SAP SuccessFactors id

Projectmedewerker hydrogeologie

Posting date : 07/05/2024

Requisition ID : 6275

Projectmedewerker hydrogeologie

Tractebel is een wereldwijd actief engineering- en consultancybedrijf dat geïntegreerde oplossingen biedt voor duurzame energieprojecten en de gebouwde omgeving. Onze expertise wordt wereldwijd erkend in de meest diverse sectoren waaronder nucleaire en hernieuwbare energie, gas, elektriciteitsnetwerken, waterkrachtcentrales & dammen, waterbronnen, ontzilting, complexe & hoogtechnologische gebouwen, transportinfrastructuur en havens & waterwegen.


Door strategie, ontwerp, engineering, sociale & milieustudies, projectbeheer en interne digitale toepassingen te verbinden, werken we samen met bedrijven en overheidsinstanties om een positieve impact te creëren op mens en planeet.


Gesteund door meer dan 150 jaar ervaring is Tractebel vandaag een gemeenschap van meer dan 5.500 gepassioneerde experts over de hele wereld, toegewijd aan ethisch zakendoen en de strijd tegen klimaatverandering. Tractebel maakt deel uit van de ENGIE Groep, een wereldwijde referentie op het gebied van koolstofarme energie en diensten.



TRACTEBEL staat aan het roer van de energietransitie en biedt een volledig dienstenpakket aan gedurende de hele levenscyclus van de projecten van zijn klanten. Als een van 's werelds grootste ingenieursbureaus en met meer dan 150 jaar ervaring kunnen wij onze klanten multidisciplinaire oplossingen bieden op het gebied van energie, water en infrastructuur. Onze brede waaier van expertise strekt zich uit over Europa, Afrika, Azië, het Midden-Oosten en Latijns-Amerika, zodat wij de meest veeleisende uitdagingen van onze klanten kunnen aangaan met dezelfde hoogwaardige ingenieurs- en adviesdiensten, ongeacht waar hun projecten zich bevinden.


Je komt terecht in het Rehabilitation of Industrial Sites (RIS) team van Tractebel. RIS is een internationaal en multidisciplinair team met vele jaren ervaring in het uitvoeren van studies over asbestverwijdering, sloop, bodem- en grondwatersanering, grondwateronderzoeken en herontwikkeling van Brownfield Sites. Wij leveren oplossingsgerichte studies en advies en zijn een betrouwbare partner bij de realisatie van complexe en uitdagende projecten.


Je wordt intensief begeleid doorcollega’s met tien jaar ervaring en werkt samen met senior experts.



Je bent verantwoordelijke voor de uitvoering van zeer diverse hydrogeologische studies bij het ontwerp van bijvoorbeeld gebouwen, infrastructuur of havenbouw. Het gaat dan voornamelijk om bemalingsstudies waarbij de effecten van de tijdelijke grondwaterverlaging onderzocht worden en waarbij grondwaterverontreinigingen zoals PFAS een belangrijke rol spelen. Je staat dan ook in voor het uitwerken en implementeren van mitigerende maatregelen om de impact zo veel mogelijk te beperken. Het begeleiden van deze werkzaamheden tijdens uitvoering van een project behoort ook tot jouw takenpakket. Je stelt ook hydrogeologische studies op in functie van de ontworpen situatie waarbij bijvoorbeeld de waterhuishouding onderzocht wordt of het ramen van het ontworpen drainagedebiet. Je opereert in grootschalige projecten in samenwerking met een projectteam van experten.


Je werkt ook mee aan bodemonderzoeken waarbij je middels 3D grondwaterstromingsmodellen het verspreidingsgedrag van grondwaterverontreinigingen onderzoekt.


Het takenpakket bestaat uit:

  • Voorbereiden van de offertes en contact met de opdrachtgevers;
  • Ondersteuning bij de uitvoering van grondonderzoeken op locatie; 
  • Interpreteren van grondwatergegevens en de analyseresultaten;
  • Uitvoeren van berekeningen op basis van analytische formules of 3D grondwaterstromingsmodellen door gebruik te maken van de MODFLOW code
  • Je verwerkt alle resultaten en berekeningen in een gestructureerde nota met duidelijke conclusies;
  • Je geeft algemene en technische ondersteuning aan de projectleiders; 
  • Je blijft op de hoogte van nieuwe technieken en evoluties in je vakgebied.



  • Bachelor- of masterdiploma in toegepaste wetenschappen (geologie, bio-ingenieur, biologie, chemie, milieutechniek, etc.); 
  • Ervaring is een pluspunt maar geen vereiste. Je wordt ondersteund en gesuperviseerd door een projectmanager. Je doorloopt een intensief opleidingsprogramma;
  • Je kan oplossingsgericht denken en bent goed in dataverwerking;
  • Communicatief ben je sterk aangelegd en bovendien ben je klantgericht;
  • Woorden als team-player, dynamisch, accuraat en creatief omschrijven jou;
  • Je kan vloeiend communiceren in het Nederlands en Engels;


Tractebel verwelkomt kandidaten van alle achtergronden, en bevordert actief diversiteit in het personeelsbestand. 



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Green Solutions Junior Project Manager

Posting date : 07/05/2024

Requisition ID : 15050

Green Solutions Junior Project Manager







ENGIE Building Solutions, companie din grupul ENGIE Romania, este specializată în servicii de facility management și soluții de eficiență energetică pentru clienți B2B.


În prezent, căutăm o persoană proactivă cu bune abilități de comunicare și cunoștințe solide în domeniul eficienței energetice, pentru a se alătura echioei noastre în calitate de GREEN SOLUTIONS JUNIOR PROJECT MANAGER. 


Dacă îți dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Ne poți ajuta să construim un viitor mai bun. Totul începe cu angajati remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine.


Ce vei face:

  • Vei gestiona proiectele pe toată durata lor, cu respectarea contractelor, termenelor și bugetelor alocate, în limita responsabilităților, sub îndrumarea Green Solution PrM și a șefului ierarhic;
  • Vei elabora soluții tehnico-economice în cadrul Biroului Green Solutions - Serviciul EEGS pentru departamentul/ serviciul care a inițiat proiectul sau pentru potențialii clienți.
  • Vei solicita superiorului ierarhic, alocarea resurselor pe proiecte și te vei implica ca (junior project manager) JPM și specialist cu îndrumarea GS PM în:
    • Implementarea proiectelor de care este responsabil (sisteme de cogenerare, regenerabile, alte echipamente energetice, eficientă energetică, contracte de performanță energetică, construcții și montaj, electromobilitate, panouri fotovoltaice s.a.) în termenele și bugetele stabilite conform contractelor semnate;
    • Realizare studii pentru soluții tehnice cu sisteme de cogenerare/alte echipamente energetice/regenerabile/ electromobilitate, s.a;
    • Elaborare soluții de inginerie pentru modificările de proiect ale sistemelor existente;
    • Coordonare activități de inginerie subcontractate cu organizațiile externe și avizarea lucrărilor acestora;
    • Bugetare execuție sisteme și supunerea spre aprobarea acestora șefului ierarhic;
    • Proiectare sisteme în limitele cerințelor de proiectare, codurilor, standardelor, autorizațiilor sau altor restricții impuse de legislația în vigoare;
    • Analize de echivalentă pentru componente înlocuitoare ale celor instalate inițial în sisteme;
    • Asigurare coordonare, implementare și monitorizare, precum și asistență tehnică de specialitate în timpul execuției lucrărilor pe șantier pentru sistemele proiectate;
    • Elaborare documentație tehnică de tip breviare de calcul, proceduri, specificații tehnice, foi de date, instrucțiuni, rapoarte, evaluări și alte documente prevăzute în proceduri;
    • Modificări ale proiectelor inițiale țînând cont de neconformitățile din teren, interferențe, etc (ex. documentații aș-built);
    • Asistență tehnică profesională la montaj, la execuție și la PIF asigurată de responsabili tehnici cu execuția;
  • Vei asigura suportul necesar pentru echipa comercială în dezvoltarea relațiilor cu clienții pentru identificarea proiectelor de green solutions și eficientă energetică.
  • Vei asigura managementul reclamațiilor de calitate de la beneficiari, vei identifica măsuri de eliminare şi prevenire a neconformităților.
  • Vei analiza și raporta periodic către superiorul ierarhic stadiul și realizarea proiectelor asumate.
  • Vei asigura suport pentru obținerea și menținerea tuturor autorizațiilor și atestarilor necesare desfășurării și dezvoltării activităților gestionate.


Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:

  • Studii tehnice superioare de lungă durata finalizate, de preferat în domeniul ingineriei;
  • Experiență minimum 1 an ca Manager Proiect sau similar, în domenii similare/ într-o companie de inginerie, consultanță sau prestări servicii;
  • Cunoștințe aprofundate de utilizare Microsoft Office, programe specifice de proiectare asistată de calculator;
  • Responsabilitate în luarea deciziilor;
  • Prioritizarea în planificarea activităților;
  • Atitudine proactivă în rezolvarea problemelor;
  • Bune abilități de comunicare;
  • Capacitatea de gestionare echipa multidiscilinara;
  • Cunoașterea limbii engleze la nivel mediu;
  • Spirit de organizare;
  • Creativitate și spirit de inovare – exprimă idei de îmbunătățire a modului de lucru, încurajează colegii să își exprime și valorifice ideile, se implică în proiecte, proactiv;
  • Focalizare pe îmbunătățirea continuă, capacitate de planificare, organizare, control. 


Constituie avantaj:

  • Experiență de lucru minimum 1 an în execuția proiectelor pe șantier ca și Project Manager/ Coordonator/ Inginer;
  • Atestat Project Management;
  • Atestat ANRE de electrician 2A&2B;
  • Alte certificări/autorizări în domeniu;
  • Permis de conducere categoria B.



  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Acces la un program de dezvoltare personală și profesională;
  • Tichete de masă;
  • Concediu de odihnă extins, în funcție de vechimea în muncă.


Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:



Despre ENGIE

Grupul ENGIE este prezent în România în trei sectoare de activitate: gaze naturale, energie electrică şi servicii energetice. ENGIE Romania este principala filială a Grupului în România şi deţine companiile Distrigaz Sud Reţele, ENGIE Servicii, ENGIE Building Solutions, Alizeu Eolian şi Brăila Winds. Compania activează în următoarele domenii de activitate: distribuţie şi furnizare de gaze naturale, furnizare de energie electrică, servicii tehnice pentru instalaţiile de gaze naturale şi centrale termice şi producţie de energie electrică. ENGIE Romania şi filialele sale deservesc un portofoliu de 1,9 milioane de clienţi, operează o reţea de distribuţie de circa 20.000 km, deţin două parcuri eoliene cu o capacitate totală de 100 MW şi au peste 4.000 de angajaţi.


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Project Engineer, Senior

Posting date : 06/05/2024

Requisition ID : 27538

Project Engineer, Senior

What You Can Expect

The Project Engineer, Senior plays a vital role in advancing energy conservation and renewable energy initiatives for public sector clients. This position involves designing of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Measures (ECM). From conducting comprehensive site audits to specifying equipment and conducting savings calculations, the Project Engineer, Senior executes projects from development to completion. Projects encompass energy efficiency measures and renewable generation installations aimed at fostering sustainability, cost savings, and enhanced services for local cities, schools, and counties.


As a key contributor, the Project Engineer, Senior evaluates existing utility data to optimize customer loads and explore potential energy cost reductions through rate change options. The Project Engineer, Senior conducts surveys to identify energy savings opportunities across lighting, control systems, and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), while also performing detailed assessments of renewable energy solutions such as solar photo voltaic and energy storage. The Project Engineer, Senior review utility incentive programs and permit requirements, ensuring compliance and timely submissions. Throughout the project lifecycle, the Project Engineer, Senior collaborates closely with Project and Construction Managers, providing valuable insights during job walks, bid evaluations, contractor negotiations, and construction meetings. Your expertise extends into the construction phase, where you review submittals, change orders, and Requests for Information (RFIs), offering recommendations to optimize project outcomes. This multifaceted role demands a blend of technical acumen, project management proficiency, and a passion for driving impactful sustainability initiatives in the public sector. If you're seeking an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in energy conservation and renewable energy deployment while thriving in a collaborative team environment, this role offers an exciting pathway to contribute to transformative projects that benefit communities and the environment alike.



What You’ll Bring

  • A Bachelor's Degree in an engineering related field
  • A minimum of five (5) years of experience
  • Working knowledge of utility rate schedules
  • Solid working knowledge of HVAC and/or solar photovoltaic systems, including the ability to identify different systems and equipment, identify potential energy savings measures, and quantify the potential energy savings and costs
  • Understanding of metering and measurement tools and the data provided
  • Competency in computer modeling software programs, such as EQuest or Trane Trace, and apply them in preparing savings calculations and customer deliverables
  • Proficiency at computer modeling/simulation of building operation to calibrate energy consumption to utility bill data
  • Proficiency at performing load take-offs from drawings
  • Demonstrate good written and verbal communication skills in report writing and correspondence
  • Excellent attention to detail
  • Excellent communication skills with colleagues and customers



Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work policy
  • Must be available to travel domestically up to 25% of the time including some overnight trips
  • Must be willing and able to comply with ENGIE’s policy with respect to COVID vaccination and testing
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies




Salary Range: $96,100 – $147,660 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.


Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 





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Project Engineer - Nuclear Fluid Systems

Posting date : 02/05/2024

Requisition ID : 10160

Project Engineer - Nuclear Fluid Systems

Tractebel’s Nuclear Entity seeks for its “Systems” group (“Metier Nuclear Safety & Engineering”) a (m/f) :



The Systems group, which is part of the “Metier Nuclear Safety & Engineering” Competence Centre, is in charge of the following consultancy and engineering services activities relating to PWR reactors and fluid systems:

  • Conceptual and Functional design
  • Functional and technical specifications
  • Feasibility and modification studies
  • Functional analyses
  • Performance analysis
  • Operations & Maintenance support
  • Input to commercial bidding for engineering services.

Les ingénieurs projets (IPs) sont la clé de voûte de l’organisation des projets chez EDF et plus particulièrement chez EDF DIPDE. Dans la société Tractebel, les IPs sont dédiés aux projets EDF.


your job

  • Gérer le projet EDF, que ce projet soit une modification matérielle ou intellectuelle.
  • Piloter et coordonner les différents acteurs de l’affaires en suivant le processus GIOP (EDF) .
  • Avoir une maitrise de son affaire afin d’être critique sur les solutions proposées (d’un point de vue planning, technique, contractuel, financier…).
  • Rédiger les livrables de l’IP et piloter les actions projet.
  • Piloter le planning de son affaire et faire remonter les informations nécessaires au planificateur..
  • Suivre et surveiller les entreprises titulaires de marchés (sous-traitants) pour EDF en phase réalisation et déploiement, d’un point de vue technique, planning, contractuel et financier .
  • Organiser et animer les réunions nécessaires au bon déroulement de l’affaire .
  • Être force de proposition quant à la meilleure stratégie à adopter pour mener à bien l’affaire (planning, coût, pérennité de la solution, REX…).
  • Gérer le projet Tractebel.
  • Lorsqu’on est en workpackage l’IP doit donner de la visibilité au CE Tractebel sur les attendus en termes de :
    • Partage de la vision projet ;
    • Livrables (niveau de détails du contenu, objectifs du livrable pour le projet, forme) ;
    • Process à suivre (diffusion, contrôle interne, surveillance client) ;
    • Jalons et jalons intermédiaires
  • Lorsqu’on travaille avec un co-traitant, l’IP doit maitriser la responsabilité de chacun et tracer par écrits les échanges ;
  • Remonter au chef de projet, ou au leader thématique le cas échéant, tout risque ou potentiel risque identifiés (dérive planning, évolution du périmètre de l’affaire, sucharge/sous-charge, difficultés avec un sous-traitant ou co-traitant etc) ;
  • Remonter les indicateurs qualité au chef de projet ;
  • Respecter le process Tractebel (archivage des livrables sur tokamak, traçabilité des évolutions et des contrôles)
  • Pour mener à bien ces missions l’IP doit :
    • Prendre de l’autonomie le plus rapidement possible ;
    • Connaitre le scope de son projet, le respecter et le faire respecter ;
    • Être rigoureux et organisé dès le démarrage de l’affaire ;
    • Relancer les acteurs (internes et externes) afin qu’ils respectent leurs engagements ;
    • Tracer par écrits au maximum (mails, CR de réunions…)
    • Escaler pour remonter le problème au bon niveau de hiérarchie (avec le support du chef de projet).
  • Les première actions d’un IP sur une affaire :
    • Prendre connaissance et compléter la fiche de cadrage ;
    • Organiser une réunion d’enclenchement en interne : avec le chef de projet, le leader thématique et les chargés d’études Tractebel le cas échéant
    • Prendre connaissance de l’état de l’affaire ;
    • Identifier les données manquantes ;
    • Prendre connaissance du planning et s’assurer de sa cohérence ;
    • Identifier les risques projets (techniques, interface, planning…)
    • Organiser une réunion d’enclenchement externe : avec le prescripteur, le planificateur et les personnes jugées pertinentes


  • Ingénieur dans un domaine technique (Mécanique, Process , Fluid Systems) avec une connaissance en mécanique des fluides ;
  • Une connaissance des centrales nucléaires REP serait un atout ;
  • Vous parlez, écrivez et travaillez en français ;
  • Vous êtes à l’aise dans la communication écrite et orale ;
  • Vous savez et aimez travailler en équipe ;
  • Capacité à rédiger des rapports, des synthèses, des spécifications techniques et à préparer des supports de réunions;
  • Capacité à analyser, respecter et challenger un planning ;
  • Vous êtes proactif, méthodique et aimez coordonner les actions ;
  • Précis, rigoureux, axé sur les solutions et doté d'un esprit d'équipe ;
  • Bonnes compétences en informatique (Excel, Powerpoint, Word, Access …) ;
  • Flexible concernant les horaires et les variations de charge de travail, résistant au stress ;
  • Vous n’hésitez pas à partager votre REX, vos idées et à participer à l’amélioration du fonctionnement de l’équipe Tractebel ;
  • Vous possédez un haut niveau d’intégrité, agissez de manière éthique et suivez les principes du groupe Engie ;
  • Vous êtes un promoteur de la diversité.


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Utility-scale Battery Energy Storage Engineer (m/f/d)

Posting date : 02/05/2024

Requisition ID : 27605

Utility-scale Battery Energy Storage Engineer (m/f/d)


As an experienced Transmission and Distribution sector professional, you will contribute to the development of our power system activities. The power systems product focuses on supporting our clients in their challenges to plan and operate the power system in a reliable, sustainable and efficient way. Our clients include TSOs, regulatory bodies, power producers, industries and project developers around the world. This team has a world class expertise in Power Systems and is the center of excellence of the ENGIE Group for all related topics. Your field of activity includes:


  • Handling a project self-responsible in coordination and cooperation with functional manager
  • Preparation of all required reports, follow up documentation and correspondence of the project
  • Contract administration and claim management
  • Contribution in all project phases (planning studies, design, procurement, implementation, supervision and commissioning) with technical input within the area of technical expertise
  • Interface coordination with all related disciplines involved in large transmission and distribution projects (civil, mechanical, topographical, H&S, environmental etc.) and other stakeholders
  • Take an expert role on the different activities, from project delivery to junior coaching



We grow together with our employees. We offer the right conditions for this framework conditions: 

  • A future-proof workplace that combines medium-sized businesses with global perspectives and sustainability
  • Varied and exciting work in which you can develop professionally and personally. No two days are the same
  • An integrative working environment, characterized by the diversity of our employees and a working atmosphere in which working is fun
  • A culture of appreciation, equal opportunities and long-term international development opportunities
  • We support mobile working with the appropriate digital infrastructure and a high degree of freedom to work independently
  • Stay fit with us, thanks to company health promotion, e-bike leasing, company events and joint sporting activities
  • A comprehensive induction as well as a range of further trainings and language courses in a company that always supports you
  • Your recommendations are the best way to identify and secure talent. That is why Tractebel offers an attractive bonus system for employee recommendations
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Facilities Manager

Posting date : 02/05/2024

Requisition ID : 27669

Facilities Manager

ENGIE Service Singapore is a leading provider of Integrated Facilities Management solutions (IFM), property management, operations and maintenance, specialized rail engineering works, sustainable solutions and FM Consultancy services. With strong presence in various counties across South East Asia, we operate across mission-critical industries - aviation, transportation, healthcare, education, government and commercial.


ENGIE understands the integrated role of facility management and the value of it can be expanded beyond the traditional approach. As a total FM, specialized engineering and sustainable real estate solutions service provider, ENGIE offers a comprehensive range of technical, digital and support services customisable to best suit your unique needs.


Facilities Manager


  • Oversee and lead a team of assistant managers, engineers, technical officers, supervisors and technicians in facilities management for commercial building / ministry building / Hospital
  • Establish good working relationships with clients and develop trust and confidence
  • Establish and maintain quality service standards
  • Take charge of the overall Air Conditioning Maintenance Ventilation system
  • Manage the daily AC thermal comfort is within the acceptable limit
  • Schedule maintenance activities for ACMV systems, tracking of maintenance works and follow up actions for systems such as chillers, AHU, FCU, fire protection, gas systems etc
  • Ensure regular meetings with client's and appointed sub providers
  • Handle Tenant’s enquires.
  • Conduct daily audit inspections to ensure the outsource service providers are performing according to their contractual obligations and SLAs.
  • Manage and liaise with external agencies on new initiatives and major repairs and maintenance works
  • Prepare tender documents and specifications, plan, coordinate and execute rectification works
  • Responsible for project costing and cost management
  • Plan training requirement for staff needs for skills improvement
  • Prepare and responsible for annual budget submission, audit report, assessment report for contractors' performance
  • Prepare and certify contractors' payment


  • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering or equivalent from a recognized university
  • At least 10 years of related working experience
  • Proven experience in facility management in a large facility
  • Able to work Independently and possess good interpersonal skills
  • Good communication skills both verbal and written
  • Pro-active, independent, able to work with minimal supervision and perform under pressure
  • Service orientated mindset
  • Strong building and M&E knowledge with hands-on experiences
  • Possess high level of initiative and integrity
  • Possess strong leadership, quality, good planning and organizing ability
  • Has a good safety mindset and displays good WSH behaviors
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Electrical & Instrument Technician II

Posting date : 01/05/2024

Requisition ID : 27545

Electrical & Instrument Technician II

What You Can Expect

As our Electrical Instrument Technician II, at The Ohio State University, in Columbus, OH, you will be responsible for the implementation, overall maintenance and troubleshooting of the campus wide energy metering and control system and you will report to the Electrical Instrument and Controls Supervisor and Electronics Systems Coordinator.



What You’ll Bring

  • You have a high school diploma

  • You need a minimum three (3) years’ experience, in instrumentation and controls
  • You can configure, troubleshoot, calibrate and repair issues with steam, chilled water, natural gas, electric and hot water instrumentation (analytical, pressure, differential pressure and temperature transmitters and RTD’s, steam meters, magnetic flow meters & ultrasonic flow meters)
  • You have experience with Modbus RTU and TCP, and can install and troubleshoot network communication equipment (Serial to Ethernet converters, Ethernet switches)
  • You will install, maintain and repair sensing lines, valves and fittings
  • You will ensure all new instrumentation is installed according to plans and specifications
  • You will maintain detailed maintenance and calibration records; work to fill calibration reports, work orders, update wiring schematics and update inventory
  • You will utilize calibration equipment for meter calibrations, including:
    • Field communicator with HART
    • Laptop
    • Pressure calibrators and gauges
    • RTD simulator
    • Signal generators
    • Multimeter
    • Metrology well
  • You will assist in configuring meter points, history and trends in the Data Acquisition System
  • You will carry out other duties as assigned



Additional Details

  • This role requires attendance at a worksite on a daily basis
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license/clean driving record; will drive company vehicle on campus
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies
  • This position consists of 15% of outdoor work, while performing the duties of this job, the employee is exposed to weather conditions
  • Ability to handle multiple assignments on a timely basis with a high degree of accuracy
  • Ability to carry a 25 lb tool bag
  • Ability to climb ladders and work at heights
  • Ability to work in hot or cold temperatures, dusty and noisy conditions, confined spaces, on elevated platforms, ladders, and around rotating equipment




Salary Range:  $32.79 - $48.76 USD hourly



This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location.


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.     


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 

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Project Management Advisor

Posting date : 01/05/2024

Requisition ID : 27505

Project Management Advisor

What You Can Expect

The Project Management, Advisor is the primary manager of all phases of an energy project, with the objective of successful completion on time and within budget, while maintaining quality, safety, and cash management standards, and producing strong customer references. Assigned projects will include a combination of energy efficiency measures, renewable generation installations, and various carbon reduction strategies, to help public sector, commercial and industrial customers around the United States become more sustainable, save money, and improve processes in their plants and services to their end-users. In this role, you will manage one to several projects simultaneously from early development through post-construction, including design, contract negotiations, and project implementation.


In addition to assigning responsibilities to the project team and establishing schedules for individual team members, the Project Management, Advisor oversees various technical aspects of the project. This includes developing the project scope, conducting savings analysis, and ensuring the feasibility of proposed measures. Collaborating closely with the Sales team, they assist in customer presentations and interviews during the project's development phase. Furthermore, they liaise with the Legal department to prepare and negotiate customer agreements and change orders, ensuring all contractual obligations are met. The Project Management, Advisor is also responsible for managing all cost components throughout project implementation, maintaining precise budget records, and promptly notifying supervisors of any necessary adjustments. Additionally, they work alongside the construction manager to establish a comprehensive project schedule with regular progress milestones, ensuring timely completion. Alongside these responsibilities, they actively engage with Accounting to facilitate monthly customer invoicing and address any payment delays or issues proactively. Finally, they ensure compliance with local labor regulations and oversee the timely completion of monitoring set-up packages and final job close-out information.


This position can sit in Oakland, San Jose, or Sacramento, CA and will report to the Director of Project Management.



What You’ll Bring

  • A minimum of a Bachelor's degree in which you have gained a knowledge of construction management, engineering elements, and project management functions
  • A minimum of seven (7) years of related work experience, including training
  • Proficient in financial analysis skills to predict customer project economics and manage project budgets
  • Strong negotiation skills that protect ENGIE’s interests on a given project, while building customer and vendor/subcontractor rapport
  • Ability to prepare and write accurate customer reports and RFX responses, with attention to customer goals and needs
  • Capability to create and execute project development and delivery schedules
  • Excellent adherence to schedule, and collaborative problem-solving skills to maintain budget, schedule, and customer satisfaction
  • High standards of accuracy, appearance, and thoroughness of project documentation
  • Ability to review engineering work across all typical energy project scope types
  • Knowledge of contract scopes of work, and alignment with subcontractor scopes of work
  • Ability to review and improve energy analysis performed by others for all project sizes
  • Understands Project Engineer job responsibilities in project development
  • Knowledge of durations and requirements of energy measure development and delivery
  • Prepare and understand proformas
  • Superior understanding of general construction methods and can work with the construction manager to implement the project



Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work policy
  • Must be available to travel domestically up to 20% of the time and with the need for some overnight trips
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies




Salary Range: $112,000 – $172,500 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone. 


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed.


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Automation Manager

Posting date : 26/04/2024

Requisition ID : 27402

Automation Manager

What You Can Expect

As our Automation Manager, you will be responsible leading initiatives to ensure the safety, reliability, efficiency, and sustainability of our utility services, which include electrical power generation and distribution, heating and cooling systems, and natural gas distribution.  Every day you will oversee the engineering and technical support for the automation systems of a mission-critical hospital and campus utility system at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH.  And you will report to the Director of Energy Delivery.



What You’ll Bring

  • You will have a Bachelor's degree in Engineering or related field; or the equivalent years in practical experience where you have gained a foundation in automation and controls
  • You have (5) years of experience with mission critical facilities such as data centers, power plants, hospitals, or similar facilities
  • You have managed a team consisting of a Control Systems Engineers, Coordinators, and Technicians
  • You will lead teams in the installation, commissioning and debugging of advanced plant control systems and networks; and experience with programming and integrating Allen-Bradley PLC’s and FactoryTalk software suite
  • You will apply expert knowledge to optimizing and maintaining utility control systems for reliability, efficiency, and environmental compliance; along with collaborating with university departments, external contractors, and government agencies on projects and initiatives aimed at improving the university utility services
  • You will be responsible for maintaining the campus utility monitoring and data acquisition system including smart meters
  • You will review project design documents to ensure compliance with University building design standards and common industry practices
  • You will assist in capital and operation & management budget planning; as well as production and EPA compliance reporting
  • You will ensure compliance with corporate Industrial Cybersecurity guidelines
  • You will carry out other duties as assigned



Additional Details

  • This role requires attendance at a worksite on a daily basis
  • Must be available to travel domestically up to 5% of the time
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license/will drive company vehicle
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies
  • This position consists of 10% of outdoor work, while performing the duties of this job, the employee is exposed to weather conditions
  • Respond to critical plant events and be responsible for being a point of escalation on controls and networking issues (subject to 24-hour calls)
  • Ability to meet highest attendance requirements
  • Ability to communicate effectively, both written and verbally
  • Ability to handle multiple assignments on a timely basis with a high degree of accuracy.
  • Ability to use personal computer, calculator
  • Could involve some lifting
  • Ability to climb ladders and work at heights



Salary Range: $116,200 – $172,500 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.



ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 

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BIM Manager

Posting date : 26/04/2024

Requisition ID : 27301

BIM Manager

Working Environment

You will be part of the Business line URBAN within the Business Entity Belgium. Our entity aims to grow its business in Belgium and abroad by offering its customers and prospects high quality, attractive, competitive and innovative solutions in the following domains:

  • Urban design & development (energy masterplans, eco-districts, micro-grids, water, etc.)
  • Transport & mobility (road, rail, bridges, tunnels and multimodal hubs, etc.)
  • Buildings & complex structures (airport, stadium, commercial buildings, datacentres, etc.)
  • Environment & climate change (strategies, policies and governance for sustainability)
  • Geo-engineering

To deal with its many projects the Business Line seeks to expand its management team by hiring a BIM implementation manager based in Belgium. He/she has the full responsibility to continue the BIM implementation in the Business Entity Belgium and to support this development in other entities in the world. The turnover of the business line is about 100 Million € and the team counts about 1000 engineers, architects, consultants, designers and support. The BIM implementation manager is member of the Business Line Management Committee.


Your function


  • Responsible for BIM standards development, implementation, and enforcement
  • Creation and maintenance of the software template files to assure standards
  • Automate routines in BIM to support standards and productivity
  • Provide quality control for completeness and adherence to Tractebel standards of all shop drawings produced
  • Train and oversee the day-to-day activities of BIM Coordinator to ensure BIM standards are maintained in the creation of BIM models


  • Lead the Tractebel’s BIM Community of Practice (COP)
  • Report on the Tractebel’s current and projected state in regards to BIM implementation
  • Create upgrade and deployment strategies for the BIM implementation effort
    • Assess: Evaluate the Tractebel current workflow, strategies, budgets, projects, staffing, etc.
    • Plan: Create a plan for implementation (identify team members, what is the project, what are the goals, etc.)
    • Solve: Execute the plan, lead software’s installation, get templates created, get training, etc.
    • Confirm: Be able to demonstrate Taylor Design’s BIM success by evaluating goals that were established in the Assess Phase
  • Provide fundamental and intermediate training to Taylor Design staff on all BIM software
  • Conduct continuing education on BIM processes and its new technologies
  • Provide technical orientation to new hires regarding BIM tools
  • Maintain high level of competency of software through continued use and training


Your profile

  • You have a Master Degree in Engineering, Architecture, Business Administration or equivalent;
  • You have an overall technical knowledge in the Building and/or Infrastructure sector;
  • You have several years of experience in a similar position, or in management of large projects;
  • You have an in-depth working knowledge of BIM;
  • You are used to managing budgets while being able to have an overall view on projects;
  • You are capable to coordinate and review/edit proposal input from a variety of stakeholders, typically involving contributions from business developers, marketing, product teams, finance, commercial, legal, …
  • You must be a self-starter and possess the drive to pursue continued education on BIM;
  • You have strong communication skills and are able to discuss at technical & managerial level;
  • You are empathic in order to lead and motivate teams in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia to do projects in Belgium and abroad with a focus on quality and profitability in line with the customer’s needs;
  • You have a dynamic personality, are well organized and can work independently;
  • You have a strong cooperative mind-set and show openness towards other products and teams;
  • You have an excellent knowledge of French and English; Dutch is an asset;
  • You are open to short missions abroad.

Our offer

  • An interesting and varied job in an international environment with a good work/life balance;
  • A stable work environment where professional growth and development are stimulated (via the Tractebel School and the ENGIE University);
  • An attractive compensation package with fringe benefits;
  • A permanent contract to ensure the roles offered are in accordance with your skills, interests, career goals and lifestyle.



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