Ogénie platform to allow isolated people to keep in touch

By ENGIE - 01 April 2020 - 14:45

Acting to support public players dealing with the increased isolation of elderly people during this period of confinement, ENGIE has decided to make its Ogénie platform available free of charge.


Ogénie is a digital platform developed by ENGIE that simplifies the daily life of the elderly and the vulnerable. Intended to promote social ties, Ogénie brings together in a single place all the relevant services and information relative to a given territory. Faced with the current health emergency which places the elderly at the very top of the list of at-risk populations, ENGIE has decided to provide local authorities with tools to bring people together and build links to combat the isolation accentuated by confinement. The Ogénie platform enables local authorities, social housing operators and residential care homes to create their own secure communities and offer personalized services to their beneficiaries for sharing reliable information, making individual contact through a messaging system, and offering the most isolated people a simplified messaging system alllowing people to maintain a remote link with their loved ones.

ENGIE is undertaking to make available a digital community dedicated to each institution that would like to benefit from it.

The tool is simple and quick to set up, and will allow institutions to connect with their communities within days.