aligned with the European directive and the new international frameworks, the Group has analyzed how its practices deviate from these regulations, then worked on the implementation of the LEAP method (Locate, Evaluate, Assess, Prepare).
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Reducing the carbon footprint of our working practices 

Being a player in the energy transition means acting collectively and individually to contribute to the Group's decarbonization trajectory, over and above the transformation of our business. Every year, ENGIE measures the carbon footprint of its employees in their work and travel patterns, worldwide, with a collective Net Zero Carbon objective for its working practices by 2030.

GHG emissions resulting from the use of office buildings, business travel, commuting, digital tools and usages, and the use of service and company fleets are measured and reported annually by each Group entity and/or country. In total, in 2023, the working practices of Group employees generated 268 kt of CO2eq, i.e. less than 1% of the Group's direct emissions.


To support them, ENGIE has set ambitious targets, proposed new policies, raised awareness among all its employees and implemented concrete actions:  

  • Greening its vehicle fleet by encouraging the renewal of the fleet with electric vehicles by 2030;  
  • Sobriety of its buildings by reducing Group-wide energy consumption by 35% by 2030;  
  • Responsible digital consumption practices, for which employee training is an essential element of success.
  • Moderate and responsible business travel. The business travel policy was revised in January 2024, with the aim of significantly reducing the number of trips. To achieve this, in particular, a "carbon cost" was added to travel expenses to encourage their reduction and raise employee awareness of environmental impact.

Since 2019, ENGIE has reduced GHG emissions linked to working patterns by around 10% between 2021 and 2023. 



Making our power grids more reliable

  • ENGIE operates power transmission networks in Brazil, Peru and Chile. These networks have loss rates and unavailability rates measured by a SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) indicator.


Lengths considered (per country in kms)





TEN in Chile600600600
Other TL in Chile2,1252,1542,141
TL in Brazil – Gralha Azul-852.8908.9
TL in Brazil – Novo Estado-9251804.9

Legend: TL = Transmission Lines


Length considered in the calculations:

  • Gralha Azul: All TL’s operated by Engie except TL Irati Norte – Ponta Grossa
  • Novo Estado: All TL’s operated by Engie except TL Serra Pelada – Xingu C1 and C2
  • Some transmission lines operated by ENGIE (like those in Peru) are only used to carry out energy from our generation facilities and are thus considered as part of these assets. So their lengths, availability, reliability performance and transmission losses rates are not computed here. 
  • Grahla Azul and Novo Estado: network fully operational from March 2023 (commissioning date).


Transmission losses





TEN in Chile1.23%1.58%2.40%
Other TL in Chile0.54%0.4%0.39%
TL in Brazil – Gralha AzulNot computed0.67%0.60%
TL in Brazil – Novo EstadoNot computed1.17%1.90%
Weighted average of all TL0.90%0.76%1.00%

Legend: TL = Transmission Lines



  • TEN is the interconnection system between the former SING (Norte Grande Interconnected System) and the SIC (Central Interconnected System) networks in Chile. It is operated both ways: when the current flow is inverted, the electrical power goes to zero. In this range, the measurement equipment is less reliable which explains the high value for the transmission losses. In 2023, the calculations have taken into account a case of force majeure among the Chilean electricity authorities, which explains a higher result than in previous years.
  • Losses of TL in Peru are not computed anymore because directly connected to thermal power plants (their losses correspond to the auxiliary power supplied from the system).
  • In 2023, Brazil will see the commissioning of major transmission networks (Novo Estado). These networks link up with the northern part of Brazil and circulate a higher electrical intensity than the other networks, which explains the higher result.
  • Here is the formula used to calculate the transmission losses :

tableau perte de transmission


Line Availability





TEN in Chile99,989%99.997%99.87%
Other TL in Chile99,953%99.982%99.85%
TL in Brazil – Gralha Azul-99,96%99.90%
TL in Brazil – Novo Estado-99,98%99.98%
Weighted average of all TL99.964%99.976%99.89%

Legend: TL = Transmission Lines


Remark: Here is the formula used to calculate the availability of the transmission lines :

disponibilité des lignes de transmissions

Tandis que :

nombre de minutes disponibles


In 2023, this availability rate resulted in 8 hours and 27 minutes of unavailability over the year.





SAIDI (in hours) transmission network3.142.148.45



ENGIE and the Sustainable Energy Transition label

logo ENGIE TedThe energy sector is one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, which is why ENGIE is taking action to preserve the planet, by reducing its emissions and protecting biodiversity. Developing renewable energies, creating a Sustainable Energy Transition label, supporting the decarbonization initiatives of our customers in all sectors, increasing the use of sustainable funding with green bonds, investing in innovative technologies, such as synthetic fuels, etc. 


ENGIE and the sustainable management of hedgerows label

On September 29, 2023, ENGIE Solutions committed to the development of the Hedges Label. The aim is to encourage the wood-energy sector to adopt more sustainable production of supplies, preserve biodiversity and adapt to the effects of climate change. By signing a convention with Afac-Agroforesteries aiming to develop virtuous hedge-growing practices, ENGIE Solutions has promised that the whole of the Group will source 20% of wood chips used in biomass boilers from operations with the Hedges label by 2026.