The ENGIE Group’s energy trading platform changes its name and becomes ENGIE Global Markets.
By ENGIE - 21 March 2016 - 14:19
The ENGIE Group’s energy trading platform changes its name and becomes ENGIE Global Markets.
Formerly GDF SUEZ Trading, this subsidiary at the very heart of ENGIE has nearly twenty years of experience, acquired throughout the process of market liberalization, and combines in-depth industry experience and financial market know-how.
The subsidiary serves all ENGIE business activities worldwide and offers energy market solutions to a wide range of third parties, from upstream to downstream. With a 390-staff, ENGIE Global Markets has an extended geographical coverage in Europe and Asia-Pacific, with four trading floors in Paris, Brussels, Rome and Singapore, and activities spread across 40 countries worldwide.
ENGIE Global Markets’ new name illustrates the worldwide reach of its product range and services, as well as its commitment to supporting ENGIE’s international development.
ENGIE Global Markets strives to serve the energy community to prepare markets for the trends and challenges of the future. This approach fully supports the Group’s ambition to lead the world energy transition and therefore develops dedicated products and services to make the most of the energy world revolution.
Moreover, ENGIE Global Markets was granted a regulated status of Investment Service Provider and is supervised by the French banking authority “Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution” (ACPR). As such, ENGIE Global Markets operates in line with the highest control standards. It thereby provides its parent group, ENGIE, with a unique positioning as the only energy company with an affiliate that already meets the requirements of the MiFID 2 (1) directive, which will apply to the various market players in the future.
“Under this new brand, we are reaffirming our ambition to further extend our client-base, product range and business activities at an international level. “Global by name and by nature” is embraced in this new name which I trust will call for great development opportunities.”, said Philippe Vedrenne, recently appointed Chief Executive Officer of ENGIE Global Markets.
(1) The MiFID directive and MiFIR regulation, both referring to as the “MiFID 2 directive”, cover the securities markets, investment intermediaries and trading platforms. The MiFID 2 directive specifies which player in the field of commodities qualifies as an Investment Service Provider.
ENGIE develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take on the major challenges of energy’s transition to a low-carbon economy: access to sustainable energy, climate-change mitigation and adaptation and the rational use of resources. The Group provides individuals, cities and businesses with highly efficient and innovative solutions largely based on its expertise in four key sectors: renewable energy, energy efficiency, liquefied natural gas and digital technology. ENGIE employs 154,950 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €69.9 billion in 2015. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges (ENGI) and is represented in the main international indices: CAC 40, BEL 20, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe, DJSI World, DJSI Europe and Euronext Vigeo (Eurozone 120, Europe 120 and France 20).