Training and awareness-raising

In the field of Ethics and Compliance and as well as in Data Privacy, training is a powerful tool for spreading the importance of Ethics and integrity throughout the Group. It is an absolute priority.


Priorities of the Ethics, Compliance & Privacy training

Whether the training is given in person or remotely, its content and format are adapted to each specific audience and tailored to the specific risks that Group Employees may encounter, based on their roles and geographic location.


A comprehensive learning tool

We aim to make integrity and respect a part of our corporate culture, no matter where our employees come from, their role, or their area of activity.


A wide array of operational learning goals

Understanding ethics as an added value | Become familiar with the Group Ethics, Compliance & Privacy systems - legal requirements, commitments, reference documents, tools, and resources | Identifying Group and individual ethics risks and issues | What to do when faced with an ethical dilemma? | Making our culture of integrity a part of everyday life.


Different kinds of training content

  • Ethics awareness modules are offered as e-learning courses to raise awareness among Group Employees and managers about the Group's ethical principles and practices, to help them integrate these principles into their day to day professional work, and to help them obtain the reflexes to adopt if they were to face ethical dilemmas.
  • Thematic programmes are also offered across the Group (ex: fraud and corruption prevention, personal data protection, etc.).
  • Specific & periodic awareness-raising campaigns (short videos, specific animations, etc.) make it possible to recall the Group's commitments and to anchor the reflexes to be adopted in the event of an ethical dilemma on various themes: whistleblowing, gifts and hospitality, corruption, human rights, etc.


Mandatory programmes

The ethics and compliance training plan for Group employees specifies the mandatory ethics training for all Group employees, depending on their exposure to ethics issues, particularly the risk of corruption and influence peddling, in the context of their missions within the Group. It is based on a practical Group guide  "Mapping of populations most exposed to the risk of corruption", which specifies the way in which employees most exposed to the risk of corruption must be identified. In addition to the implementation of this Group system, the Group's entities are responsible for setting up an entity training plan (e.g. training for new recruits, human rights training, etc.), if necessary using the training modules made available by the Group.


Specific reporting and monitoring procedures

Whether face-to-face or digital, each training action is monitored; indicators are set up and a Group training calendar is distributed to the Group's entities through the Ethics & Compliance Officers' network.