SAP SuccessFactors id

Senior Operator

Posting date : 23/04/2024

Requisition ID : 26525

Senior Operator

Welkom bij ENGIE BELGIUM! Elke dag werken wij energie-efficiënte oplossingen uit en bouwen zo aan een koolstofneutrale toekomst!


Voor onze elektriciteitscentrales in Brussel zijn we op zoek naar een senior procesoperator om het team te versterken. Samen met je collega’s sta je in voor de uitbating van de STEG centrale van Drogenbos, het batterijpark en de piekcentrale van Vilvoorde. Dit doe je vanuit onze centrale in Drogenbos of Rodenhuize (Gent).

Je krijgt energie van problemen oplossen? Je houdt ervan een proces van A tot Z tot een goed einde te brengen? En je hebt de ambitie om een rol te spelen in de overgang naar een koolstofneutrale economie?


WE BIEDEN JOU als procesoperator

  • Brede waaier aan kennis – beheer van een volledig proces (elektrisch, mechanisch en proces technisch), waar altijd verbetering mogelijk is
  • Leuk team – ervaren team van collega’s die met plezier hun kennis zullen delen
  • Flexibiliteit – je vindt het fijn om ook af en toe eens lokaal op een andere centrale aanwezig te zijn.
  • Meerwaarde – je draagt bij aan de elektriciteitsbevoorrading van vele gezinnen
  • Uniek sociaal fonds – medische onkosten worden terugbetaald voor jou en jouw gezinsleden
  • Technische uitdaging – de kans om te werken in een unieke sector van energie die zichzelf op technisch vlak continu blijft uitdagen
  • Opleiding - praktische en theoretische opleidingen ter ondersteuning van jouw leer- en doorgroeitraject
  • Mooi salaris – geïndexeerd maandloon aangevuld met personeelsvoorwaarden op je energiefactuur, GSM, maaltijdcheques, hospitalisatie-en medische kostenverzekering voor jou en inwonende gezinsleden, fietslease, extra pensioenspaarplan, verplaatsingsvergoeding, een breed pakket aan vakantiedagen (20 verlofdagen + 13 ADV dagen) 
  • Veiligheid – veiligheid komt bij ons steeds op de eerste plaats


JOUW PROFIEL als procesoperator

  • Je beschikt over een technische graduaat of bachelor of je hebt een gelijkwaardige ervaring opgedaan als operator.
  • Je hebt minimum 3 jaar professionele ervaring in een technische functie in een industriële productieomgeving.
  • Je hebt goede communicatievaardigheden en spreekt vloeiend Nederlands.
  • Je bent bereid om in volcontinu stelsel te werken.
  • Je hebt een sterk veiligheids- en milieubewustzijn. Je draagt voortdurend zorg voor de veiligheid en gezondheid van jezelf én van je collega’s!


JOUW UITDAGING als procesoperator

Eerst en vooral moet je weten dat elke procesoperator instaat voor de dagdagelijkse technische opvolging van de installaties. Met als voornaamste doel: een veilige en efficiënte uitbating garanderen.

  • Vanuit de controlezaal bedien je verschillende centrales van de entiteit Brugge-Gent-Brussel
  • Je lost storingen en problemen op in samenspraak met de productieleider en ons onderhoudsteam en doet een optimalisatievoorstel
  • Je stelt de installatie (transformatoren, turbines, elektrische borden etc) veilig ter voorbereiding van onderhoudswerken
  • Je start een installatie na onderhoud opnieuw op



Lise Raes -





Centrale in Drogenbos (Brussel)



Om leider van de koolstofneutrale transitie in België te worden, beheerst ENGIE alle beroepen uit de energiesector: van energieproductie tot onderhoud van complexe installaties, van engineering tot het bouwen van nieuwe installaties, van onderzoek en innovatie tot het optimaliseren van ieders verbruik. Onze 7000 medewerkers in België bouwen aan een betere toekomst voor onze planeet.
Aan een betere toekomst voor ons allemaal!

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Assembly Technician

Posting date : 19/04/2024

Requisition ID : 26784

Assembly Technician

Job Title:   

Technicien d'Assemblage H/F



Reporting line:

Wharehouse Manager




  1. À propos d’ENGIE


ENGIE est le plus grand producteur indépendant d'électricité au monde et l'un des principaux acteurs du gaz naturel et des services énergétiques. Le groupe a plus de 50 ans d'expérience sur le continent africain et a la capacité unique d'implémenter des solutions intégrées tout au long de la chaîne de valeur énergétique, de la production d'électricité centralisée aux solutions hors réseau (systèmes solaires domestiques, mini-réseaux) et aux services énergétiques. ENGIE Africa compte presque 4 000 employés, possède une capacité de production d’électricité de 3,15 GW, en exploitation ou en construction, et occupe une position de leader sur le marché décentralisé de l’énergie fournissant de l’énergie propre à plus de 4 millions de personnes par le biais d’installations solaires domestiques et de micro-réseaux locaux.

ENGIE PowerCorner est le développeur et opérateur de mini-réseaux du Groupe ENGIE qui fournit une électricité renouvelable, fiable et abordable, ainsi que des services énergétiques innovants, aux populations hors-réseaux des zones rurales en Afrique. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons une combinaison d’innovations clées : des unités de production d’électricité renouvelables solaires standardisées, un mini-réseau autonome combiné à des compteurs intelligents, et la technologie de paiement mobile.


Périmètre de Responsabilités


Les responsabilités listées ci-dessous sont celles pour lesquelles vous avez été recruté et que vous devrez assumer pour ENGIE Energy Access Bénin. Ces dernières sont sujettes à changement à tout moment.

Rapportant au Responsable de l’Entrepôt et du Transport de ENGIE Energy Access Bénin, le Technicien d’Assemblage aidera à la bonne gestion des opérations au sein d’une start-up dynamique qui évolue aux frontières de l’énergie renouvelable et des technologies de paiement mobile.


Responsabilités principales


  • Aider au chargement des livraisons à l’entrepôt et des livraisons aux points de vente ;
  • Effectuer un contrôle minutieux et de qualité du stock à l’arrivée et au départ ;
  • Effectuer l’assemblage des produits SmartLife à travers le logiciel prévu à cet effet ;
  • Être méticuleux lors de l’assemblage des équipements afin de minimiser les erreurs ;
  • Être proactif et enthousiaste dans la détection des erreurs et les remonter à sa hiérarchie ;
  • Être alerte et responsable en vue d’assurer la sécurité de vos collègues de travail
  • Maintenir en bon état le stock de l’entrepôt et éviter qu’il ne soit endommagé, perdu ou dérobé ;
  • Avoir une bonne connaissance de nos produits : les détails, les caractéristiques, les prix etc. ;
  • Participer aux inventaires, aux audits et aux rapprochements ;
  • Participer activement à la classification et au rangement des kits ;
  • Améliorer continuellement ses connaissances sur les produits et ses compétences en matière de maintenance ;
  • Prendre soin des ordinateurs et de tout l’équipement mis à disposition. 


Responsabilités techniques


  • Soutenir le processus de remise à neuf du produit SmartLife ;
  • Effectuer le tri et la remise à neuf de tous les accessoires SmartLife ;
  • Identifier les produits défectueux en collaboration avec les Conseillers Points Services en vue de les réparer ;
  • Effectuer des enregistrements précis, des rapports sur la qualité du produit dans l’inventaire quotidien des produits SmartLife reconditionnés et saisir des informations précises dans le logiciel dédié. 




Vous vous êtes reconnu(e) dans cette offre ?


Déposez votre dossier à l’adresse : 


Constitution du dossier de candidature :


  • Un Curriculum Vitae détaillé au format PDF et sous la forme de NOM+ Prénoms.
  • Une lettre de motivation adressée à la Responsable des Ressources Humaines.


Nous remercions tous les candidats de leur intérêt, mais en raison du grand volume de candidatures que nous recevons, seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés.


ENGIE est un employeur engagé dans la diversité, l’égalité des chances et la création d’un environnement inclusif pour tous. Toutes les candidatures sont examinées en fonction des besoins de l’entreprise, des exigences du poste et des qualifications individuelles, sans aucun égard quant à l’origine, l’âge, le patronyme, l’identité, l’orientation ou la préférence sexuelle, la religion, la situation familiale, l’état de santé, le handicap, les opinions politiques, les engagements syndicats ou encore la citoyenneté. Nos différences font notre force !



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Ingénieur I&C Marseille

Posting date : 10/04/2024

Requisition ID : 6167

Ingénieur I&C Marseille

Tractebel est une communauté mondiale de 5000 experts imaginatifs qui conçoivent un avenir neutre en carbone. Grâce à nos solutions révolutionnaires pour des projets énergétiques, urbains, nucléaires et hydrauliques complexes, nous aidons nos clients à créer un impact positif vers un monde durable, où les personnes, la planète et le profit prospèrent collectivement.


Environnement de travail

Au sein de la Direction Nucléaire, vous serez rattaché(e) à l’agence de Marseille.


Principales missions confiées :


  • Réaliser des études de conception de systèmes I&C en interface avec les systèmes nucléaires,

  • Définition, étude et modification d’architecture de contrôle-commande,

  • Etudes de remplacement et ou d’ajout de nouveaux instruments,

  • Choix multicritères d’instruments,

  • Analyses de robustesse au séisme associées aux différents équipements,

  • Élaborer des cahiers des charges, des spécifications techniques et des spécifications matériels,

  • Etudier l’intégration des équipements selon les contraintes d’installation,

  • Déterminer les coûts associés à la fourniture, au montage et la mise en service des installations,

  • Veille technologique et choix des matériels à prescrire en fonction des projets,

  • Participer aux activités liées à la qualification des équipements (gestion de l’obsolescence, dossiers de prélèvement sur site, …),

  • Rédiger des programmes et procédures d’essais usine et site,

  • Consulter les fournisseurs et suivi de ceux-ci,

  • Suivi des travaux : visites de chantier, réception usine, opérations préalables à la réception, levée de réserve, etc…

  • Animer et / ou participer à des réunions / relation Client Fournisseur

  • Capitalisation du Retour d’Expérience (rédaction de fiches REX)


Pour une demande de prestation de service, préciser les livrables attendus : RAS



Prérequis :


Formation de base : Bac+5 (école d’ingénieur, diplôme universitaire) avec une formation en Instrumentation / Automatique / Informatique Industrielle.

Nombre d’années d’expérience minimum : 2 ans minimum ou plus

Compétences principales :

Compétences en Instrumentation et Contrôle-Commande : Architecture I&C, Instruments, qualification nucléaire d’équipements, systèmes de contrôle-commande.

Connaissance du fonctionnement d’installations industrielles et ou de centrales nucléaires. Une première expérience dans le domaine du nucléaire est un plus, mais pas indispensable.

Connaissance des codes de conception et des exigences spécifiques dans le nucléaire (RCC-E, IEC, etc…) est un plus.

Rigoureux, sérieux, autonome, vous possédez une forte capacité à gérer et à intervenir face à des situations imprévues. L’esprit d’équipe est une de vos qualités.

Vous êtes doté de bonnes capacités rédactionnelles et de communication, ainsi que d’un esprit de synthèse. La proactivité et la curiosité intellectuelle sont particulièrement appréciées afin d’intervenir sur des sujets diversifiés et à forte valeur ajoutée.


Maitrise des logiciels : impératif pack office (Excel, Word, Power Point), connaissance de logiciel de modélisation et simulation est un plus : Modelica, Alices (CORYS), Simulink, MATLAB.

Expérience sectorielle : Nucléaire / Industrie

Langue / Niveau : Français courant et Anglais professionnel

Votre niveau d’autonomie sera adapté à votre expérience. Vous pourrez profiter d’un coaching et d’un parcours personnalisé pour réussir votre intégration.



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Instalator debutant

Posting date : 08/04/2024

Requisition ID : 25658

Instalator debutant







Distrigaz Sud Rețele, filiala a ENGIE Romania, este liderul distribuției de gaze naturale în România. Cu o expertiză de peste 47 de ani în acest domeniu, compania deține contracte de concesiune pentru distribuția de gaze naturale în 1.358 de localități, pe raza a 20 de județe din sudul și centrul României și a municipiului București, gestionând o rețea de distribuție de peste 22.500 de km.


La Distrigaz Sud Rețele, dorim să venim în întâmpinarea nevoilor clienților noștri și să îi ajutăm să își atingă obiectivele, într-un mod eficient. Căutăm oameni talentați, care să pună clienții în centrul a tot ceea ce facem.


În prezent, căutăm o persoană cu atitudine proactivă, fără experiență, pentru a se alătura echipelor noastre în calitate de  Instalator debutant. Contractul de muncă va fi încheiat pe perioadă determinată de timp de 12 luni cu posibilitate de prelungire.



Dacă îți dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Ne poți ajuta să construim un viitor mai bun. Totul începe cu angajati remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine.


Ce vei face:

Sub supravegherea mentorului, vei executa lucrări programate și neprogramate specifice domeniilor de activitate de Exploatare Rețea și Tehnic Clientelă, în conformitate cu Legea Energiei și a Gazelor Naturale, Normele Tehnice în vigoare, Politica de Mentenanță a Societății, procedurile și instrucțiunile de lucru specifice proceselor de Exploatare Retea (mentenanta preventiva si mentenanta corectiva), în vederea exploatării în condiții de siguranță a sistemului de distribuție gaze naturale, reducerea pierderilor și a costurilor, pentru asigurarea satisfacției clienților interni și externi, cu îndeplinirea obiectivelor de performanță calitativă și cantitativă stabilite la nivel de unitate organizațională.


Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:

  • Studii generale;


Constituie avantaj:

  • Permis de conducere categoria B;
  • Calificare în meseria de instalator gaze;
  • Experiență 1 an în exploatarea sistemului de distribuție de gaze naturale.



  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Acces la un program de dezvoltare personală și profesională;
  • Tichete de masă;
  • Concediu de odihnă extins, în funcție de vechimea în muncă;
  • Primă de vacanță.

Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:

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Job Posting Date

Plant Trainee - Operations

Posting date : 05/04/2024

Requisition ID : 25720

Plant Trainee - Operations


Position Title:

Plant Trainee: Field Operator – (18 Months Fixed Term Contract)

Reports to:

Operations Manager




Dedisa Peaking Power Plant, Port Elizabeth


12 April 2024



  • Be trained and developed in assisting the Shift Charge Engineer to supervise and oversee daily plant operations and maintenance in the Operations Shift Team in order to ensure that operational targets are achieved safely, efficiently and within the company rules and procedures, OEM guidelines, legal, environmental, contractual and other requirements;
  • Assist to establish the appropriate procedures and computerized maintenance management processes as applicable to a prudent operation management, in particular the permit to work system;
  • Ensures correct operational line-up and local operation of the systems;
  • Unloads fuel tankers in a safe manner;
  • Understands and adheres to all Plant Safety Guidelines and Procedures. Strives to maintain an injury-free environment;
  • Understands and masters the Plant Emergency Handling Procedures;
  • Participates in the Plant Training and Qualification Program;
  • Ensures control of the plant process and electrical distribution through the plant Distributed Control System (DCS) and other process control devices;
  • Assists in scheduling daily maintenance actions, plant configuration changes and varying power generation levels;
  • Monitors plant chemistry and chemicals handling;
  • Identifies problems with plant equipment and clearly communicates the conditions associated with these problems to the Shift Charge Engineer / Plant Maintenance Team;
  • Ensures the completion of shift round checklists, routine daily/weekly/monthly test checklists and equipment change-over checklists, etc.;
  • Coordinates with the Shift Charge Engineer and Operation Engineer;
  • Submits the necessary reports and recommendations to the Shift Charge Engineer concerning equipment/plant status and/or any problems;
  • Maintaining high standards of management, ethics and leadership;


  • The Job Holder works as a trainee within the operations department and reports to the Operation Manager.


  • The Job Holder will work and communicate with:
  • Internal: Maintenance, Operation and HSE Departments;
  • • The Job Holder must communicate with his own team (other Operators), the maintenance technicians and Contractors as necessary.



Essential Qualifications:

  • An accredited Technical Diploma or Degree


• Experience in the operation of a power plant will be ideal;

• Communication skills

• Use of safe systems of work

• Use of computerized management systems

• Reporting



• Drive to achieve results through himself and others

• Ability to work with multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary staff

• Ability to work together with the other departments in order to achieve the best result for the company

• Take ownership

• Self-starter

• Ability to manage self-study and development program in order to complete self-passed learning schedule which will also include research.

• Maintains high ethics standard

• Respects the others as well as the cultural diversity

• Ability to create a climate of open communication on personal and professional issues

• Safety , quality and environmental awareness and managing according to quality standards and procedures

• Innovation, vision, creativity, taking initiative, problem solving and decision making

• Ability to build effective relationships with key stakeholders



• English Language: excellent communication skills both written and verbal.

• Afrikaans/Zulu/Xhosa is an advantage.


IT & Systems:

• Computer literate: must have a high degree of skill in Business Computing Applications such as Databases, Word Processors, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint, and Enterprise Resource Planning applications (Maximo/ SAP or equivalent).



  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures
  • Behaves in a responsible way
  • Lives the values of the company;
  • Undertakes other duties as may be requested within reason.
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Candidatura Espontânea

Posting date : 04/04/2024

Requisition ID : 25705

Candidatura Espontânea

Quem Somos?


A ENGIE é um grupo capaz de liderar a transição energética com seus serviços e soluções eficientes e inovadoras.

Com um total de 96.400 colaboradores em mais de 31 países e um volume de negócios de 93 900 milhões de euros em 2022, a ENGIE contribui para o progresso energético impulsionado por uma equipe de especialistas.

A ENGIE em Portugal é uma empresa de referência na prestação de serviços de eficiência energética e em soluções de energia transformada, e é também o segundo maior player na produção de eletricidade em Portugal, com um portfólio diversificado de fontes de energia, onde se inclui produção eólica, solar e hídrica. 



Como pode fazer diferença


  • Alto grau de compromisso
  • Trabalho de equipa e colaboração
  • Boa capacidade de comunicação
  • Proatividade
  • Autonomia na resolução de problemas




Comprometidos com a inclusão


Na Engie valorizamos e promovemos a diversidade e a inclusão. Estamos comprometidos em acelerar a transição para uma economia neutra em carbono, conseguida através da integração de pessoas excecionais e diversas que procuram, apoiam e fortalecem o crescimento dos demais.



O que oferecemos


  • Integração numa empresa global e de referência no mercado nacional
  • Planos de formação adaptados às suas necessidades e interesses
  • Fazer parte de um equipa dinâmica
  • Estar integrado numa rede de mais de 96 000 profissionais que trabalham para criar um mundo mais sustentável



ENGIE é a resposta se...


  • Valoriza fazer parte do primeiro grupo energético independente do mundo
  • Procura crescer e desenvolver-se dentro de uma empresa dinâmica e desafiadora
  • Considere que seu trabalho, somado ao esforço das pessoas que fazem parte da empresa, pode e deve ter um reflexo positivo no ambiente.
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Archiving Officer Intern

Posting date : 25/03/2024

Requisition ID : 24796

Archiving Officer Intern

Job Title: Archiving Officer Intern (temporary position)

Department: Operations

Reporting Line: Warehouse Manager

Location: Nairobi, Kenya



About ENGIE Energy Access

ENGIE Energy Access is one of the leading Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) and mini-grids solutions provider in Africa, with a mission to deliver affordable, reliable and sustainable energy solutions and life-changing services with exceptional customer experience. The company is a result of the integration of Fenix International, ENGIE Mobisol and ENGIE PowerCorner; and develops innovative, offgrid solar solutions for homes, public services and businesses, enabling customers and distribution partners access to clean, affordable energy. The PAYGo solar home systems are financed through affordable installments from $0.19 per day and the minigrids foster economic development by enabling electrical productive use and triggering business opportunities for entrepreneurs in rural communities. With over 1,700 employees, operations in nine countries across Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia), almost 1.5 million customers and over 7 million lives impacted so far, ENGIE Energy Access aims to remain the leading clean energy company, serving millions of customers across Africa by 2025.


Job         Purpose/Mission 


 As an Archiving Officer Intern, you will be responsible for overseeing the organization, preservation, and retrieval of records and documents within our archives. You will play a crucial role in   maintaining the integrity of company records and ensuring that they are accessible to those who require them.


              Responsibilities: -

  • Record Management: Manage the organization's records and documents according to established archival standards and procedures.
  • Documentation Preservation: Ensure the preservation and conservation of historical records, including paper documents, photographs, digital files, and other media.
  • Cataloguing and Indexing: Create detailed catalogues and indexes of archival materials to facilitate easy retrieval and access for researchers and staff.
  • Digitization Projects: Oversee digitization projects to convert physical records into digital formats, ensuring long-term accessibility and preservation.
  • Access Control: Implement access controls and security measures to protect sensitive or confidential information within the archives.
  • Research Support: Provide support to researchers, historians, and other stakeholders by assisting with inquiries and locating relevant archival materials.
  • Compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant regulations, policies, and guidelines related to records management and archival practices.


Knowledge and skills 



  • Experience working in archives, libraries, or records management.
  • Strong knowledge of archival principles, practices, and standards.
  • Basic knowledge on Excel spread sheets and data entry skills.
  • Experience assisting customers/clients with escalated issues.
  • Proven critical thinking skills that demonstrate fact finding/analysis and sound decision making.
  • Excellent communications skills both written and verbal.
  • Detail oriented and well-organized.
  • Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively.
  • High level of self-motivation
  • Ability to balance multiple tasks while working under tight deadlines with close attention to detail, accuracy, and quality always.
  • Open to work in a flexible and creative work environment with fast-evolving operations.
  • Positive attitude is a must for this role.


  • Bachelor’s degree in library science, Archival Studies or a related field.



  • English + Kiswahili



  • Ability to use basic Microsoft tools(Word & Excel)


We thank all applicants for their interest, however due to the large volume of applications we receive, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


ENGIE is an equal opportunity employer, promoting diversity and committed to creating an inclusive environment for all. All applications are screened based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without any regard to origin, age, name, sexual identity, orientation or preference, religion, marital status, health, disability, political opinions, union involvement or citizenship. Our differences are our strengths! 

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Administratief Bediende voor werkbonafhandeling

Posting date : 30/09/2024

Requisition ID : 24537

Administratief Bediende voor werkbonafhandeling

Welkom bij ENGIE, leider in de energietransitie! Elke dag werken wij energie-efficiënte oplossingen uit en bouwen zo aan een koolstofneutrale toekomst! De verlenging van onze nucleaire activiteiten in België opent de deur naar ambitieuze projecten en vertegenwoordigt een grote nationale uitdaging. Wij zijn op zoek naar de beste talenten om hieraan bij te dragen.


Voor de kerncentrale van Doel zijn we actief op zoek naar een Werkvoorbereid(st)er.


Jouw uitdaging als Werkvoorbereid(st)er Inspecties 

  • je assisteert bij het proces werkbonafhandeling
  • je werkt nauwkeurig in het beheersysteem (de PM module van SAP)
  • je staat in voor het verwerken en opzoeken van documenten in SAP
  • je zorgt voor het coderen van documenten
  • je scant en koppelt de documenten aan orders in SAP
  • je biedt algemene administratieve ondersteuning
  • je houdt onze databanken up-to-date
  • je beheert het klassement
  • je werkt in teamverband


De ideale match

  • je bent jonger dan 26 jaar op het ogenblik van de indiensttreding en voldoet aan één van volgende criteria:
    • je bent langdurig werkzoekende en in het bezit van een werkkaart RVA, of
    • je bent uitkeringsgerechtigd werkloos en zit niet in je wachtperiode, of
    • je bent laaggeschoold werkzoekende (je bezit geen diploma secundair onderwijs), of
    • je bent een herintreder (na minstens 1 jaar onderbreking), of
    • je hebt recht op maatschappelijke integratie of hulp, of
    • je bent in het bezit van een verminderingskaart herstructurering, of
    • je bent werkzoekende (je beschikt niet over de nationaliteit van een lidstaat van de EU, of geen enkele van je ouders/grootouders bezitten deze nationaliteit niet), of
    • je bezit een verminderde arbeidsongeschiktheid 
  • je hebt een administratieve opleiding gevolgd of gelijkwaardig door ervaring
  • je bent PC-vaardig en hebt een goede kennis van Word, Excel, Powerpoint en Outlook
  • je bent leergierig
  • je hebt zin voor verantwoordelijkheid, werkt nauwkeurig en zelfstandig
  • je hebt oog voor detail
  • je bent een sociaal persoon en teamplayer


Wij bieden jou

  • een contract van bepaalde duur van 1 jaar
  • een competitief salaris aangevuld met tal van voordelen
  • een brede waaier van opleidings- en ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden
  • een gezond evenwicht tussen werk en privé
  • een ruim aanbod van formele en informele netwerken, o.a. dankzij ENGIE, de internationale nutsgroep waar we deel van uitmaken


Meer weten over werken in een kerncentrale? Klik hier voor meer informatie


Jouw contactpersoon - Ilse Aelbrecht – 



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Job Posting Date

Pipeline Engineer LNG - FR

Posting date : 28/02/2024

Requisition ID : 22775

Pipeline Engineer LNG - FR

Ready to engineer your positive impact? Then join Tractebel, part of the ENGIE Group, and our 5,600 passionate experts around the globe, driven by shaping a more sustainable world every day. It’s your chance to be a part of the adventure of the century: accelerating the energy transition – while enhancing people’s lives through meaningful projects. Make your contribution to carbon neutrality in markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-techbuildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways.

Are you ready to make a difference? Then we look forward to meeting you!

What we offer

  • Tractebel is more than a place to work. It’s your chance to evolve alongside top experts on impactful projects around the world. It’s an environment built on team spirit, where you can reach your highest potential. Management actively supports the development of its people, and the opportunities for growth within the ENGIE Group are wide open.
  • We offer a competitive salary package including representation allowances, double paid holidays, meal vouchers, eco cheques, bonuses, health insurance, PC purchase plan, ENGIE stock options, and more.
  • Our mobility plans are customizable to your needs, including a company car, train pass, bike lease, or combinations thereof. You can also swap your company car for the flexible and taxfriendly Belgian Mobility Budget! **
  • Flexible, hybrid arrangements enable working from home (2-3 days per week), on-site or on the go. Tractebel participates in your home office expenses, through advantageous purchase  programs and generous contributions to your internet and mobile plans. Holidays: 20 legal days + 12 compensatory leave days (for a full-time work schedule). You can also buy 5 extra days for even more relaxation.
  • To celebrate our successes, and just have fun, we get together for team sports, afterworks, team -building activities, our annual party, and more.


Your mission
As a Pipeline Engineer in the Gas-to-X Department at Tractebel, you will contribute to the engineering and development of gas pipelines, gas compression stations, and related industrial installations. Your role will focus on providing technical expertise across the full lifecycle of gas infrastructure projects, including feasibility studies, design, construction, and commissioning, ensuring that Tractebel delivers high-quality, on-time, and on-budget solutions.


Your key responsibilities

  • You will conduct feasibility studies and determine the optimal routing for gas pipelines.
  • You will integrate engineering disciplines into the design of gas transport systems.
  • You will deliver pipeline engineering services in line with Tractebel's and regulatory requirements.
  • You will perform technical-economic studies and cost estimates for pipeline projects.
  • You will execute detailed design studies and manage the procurement process.
  • You will oversee pre-commissioning, commissioning, and mechanical erection on-site.
  • You will write specifications for pipeline manufacturing, including welding and valves.
  • You will prepare permitting and construction files, managing stakeholder relations.

We would love to hear from people with

  • A degree in Civil or Industrial Engineering, with an eagerness to develop expertise in the gas and energy sectors.
  • Knowledge of materials, welding, and NDT (non-destructive testing) inspections.
  • Interest in multidisciplinary environments and an ability to work as an advisor to clients and team members.
  • Willingness to travel for short or long missions, supporting international projects.
  • Multilingual proficiency in English and Dutch or French.


Who you are

  • You are a dynamic, creative, and rigorous engineer with a team-oriented mindset.
  • You are a strong communicator who listens to clients and colleagues and can convey complex technical information clearly.
  • You are eager to learn and develop high-level expertise in the gas and energy sectors.
  • You are well-organized and able to manage project constraints and deliver on time.


Who we are

Our top priorities are people, ethics, safety, and sustainability. With Tractebel, you are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on global net-zero targets. The driving force behind reaching these goals is our greatest asset: you. Our people come first, and our strength is in our diversity. Because diversity leads to fresh perspectives that drive performance and innovation! Therefore, we welcome all applicants and remain committed to an inclusive workplace. 
Find out more about Tractebel, our activities and why you should join us here
As part of the 96,000-strong ENGIE Group, your career path in pioneering low-carbon solutions around the world knows no limits. Every day is your opportunity to shape a more sustainable world

Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date

Pipeline engineer LNG - NL

Posting date : 28/02/2024

Requisition ID : 22774

Pipeline engineer LNG - NL

Ready to engineer your positive impact? Then join Tractebel, part of the ENGIE Group, and our 5,600 passionate experts around the globe, driven by shaping a more sustainable world every day. It’s your chance to be a part of the adventure of the century: accelerating the energy transition – while enhancing people’s lives through meaningful projects. Make your contribution to carbon neutrality in markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-techbuildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways.

Are you ready to make a difference? Then we look forward to meeting you!

What we offer

  • Tractebel is more than a place to work. It’s your chance to evolve alongside top experts on impactful projects around the world. It’s an environment built on team spirit, where you can reach your highest potential. Management actively supports the development of its people, and the opportunities for growth within the ENGIE Group are wide open.
  • We offer a competitive salary package including representation allowances, double paid holidays, meal vouchers, eco cheques, bonuses, health insurance, PC purchase plan, ENGIE stock options, and more.
  • Our mobility plans are customizable to your needs, including a company car, train pass, bike lease, or combinations thereof. You can also swap your company car for the flexible and taxfriendly Belgian Mobility Budget! **
  • Flexible, hybrid arrangements enable working from home (2-3 days per week), on-site or on the go. Tractebel participates in your home office expenses, through advantageous purchase  programs and generous contributions to your internet and mobile plans. Holidays: 20 legal days + 12 compensatory leave days (for a full-time work schedule). You can also buy 5 extra days for even more relaxation.
  • To celebrate our successes, and just have fun, we get together for team sports, afterworks, team -building activities, our annual party, and more.


Your mission
As a Pipeline Engineer in the Gas-to-X Department at Tractebel, you will contribute to the engineering and development of gas pipelines, gas compression stations, and related industrial installations. Your role will focus on providing technical expertise across the full lifecycle of gas infrastructure projects, including feasibility studies, design, construction, and commissioning, ensuring that Tractebel delivers high-quality, on-time, and on-budget solutions.


Your key responsibilities

  • You will conduct feasibility studies and determine the optimal routing for gas pipelines.
  • You will integrate engineering disciplines into the design of gas transport systems.
  • You will deliver pipeline engineering services in line with Tractebel's and regulatory requirements.
  • You will perform technical-economic studies and cost estimates for pipeline projects.
  • You will execute detailed design studies and manage the procurement process.
  • You will oversee pre-commissioning, commissioning, and mechanical erection on-site.
  • You will write specifications for pipeline manufacturing, including welding and valves.
  • You will prepare permitting and construction files, managing stakeholder relations.

We would love to hear from people with

  • A degree in Civil or Industrial Engineering, with an eagerness to develop expertise in the gas and energy sectors.
  • Knowledge of materials, welding, and NDT (non-destructive testing) inspections.
  • Interest in multidisciplinary environments and an ability to work as an advisor to clients and team members.
  • Willingness to travel for short or long missions, supporting international projects.
  • Multilingual proficiency in English and Dutch or French.


Who you are

  • You are a dynamic, creative, and rigorous engineer with a team-oriented mindset.
  • You are a strong communicator who listens to clients and colleagues and can convey complex technical information clearly.
  • You are eager to learn and develop high-level expertise in the gas and energy sectors.
  • You are well-organized and able to manage project constraints and deliver on time.


Who we are

Our top priorities are people, ethics, safety, and sustainability. With Tractebel, you are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on global net-zero targets. The driving force behind reaching these goals is our greatest asset: you. Our people come first, and our strength is in our diversity. Because diversity leads to fresh perspectives that drive performance and innovation! Therefore, we welcome all applicants and remain committed to an inclusive workplace. 
Find out more about Tractebel, our activities and why you should join us here
As part of the 96,000-strong ENGIE Group, your career path in pioneering low-carbon solutions around the world knows no limits. Every day is your opportunity to shape a more sustainable world

Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date