Deployment of the vigilance plan at entity level

Additional actions are required from the entities to ensure the effectiveness of the deployment of the vigilance plan and in particular actions to inform the internal stakeholders and coordination actions between the different Departments in charge of the deployment of the plan. The internal control review dedicated to the effective deployment of the vigilance plan set up in 2020 shows that 83.9% of the Group's entities declare having effectively implemented these various actions. The Group's Ethics, Compliance & Privacy Department supports the entities in the deployment of these actions.

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Distribution of the vigilance plan to the Excom Committee

It is requested to present/organize discussions within the management committee of each entity on the obligations of the law on the duty of vigilance and on the Group's vigilance plan. This requirement is increasingly deployed in the entities (76% of Group entities).


Association with internal stakeholders

At entity level, they are also required to organize a local social dialogue around the duty of vigilance and, for example present the vigilance plan to their employee representative bodies. Entities that do not have employee representative bodies are encouraged to present the plan directly to employees.


Coordination of the different approaches

72% of the Group's entities have set up coordinated actions with the other Departments concerned by the topics covered by the Group's vigilance plan.

Among the actions implemented within the entities to ensure the coordination of the various actors in charge of deploying the vigilance plan regular discussions between the functions involved (Ethics & Compliance, Procurement, Health & Safety, Security, ESG, HR) have been organised through "vigilance committees". These committees provide an opportunity to periodically discuss all issues related to the vigilance plan, and to share information among all departments in order to adopt a common approach to the duty of vigilance and the actions to be implemented in this regard.