SAP SuccessFactors id

Operario/a Instalaciones

Posting date : 14/03/2024

Requisition ID : 24042

Operario/a Instalaciones

Nuestro Grupo es una referencia mundial en energía y servicios bajos en carbono. Junto con nuestros 96.000 empleados, nuestros clientes, socios y partes interesadas, estamos comprometidos en acelerar la transición hacia una economía neutra en carbono, a través de la reducción del consumo energético y soluciones más respetuosas con el medio ambiente. 

Para nuestro departamento de Instalaciones  en Madrid necesitamos incorporar operari@s con conocimientos en instalaciones de electricidad/mecánicas y climatización para el sector terciario. 


Si eres la persona seleccionada, te encargarás de realizar principalmente las siguientes funciones: 

  • Ejecución del plan en las instalaciones asignadas, en las especialidades de mecánica y electricidad fundamentalmente. 


En ENGIE la seguridad y salud de los trabajadores es lo primero, por ello deberás cumplir las instrucciones de seguridad, calidad y medio ambiente dadas así como informar a su superior sobre cualquier situación que considere pueda presentar un riesgo. 


Te ofrecemos 

Te proporcionaremos planes de formación y carrera. 
Tendrás la oportunidad de adherirte al sistema de retribución flexible (tarjeta de transporte, ticket guardería, formación, ticket restaurante, seguro de salud, entre otros). 
Formarás parte de un equipo dinámico en el que realmente te desarrollarás y crecerás como profesional. 
Trabajarás con un equipo multidisciplinar que te apoyará en todo momento. 
Formarás parte de una red de más de 100.000 profesionales que trabajan para crear un mundo más sostenible. 

Comprometidos con la inclusión 


En ENGIE valoramos y fomentamos la diversidad y la inclusión. Estamos comprometidos a acelerar la transición a una economía neutral en carbono lograda mediante la integración de individuos excepcionales y diversos que buscan, apoyan y fortalecen el crecimiento de los demás. 


ENGIE es la respuesta si... 

  • Buscas un proyecto profesional sólido y con proyección profesional.  

  • Valoras formar parte del primer grupo energético independiente del mundo.  

  • Quieres crecer y desarrollarte dentro de una compañía dinámica y retadora.  

  • Si consideras que tu trabajo, sumado al esfuerzo de las personas que forman parte de la compañía, puede y debe tener un reflejo positivo en el entorno. 


Si quieres formar parte de un grupo internacional, capaz de ofrecer una amplia variedad de puestos de trabajo dentro de un sector dinámico y prometedor, ¡te esperamos! 







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Trainee - Gas & Thermal Energy

Posting date : 27/06/2024

Requisition ID : 16325

Trainee - Gas & Thermal Energy

Creează un nou început în carieră cu ENGIE Traineeship Program!

Esti interesat de domeniul instalațiilor de gaze naturale sau a serviciilor tehnice termice, ai absolvit sau urmezi cursurile de master al unei facultăți specializate în Energetică și vrei să construiești o carieră de succes, atunci locul tău este în echipa noastră.

Cum ar trebui să fii?
•    O persoană analitică, pasionată de piața de energie regenerabilă; 
•    Deschis/ă la oportunitatea de a învăța și dezvolta abilități noi, în fiecare zi;
•    Lucrezi bine în echipă;
•    Vrei să pui în practică noțiunile pe care le-ai învățat în facultate;
•    Comunici ușor, chiar și în limba engleză;

Te recunoști în cele de mai sus?
Atunci hai în echipa de profesioniști ENGIE Romania!

Echipele noastre așteaptă colegi noi în București unde vei face parte dintr-un Program de Traineeship care va ajuta la creșterea și dezvoltarea ta profesională! 

Ce vei găsi la noi?
•    Oportunitatea dezvoltării profesionale în domeniul studiat;
•    Contract de muncă pe o perioadă de 12 luni, cu posibilitatea prelungirii ulterioare pe perioadă nedeterminată;
•    Cursuri și dezvoltare profesională continuă;
•    Flexibilitatea orarului, astfel ca tu să poți ajunge la examene și cursuri. 

Dacă cele de mai sus îți fac cu ochiul, înscrie-te în ENGIE Traineeship Program.

Tu esti energia viitorului!

Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.
În cazul în care optați să ne transmiteți datele dumneavoastră cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, vă rugăm să luați cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților, disponibile pe websiteul nostru. 



Despre ENGIE

Grupul de companii ENGIE Romania activează în următoarele domenii de activitate: distribuţie şi furnizare de gaze naturale, producție din surse regenerabile și furnizare de energie electrică, precum și soluții verzi și servicii tehnice pentru instalaţii de gaze naturale şi centrale termice. ENGIE Romania şi filialele sale deservesc un portofoliu de 2 milioane de clienţi, operează o reţea de distribuţie de circa 22.600 km, deţin o capacitate de producție din surse verzi de 121 MW şi au 4.300 de angajaţi.

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Specialist Market Trend & Customer Behaviour

Posting date : 01/05/2024

Requisition ID : 15965

Specialist Market Trend & Customer Behaviour





ENGIE Romania


La ENGIE Romania, dorim să venim în întâmpinarea nevoilor clienților noștri și să îi ajutăm să își atingă obiectivele, într-un mod eficient. Căutăm oameni talentați, care să pună clienții în centrul a tot ceea ce facem. 


În prezent, căutăm o persoană care să aibă bune cunoștinșe de analiză și cercetare de piață pentru a se alătura departamentului MARKET TREND & CUSTOMER BEHAVIOUR, în calitate de SPECIALIST MARKET TREND & CUSTOMER BEHAVIOUR. 


Dacă îți dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Ne poți ajuta să construim un ENGIE mai bun. Totul începe cu angajați remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine. 


Ce vei face:

  • Vei participa la elaborarea strategiei de cercetare de piață (definirea nevoilor, stabilirea priorităților și a planului de acțiune) în concordanță cu strategia de marketing.
  • Vei participa la monitorizarea bugetului alocat pentru studii de piață în cadrul companiei.
  • Vei colecta, analiza și interpreta datele și informațiile din și despre piață, atât la nivel de industrie, cât și la nivel de produs.
  • Vei participa la design-ul, implementarea, controlul și analiza proiectelor de cercetare efectuate intern sau prin agenții de studii de piață cum ar fi cele de satisfacție (NPS, CES, CSI etc.) și/ sau studii de marketing privind: comportamentele de utilizare și cumpărare, așteptările și atitudinile clienților și ale prospectilor, atractivitatea piețelor noi, teste de concept pentru produse/ servicii/ oferte noi, studii de acceptabilitate preț, studii de impact la lansarea/ încetarea unui produs/ oferte), studii în timpul acțiunilor de marketing (studii de satisfacție pentru fiecare linie de business și pentru fiecare segment de piață, imaginea de brand), studii după realizarea efortului de marketing (impactul campaniilor de comunicare comercială, promoțională, marketing direct, acțiuni de PR sau după participarea la târguri).
  • Vei propune și realiza eșantione, grupuri țintă, cerințe de studii (calitative și cantitative) și ve colabora cu Specialistul Customer Behaviour în analizele pentru studii premergătoare deciziilor de marketing, studii în timpul acțiunilor de marketing și studii după realizarea efortului de marketing.
  • Vei recomanda planuri de acțiune în urmă studiilor de piață și vei oferi propuneri de segmentare, strategii de penetrare pe piață sau de dezvoltare a pieței pentru fiecare segment de piață.
  • Vei comunica permanent cu fiecare segment de business pentru a identifica nevoile legate de studii, analize, cercetări de piață, identificarea unor oportunități de piață ori ca acțiune în sistemul de Market Intelligence, pentru fiecare segment de piață și linie de business.
  • Vei furniza analize customizate pentru diferite cerințe ad-hoc, folosind inclusiv bazele de date rezultate din cercetările de piață anterioare.
  • Vei asigura suport în implementarea și îmbunătățirea soluțiilor tehnice (Customer relationship management - CRM etc.) cu scopul de a capta permanent vocea clientului, de a alimenta și diversifica baza de date cu noi atribute și informații relevante despre clienți/ prospecți, pentru a identifica oportunități și pentru a susține acțiunile de prospectare, segmentare, ofertare țintită pe produse și servicii.
  • Vei colabora, după caz, cu echipele implicate în procesul de rezolvare a problemelor legate de calitatea datelor. 


Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:

  • Studii superioare finalizate, cu diplomă de licență (de preferință în Marketing, Sociologie, Psihologie, Statistică, Cibernetică, Comunicare, Economie);
  • Minimum 2 în în realizarea de studii de piață sau marketing în toate fazele cercetării de piață (design, analiză și raportare) pentru o varietate de metodologii (online, CATI, focus group, etc.);
  • Cunoștințe despre piața națională de energie;
  • Cunoștințe de lucru în SPSS sau alte softuri statistice;
  • Cunoștințe de lucru în Microsoft Office;
  • Cunoaștințe de limba engleză – cel puți nivel mediu;
  • Capacitate de previziune, planificare, analiză și sinteză;
  • Foarte bune abilități de comunicare și prezentare;
  • Autonomie, inițiativa și implicare;
  • Creativitate. 



  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Acces la un program de dezvoltare personală și profesională;
  • Tichete de masă;
  • Concediu de odihnă extins, în funcție de vechimea în muncă. 


Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu. 


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților: 


Despre ENGIE

Grupul de companii ENGIE Romania activează în următoarele domenii de activitate: distribuţie şi furnizare de gaze naturale, producție din surse regenerabile și furnizare de energie electrică, precum și soluții verzi și servicii tehnice pentru instalaţii de gaze naturale şi centrale termice. ENGIE Romania şi filialele sale deservesc un portofoliu de 2 milioane de clienţi, operează o reţea de distribuţie de circa 22.600 km, deţin o capacitate de producție din surse verzi de 121 MW şi au 4.300 de angajaţi.

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Mechanical Engineer II

Posting date : 07/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23260

Mechanical Engineer II

What You Can Expect

As a Mechanical Engineer II, you will bring technical expertise to a large operating fleet of wind and solar utility-scale projects, to maximize asset performance and reliability. You will be responsible for providing engineering support relating to wind and solar mechanical components, such as drivetrain systems, wind blades, hydraulic systems, generators, towers, foundations, fasteners, and solar trackers. You will adapt to site needs as they arise, tackling a variety of challenges using a continuous improvement mindset and collaborate with site and interfacing teams and own projects to improve operational efficiency. You may coordinate projects related to asset condition-monitoring, performance measurements, QA/QC monitoring, and new technology pilots.


  • Serve as first line engineering support to boost asset availability and solve operations problems. to meet KPI targets for equipment reliability and availability by using drawings and designs, operating experience, fundamental engineering principles, and more
  • Assess damage to major components, categorize severity, and provide repair or troubleshooting dispositions to the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
  • Monitor and evaluate mechanical performance by examining and trending the results of various inspections,  monitoring systems, and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system results
  • Provide timely and effective follow-up actions based on identified problems, trends, and root cause determinations
  • Serve as a technical liaison within and outside the organization with responsibility to act independently regarding technical matters
  • Act as a mechanical consultant to teams within ENGIE to verify dispositions of OEMs, 3rd party Independent Engineer (IE)’s, and independent service providers
  • Negotiate critical and controversial issues with top level engineers and officers of other organizations and companies
  • Support multiple wind and solar sites in both US and Canada
  • Make decisions and recommendations having significant impact on extensive engineering and related activities for the company
  • Identify and prevent equipment faults/failures using proven Root Cause Analysis methodologies, such as 8 Disciplines (8D) Problem Solving, 6-sigma etc.
  • Manage subcontractors during site maintenance activities as required
  • Evaluate and implement mechanical improvement and pilot projects
  • Develop the business case, economic justification, and budgets
  • Oversee the implementation plan: develop Request For Quotes (RFQs), evaluate bids and contracts, award Purchase Orders (PO’s), manage contractors and costs in the field, and monitor effectiveness
  • Develop scope, schedule, and review End of Warranty inspections for major components and file necessary claims with generation equipment OEMs
  • Participate and support site safety and environmental management systems; assure safety and environmental considerations are included in all activities
  • Manage mechanical engineering and repair documents to be accurate and of high quality and consistency across the North American fleet
  • Develop and present training, standard procedures, and technical documentation as required for safe and efficient operations 
  • Present technical information and results to site staff, management, directors and VP of operations



What You’ll Bring

  • Bachelor’s degree in which you completed coursed in Mechanical Engineering 
  • Minimum Two (2) years of relevant experience   
  • Experience in the Renewables Energy industry
  • Experience in conducting root cause analyses
  • Knowledge of industry standards and recommended practices - The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), DNV/GL, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), America Case Management Association (ACMA), etc.
  • Knowledge of mechanical operations & maintenance across multiple manufacturers (i.e. GE, Nordex, Acciona, Siemens, Vestas, Goldwind, etc) or repair contractors
  • Experience creating engineering tools using programming languages like Matlab, Python or SQL
  • Demonstrate a high degree of creativity, foresight, and mature judgment in planning, organizing, and guiding extensive engineering programs and activities
  • Manage one or more programs of complex diversity and scope which are of critical importance to overall company objectives
  • Possess strong planning, scheduling and project management skills with the ability to plan and work independently.
  • Possess strong computer and analytical skills, including advanced MS Office Product skills like Excel, SharePoint, and/or PowerBI



Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work policy
  • Must be available to travel domestically and internationally up to 20% of the time and with the need for some overnight trips
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license/clean driving record, the job may require to drive a company car
  • Must be willing and able to comply with ENGIE’s policy with respect to COVID vaccination and testing 
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies 
  • The position consists of 80% work indoors and 20% work outdoors; outdoor work may expose the employee to weather conditions 
  • Ability to climb ladders and work in heights > 250 feet; enter confined spaces as required to complete assigned task
  • Hear and understand audible alarms, detect changes in noise levels of rotating equipment and portable radio communication
  • Could involve some lifting




Salary Range: $74,500 – $114,195 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 

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IS Management Trainee

Posting date : 14/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23090

IS Management Trainee

Welcome to ENGIE FLEXIBLE GENERATION EUROPE! This operational entity of ENGIE has the ambition to be a key enabler of the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral economy!


The IT department within ENGIE Generation Europe consisting out of 7 entities: infrastructure, network, workplace, cyber security, digital, SAP ERP & operational technology (OT).   FLEXIBLE GENERATION Europe is expert in many specialist areas within the energy sector: around 1,100 employees manage, maintain and operate large-scale, highly flexible and high-performance natural gas, biomass, hydropower and CHP units owned by ENGIE in Belgium, France, UK, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.

Are you looking for an ideal opportunity to kick start your IT career in an international and fascinating high technological environment?  Are you interested in joining a multidisciplinary and diverse IT team that is supporting the energy transition within ENGIE? 


Then our IT management traineeship might be something for you as the IT department  in Antwerp & Brussels is looking to hire trainees for an 18 months rotational management traineeship starting September 1st 2024.




  • An intensive hands-on experience in different IT areas (IA, data science, network, infrastructure, cyber security, digital, operation technology) during a 18-months rotation program (3 assignments of 6-months each including 1 month in a powerplant in France, UK or the Netherlands)
  • Possibility to develop your technical and soft skills by being exposed to challenging and diverse missions and projects in the different countries where we operate.
  • The opportunity to work in diverse and international teams and travel in Europe
  • Being mentored and supported by senior experts and experienced senior IT managers.
  • The opportunity to find out your preferred IT discipline in which you can further develop your IT career within ENGIE.
  • The resources and opportunities to innovate in different fields and technologies.
  • An attractive remuneration package with many options to choose from (an attractive base pay, a bonus scheme,  a range of extralegal benefits (including lease car), lunch vouchers, discounts at a range of stores, the occasional mountain bike trip or lunch jogging with your team mates
  • Become part of a dynamic and caring organization committed to wellbeing, inclusion and diversity.
  • Being welcomed by the Young Generation Network, an international multi-disciplinary team of millennials and digital natives


  • Master degree in computer/data science or any related technical field.
  • Fluent in English and knowledge of any other European language is an asset (Italian, German, Dutch, French, Spanish)
  • High willingness to learn and grow
  • Teamplayer who shares ideas and knowledge with peers
  • You love to take initiative and like to take responsibility in projects.
  • You thrive in challenging and changing environments where you can adopt and work with new technologies
  • You have a driving license


Work location






Valérie Theys




ENGIE FLEXIBLE GENERATION EUROPE, an operational entity of ENGIE Group, is an expert in many specialist areas within the energy sector: around 1,400 employees manage, maintain and operate large-scale, highly flexible and high-performance natural gas, biomass, hydropower and CHP units owned by ENGIE in 7 European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the UK). This entity is also able to develop new applications such as energy security using large battery storage systems or power-to-gas projects (biomethane, hydrogen, …).

In this way ENGIE FLEXIBLE GENERATION EUROPE wants to support the electricity grid to complement renewable energy, and it wants to help large industrial customers to make the transition to the most energy-efficient production process including the significant reduction of their CO2 emissions! . Be a key enabler of the transition towards carbon-neutral economy!





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Junior Power System Expert

Posting date : 28/02/2024

Requisition ID : 22778

Junior Power System Expert

Tractebel is a global engineering and consulting company delivering integrated solutions for sustainable energy and built environment projects. Our expertise is trusted worldwide across multiple markets like nuclear, renewables, power & heat, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. By connecting strategy, design, engineering, social & environmental studies, project management and in-house digital application, we partner with companies and public authorities to create a positive impact on people and planet.  Backed by more than 150 years of experience, today Tractebel is a community of over 6,000 passionate experts across the globe, committed to ethical business and the fight against climate change. Tractebel is part of the ENGIE Group, a global reference in low-carbon energy and services.


The power systems product focuses on supporting our clients in their challenges to plan and operate the power system in a reliable, sustainable and efficient way. Our clients include TSOs, regulatory bodies, power producers, industries and project developers around the world.


Job Description

To support efficiently the expansion of the Power Systems team in Europe, Middle-East and Africa, and bring the highest standard of consulting services to our clients we are looking for a new colleague for the power systems simulation team.

As Junior Power System Expert, you will contribute to various power system studies. A wide range of services is offered to our clients, ranging from classical power system studies to the review of grid codes and standards. The ideal candidate should have sufficient expertise in power systems analysis which includes :

  • Model preparation & validation,
  • Data analysis,
  • Network modelling,
  • Steady state (load flow, short circuit calculations etc),
  • Dynamic analysis,
  • Generator/demand connection studies

In addition, you are able to prepare technical reports, and to make compelling conclusions and recommendations to our clients based on our studies. As part of an international team, you will further develop your expertise and project management skills and you will be responsible for:


  • Contributing to power system projects;
  • Maintaining and updating power system models;
  • Contributing to R&D projects in your expertise domain;

This team has a world class expertise in Power Systems and is the centre of excellence of the ENGIE Group for all related topics.

Qualifications - Do you tick all the boxes?

We are looking for talented and motivated people to help us meet the energy challenges of today and tomorrow. Join a rewarding and flexible work environment that encourages innovation and creativity.


  • You have a masters degree in Electrical Engineering
  • Preferably higher degree or qualification in Power System engineering
  • You have 0-3 years of experience in power system studies or you have worked at a transmission system operator or consultancy previously
  • You speak English fluently. Knowledge of the other language(s) (e.g. French, Dutch, Spanish, German, Arab) is an advantage.
  • You have knowledge on phasor-type simulations, operational procedures for system operators, modelling and simulation of power system assets
  • Knowledge in EMT modelling and simulation is desirable
  • Experience in presenting and defending results to clients
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Ideally, you have a first experience with specific power system tools (e.g. PSS/E, DIgSILENT Power factory, ETAP, PSCAD, ATP, EMTP-RV…) and able to learn efficiently new software tools
  • Capable of working autonomously as well as part of a wider team
  • You are dynamic, creative, interested by high level expertise and team work
  • You are geographically mobile for short or mid-term missions all over the world.
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Pipeline Engineer - FR (LNG, CO2)

Posting date : 28/02/2024

Requisition ID : 22775

Pipeline Engineer - FR (LNG, CO2)

Engineer your positive impact

Tractebel is a global community of 5000 imaginative experts engineering a carbon-neutral future. Through our game-changing solutions for complex energy, urban, nuclear and water projects, we help our clients create a positive impact towards a sustainable world, where people, planet and profit collectively thrive. 


Work environment 

The “Gas to X” Department of Tractebel Engineering is providing engineering services related to the following energy-related fields: Conventional Thermal Power Plants, Biomass Power Plants, Concentrated Solar Power Plants, Desalination Units, Decarbonisation of Industrial Plants, Carbon Capture and Storage/Usage, Green Hydrogen Production, Synthetic Molecules / Green Fuels Production, LNG-, Natural Gas-Terminals and Pipelines, etc. 

The “Classical Gas” Product is in charge of LNG terminals with its variants, pipelines and conventional gas stations. The piping activities for these are executing:

•    Feasibility and Basic Design.

•    Mechanical & Process System Studies.

•    Detailed Mechanical & Process Design.

•    Procurement of piping equipment including factory acceptance testing.

•    Design Review.

•    Site supervision, pre-commissioning and commissioning activities.

•    Audit of installations.


The role of Tractebel can be consulting engineer, owner’s engineer, PMC, etc.

The engineering services cover the whole life cycle of the projects, from early stage feasibility studies to construction follow-up, commissioning follow-up and services during plant operation.


The projects are located in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Latin America or Asia.

Your function

For the Gas product, you are in charge of Pipeline engineering studies necessary to design, build gas pipelines; gas compression stations and all what is related to the handling of gas in an industrial environment. The concerned installations cover all natural gas or other special gases (such as H2, CO2,…) transport.

Your role will address mainly the following tasks:

  • Execute feasibilities studies analysing the optimal routing for a pipeline routing considering all aspects of constrains.
  • Integration of the project constraints in the design of the pipeline system.
  • Act as Technical Integrator of complex projects consolidating engineering studies from various disciplines (process, mechanical, electrical, civil, I&C, HSE, etc.)
  • Deliver pipeline engineering services that meet Tractebel’s, its customers' and applicable statutory and regulatory specifications, on time and within budget.
  • Perform technical-economic studies including cost estimates
  • Execute detailed design studies for a chose and frozen pipeline.
  • follow up of the contracting process for these services (bid comparison, technical and economic negotiations, contracting)
  • Evaluate and comment the technical documents issued by contractors and manufacturers
  • Gaining experience in covering basic engineering, detail engineering, procurement, erection, pre-commissioning, commissioning and acquisition of specific knowledge regarding pipelines and gas installations.
  • Managing the contractual and/or financial relations between the various parties involved and the interfaces between all participants in the Projects : Client, Partners, Suppliers, etc.
  • Performing of consultancy, (pre)-feasibility, Basic Design, FEED assignments
  • Writing of specifications for the manufacturing of the pipelines (including welding requirements), fittings, supports, insulation, etc as well as for the valves and follow up of the contracting process for these services (bid comparison, technical and economic negotiations, contracting)
  • Preparation of files for permitting and construction specifications.
  • Workshop inspections and quality follow-up of pipeline prefabrication but also for other equipment.
  • On-site follow up of the mechanical erection including welding activities.
  • Will respond to the project engineer
  • Having the knowledge of the different equipment used in the gas industry
  • Write procedure to execute and manage gas-in of a pipeline
  • Complete projects with the necessary hand-overs, As-built, certificates,….

Your profile

  • Civil or industrial engineer with a practical, ever sense of learning.
  • Interested in the gas and energy sector within a multidisciplinary environments.
  • Some experience in material knowledge, welding and NDT inspections
  • You have interest to develop your high level expertise.
  • Team spirit, dynamic, rigorous and creative 
  • Good communicator and prepared to listen to the client needs.
  • Able to take the role as advisor towards the Client and transmit your knowledge to other team members
  • Willing to undergo short / long missions to support construction activities and / or client support.
  • The function is open in Brussels but you have Interest for international experience and short and mid-term missions abroad
  • Multilingual with English and Dutch or French as a must.



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Pipeline engineer - Dutch speaking (LNG, CO2)

Posting date : 28/02/2024

Requisition ID : 22774

Pipeline engineer - Dutch speaking (LNG, CO2)

Engineer your positive impact

Tractebel is a global community of 5000 imaginative experts engineering a carbon-neutral future. Through our game-changing solutions for complex energy, urban, nuclear and water projects, we help our clients create a positive impact towards a sustainable world, where people, planet and profit collectively thrive. 


Work environment 


The “Gas to X” Department of Tractebel Engineering is providing engineering services related to the following energy-related fields: Conventional Thermal Power Plants, Biomass Power Plants, Concentrated Solar Power Plants, Desalination Units, Decarbonisation of Industrial Plants, Carbon Capture and Storage/Usage, Green Hydrogen Production, Synthetic Molecules / Green Fuels Production, LNG-, Natural Gas-Terminals and Pipelines, etc. 

The “Classical Gas” Product is in charge of LNG terminals with its variants, pipelines and conventional gas stations. The piping activities for these are executing:

•    Feasibility and Basic Design.

•    Mechanical & Process System Studies.

•    Detailed Mechanical & Process Design.

•    Procurement of piping equipment including factory acceptance testing.

•    Design Review.

•    Site supervision, pre-commissioning and commissioning activities.

•    Audit of installations.


The role of Tractebel can be consulting engineer, owner’s engineer, PMC, etc.

The engineering services cover the whole life cycle of the projects, from early stage feasibility studies to construction follow-up, commissioning follow-up and services during plant operation.


The projects are located in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Latin America or Asia.


Your function


For the Gas product, you are in charge of Pipeline engineering studies necessary to design, build gas pipelines; gas compression stations and all what is related to the handling of gas in an industrial environment. The concerned installations cover all natural gas or other special gases (such as H2, CO2,…) transport.

Your role will address mainly the following tasks:

  • Execute feasibilities studies analysing the optimal routing for a pipeline routing considering all aspects of constrains.
  • Integration of the project constraints in the design of the pipeline system.
  • Act as Technical Integrator of complex projects consolidating engineering studies from various disciplines (process, mechanical, electrical, civil, I&C, HSE, etc.)
  • Deliver pipeline engineering services that meet Tractebel’s, its customers' and applicable statutory and regulatory specifications, on time and within budget.
  • Perform technical-economic studies including cost estimates
  • Execute detailed design studies for a chose and frozen pipeline.
  • follow up of the contracting process for these services (bid comparison, technical and economic negotiations, contracting)
  • Evaluate and comment the technical documents issued by contractors and manufacturers
  • Gaining experience in covering basic engineering, detail engineering, procurement, erection, pre-commissioning, commissioning and acquisition of specific knowledge regarding pipelines and gas installations.
  • Managing the contractual and/or financial relations between the various parties involved and the interfaces between all participants in the Projects : Client, Partners, Suppliers, etc.
  • Performing of consultancy, (pre)-feasibility, Basic Design, FEED assignments
  • Writing of specifications for the manufacturing of the pipelines (including welding requirements), fittings, supports, insulation, etc as well as for the valves and follow up of the contracting process for these services (bid comparison, technical and economic negotiations, contracting)
  • Preparation of files for permitting and construction specifications.
  • Workshop inspections and quality follow-up of pipeline prefabrication but also for other equipment.
  • On-site follow up of the mechanical erection including welding activities.
  • Will respond to the project engineer
  • Having the knowledge of the different equipment used in the gas industry
  • Write procedure to execute and manage gas-in of a pipeline
  • Complete projects with the necessary hand-overs, As-built, certificates,….

Your profile


  • Civil or industrial engineer with a practical, ever sense of learning.
  • Interested in the gas and energy sector within a multidisciplinary environments.
  • Some experience in material knowledge, welding and NDT inspections
  • You have interest to develop your high level expertise.
  • Team spirit, dynamic, rigorous and creative 
  • Good communicator and prepared to listen to the client needs.
  • Able to take the role as advisor towards the Client and transmit your knowledge to other team members
  • Willing to undergo short / long missions to support construction activities and / or client support.
  • The function is open in Brussels but you have Interest for international experience and short and mid-term missions abroad
  • Multilingual with English and Dutch or French as a must.
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Responsible Designer Engineer

Posting date : 14/02/2024

Requisition ID : 21910

Responsible Designer Engineer

Tractebel Engineering is looking for its Operational Support Department « Responsible Designer» in the «Global Business Area Nuclear» a (m/f):


Responsible Designer Engineer



The Operational Support Department “Responsible Designer” is responsible for:

  • Maintaining the specialized knowledge of the design and their competence in the design process of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs);
  • Having a good knowledge of the plant designs in order to be able to offer its engineering products or services in the field of designing, building and modernization of NPPs;
  • The good working and animation (as process owner) of several nuclear safety processes, such as the Regulatory Watch process, the modification process, the Return of Experience (REX) process;
  • Delivering clear and independent advice(s) concerning potential safety issues, plant modifications and design reviews;
  • Promoting the Safety Culture and the correct application of rules and regulations.  


To perform her/his role, the Responsible Designer Engineer:

  • Will work closely with, but independently from the different technical disciplines of Tractebel;
  • Will work in close cooperation with the Design Authority of Engie Electrabel. 


your job

As a Responsible Designer Engineer, you will work in several of the following domains: 

  • Act as process owner for the following processes:
  • Modification files;
  • Regulation Watch;
  • REX;
  • Give independent advice(s) in several safety processes (Potential Safety Issues, Modifications Group, Design Reviews, REX,…). Organise and coordinate meetings with several experts from other technical disciplines if necessary;
  • Participate in Project Review meetings with Engie Electrabel;
  • Assist the Safety Officers for design aspects and confirm that nuclear safety requirements and standards are met;
  • Advice the Design Authority of Engie Electrabel in case of design issues and/or projects;
  • Assist the Design Authority of Engie Electrabel in case of meetings with the Authorities;
  • Draft Position Papers about design aspects of Engie Electrabel’s NPPs; 
  • Help management by identifying issues and their potential causes, and provide guidance on how these might be addressed, hereby also assessing the effectiveness of line management’s corrective actions;
  • Identify gaps with international best practices;
  • Take specific actions to assure that his/her knowledge of design is appropriately kept.


  • You have at least a master degree in Engineering. A degree in Nuclear Science constitutes an asset;
  • You are motivated by the field of nuclear engineering and eager to develop your knowledge of it;
  • You are a generalist, having knowledge of all technical disciplines to the extent enabling you to discuss on safety and design aspects related to these disciplines;
  • Experience in nuclear operation and/or maintenance, general nuclear safety approach, general nuclear design knowledge or one of the above mentioned domains constitutes a further asset;   
  • You have a good oral and written command of English and Dutch or French, willing to learn or improve your French or Dutch;
  • You have a critical and inquiring mind and are well-organized;
  • You are dynamic, rigorous and pragmatic;
  • You are able to write position papers and synthesis reports as well as clear and argumented safety positions;
  • You are a good listener and communicator, able to easily develop personal contacts;
  • You have good facilitating skills and are diplomatic;
  • You are a team player, but are also able to work autonomously;
  • You have the capacity to assume responsibilities and to take initiatives.



Based in Brussels



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Meeloopstage binnen onderhoudsdienst Mechanica

Posting date : 05/06/2023

Requisition ID : 895

Meeloopstage binnen onderhoudsdienst Mechanica

Deze meeloopstage binnen de maintenancedienst 'Mechanisch Onderhoud' (kerncentrale Doel) levert jou bergen kennis op het vlak van dagdagelijkse activiteiten in de diverse technische installaties binnen de heel specifieke omgeving van een kerncentrale op.



Jouw missie

  • situering en probleemstelling
    • de student zal dubbellopen met de onderhoudstechniekers binnen de afdeling Mechanisch Onderhoud van het departement Maintenance
    • de student kan onder begeleiding specifieke onderhoudstaken uitvoeren. Op die manier wordt de kans gegeven om de vaardigheden, kennis en attitudes die in de opleiding verworven werden, in de praktijk te brengen in een concrete en uitdagende werkomgeving
    • de student neemt deel aan de normale, dagdagelijkse activiteiten in de diverse technische installatiedomeinen. Op die manier kan de stagestudent via de meeloopstage proeven van diverse technieken en installaties die nauw aanleunen bij de opleiding, de specialisatie en het interessegebied
  • doelstellingen
    • tijdens een meeloopstage is het vooral de bedoeling om kennis te maken met de kerncentrale, de omvangrijke en complexe installaties en het gespecialiseerde personeel, en tegelijkertijd praktijkervaring en praktische vaardigheden binnen het betrokken onderhoudsgebied te verwerven

Jouw profiel

  • je volgt een professionele bacheloropleiding of middelbare opleiding TSO in één van volgende richtingen: mechanica of elektromechanica
  • je zal werkzaam zijn in de kerncentrale te Doel
  • je bent nederlandstalig. Kennis van het Frans is een plus.

Ben je geïnteresseerd in deze stage en heb je vragen? Contacteer onze HR-collega:




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