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By Engie - 13 September 2024 - 15:37

Renewable gases are essential for achieving a carbon-neutral economy by 2050 and are a strategic priority for ENGIE, who aims to become the European market leader.
The various renewable gas sectors—biomethane, synthetic gas, green hydrogen and its derivatives—will help decarbonize all gas consumption by 2050, particularly in hard-to-electrify sectors like heavy industry and transport. By diversifying the energy mix, the Group ensures the reliability and cost control of the energy transition.



Catherine MacGregor often emphasizes that, "To achieve net-zero carbon while ensuring cost control for citizens and businesses, (…) we need to leverage all decarbonization levers." Renewable gases are one such essential lever, with the added benefit of enhancing regional energy independence.


What are ENGIE's objectives for green gas?

  • 100% renewable gases in its energy mix by 2050
  • 10 TWh of biomethane annual production in Europe by 2030 
  • 4 GW of renewable hydrogen production capacity via electrolysis by 2035
  • 3 billion euros invested in biomethane production capacity and 2.5 billion euros in network connections


The latest step towards these objectives was taken on April 16th, 2024, when ENGIE announced the acquisition of two biomethane production units in the Netherlands. This acquisition strengthens ENGIE’s project portfolio in a key market.


What is green gas or renewable gas?

Biomethane, synthetic methane, renewable hydrogen, and e-fuels. These gases are produced from various types of waste or renewable electricity.


There are several types of renewable gas:


  • Derived from the methanization of biodegradable waste, biomethane comes from purifying this biogas which is then reinjected into the network.



  • Syngas makes it possible to use inputs that complement those of biomethane. It is obtained through the pyrogasification of solid waste or the hydrogenation of liquid waste.



  • Mainly used to decarbonize industry and heavy mobility, hydrogen makes it possible to fully exploit the capacities of variable renewable energies by converting them into a storable form.



What are the advantages of renewable gas?

Environmental advantages

  • They emit eight times less CO2 than natural gas, making them an ideal transition energy.
  • They facilitate decarbonization for households and industry
  • They contribute to a circular economy by recycling waste.

Economic advantages

  • Most of them are compatible with existing gas infrastructures.


Societal benefits

  • They contribute to regional energy independence and energy security 
  • They stimulate the local economy by creating jobs that cannot be relocated.



How to produce low-carbon gas?

There are several ways of producing green gas.



Organic waste is sorted, mixed, and placed into a methanizer, where it is heated and stirred. As it ferments, bacteria transform it into biogas. 
To make the biogas compatible with natural gas, it must be purified (i.e., components other than CH4 must be removed). 
Several techniques can be used to separate carbon dioxide (CO2) from methane to obtain pure biomethane, such as acid compound absorption, membranes, or cryogenics. Once purified, it will then be odorized for injection into gas networks.


Discover how biogas is produced through methanization:

Hydrothermal gasification

This emerging technology makes it possible to produce renewable gas from liquid wet waste and biomass, such as sewage sludge or digestate from methanization plants that cannot be spread on land. Once the mineral component of the waste has been extracted, the remaining water and organic matter are converted into a synthetic gas.



Pyrogasification enables the use of solid waste that is not currently recycled, such as wood residues, Waste Furnishing Components (WFC), plastics or Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF), to produce renewable or low-carbon gas that can be fed into the grid. This process, still under development, complements methanization by the production of renewable gas from non-fermentable dry biomass.


Discover how synthetic gas is produced with hydrothermal gasification and pyrogasification: 


This is a process in which electrical energy is converted into chemical energy. Electrolysis is used to transform electricity produced from renewable sources into, in our case, renewable hydrogen.


Discover how electrolysis produces hydrogen:


How are green gases used?

Renewable gases, such as biomethane, hydrogen, and their derivatives, will play a crucial role in decarbonizing the economy. They can be stored, enhance the flexibility of the energy system, and be integrated into existing gas infrastructure, helping to keep transition costs low.


However, each has its own unique characteristics:



Three ENGIE flagship projects in green gases

To accelerate decarbonization, ENGIE is expanding its partnerships. Here’s a closer look at three initiatives, that span from production to the final customer.



Since 2022, ENGIE has been working on producing renewable gas for maritime transport, in partnership with shipping company CMA CGM. A pyrogasification unit is scheduled to open in 2027 in Le Havre, France. The goal is to produce 11,000 tonnes per year of second-generation biomethane and liquefy it (turning it into BioGNL) for the CMA CGM fleet. Learn more


The HyPSTER Demonstrator

HyPSTER is the world’s first demonstrator for underground storage of renewable hydrogen. The project is deployed over three years by a consortium of nine companies from four European countries, and is supported by the European Union and the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Its objective is to test the production and storage of renewable hydrogen in salt cavities on an industrial scale and assess the replicability of this process at other sites in Europe. The demonstrator has been installed at the Storengy storage site in Etrez, France. Learn more


Long-term Contracts with Arkema and BASF

In 2023, GEMS signed a major contract with chemical company Arkema to help reduce the carbon footprint of high-performance bio-based polyamides. Under this agreement, ENGIE will supply Arkema with 3 terawatt-hours (TWh) of biomethane over a 10-year period. It is one of the largest private biomethane purchase contracts in Europe. Learn more


In July 2024, the chemical group BASF followed a similar same path. It signed a Biomethane Purchase Agreement (BPA) with ENGIE for 2.7 to 3 TWh of biomethane over seven years, providing a sustainable alternative to fossil raw materials in its manufacturing process. Learn more



Read Our Special Report on Renewable Gases


5 misconceptions about green gases

Still relatively unknown, green gases are often misunderstood. Here are a few tips to help you clear the air at your next dinner party!

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Adapting Infrastructure: A Vital Lever for Providing Flexibility

Injecting biomethane or synthetic methane into gas networks, or storing them, requires no adaptation of existing infrastructures – contrary to hydrogen, which necessitates such transformations and even the creation of dedicated networks.

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GEMS: A Key Player in Biomethane

The GEMS entity (Global Energy Management & Sales) plays a pivotal role in green gas commercialization. GEMS is responsible for sourcing biomethane, from ENGIE or from other stakeholders, and reselling them to clients. These clients “can be internal, such as Group-operated combined gas cycle power plants, or external, including chemical companies and other gas-intensive industrial players in our portfolio,” explains Aurélie Boscarolo-Fousse, Business Developer at GEMS. The entity already boasts an impressive roster of clients. 

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The Role of Methane Unit Developers

Group specialists are responsible for identifying the most promising locations and spearheading development of new methanization units.

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