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Every year, 2,000 to 3,000 people take part in the contest, innovating and connecting with others in every ENGIE company in the world. These dedicated individuals want to publicise their initiatives to obtain the support they need to take them further, convinced their projects will help build a better future.
Shankar KRISHNAMOORTHY, Executive Vice President of ENGIE and President of the Innovation Trophees Grand Jury, declared :
“Innovating today means knowing how to connect to the world, being curious about technology and trends. It requires a capacity to harness resources, to communicate and to constantly reinvent. This innovation momentum is vital, especially in a world of uncertainty and transition”
The selection process first of all identifies 100 innovations to be included in a brochure, which will serve as a showcase for the Group's creativity and be widely distributed both inside and outside the ENGIE ecosystem. Awards are then given to the projects judged to be the most innovative in areas as varied as energy storage solutions, green mobility and clean heating systems. An Employee Trophee also honours the most popular innovation within the Group.
In 2020, we received more than 540 projects from 42 different countries and awarded 19 trophies, including the new “ENGIE x Solar Impulse Foundation” prize, presented by Bertrand Piccard.

Csilla Kohalmi-Monfils, Director for Innovation Ecosystems at ENGIE, “Les cahiers techniques du Bâtiment”, September 2020, explained :
“All these innovations were selected through an internal competition among ENGIE employees worldwide and, increasingly, were the result of Open Innovation co-creations with external partners (start-ups, academics, clients, etc.). To be selected as one of the best, projects had to fit squarely with ENGIE's strategy to be leader of the world energy transition”