SAP SuccessFactors id

Projectleider - Nuclear

Posting date : 06/06/2024

Requisition ID : 19494

Projectleider - Nuclear




Als Project Manager Nuclear beheer en monitor je het ontwerp en/of de uitvoering van onze nucleaire  projecten.  Je stelt de ontwerp- en investeringsbudgetten op en consolideert deze voor het project als geheel. Je bepaalt de globale tijdsplanning, je controleert de geleverde diensten voor het project en je bewaakt de voortgang op het vlak van het halen van de oplevertermijnen alsook de verwachte rentabiliteit.


  • Na overleg met de experts van Tractebel definieer je de taken en machtig je je projectteam (dat je functioneel aanstuurt) om deze uit te voeren. Je organiseert meetings met de klant en ondersteunt de klant, als partner, bij het leveren van de Tractebel meerwaarde aan het project;
  • Je verzorgt de interne contacten met onze Métiers (dit zijn de Technische Competence Centres) en de ondersteunende afdelingen (juridisch, financiën, IT, risicobeheer, communicatie, …);
  • Je coördineert de acties op de raakvlakken tussen disciplines en je waakt over de adequate integratie van de verschillende specialismen in het project;
  • Je verzorgt de technische en commerciële contacten met de eventuele klanten en partners en stippelt commerciële acties uit waar nodig;
  • Voor de projecten waarbij je wordt aangesteld als ‘Project Engineer’ ondersteun je de Project Manager of Project Director bij het realiseren van alle bovengenoemde taken.


Als ambassadeur van Tractebel (ENGIE) draag je het imago en de waarden van Tractebel en de ENGIE-groep (Ethiek, QHSE,…) uit in al uw contacten, zowel binnen de ENGIE-groep als met andere externe stakeholders.




Binnen de Tractebel Business Area Global Nuclear, kom je terecht in het departement dat verantwoordelijk is voor de Tractebel projecten die we uitvoeren in opdracht van Electrabel. Dit departement is verantwoordelijk voor alle projecten die verband houden met de studies en de aanpassingen van bestaande Belgische kerncentrales (Doel en Tihange), inclusief ontmantelingsprojecten en LTO-projecten (Long Term Operation). Deze projecten kunnen betrekking hebben op pre-haalbaarheidsstudies tot en met de uiteindelijke ingebruikname van de installaties, inclusief haalbaarheids-, ontwerp-, inkoop- en realisatieactiviteiten op locatie.


Binnen dit departement ben je verantwoordelijk voor de projecten aan jou toegewezen (studies en/of aanpassingen), telkens met betrekking tot de kerncentrales in België. Je rapporteert hierbij aan de Group Manager Projecten.


Uw profiel


Minimale vereisten:

  • een Master diploma in Engineering;
  • Talenkennis: Nederlands (en bij voorkeur basiskennis Frans) en Engels;
  • De werkingsprincipes van een kerncentrale en de daarbij horende veiligheidssystemen;
  • Je hebt 5 jaar professionele ervaring als projectleider of assistent projectleider, en je hebt kennis van de processen van Engineering (opeenvolgende fasen, contractuele benaderingen, …)
  • Kennis van Belgische kerncentrales is een sterke troef;
  • BA4, VCA en Habilitatie om toegang te krijgen tot nucleaire sites is vereist.


Je beantwoordt aan volgende profielomschrijving:

  • Je kan autonoom werken en draagt veiligheid hoog in het vaandel;
  • Je bent dynamisch, flexibel, stressbestendig en rigoureus
  • Je bent resultaatgericht, hebt een sterke klantgerichtheid, bent een teamspeler in een veranderende omgeving



Ons aanbod


Wij bieden meer dan alleen een baan: je krijgt de mogelijkheid om een complexe job vol uitdagingen uit te voeren in een inspirerende omgeving waarin we bijdragen aan tal van projecten in de (inter)nationale nucleaire industrie en waarin jij je carrière kunt ontwikkelen.


We doen ons uiterste best om de beste werkomgeving voor onze medewerkers te bieden in functie van hun persoonlijke behoeften op het gebied van werk-privébalans met:

  • de mogelijkheid voor gedeeltelijk thuiswerk en flexibele uren;
  • goed ontworpen en comfortabele werkruimtes om de productiviteit en focus te verhogen;
  • veel ruimtes waar je even kunt pauzeren met je collega's en een hapje of een drankje kunt nuttigen;
  • een gratis fitnessruimte op kantoor in Brussel die kan worden gebruikt binnen uw gewenste tijdschema.



Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Posting date : 06/06/2024

Requisition ID : 14780







De afdeling is verantwoordelijk voor alle projecten met betrekking tot de studies en de aanpassingen van bestaande Belgische kerncentrales (Doel/Tihange), inclusief LTO-projecten (Long Term Operation). Deze projecten kunnen gaan van de pre-haalbaarheidsstudies tot de uiteindelijke indienststelling van de installaties, inclusief haalbaarheidsstudies, ontwerp, aankoop en on-site realisatieactiviteiten.


Binnen dit departement ben je verantwoordelijk voor projecten (studies en/of aanpassingen) met betrekking tot de kerncentrales in België, met een focus op LTO Ageing (EI&C, mechanische en civiele werken).




  • Je beheert / volgt het ontwerp en/of de uitvoering van het project op;
  • Je laat de ontwerp- en investeringsbudgetten opstellen en consolideert deze voor het project in zijn geheel. Je bepaalt het algemene tijdschema, je controleert de diensten die voor het project worden geleverd en je bewaakt de voortgang wat betreft het halen van de leveringstermijnen en de verwachte rentabiliteit;
  • Na overleg met de experts definieer je de taken en geef je je projectteam (dat je functioneel leidt) de bevoegdheid om ze uit te voeren;
  • Je organiseert vergaderingen met de klant en ondersteunt de klant, als partner, bij het leveren van de toegevoegde waarde van Tractebel aan het project;
  • Je verzorgt de interne contacten met de competence centers en ondersteunende departementen (juridisch, financieel, IT, risicobeheer, communicatie, ...);
  • Je coördineert de acties op de interfaces tussen disciplines en u controleert de adequate integratie van de verschillende specialiteiten in het project;
  • Je verzorgt de technische en commerciële contacten met de eventuele klanten en partners en je definieert waar nodig commerciële acties;
  • Je zorgt voor de relevante administratieve taken met betrekking tot de procedures met de ondersteuning van een Project Assistent;
  • Voor de projecten waar je bent aangesteld als 'Project Engineer', ondersteun je de Project Manager of Project Director bij het uitvoeren van alle bovenstaande taken.




  • Je hebt een ingenieursdiploma ;
  • Je hebt minstens 5 jaar ervaring als projectmanager of assistent-projectmanager, en je hebt kennis van de processen van Engineering (opeenvolgende fasen, contractuele aanpak, ...)
  • Kennis van Belgische kerncentrales is een sterke troef ;
  • Je moedertaal is Nederlands en je spreekt vloeiend Engels ;
  • Je bent resultaatgericht, je hebt een sterke klantgerichtheid, je bent een teamspeler in een veranderende omgeving ;
  • Je bent dynamisch, flexibel, stressbestendig, nauwgezet ;
  • Je werkt op het hoofdkantoor in Brussel met regelmatige bezoeken aan de Belgische kerncentrale (Doel) en af en toe bezoeken buiten België ;
  • BA4, VCA, Habilitation to access nuclear sites zijn vereist.


Ons aanbod


Wij bieden meer dan alleen een baan: je krijgt de mogelijkheid om een complexe job vol uitdagingen uit te voeren in een inspirerende omgeving waarin we bijdragen aan tal van projecten in de (inter)nationale nucleaire industrie en waarin jij je carrière kunt ontwikkelen.


We doen ons uiterste best om de beste werkomgeving voor onze medewerkers te bieden in functie van hun persoonlijke behoeften op het gebied van werk-privébalans met:

  • de mogelijkheid voor gedeeltelijk thuiswerk en flexibele uren;
  • goed ontworpen en comfortabele werkruimtes om de productiviteit en focus te verhogen;
  • veel ruimtes waar je even kunt pauzeren met je collega's en een hapje of een drankje kunt nuttigen;
  • een gratis fitnessruimte op kantoor in Brussel die kan worden gebruikt binnen uw gewenste tijdschema.



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Posting date : 06/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29479


Quem Somos?


A ENGIE é um grupo capaz de liderar a transição energética com seus serviços e soluções eficientes e inovadoras.

Com um total de 96.400 colaboradores em mais de 31 países e um volume de negócios de 93 900 milhões de euros em 2022, a ENGIE contribui para o progresso energético impulsionado por uma equipe de especialistas.


A ENGIE em Portugal é uma empresa de referência na prestação de serviços de eficiência energética e em soluções de energia transformada, e é também o segundo maior player na produção de eletricidade em Portugal, com um portfólio diversificado de fontes de energia, onde se inclui produção eólica, solar e hídrica. 


Atualmente estamos a recrutar para a nossa empresa Engie Soluções de Energia, um(a) Mecânico para Zona de Palmela .




O que pode esperar


  • Realizar a manutenção diária em conformidade com os planos de manutenção;
  •  Executar diagnósticos e reparação de avarias;
  • Garantir que os equipamentos e máquinas sob a sua responsabilidade são mantidos em boas condições de funcionamento;
  • Efetuar as ações de manutenção preventiva nos equipamentos, de acordo com o plano estabelecido;
  • Efetuar as ações de manutenção corretiva nos equipamentos, respeitando a listagem de equipamentos prioritários,
  • Assegurar uma ligação permanente entre a Produção e a Manutenção, explicando as suas intervenções aos elementos da Produção;
  • Propor melhorias técnicas em função das observações feitas no decorrer das intervenções.
  • Respeitar as instruções de qualidade, segurança e meio ambiente aplicáveis à Manutenção Industrial.
  • Operação e manutenção de instalações eletromecânicas Industriais;
  • Manutenção Preventiva e Corretiva de Equipamentos de produção, motores elétricos, bombas, válvulas, electroválvulas;
  • Zelar pela implementação e cumprimento das políticas e regras do grupo ENGIE.



Quem procuramos


  • Habilitação ao nível do 12º ano – Preferência em áreas de eletrotecnia e mecatrónica;
  • Experiência profissional mínima de 3 anos na área Industrial e em funções similares;
  • Conhecimentos na área de eletromecânica, hidráulica e pneumática,
  • Sólidos conhecimentos de manutenções preventivas, sistemáticas e corretivas;
  • Conhecimentos de automação e comando, eletricidade industrial, eletrónica e de mecânica;
  • Capacidade de análise de diagnóstico de avarias
  • Carta de Condução;

Como pode fazer diferença


  • Trabalho de equipa e colaboração
  • Boa capacidade de comunicação
  • Proatividade



Comprometidos com a inclusão


Na Engie valorizamos e promovemos a diversidade e a inclusão. Estamos comprometidos em acelerar a transição para uma economia neutra em carbono, conseguida através da integração de pessoas excecionais e diversas que procuram, apoiam e fortalecem o crescimento dos demais.



O que oferecemos


  • Integração numa empresa global e de referência no mercado nacional
  • Planos de formação adaptados às suas necessidades e interesses
  • Fazer parte de um equipa dinâmica
  • Estar integrado numa rede de mais de 96 000 profissionais que trabalham para criar um mundo mais sustentável




Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date


Posting date : 06/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29477


Quem Somos?


A ENGIE é um grupo capaz de liderar a transição energética com seus serviços e soluções eficientes e inovadoras.

Com um total de 96.400 colaboradores em mais de 31 países e um volume de negócios de 93 900 milhões de euros em 2022, a ENGIE contribui para o progresso energético impulsionado por uma equipe de especialistas.

A ENGIE em Portugal é uma empresa de referência na prestação de serviços de eficiência energética e em soluções de energia transformada, e é também o segundo maior player na produção de eletricidade em Portugal, com um portfólio diversificado de fontes de energia, onde se inclui produção eólica, solar e hídrica. 

Atualmente estamos a recrutar para a nossa empresa Engie Soluções de Energia, um(a) Eletricista para a Zona de Palmela.




O que pode esperar


  •  Realizar a manutenção diária em conformidade com as ordens de trabalho e planos de manutenção;

  • Realizar relatórios ao seu superior hierárquico;

  • Garantir que os equipamentos e máquinas sob a sua responsabilidade são mantidos em boas condições de funcionamento;

  • Realizar as inspeções de rotina e executar o respetivo relatório;

  • Cumprir as normas de Qualidade, Ambiente, Energia e Segurança da ENGIE e do cliente;

  • Preencher as ordens de trabalho após a sua execução e entregá-la ao seu superior hierárquico;

  • Zelar pela implementação e cumprimento das políticas e regras do grupo ENGIE.



Quem procuramos


  • Experiência mínima de 3 anos em Instalações Industriais; (Obrigatório)
  • Conhecimentos Técnicos: Eletricidade baixa tensão; 
  • Deteção de anomalias na rede elétrica;
  • Experiência em Instalação de equipamentos e instalações eletromecânicas;
  • Leitura de esquemas elétricos;
  • Deteção de anomalias na rede elétrica;

Como pode fazer diferença


  • Trabalho de equipa e colaboração
  • Boa capacidade de comunicação
  • Proatividade



Comprometidos com a inclusão


Na Engie valorizamos e promovemos a diversidade e a inclusão. Estamos comprometidos em acelerar a transição para uma economia neutra em carbono, conseguida através da integração de pessoas excecionais e diversas que procuram, apoiam e fortalecem o crescimento dos demais.



O que oferecemos


  • Integração numa empresa global e de referência no mercado nacional
  • Planos de formação adaptados às suas necessidades e interesses
  • Fazer parte de um equipa dinâmica
  • Estar integrado numa rede de mais de 96 000 profissionais que trabalham para criar um mundo mais sustentável




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Posting date : 06/06/2024

Requisition ID : 25137




  • Master Degree, ideally in Engineering or Economics
  • Minimum 3 years of experience as senior buyer/ project buyer in energy and utilities
  • Demonstrable experience in project management
  • Result driven
  • Multi-tasking and organizational skills, with ability to prioritize objectives and tasks
  • Analytical skills
  • Ability to meet scheduled and demanding timelines
  • Good communicator
  • Flexible
  • Fluent in Polish and English
  • Strong safety and environmental awareness. Always take responsibility for the health and safety of yourself and your colleagues!


Detailed Responsibilities


  • Steer all Procurement activities throughout the stages of the project
  • Translate the project's business targets into a Procurement strategy in order to ensure the Procurement is technically and financially able to meet the overall aims of the project.
  • Be committed to achieving and improving overall project performance whilst steering any actions needed to reduce risks.
  • Guarantee all Group rules and policies are correctly applied throughout the project process


Steer all Procurement activities throughout the stages of the project


  • Helps project teams to express their needs in order to draw up the list of project requirements
  • Ensures risk assessments are conducted and implements corrective action plans where needed
  • Helps define the project's Procurement strategy or tactics based on its technical requirements, translating project targets into Procurement targets
  • Implements the Procurement strategy or tactics established for the project


Translate the project's business targets into a Procurement strategy in order to ensure the Procurement is technically and financially able to meet the overall aims of the project.


  • Is involved upfront (Business Development phase) to get suppliers’ best offers and increase ENGIE competitivity
  • Makes savings and increases performance by identifying ways to improve the quality of services
  • Adds competitive advantages to the Procurement side of a project and thereby helps optimize the Entity's commercial offers
  • Defines negotiating tactics/directions, working with the project team


Supplier relationship management


  • Leads the selection and qualification process of the suppliers to ensure the quality of the services provided by suppliers and to minimize short- and medium term Procurement risk.
  • Organises calls for tender and selects/qualifies providers and suppliers who meet the project requirements and the Procurement strategy, working with the project teams
  • Negotiates with suppliers and decides on the contractual terms with the legal department
  • Implements a system for the on-going assessment of suppliers and subcontractors in order to guarantee the level of performance and quality of deliverables
  • Obtains supplier intelligence
  • Creates and continuously optimises the panel of potential suppliers
  • Identifies any changes in technologies, competitors or the economy that could affect the progress of a project, throughout its duration


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  Back multitechnique (H/F)

Posting date : 06/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29325 multitechnique (H/F)

Envie d'intégrer une entreprise soucieuse de ses collaborateurs, inspirante et engagée dans une stratégie zéro carbone ? 🌱 Alors rejoignez ENGIE Solutions !




Nous recherchons un(e) Technicien(ne) de maintenance multitechnique (H/F)

Poste basé à Paris 13


Au sein d'une équipe de 11 personnes, rattaché(e) à votre responsable d’équipe d’exploitation, vous assurez les missions de conduite, de maintenance et de dépannage des installations électriques et CVC sur un grand site tertiaire situé à Paris : CTA, chaudières, climatisations, armoires électriques, plomberie. Vous effectuez également des rondes techniques destinées à remonter les éventuels dysfonctionnements.

Vous intervenez auprès du client et des occupants du site pour assurer les missions de maintenance et de dépannage des installations et instaurez un relationnel de qualité.


Vous êtes organisé et autonome et assurez la traçabilité de vos interventions auprès des clients en rédigeant vos comptes-rendus sur les outils digitaux à votre disposition.


A l'aise avec les outils de GMAO  afin remplir vos gammes de maintenance et avec les outils digitaux (smartphone et tablette) vous assurez un reporting régulier auprès de votre manager.


Votre profil :


De formation BEP / BAC Pro Electromécanique, en Maintenance énergétique / Génie Climatique / Electrotechnique ou BTS Maintenance Industrielle/Energie.

Vous justifiez d'une expérience de 3 ans minimum sur des missions similaires,
Vous disposez des
habilitations électriques (BR, B2V, BC), et dans l’idéal d’une habilitation HT.

Vous tenez vos engagements et vos délais et aimez le travail bien fait,

Enfin, une bonne autonomie, le sens du travail en équipe et un bon relationnel client sont des atouts indispensables !


Mais c’est votre sens de l’engagement et du service qui feront la différence ! 


Encore frileux à postuler ?  

Alors, parlons avantages ! 💶  

Voici le package de rémunération que l’on vous propose : 

 Un salaire annuel brut en fonction de votre expérience 

 Un 13ème mois et une prime vacances 

 Une prime d’astreinte

 Une prime panier

 Un véhicule de service

 Une prime d'intéressement 

 Une mutuelle très intéressante (car sans supplément pour les membres de votre famille !) 

 Un CSE au top ! 


Alors, prêt à tenter l'aventure chez ENGIE Solutions ?


Nous rejoindre en 3 étapes !

📞 1er échange téléphonique avec un RH

💭 Entretien physique avec manager opérationnel et RH

👉 Prise de décision


A propos de ENGIE Solutions

Recruteur responsable, "ENGIE Solutions " s’inscrit dans le cadre des Labels Diversité et Egalité obtenus par le Groupe ENGIE et œuvre en faveur d’un recrutement garantissant l’égalité des chances et la non-discrimination. Il agit conformément à la politique Diversité, Équité et Inclusion du Groupe ENGIE, « Be.U@ENGIE », qui permet à chaque individu d’être respecté et de se sentir libre afin de donner le meilleur de lui-même. »

ENGIE Solutions a réalisé un CA de 5.8 milliards d’euros en 2023.

Pour en savoir plus :

Pour en savoir davantage sur ENGIE Solutions, venez échanger avec nos collaborateurs !

Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date

Water Treatment Maintenance Technician

Posting date : 04/06/2024

Requisition ID : 26805

Water Treatment Maintenance Technician

What You Can Expect

As our Water Treatment Technician, you'll play a crucial role in maintaining the University of Iowa's drinking water treatment plant and supporting the operations of the High-Quality Water Group. The Main Campus Water plant primarily treats surface water with supplemental well-water, while the High-Quality Water Group oversees various facilities including the Oakdale Water Plant, MacBride Nature Recreation Area Public Water System, and pools and spas across campus.


This position entails day shift work from Monday to Friday, with rotational on-call duties including nights, weekends, and holidays, requiring you to be on-site within one hour when called upon.


Each day brings new challenges, but our dedication to safety and service remains constant. Your day typically begins with a brief meeting to review priorities, discuss any plant updates, service requests, or staff observations, and plan the day's tasks efficiently and safely. Interacting with a diverse range of customers on campus, including students, faculty, and staff, is integral to this role. Professional and courteous communication to explain service and repair processes or address site safety concerns is part of daily interaction.

Your responsibilities encompass performing preventative maintenance and repairs on a variety of High-Quality Water equipment, including water softeners, reverse osmosis and deionization systems, stills, filtration systems, distillation systems, and ultraviolet disinfection systems. Additionally, you'll play a pivotal role in maintaining large plant equipment such as pumps, motors, valves, and compressors. Monitoring and maintaining chemical injection systems and piping systems, which may be composed of PVC, copper, steel, or other materials, is also a crucial aspect of your duties. Electrical troubleshooting skills are essential, involving tasks such as checking voltage to pumps, switches, and motors.  Other routine duties include flushing equipment and piping systems, replacing filters, and conducting equipment inspections. Documentation of completed preventative maintenance work, repairs, and other tasks using our computerized maintenance management system (Maximo) is essential.


One of the appealing aspects of this role is its dynamic nature, with work occurring across both the main and satellite campus, offering a varied and engaging work environment that is not confined to a single plant location.



What You’ll Bring

  • Possession of a High School Diploma/GED or equivalent is required
  • A minimum of five (5) years of relevant experience or a combination of training and experience totaling at least five years, demonstrating proficiency in mechanical, electrical, and plumbing repairs, as well as the safe and proper operation of water treatment equipment
  • Experience in calibrating water treatment equipment to ensure maximum performance
  • Proficiency in monitoring and tracking water quantity and quality to identify maintenance needs and establish optimal preventative maintenance schedules
  • Knowledge of instrumentation and software systems for process analysis, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), data processing, and report generation
  • Familiarity with safety protocols, including confined space entry, fall protection, forklift operation, lockout/tagout procedures, process safety and risk management, respirator usage, and chemical safety
  • Certification as a Water Treatment or Distribution Operator in the State of Iowa is required or a willingness to obtain certification



Additional Details

  • This role requires daily attendance at a worksite 
  • This is a field position requiring regular travel within the University of Iowa campus and satellite location to client site(s) and supply houses
  • Must possess a valid state issued driver’s license with a clean driving record. This role requires the use of company vehicles on and off campus
  • Must be willing and able to comply with ENGIE’s policy with respect to COVID vaccination and testing 
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies 
  • While performing the duties of this job, the employee is exposed to weather conditions (transiting between buildings on campus)
  • The position consists of 90% work indoors and 10% work outdoors; outdoor work may expose the employee to weather conditions 
  • Could involve some lifting / up to 50 lbs 
  • Ability to adapt to changes in the work environment and the ability to acquire new skills as needed
  • Ability to communicate effectively with customers and ENGIE leadership and staff; verbally, electronically and in writing, using Microsoft products and our CMMS to respond to service tickets,  document damages and repairs, complete service reports and make repair recommendations to customers and leadership
  • Ability to accurately read gages, charts, computer monitors, and operations manuals
  • Ability to hear warning alarms
  • Ability to operate forklifts, trucks, and other motor vehicles.
  • Ability to work safely in or with high noise levels, extreme heat, dust, high places, exhaust from purge pumps, chemicals and their fumes (sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, chlorine), fiber glass insulation, asbestos, welding hazards, cutting tools (power saws, grinders, drills, etc.), high pressure steam, hot condensate, high pressure distribution loop, and high speed rotating equipment




Salary Range:  $30 – $43.51USD hourly


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan and emergency or on-call pay.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


In 2020 The University of Iowa (UI) entered a 50-year, trailblazing partnership with the University of Iowa Energy Collaborative (UIEC), a joint venture between ENGIE, Meridiam, and Hannon Armstrong, to operate, maintain and enhance the university’s Utility System.  As the founding member of this joint venture, ENGIE designs, builds, operates, and maintains the energy infrastructure delivering safe, reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable energy solutions in producing and distributing steam, electricity, chilled water, and domestic water to the main campus in Iowa City, Iowa and a nearby satellite campus. 


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 

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Job Posting Date

Product Operations Manager

Posting date : 04/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29262

Product Operations Manager




Product Manager, Operations














Boston, MA


HR to determine


Short Term Incentive



  • Product Manager, Operations will orchestrate cross-functional collaboration designed to facilitate delivery of exceptional value to our clients with greater velocity. This position will work side-by-side with product managers, engineers, and customer representatives, among other stakeholders.

PRIMARY FUNCTIONS AND ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Leadership/ Financial Accountability/ Client Engagement/ Decision Making/

  • Develop, manage, and continuously improve processes at scale that help the product and engineering teams meet their goals more efficiently and effectively.
  • Engage with cross-functional teams to streamline processes and facilitate alignment.
  • Plan, coordinate, and drive discipline around the processes for prioritization, design, build, test, and launch of new features and bug fixes.
  • Ensure that product managers have the resources and information needed to prioritize and allocate resources effectively.
  • Assist in the operationalization of customer insights and ensure a diverse range of customer feedback is captured and actioned as appropriate.
  • Assist Product Managers in collecting and operationalizing market insights.
  • Define and report success metrics to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of processes and solutions.
  • Drive excellence in documentation and knowledge management.
  • Ellipse Product Operations Managers (POMs) are on a path toward product management and report to senior members of the product management team. As such, POMs should expect hands-on experience in core product management responsibilities in addition to the responsibilities described above.

QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: Education/ Certifications/ Experience/ Competencies/ Skills/ Abilities/ Other

  • Education/ Certifications/ Experience
    • Bachelor's Degree required 
    • Master’s Degree preferred
    • <5 years’ experience in product operations or relevant experience, having delivered excellent software products, ideally B2B software applications.
    • Proficient analytical skills, ability to solve problems quickly, establish frameworks, ability to think on your feet and generalize solutions.
    • Excellent oral and written communication skills tailored for each of a wide variety of audiences, including customers and C-suite executives.
    • Entrepreneurial spirit, creative, and proactive approach to problem solving.
    • Ability to effectively work with and influence cross-functional teams to achieve results.
    • A strong, demonstrated passion for sustainability and/or carbon & energy management.
    • Experience with running product operations, agile development processes, and employing software development management tools effectively.
    • Proven organizational skills and superior time management skills are also required for success.
    • May consider a combination of relevant experience with educational and other skills and abilities in lieu of educational requirements
  • Competencies/ Skills/ Abilities
    • Prior experience in the decarbonization domain a plus
    • Experience with Aha! and Jira
    • French speaking a plus
    • Strong verbal, written and interpersonal skills.
    • Experience with Microsoft Office suite of products
  • Other
    • Passion to drive Engie Impact’s mission and values
    •  At Engie, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees. 

      We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All employment decisions at ENGIE are based on business needs, job requirements, and individual qualifications.  ENGIE is committed to providing equal employment opportunities regardless of actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions), gender identity, or gender expression (including transgender status), sexual orientation, marital status, civil union, or domestic partnership status, military service or veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition, genetic information, or any other legally protected category (referred to as “protected characteristics”) as defined by applicable federal, state or local law in the locations where we operate. 

      The pay range for this role is: $73,000-110,000.

      The listed salary range represents ENGIE’s good faith estimate and is based on a wide range of factors, including candidate’s experience, industry knowledge, qualifications, seniority, and location. This position is eligible for our comprehensive and competitive benefits package including medical, dental, vision, and basic life insurance. Additional ENGIE benefits include a 401k plan, paid time off and annual bonus. ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws.  


  • Work schedules are determined by business need and manager discretion; full time employment is considered 40 hours per week
  • Health & Safety Working Requirements
    • Adequate working surface (can fit two monitors, a keyboard, mouse, and docking station)
    • Adjustable ergonomic chair
    • Proper Lighting
    • Heating, air conditioning and ventilation to create a comfortable environment
    • Appropriate internet and bandwidth to conduct business
  • Incumbent may be exposed to frequent noise caused by telephones, office machines, and nearby oral communications among fellow employees
  • As a global organization, attending meetings and events during early mornings and evenings may be required
  • Performing duties and attending events during the evening and on the weekend occurs occasionally and may be required
  • Traveling off-site to employee and client locations globally, events and vendor meetings is required
  • Occasional international business trips may be necessary, and a valid passport is essential
  • Business travel required up to X% of the time


  • Ability to bend, stoop, reach, stand, move from one area of the building to another on a regular basis, sit and use a computer for a long period of time
  • Manual and physical dexterity needed to operate a computer keyboard and handle paper documents
  • Adequate hearing and verbal abilities to communicate effectively in person, by telephone, and by video call
  • Sufficient near vision acuity to read information appearing on computer display screen, in handwritten forms, and printed on paper
  • Ability to lift and carry a stack of forms and documents weighing up to 15 pounds
  • The ability to alternate between sitting and standing is present when a worker has the flexibility to choose between sitting or standing as needed when this need cannot be accommodated by scheduled breaks and/or lunch period.
  • Entering text or data into a computer or other machine by means of a traditional keyboard. Traditional Keyboard refers to a panel of keys used as the primary input device on a computer, typographic machine or 10-Key numeric keypad.
  • The ability to hear, understand, and distinguish speech and/or other sounds (e.g., machinery alarms, medical codes or alarms) in multiple forms; in person speech; telephone, other remote speech
  • Clarity of vision at approximately 20 inches or less (i.e., working with small objects or reading small print), including use of computers.


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Job Posting Date

Construction Manager II

Posting date : 03/06/2024

Requisition ID : 24429

Construction Manager II

What You Can Expect

As our Construction Manager (CM) II, you will be responsible for monitoring, coordinating, and facilitating the construction and commissioning of distributed-scale solar and energy storage projects. In this role, you will manage construction and commissioning work being performed by subcontractors, including oversight of Safety, and will work with our internal Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Operations, Asset Management, and Finance Departments, as well as our 3rd Party Owner’s Engineer(s) and other consultants to oversee the execution of the project. Additionally, you would be expected to have a proven background in managing large, complex construction projects, demonstrating your ability to handle multifaceted challenges and deliver successful outcomes. This role can be based in Chicago, IL (preferred), Houston, or remote in cities like Denver, NY, and Oakland, CA, reporting to the Manager of Project Delivery.



  • Actively participate in the Health, Safety, and Environment program for project construction
  • Oversee projects from development through construction to Project Closeout and Handover to O&M/Asset Management, conducting regular site visits
  • Manage multiple construction projects concurrently
  • Track contractual requirements and deliverables for all project contracts, including off-take agreements, interconnection agreements, EPC agreements, financing agreements, and road use agreements
  • Prepare construction safety and progress measurement KPIs using the project plan and baseline schedule, and manage material delivery and inventory at project site



What You’ll Bring

  • You hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Construction Management, Engineering, or related field
  • A minimum of two (2) years of relevant construction management experience, constructing solar or power construction projects
  • You are proficient in managing construction activities, contractors, subcontractors, and stakeholders
  • You have comprehensive knowledge of construction processes and sequencing
  • You are experienced with hands-on use of tools and equipment
  • You possess leadership and problem-solving skills
  • You have a collaborative approach to work, with a strong attention to detail and documentation, including daily logs, KPI tracking, periodic reporting, and other standard construction management activities



Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work policy, allowing for a mix of remote work and in-office presence. For candidates in remote cities, occasional travel to our office locations in Chicago, IL or Houston, TX is required, approximately once a quarter during off weeks
  • Must be available to travel domestically up to 75% of the time and with the need for some overnight trips
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license/clean driving record, use of company vehicle
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies
  • This position consist of up to 50% of outdoor work, while performing the duties of this job, the employee is exposed to weather conditions




Salary Range: $84,000 – $123,200 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.



Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.   


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 


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Job Posting Date

IMS Coordinator

Posting date : 03/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29286

IMS Coordinator

Job Purpose:

To ensure the organization’s Integrated Management System is effectively implemented on all work sites by performing a variety of routine activities in coordinating the various components of the company’s Integrated Management System.

Key Responsibilities:

Administer all IMS related documents and files, hardcopies & softcopies.

Circulate IMS related information and instructions throughout the company.

Follow-up on timely submission of recurrent and ad hoc documents to be received by IMS Department

Check monthly site reports and consolidate to company report.

Update IMS library with new documents, remove expired documents…

Assist the IMS Manager to monitor the implementation of IMS and SOP for departments.

Conduct internal audits including examining records, services, and documents.

Prepare internal audit reports.

Participate in external and recertification audits.

Practical organization and administration of Q/HSE training.

Conduct internal training on IMS subjects.

Provide site support on Q/HSE.

Regular check of Federal Laws, Ministerial Orders, Local Orders etc. and update of the legal compliance  checklist.

Administrative support for issuing and publishing of procedures, documents, forms etc.

IMS related jobs assigned by the IMS Manager

Skills Required:

Sound skills and experience in office/site administration.

Knowledge of IMS requirements and implementation.

Internal Auditor in ISO 9001 / 14001 / OSHAS 18001

Skills in Auditing, training, communication and reporting.

Notion of Facility Management procedures and methodologies for similar Projects.

Proficiency in using computer applications and MS office package.

HSE training on Manage Safely level, risk assessments and accident investigation methods is a plus.

English is a must, Arabic, Hindi, is a plus.

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Job Posting Date