SAP SuccessFactors id

Ingénieur génie électrique

Posting date : 11/04/2024

Requisition ID : 6194

Ingénieur génie électrique

Tractebel est une communauté mondiale de 5000 experts imaginatifs qui conçoivent un avenir neutre en carbone. Grâce à nos solutions révolutionnaires pour des projets énergétiques, urbains, nucléaires et hydrauliques complexes, nous aidons nos clients à créer un impact positif vers un monde durable, où les personnes, la planète et le profit prospèrent collectivement.



Environnement de travail

Au sein de la Direction Nucléaire, vous serez rattaché(e) à l’agence de Marseille.


Vous interviendrez sur des grands projets nucléaires (Programme Grand Carénage d’EDF, new built, Post-Fukushima, Programme sécuritaire …) et vous serez acteur du développement des compétences en Electricité au sein de Tractebel.


Principales missions confiées :

  • Réaliser des études de conception d’installations électriques HTA/BT répondant aux exigences du client, à l'analyse de sûreté, aux contraintes d'implantation et aux normes/règles applicables (RCCE, NF C15-100, NF C13-200, etc.)
  • Dimensionner les installations électriques (transformateurs, groupes électrogènes, tableaux électriques, câbles et cheminements, appareillages, éclairage…) en prenant en compte les perturbations (CEM) et les contraintes d’exploitation/maintenance
  • Élaborer des cahiers des charges, des spécifications techniques et des spécifications matériels
  • Réaliser des notes de calculs des réseaux électriques HTA/BT et d’éclairement
  • Etudier l’intégration des équipements selon les contraintes d’installation et participer à l’élaboration des plans d’implantation 
  • Réaliser des schémas électriques (unifilaire, schéma d’armoire, …)
  • Déterminer les coûts associés à la fourniture, au montage et la mise en service des installations électriques
  • Veille technologique et choix des matériels à prescrire en fonction des projets
  • Participer aux activités liées à la qualification des équipements (gestion de l’obsolescence, dossiers de prélèvement sur site, …)
  • Garantir la qualité et les délais des livrables techniques
  • Consulter les fournisseurs
  • Suivi des travaux : visites de chantier, réception usine, opérations préalables à la réception, levée de réserve
  • Animer et / ou participer à des réunions / relation Client Fournisseur

Capitalisation du Retour d’Expérience (rédaction de fiches REX


Ce que nous proposons

  • Des projets passionnants et des responsabilités variées
  • Un environnement de travail international
  • Un environnement de travail stimulant, où croissance et développement professionnel vont de pair
  • Des opportunités tout au long de votre carrière, selon vos compétences, vos intérêts, vos objectifs de carrière et votre mode de vie.


Plus d’informations sur Tractebel en France

TRACTEBEL France, filiale de Tractebel ENGIE (5.000 collaborateurs), est une société d’ingénierie internationale qui apporte son expertise et intervient dans les études techniques, la supervision et la réalisation d’ouvrages liés aux énergies renouvelables (hydro-électricité, éolien, solaire…), des grandes infrastructures de l’eau, du gaz, du transport, des bâtiments complexes et des installations nucléaires.

TRACTEBEL (France) (CA annuel de 115 millions d’Euros), riche de son histoire initiée par le bureau d’études Coyne et Bellier, est aujourd’hui une entreprise dynamique de 530 collaborateurs, à la renommée internationale.


Cultivez votre authenticité dans une société où accompagnement et équité sont générateurs d’avancées – Rejoignez l’aventure TRACTEBEL !



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Ingénieur I&C Marseille

Posting date : 10/04/2024

Requisition ID : 6167

Ingénieur I&C Marseille

Tractebel est une communauté mondiale de 5000 experts imaginatifs qui conçoivent un avenir neutre en carbone. Grâce à nos solutions révolutionnaires pour des projets énergétiques, urbains, nucléaires et hydrauliques complexes, nous aidons nos clients à créer un impact positif vers un monde durable, où les personnes, la planète et le profit prospèrent collectivement.


Environnement de travail

Au sein de la Direction Nucléaire, vous serez rattaché(e) à l’agence de Marseille.


Principales missions confiées :


  • Réaliser des études de conception de systèmes I&C en interface avec les systèmes nucléaires,

  • Définition, étude et modification d’architecture de contrôle-commande,

  • Etudes de remplacement et ou d’ajout de nouveaux instruments,

  • Choix multicritères d’instruments,

  • Analyses de robustesse au séisme associées aux différents équipements,

  • Élaborer des cahiers des charges, des spécifications techniques et des spécifications matériels,

  • Etudier l’intégration des équipements selon les contraintes d’installation,

  • Déterminer les coûts associés à la fourniture, au montage et la mise en service des installations,

  • Veille technologique et choix des matériels à prescrire en fonction des projets,

  • Participer aux activités liées à la qualification des équipements (gestion de l’obsolescence, dossiers de prélèvement sur site, …),

  • Rédiger des programmes et procédures d’essais usine et site,

  • Consulter les fournisseurs et suivi de ceux-ci,

  • Suivi des travaux : visites de chantier, réception usine, opérations préalables à la réception, levée de réserve, etc…

  • Animer et / ou participer à des réunions / relation Client Fournisseur

  • Capitalisation du Retour d’Expérience (rédaction de fiches REX)


Pour une demande de prestation de service, préciser les livrables attendus : RAS



Prérequis :


Formation de base : Bac+5 (école d’ingénieur, diplôme universitaire) avec une formation en Instrumentation / Automatique / Informatique Industrielle.

Nombre d’années d’expérience minimum : 2 ans minimum ou plus

Compétences principales :

Compétences en Instrumentation et Contrôle-Commande : Architecture I&C, Instruments, qualification nucléaire d’équipements, systèmes de contrôle-commande.

Connaissance du fonctionnement d’installations industrielles et ou de centrales nucléaires. Une première expérience dans le domaine du nucléaire est un plus, mais pas indispensable.

Connaissance des codes de conception et des exigences spécifiques dans le nucléaire (RCC-E, IEC, etc…) est un plus.

Rigoureux, sérieux, autonome, vous possédez une forte capacité à gérer et à intervenir face à des situations imprévues. L’esprit d’équipe est une de vos qualités.

Vous êtes doté de bonnes capacités rédactionnelles et de communication, ainsi que d’un esprit de synthèse. La proactivité et la curiosité intellectuelle sont particulièrement appréciées afin d’intervenir sur des sujets diversifiés et à forte valeur ajoutée.


Maitrise des logiciels : impératif pack office (Excel, Word, Power Point), connaissance de logiciel de modélisation et simulation est un plus : Modelica, Alices (CORYS), Simulink, MATLAB.

Expérience sectorielle : Nucléaire / Industrie

Langue / Niveau : Français courant et Anglais professionnel

Votre niveau d’autonomie sera adapté à votre expérience. Vous pourrez profiter d’un coaching et d’un parcours personnalisé pour réussir votre intégration.



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Field Service Engineer Gas en Stoomturbines

Posting date : 08/04/2024

Requisition ID : 9115

Field Service Engineer Gas en Stoomturbines

Bij ENGIE ontwikkelen we de duurzame energie van morgen. Als Field Service Engineer Gas en Stoomturbines werk je mee aan onderhoud en vernieuwing van de elektriciteitscentrales die de energietransitie mogelijk maken. 


Wat ga je doen als Field Service Engineer Gas en Stoomturbines?  

Als Field Service Engineer Gas en Stoomturbines bij EMS ondersteun je zowel operationeel als strategisch de verschillende onderhoudsteams. Zo werk je actief mee aan de energie van morgen. Je organiseert en controleert de onderhoudswerkzaamheden aan gas en stoomturbines. En met alle werkzaamheden vergroot jij jouw know-how en groei je meer en meer in jouw rol als expert. Afhankelijk van het project waar je aan werkt, houd jij je bezig met:  


  • het uitvoeren van mechanische werkzaamheden aan de gas en stroomturbines; 
  • het coördineren van een team monteurs tijdens de uitvoering van de projecten met interne en externe middelen; 
  • Het beheren van projecten in zowel voorbereiding-, uitvoering- en consolidatiefasen;
  • Het ondersteunen van de projectleider met projectmanagement;  
  • Het respecteren en waarborgen van het kwaliteitsplan met inbegrip van de planning, het budget, veiligheidsvoorschriften en milieubeperkingen.  



Je bent op locatie aanwezig voor het begeleiden, testen en uitvoeren van verbeter- en vervangingsprojecten voor zowel ENGIE als voor leveranciers. Afwisselend werk, zowel qua uitvoering als qua locatie.  Met jouw werkzaamheden zie jij de energietransitie zich ontvouwen. Binnen een relatief kleine organisatie, maar wel met de middelen en stabiliteit van een grote corporate.  


Wie is ENGIE en waar kom je te werken? 

Als Field Service Engineer ben je onderdeel van het EMS team. EMS zorgt o.a. voor het (projectmatig) onderhoud van onze gas- en stoomturbines in Europa. Iets waar – om betrouwbaar te kunnen leveren - veel onderhoud bij komt kijken. Europe Maintenance Support (EMS) onderhoudt de gas- en stoomturbines die daarbij horen. De afdeling bestaat uit (Senior) Technicians en Assistent Projectleiders. Daarnaast heb je contact met de collega’s van andere expertises (zoals Ketel, Electrical etc) en met de collega’s van de locaties waar de revisiewerkzaamheden verricht worden.


Als Field Service Engineer ben je onderdeel van team van 30 collega’s. Jullie delen jullie kennis en werken dagelijks samen met een mooie dosis humor. Elke collega heeft een eigen expertise met de bijbehorende verantwoordelijkheid. Het is hard werken, maar in een relaxte, open en collegiale sfeer. In een internationale omgeving waarbij we de successen samen vieren. 


Wat neem jij mee? 

Techniek, grote industriële machines en systemen… Een omgeving waar jij op je plek bent. De techniek heeft je altijd al getrokken en je weet hier alles van. Met jouw analytische brein los je graag problemen op. En met jouw communicatieve vaardigheden kun je makkelijk schakelen met zowel technici als engineers. Als team zorg je er samen voor dat het werk wordt gedaan en de klus geklaard. Want samen kom je nu eenmaal verder en groei je allemaal.   


Daarnaast heb je: 


  • Je hebt minimaal een Mbo-opleiding richting WTB, AOT of een direct vergelijkbare opleiding. Je hebt bovendien een enorme drive om jezelf verder te ontwikkelen binnen de gas en stroomturbines; 
  • Je bent een teamspeler, je gaat namelijk veel met jouw team op pad. Je kunt en je wilt contractors aansturen en je snapt dat de klus geklaard moet worden;
  • Je bent in bezit van rijbewijs B. Certificaten zoals VOL-VCA, BA4-5 training, werkervaring aan rotating equipement is mooi meegenomen;
  • Beheers je zowel Nederlands als Engels vloeiend (in woord en schrift).  


Het is voor jou geen probleem - indien noodzakelijk- tijdens de weekenden te werken om geplande en onvoorziene interventies uit te voeren. Het kan zijn dat je een deel van het jaar in het buitenland werkzaam bent (meestal Europa, incidenteel buiten Europa). En wij ondersteunen je daarin met o.a. overnachting en vervoer. Mocht je hier meer van willen weten neem dan contact met ons op.


En mocht je (nog) niet helemaal alle kennis en ervaring meenemen en je wilt dit snel leren? Dan mag je ook contact met ons opnemen voor andere mogelijkheden binnen EMS en Engie.


Wat bieden wij jou als Field Service Engineer Gas en Stoomturbines? 

Het bouwen aan CO2 neutrale oplossingen van morgen kunnen we enkel met de beste collega’s, die goed in hun vel zitten. We besteden dan ook veel aandacht aan de bedrijfscultuur en (door)groeimogelijkheden voor onze medewerkers. Daarnaast krijg je ook nog:


  • Hier hoort een salaris bij van € 3.114,- tot € 5.338,- bruto per maand obv een fulltime werkweek, met doorgroeimogelijkheden (afhankelijk van jouw kennis en ervaring);
  • We kennen nog een uitgebreide vergoedingsregeling voor werken in het buitenland;
  • Een contract voor een 32 – 38 uur per week;
  • 25 vakantiedagen en 13 ADV dagen (o.b.v. een fulltime dienstverband);
  • 3,5 vitaliteitsdagen per jaar;
  • 8% vakantietoeslag en een eindejaarsuitkering;
  • Een pensioenregeling bij het ABP waarvan wij 70% van de kosten op ons nemen;
  • Korting op je energiecontract met 100% groene stroom van ENGIE;
  • Een persoonlijk ontwikkelbudget van € 500,- per jaar;
  • Zakelijke kilometers worden aantrekkelijk vergoed en bij veel kilometers, kijken we naar een leaseauto;
  • Op de Eems en de Maxima centrale kan je gratis gebruik maken van de sportfaciliteiten.


Ben je enthousiast? Solliciteer dan meteen door op de button hieronder te klikken. Wacht niet te lang. De vacature sluit zodra we de juiste kandidaat hebben gevonden.


En mocht je vragen en/of opmerkingen hebben dan kun je contact met ons opnemen. Dat kan met Sander Jongste via Mocht je nog vragen hebben over de procedure of over werken bij Engie, neem dan contact op met Jos Boomsma, Senior Corporate Recruiter, via 06-12696240 of via


* Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat mannen al reageren op een functie wanneer zij voor 60% voldoen aan de wensen van de toekomstig werkgever. Terwijl vrouwen pas reageren wanneer zij zelf vinden een 100% match te zijn. Zonde! Mocht je nu niet aan alle wensen voldoen en wel interesse hebben, laat het ons weten. We komen graag met je in contact!

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Production Manager (M/F/X)

Posting date : 05/04/2024

Requisition ID : 9197

Production Manager (M/F/X)

At ENGIE, we're working together to accelerate the energy transition to a carbon-neutral economy. Currently, at our Flémalle site, we are building the new Turbine-Gas-Steam Power Plant of the future!


We are looking for a Production Manager (M/F/X) for this "TGV" plant


Curious? Interested?


WE OFFER YOU as Production Manager (M/F/X)



YOUR CHALLENGE as Production Manager (M/F/X)


  • Initially (daytime schedule) - Plant construction phase:
    • You will contribute to the testing and commissioning of the plant's various circuits, as and when the plant is built.
    • You will be trained and familiarised with the operation of all the plant's circuits.
    • You pay particular attention to ensuring that ENGIE's "safety" culture is adopted by all team members.


  • Second phase (schedule with 3 shifts) - Plant production phase:


    • You will be in charge of the plant's control room and ensure its smooth operation, in collaboration with an operator.
    • You analyse technical anomalies and decide on immediate action to be taken. You are responsible for ensuring the safety of circuits before any work is carried out.
    • You continue to learn and share information within the team
    • You participate in the various activities of the Control Department (periodic tests, training, meetings, projects, administrative processes, specific requests, etc.).


YOUR PROFILE as Production Manager (M/F/X)



Nancy Mélin -

Quai du Halage 49, 4400 Flémalle

ENGIE FLEXIBLE GENERATION Europe, an operating unit of the ENGIE Group, has expertise in many areas of the energy sector: Some 1,400 employees manage, maintain and operate the ENGIE Group's large-scale, highly flexible and efficient natural gas, biomass, hydropower and cogeneration units in 7 European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the UK ). Similarly, this business unit can develop new applications such as energy security via large-scale batteries or power-to-gas projects.
In this way, it is the perfect complement to renewable energies and helps large industrial customers to make the transition to the most energy-efficient production processes, in particular by considerably reducing their CO2 emissions!
Be a key enabler of the transition towards carbon-neutral economy!


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Mechanical Maintenance Technician

Posting date : 20/02/2024

Requisition ID : 2363

Mechanical Maintenance Technician

Our thermal power plant in the region of Brussels (Drogenbos) is looking for a                    

Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X).


Valves, pumps, valves & valves hold no secrets for you?
You have a real DO mentality? You have the ambition to play a key role in the transition to a carbon neutral economy?


Apply via the above or 'apply now' button below for our position of

Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X).



WE OFFER YOU as a Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X):


  • A high-tech workplace where passion for technology is key.
  • A work environment where safety always comes first.
  • A pleasant working atmosphere and a top team of experienced technicians who will be happy to share their knowledge and guide you in this new professional challenge. Together with your colleagues, you will report to Stefan, Patrick and Kris - senior technicians of the department.
  • Numerous opportunities to develop yourself, thanks to extensive training "on the job" and the possibility of acquiring other competencies of your choice.
  • Close supervision from Day 1 by an assigned godmother or godfather.
  • A stable company that offers job security.
  • A pleasant work atmosphere and healthy work-life balance.
  • A day job with a nice 38h schedule that guarantees a good work-life balance: 7h-11h30 - lunch break (30min) - 12h-15h15. On Fridays we stop at 2:45pm and you can start your weekend early!
  • Lots of variety in your job combined with the necessary freedom and flexibility.
  • A clerical contract (38h) of indefinite duration with a competitive salary package consisting of a nice gross salary and numerous fringe benefits:
    • Monthly indexation of your base salary
    • Annual salary increase according to energy sector scales
    • Annual double vacation pay, collective bonus and year-end bonus.
    • 20 leave days + 13 ADV days
    • Do you make professional trips to other entities? Then you will be compensated for this via a mileage allowance. If you make these trips outside your working hours, you will also receive an additional mobility allowance.
    • Medical expenses and hospitalization costs are reimbursed for you and your family members
    • Supplemental pension plan
    • Meal vouchers €8
    • Laptop & cell phone



YOUR CHALLENGE as a Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X):


  • Together with your colleagues, you are responsible for the day-to-day execution of maintenance work on mechanical systems, tools and components.
  • Your duties will include: diagnosis, planning, work preparation, coordination of execution and monitoring and reporting. 
  • In addition to your day-to-day duties, you will also work on certain projects, revisions, planned or unplanned interventions, ....
  • You work mainly from the headquarters in Drogenbos, which is easily accessible by public transport. 
     Do you want to push your boundaries? Then you occasionally have the opportunity to go on a trip to get to know the other installations and colleagues better.


Take a look at our plant through this link and visit our site virtually!



YOUR PROFILE as a Mechanical Maintenance Technician (M/F/X):


  • You have a Graduate or A2 level degree (Mechanics/Electromechanics) with preferably several years of relevant experience as a maintenance technician within a maintenance environment.
  • You are eager to learn, forward thinking and possess a healthy dose of responsibility.
  • You are a true team player who can also work independently within a very diverse environment.
  • You speak Dutch well or are willing to learn this within a period of 1 year with support from ENGIE.





Contact Lise: Lise Raes - Recruiter ENGIE 






  • Short phone contact between you and our recruiter Lise (motivation, understanding position)
  • First HR interview online (Comprehensive introduction, soft skills testing and completing online HR testing)
  • 2nd physical technical interview with manager of the team: Herman Dirix and senior technician: here you can completely prove yourself technically.
  • Are we positive? Then we would be happy to introduce you to the entity manager and make a final decision.
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Lead engineer water infrastructure

Posting date : 15/02/2024

Requisition ID : 6235

Lead engineer water infrastructure

Lead Engineer Water Infrastructure


Tractebel is a global engineering and consulting company delivering integrated solutions for sustainable energy and built environment projects. Our expertise is trusted worldwide across multiple markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways.

By connecting strategy, design, engineering, social & environmental studies, project management and in-house digital applications, we partner with companies and public authorities to create a positive impact on people and planet. 

Backed by more than 150 years of experience, today Tractebel is a community of over 5,500 passionate experts across the globe, committed to ethical business and the fight against climate change. Tractebel is part of the ENGIE Group, a global reference in low-carbon energy and services.


Your work environment (?)

 “WATER” is one of the product lines of Tractebel, specialised in port engineering and waterway infrastructure, with projects all over the world. The technical competences within our team cover the complete range of marine infrastructure: quay walls, locks, jetties, dikes, etc. Our team designs projects from feasibility, over conceptual and detailed design through owner’s engineering, in close collaboration with our national and international clients.


Tractebel has a long track record regarding design and construction of ports and waterways, from the conceptual design of the third set of locks of the Panama canal to the detailed design of a rolling bascule bridge in the port of Antwerp, as well as many others!


To tackle the exciting challenges that lie ahead, we are looking for dynamic and motivated people with a passion for marine structures.



Your mission

It will be your responsibility to take the lead for one of our major marine infrastructure projects. As a Lead Engineer you:

  • Are the main point of contact between the client and your team and you work together with external partners (such as our partner in the joint venture, other design and engineering consultancies, subcontractors, contractors during the construction phase, etc.) in a constructive way.
  • Are responsible for the follow-up of progress, quality, and financial performance of the project executed by your team. You ensure systematic follow-up of the project, by watching over customer satisfaction and foreseeing deteriorations in financial performance
  • Take a role as principal engineer of the project and coordinate and coach our junior engineers and CAD designers
  • Prepare designs (preliminary, basis, tender, detailed) for marine structures such as Port & Waterways development studies: Port Master planning, locks, quay walls, jetties, bridge foundations, flooding areas, dikes, breakwaters and perform analyses to find the optimum installation method of these structures; always with an open mind for innovative and alternative solutions
  • Dimension marine infrastructure projects following current Belgian and European standards, legislation, codes of practice and internal guidelines
  • Enhance an integrated design process by looking transversally over the different disciplines involved and you take the project from concept design through to completion
  • Are the main liaison officer between the different competence centres in Tractebel and our partner in the joint venture for water infrastructure, road infrastructure, spatial design, mobility and equipment. You coordinate with the marine engineering design by the Ports and Waterways team
  • Ensure knowledge development and sharing related to your expertise and coach junior engineers



Your profile

  • You are a qualified Master of Science in Structural Engineering with a Major in 'Dredging and Off-shore Engineering" or "Construction Design" or "Marine Engineering"
  • You have at least 8 years of relevant technical design experience 
  • You have experience in applying the relevant design codes and guidelines for the structural design and soil-structure interaction of marine infrastructure such as port infrastructure, quay walls, sheet piles, anchors, combi walls, ...
  • You have experience in designing concrete reinforcement in complex 3D structures 
  • A thorough knowledge of English is essential and good knowledge of Dutch/French is an important asset
  • You have extensive knowledge of current Belgian and European Design Standards, legislation, codes of practice (EC2, EC7, NEN, EAU, SB250, SB260, ISO, ...) 
  • You have experience in financial reporting and contract management for public tenders 
  • Expertise in modelling with SCIA engineering, Plaxis and/or GeoStudio or Dsheet is an important asset


If these projects sound like something you really want to sink your teeth in, don’t hesitate to apply! We would love to have an open conversation with you and discuss if Tractebel can offer you the challenging work environment you’re looking for.



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Electrical Design Engineer(MEP)

Posting date : 15/02/2024

Requisition ID : 8214

Electrical Design Engineer(MEP)

The working environment

Tractebel is a global community of 4,800 imaginative experts engineering a carbon-neutral future. Through our game changing solutions for complex energy, infrastructure and nuclear projects, we help our clients create a positive impact towards a sustainable world, where people, planet and profit collectively thrive.

The entity from Romania is currently seeking an Electrical Design ENGINEER for its Bucharest MEP team.



  • You issue/collaborate to the quality insurance plan related to your field of expertise.
  • You establish design principles for installations/equipment/structures.
  • You collaborate with the Owner and with other designers in developing the project design.
  • You guarantee proper dimensioning of the installations/equipment/structures.
  • You control and monitor the creation and progress of any graphic materials and any measurement overviews.
  • You issue Design Notes, Drafts, Models, Specifications, Technical Specifications and Briefs etc.
  • You provide bills of quantities and cost estimates for the works under consideration.
  • You control and validate the produced documents (analysis, brief) before delivery.
  • You comply with and enforce compliance with the Health/Safety guidelines set out in the Project Safety Plan.
  • You create graphic materials based on instructions of the Lead Engineer.
  • You structure files and organize computer-assisted design.
  • You take part in the dimensioning of simple installations/equipment based on standards, regulations, codes of practice and internal guidelines.
  • You develop your knowledge within your field of expertise and in design tools.
  • You take part in verifying implementation documents.


  • You have a Bachelor/Master Degree in Engineering
  • You have at least 3 years of experience in Electrical Design;
  • You have been involved in all engineering and design aspects and phases of projects: design, engineering, modelling, tender, execution;
  • You have a good understanding of electrical installations: medium voltage / low voltage / very low voltage;
  • You have a good knowledge of low voltage systems: electrical cabinets / earthing / (emergency)lighting / security supply (UPS/generators) / lightning protection /  cabling, selectivity, voltage drop, etc
  • You have a good knowledge of very low voltage systems: data / fire detection / access control / CCTV / …
  • You have expertise in using 2D & 3D drawing tools (Autocad, Stabicad, Revit);
  • You have good communication skills;
  • You are a team player;
  • You are client-oriented and flexible;
  • You have strong analytical skills
  • You can work autonomously, efficiently to meet personal and general objectives
  • A good knowledge of English is a must and French is an advantage;
  • You are willing to work with Belgium teams on technical installation within buildings and infrastructural projects
  • You are willing to make international trips for our international collaboration and international projects;
  • Mobility by car is necessary so an international driving license B” is un avantage;


Our offer

  • A working environment which is an active player in energy and infrastructure, encouraging innovation;
  • Challenging and exciting international projects in a dynamic team of high-level experts;
  • A stable, full-time position in an internationally reputed company with room for personal and professional development via the Tractebel Engineering School and the ENGIE University;
  • An attractive compensation package.
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Quantitative Risk Analyst

Posting date : 14/02/2024

Requisition ID : 7301

Quantitative Risk Analyst




ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation. 

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,300 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our +120,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 expertise:

  • Asset management
  • Energy transition services
  • Energy supply & global commodities
  • Risk management & market access

At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.

More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (



Integrating the quantitative analyst team is a huge opportunity for you to work on financial modeling and IT development:

  • Financial modeling: Stochastic pricing models, XVA, VaR, SVaR, CVaR,…
  • IT development: C#, python, and big data (Amazon web service, Dataiku)




  • Be in direct contact with traders, and pricing model designers to understand derivatives, and stochastic pricing models ;
  • Challenge theoretical model design and measuring model risk ;
  • Develop in C# validated stochastic models ;
  • Develop in C# alternative stochastic models.




  • XVA, VaR, SVaR, and CVaR, model designer ;
  • Improvement of stochastic models to implement in the risk engine ;
  • Interact with risk team and trading team, to understand the problem, and propose some theoretical and technical solutions ;
  • Develop and test model in python ;
  • Work with IT team for risk engine implementation ;
  • Develop “ad hoc” pricing tools and prototypes used by the FO, leveraging on the pricing library and potentially developing customized tools.




In a big data environment (python + Amazon web service), ensure model quality over the time ;

  • Challenge exotic parameter of pricing model ;
  • Design, implement, and automatize pricing model quality metrics ;
  • Calibrate stochastic model risk under historical probability.



  • Knowledge of stochastic models applied to derivative pricing and risk modeling ;
  • Knowledge of statistic (hypothesis testing, time series, regression analysis) ;
  • Good object-oriented programming skills (C#, Python) in order to develop autonomously prototypes & models ;
  • Knowledge of Amazon web service or other Big data environment would be appreciated ;
  • Some experience in Commodity Markets would be appreciated.





  • Analyzing complex problem, conceptual thinking, rigor ;
  • Ability to explain and convey messages about complex issues ;
  • Working together, ability to work in a collaborative environment.





  • University degree (Master or PhD) in Financial Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Sciences ; 
  • Confirmed experience of at least 3 years as an quantitative analyst pricing and risk model.



  • Fluent in English





Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 170,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provide equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


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Senior Design Engineer/Expert in Power Electricity - Nuclear

Posting date : 09/02/2024

Requisition ID : 6105

Senior Design Engineer/Expert in Power Electricity - Nuclear

Senior Design Engineer/Expert in Power Electricity - Nuclear


Tractebel is a global community of 5000 imaginative experts engineering a carbon-neutral future. Through our game-changing solutions for complex energy, urban, nuclear and water projects, we help our clients create a positive impact towards a sustainable world, where people, planet and profit collectively thrive. 



Project description

You must be able to manage the various aspects relating to electrical power for construction or renovation projects at conventional and nuclear power stations.


Description de function


  • Take charge of design, use of calculation software’s, perform renovation and optimization studies for electrical systems, in compliance with local and international standards and regulations
  • Set out the ratings of equipment, technical specifications and the general design of electrical systems, including generators, generator protections, generator breakers, power transformers, MV and LV motors, AC and DC electrical boards, DC and Safe AC systems, emergency diesel generating sets, cabling,...
  • As Contract Owner take charge of the invitations to tender, the analysis and technical-commercial negotiation of bids as well as the awarding of contracts for the supply of electrical equipment or services
  • Oversee the management of interfaces relating to other technical disciplines or with the customer’s installation conduct a technical-commercial follow-up of contracts
  • Take part in factory tests, in the supervision of on-site assembly and in commissioning tests for electrical equipment or systems
  • Provide consulting in the field of electrical systems of nuclear and conventional generation units.
  • Keep an eye on changes on the market, best practices as well as advances in electrical/ nuclear standards and regulatory requirements
  • Participate in the improvement of methods used in the electrical engineering field for nuclear generation units


Your Profile


  • You have got a master of electrical or electromechanical engineering
  • Experience in the expertise domain, theorical understanding of stationary and transitory electrical laws and phenomena, deep knowledge of various electrical systems, ageing phenomena,…able to interpret interactions with mechanical aspects
  • You must have an interest in the analysis and research of solutions to a variety of technical problems in the area of electrical power systems
  • You have proficient knowledge of French/Dutch and a good grasp of English
  • Customer-satisfaction must be part of your day-to-day vision
  • You have a dynamic personality and a proactive and innovative approach to work
  • You are independent and have an acute sense of responsibility.
  • You are rigorous
  • You are mobile and open to missions abroad (short or medium-term)
  • You have a VCA certification



What we offer 


  • More than a simple job, we offer you an adventure. We offer you the opportunity to work with the most exciting teams and define the future.
  • We offer you a unique opportunity to challenge yourself to become an expert in your field.
  • We’re radically transparent about the company development, the opportunities and our decisions.
  • An interesting and varied job in an international environment with a good work/life balance.
  • An attractive compensation package with fringe benefits.
  • A permanent contract to ensure the roles offered are in accordance with your skills, interests, career goals and lifestyle.




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Hardware Qualification Engineer - Nuclear

Posting date : 09/02/2024

Requisition ID : 2450

Hardware Qualification Engineer - Nuclear

Tractebel is a global community of 5000 imaginative experts engineering a carbon-neutral future. Through our game-changing solutions for complex energy, urban, nuclear and water projects, we help our clients create a positive impact towards a sustainable world, where people, planet and profit collectively thrive. 


Work environment 

A challenging and varied job in an international environment with a good work/life balance;
A stable work environment where professional growth and development match your ambitions (via the Tractebel School and the ENGIE University);
An attractive compensation package with fringe benefits;
A permanent contract to ensure the roles offered are in accordance with your skills, interests, career goals and lifestyle.


Are you motivated to board onto our international nuclear trainees program? 
As a nuclear trainee, you will:

  • Discover the world of energy and the challenges of nuclear activities and business;
  • Build a solid network of contacts within Tractebel and ENGIE and share experiences.
  • Learn during a one-year training program alongside your professional work within the technical domain of Hardware Qualification. 

In the context of the operation and lifetime extension of power plants (in Belgium and abroad), a lot of equipment have to be replaced and will be found obsolete. Suitable replacements have to be found and tested to conform to nuclear qualification requirements. Lifetime extension plans have to be defined to demonstrate the capacity of the equipment to go beyond their original lifetime. Furthermore, design upgrade projects required qualification of components to guarantee the safe operation of the plant.

Your job as Hardware Qualification Engineer will consist of:

  • Support to the utilities for the identification of obsolete components (through various methods including: contacts with the original supplier, stock analysis, etc.);
  • Managing contacts with the suppliers to evaluate alternative solutions;
  • Evaluating possible options for re-stocking; 
  • Research of substitute products for obsolete equipment;
  • Validate design changes between original and current equipment regarding nuclear safety;
  • Drafting of specifications and technical requisition files for purchasing of Instrumentation equipment;
  • Follow-up of factory acceptance test and examination of manufacturer records;
  • Meeting experts assigned by Suppliers, Client, Safety Authority...
  • Management of hardware qualification process of instrumentation equipment regarding nuclear safety;
  • Drafting of qualification programs and justifications according to current referential;
  • Evaluation and choice of test laboratories;
  • Placing of orders and follow up of the contract;
  • Follow-up of qualification tests;
  • Drafting and analysis of qualification reports;
  • Presenting and defending hardware qualification in front of the Client and the Belgian nuclear Safety Authority;
  • Performance of technical Audits of suppliers of qualified equipment in Belgium and abroad and draft audit reports;


  • Civil/Industrial Engineer (electricity, electronics, electromechanics, …); 
  • Knowledge in electricity and/or instrumentation, quality assurance, standards,… is an asset;
  • Open to quality and safety cultures;
  • +4 years' Experience of professional experience in a similar job in a safety sector (nuclear / industry / railways / aeronautics, …..)
  • Knowledge/interest in the components composing the systems and how they operate;
  • You are able to write technical documents;
  • You are fluent in English, French and/or Dutch;
  • You are open to travel for short assignments abroad.

Tractebel welcomes candidates from all backgrounds, and actively promotes Diversity in the workforce.



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