At the Group level
In 2022, for the first time, ENGIE adopted a Global policy for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). This policy has a dual objective of helping the Group progress in terms of the representation of the diversity of populations and in making all work environments inclusive. There is no place for either discrimination or harassment in any form.
This policy:
- is aimed at all employees;
- must adapt and be modified to local legal and cultural contexts;
- is designed to change Group culture;
- is scalable over time;
- and contributes to performance. The priority subjects defined for 2022 and 2023 are:
- gender equality (notably with the Fifty-Fifty program);
- the question of LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender / Transsexual plus);
- origins (including nationalities, ethical origins, skin color, religion, social background, education and non-standard career paths);
- generations (the integration of young people and the employability of seniors);
- and the issue of disability.
The new “Be.U@ENGIE” policy allows each employee to feel free to be themselves (“Be.Unique”) to fully contribute to the Group’s collective ambition (“Be.United”). A road map will be rolled out across all regions as of 2023 and managed by a DEI World Committee.
In France
For many years, the Group has implemented a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy that is proactive, ambitious and innovative. It aims to combat discrimination and promote equal opportunity and treatment. This measure has been recognized by the award of the Diversity label for the first time in 2012, confirmed by regular audits and extended in 2022. The most recent audit was carried out in September 2020 and confirmed the Group’s commitment to promoting diversity and equal opportunities. It praised the many initiatives taken by all the entities in France.
Gender diversity
ENGIE aims to become a benchmark for professional and pay equality. Two new Tier 1 non-financial targets were set and approved by the Board of Directors:
- pay gap between women and men less than 2% on equivalent positions at the Group level, by 2030;
- gender equality, with an objective of 40% to 60% of women in management positions by 2030.
For ENGIE, diversity, professional equality and inclusion are innovation and performance drivers. ENGIE has therefore launched and has been rolling out the Fifty-Fifty program since 2020. This program is based on a systematic approach to creating the conditions needed to achieve gender equality.
This program came in response to demand from the Society, ENGIE’s customers, and its stakeholders. Its road map is based on six pillars: structuring and governance, diagnostics and certification, communication and awareness, organizational adaptation, employee training and development, and external resonance. For ENGIE, it means becoming a best-in-class in this area and attracting the best talents.
Since 2021, each entity has benefited from a “Fifty-Fifty toolbox,” tailored to the professions and cultural environments of each region, mainly focused on:
The training and development of employees
- three “Diversity, Professional Equality and Inclusion” programs have been rolled out since May 2021: one online program for all employees and two on-site and remote programs, one for mentoring and the other one for the Group’s managers and senior managers;
- in 2022, the Group continued to roll out the Wo+Men to Lead personal development program, for male and female leaders;
- a partnership with the Women Initiative Foundation has been focused since 2020 on training employees ininclusive leadership, in cooperation with major international universities.
Communication, team awareness raising and the sharing of best practices
- events are offered to all employees during the year: to mark International Women’s Day, to raise awareness among managers and HRs regarding bias in recruitment;
- A “Sexual Harassment and Sexist Action” guide was compiled in 2022 and shared with the Human Resources and Ethics teams in each of the Group’s countries, led by the Executive Committee which sought to reaffirm the Zero Tolerance policy on this subject;
- awareness raising workshops have been organized by the entities’ Executive Committees since 2021. These workshops aim to raise awareness among managers, helping them build equality-driven action plans within their entity;
- the Fifty-Fifty Awards, a competition open to all to award the teams that are most invested in gender diversity, hasNbeen organized annually within ENGIE since November 2021;
- an online media platform containing plenty of resources (videos, testimonies, articles, best practices) was created on the Group’s e-learning platform in November 2021;
- conferences and the sharing of best practices targeting “Diversity, Professional Equality and Inclusion.” These are available throughout the year to ENGIE employees looking to launch new initiatives within their scope. This network called Change Drivers was founded in November 2019.
- The ChangeMakHers network, created in 2021, brings together leaders trained to challenge the status quo within the organization and showcase ENGIE’s commitment outside the Group, through conferences, partnerships and round tables.
Diagnosis and EDGE certification
- in December 2022, 15 entities in nine countries obtained EDGE certification in Diversity and Inclusion; seven others are currently undergoing certification. This certification offers international recognition of gender equality and covers the corporate culture, recruitment, promotion, mentoring and training of its managers;
- in October 2022, 25 questions relating to “diversity, professional equality and inclusion” were included in the ENGIE&ME annual engagement survey;
- in May 2021, the findings of the audit of the processes used to assess talent, in order to make them more inclusive, were reported. Recommendations are regularly applied or updated.
At the end of December 2022, women made up 26.1% of the Group’s workforce. The proportion of women in management was 29.9%. The proportion of women on the Operational Committee is 35.2% (19 women and 35 men). The proportion of women on the Group Executive Committee is 40%
(four women and six men).
External resonance
To promote gender equality within its business lines, ENGIE is raising awareness among young female audiences through the “Elles Bougent” association. which promotes the role of women in technical sectors in France. Furthermore, as part of its partnership with Le Laboratoire de l’Égalité, ENGIE has been helping since September 2019 to develop an artificial intelligence pact. This ensures that new technologies underlying HR processes that incorporate Artificial Intelligence are not discriminatory in terms of gender.
Moreover, as part of its commitment to the apprenticeship foundation, Fondation Innovations Pour les Apprentissages (FIPA), ENGIE has undertaken to start a school class dedicated exclusively to young women, “les Ingénieuses,” which aims to help them becoming Engineers. In September 2021, four young women from ENGIE joined this promotion. In September 2022, ENGIE continued its commitment with the start of a second promotion.
Finally, since 2022, ENGIE has been taking part in the Rise & Lead summit which brings together business leaders and entrepreneurs to share best practices and ideas to drive change toward diversity, equity and inclusion.