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Do you know what a PPA is? A power purchase agreement is an electricity contract whereby the consumer makes a direct, long-term commitment to purchasing energy from a producer. As the energy transition steps up, Green PPAs – which relate to renewable energy production sources – are becoming much more widespread. But, until now, they affected mainly large-volume energy consumers like Microsoft and Orange, with whom we recently signed a 15-year Green PPA, one of the ten largest contracts worldwide in 2021.
A first in France
To help its customers step up their zero-carbon transition, ENGIE continues to innovate by offering a Green PPA to a much wider audience. “It’s a first in France. Industry players, public and private service sector companies, local authorities, etc. can now benefit from this measure. We are including it in a wider solution designed to reduce our customers’ energy footprint. To achieve this, we help them first consume less and then consume better. That is where a green PPA can really make a difference, by meeting our customers’ needs head on,” said Karine Lebourg, director of decentralised production for ENGIE Solutions.