Ten examples of acceleration in mature renewable energies

By ENGIE - 30 December 2020 - 16:07

Bigger, more powerful and more innovative: our most recent infrastructures in the field of mature renewable energies are breaking all the records. An illustration through ten projects that have already been delivered or are still ongoing. 


Campo Largo: ENGIE’s biggest wind farm

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Campa Largo


Where: Bahia state, Brazil 

Key date: the first phase was inaugurated in September 2018, and the next phase is due in January 2021

Target capacity: 326.7 MW (Campo Largo 1) + 361.2 MW (Campo Largo 2)

ENGIE takes the lead: when Campo Largo 2 becomes commercially operational, ENGIE will have more than 1 GW of installed wind power capacity in Brazil

Jumbo Hill: bringing green energy to Texas

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Jumbo Hill


Where: at the border between New Mexico and Texas in the United States

Key date: came on stream in March 2020

Target capacity: 160 MW of wind power produced by 57 turbines

ENGIE takes the lead: the Jumbo Hill site, which is near oil and gas wells, prefigures the future of the worldwide energy mix, while also creating jobs for the local population

Seamade: more offshore wind power capacity in Belgium

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Where: off the coast of Ostend, Belgium

Key date: came on stream in January 2020

Target capacity: 235 MW produced by 28 wind turbines, or the equivalent of the power consumed by 485,000 Belgian families

ENGIE takes the lead: Belgium is the world’s fourth-largest producer of offshore wind power in terms of capacity, behind the United Kingdom (10,428 installed MW), Germany (7,659 MW) and China (about 7,000 MW)

Muara Laboh: our first geothermal electric power plant

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Muaraa Laboh


Where:  Muara Laboh, in the Solok Selatan region of West Sumatra, Indonesia

Key date: inaugurated in February 2020

Target capacity: 85 MW of CO2 emission-free electricity, and annual savings of 380,000 tonnes of CO2

ENGIE takes the lead: this is the Group’s very first power plant that produces electricity using high-temperature geothermics

Kadapa: the largest photovoltaic project ever designed and built by ENGIE

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Where: Kadapa, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India

Key date: in operation since July 2019

Target capacity: production capacity of 250 MW

ENGIE takes the lead: in India, ENGIE now boasts a renewable electricity production capacity of more than 1.5 GW

ENGIE acquires the second largest hydroelectric portfolio of Portugal

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Barrage de Baixo Sabor, ©Jose Pedro Croft

Dam of Baixo Sabor, ©Jose Pedro Croft 


Where: In Douro Valley, Portugal

Key date: acquisition finalized in December 2020

Production capacity: 1,7 GW by three pump storage units along with three recently repowered run-of-river plants

ENGIE takes the lead: “With this acquisition, we strengthen our presence in Portugal and the Iberian market, increasing our capacity to supply green energy to our clients. This comes in addition to our target to build 9 GW renewables over the period 2019 - 2021.”  

Paulo Almirante, ENGIE Group Chief Operating Officer 

Kathu Solar Park: the first concentrating solar power plant in South Africa

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Kathu Solar Park


Where: Kathu, Northern Cape province, South Africa

Key date: came on stream in February 2019

Target capacity: 100 MW  produced by 384,000 mirrors,  provide clean and reliable energy to 179,000 households

ENGIE takes the lead: the technology used in this power plant  allows for 4.5 hours of thermal energy storage to provide reliable electricity in the absence of solar radiation and during peak demand

Willogoleche: a wind farm in Australia operating at full capacity

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Where: Willogoleche, South Australia

Key date: came on stream in 2019

Target capacity: 119 MW produced by 32 wind turbines, supplying electricity to 80,000 households 

ENGIE takes the lead: Willogoleche is the first onshore wind farm in the world to use GE’s 3.8 MW wind turbines. The 65 m blades of each of the 32 wind turbines can operate across a broad range of wind speeds, enabling ENGIE to maximise the capacity of each turbine

East Fork: one more step towards decarbonising the United States

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East Fork


Where: Thomas County, Kansas, United States

Key date: came on stream in April 2020

Target capacity: 471.8 MW of clean wind power produced by 177 turbines

ENGIE takes the lead: the East Fork project is sustainable in more than one respect, because it contributes to the development of the local economy by creating new jobs and tax breaks for the community, including study grants at the Colby Community College

Ahumada: almost 600,000 photovoltaic panels in the Mexican desert

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Where: in the desert in the state of Chihuahua, northern Mexico  

Key date: came on stream in February 2020

Target capacity: 150 MW of solar power and 15.1 million tonnes of CO2 saved every year

ENGIE takes the lead: the photovoltaic panels on trackers follow the sunlight to optimise their production capacity