ENGIE prepares for the future by launching an Apprentice Training Center

By ENGIE - 24 September 2020 - 09:30

ENGIE is founding an Academy of Energy and Climate Transition, to train its future technicians through work/study programs. This initiative further strengthens its commitment to work/study programs, young people and their professional integration through employment in the regions. 


An Apprentice Training Center rooted in the ENGIE purpose statement

The Academy will be on a human scale, and will receive up to several hundred students in 2024. The Covid-19 crisis has not called ENGIE’s ambition into question. In May, ENGIE reaffirmed its ambitions with regard to work/study programs and set a target of incorporating 10% of work/study trainees in its workforce in France by the end of 2021. Among these trainees, it is our intention to include 3% of young people with disabilities. 


This structure with enable the ENGIE Group to:


  • meet growing recruitment needs in a context of skill shortages and a significant surge in retirements,
  • fully assume its social responsibility commitments in the regions, particularly with regard to employment and opportunities for young people, by increasing the number of women in its teams, 
  • prepare for the future by asserting its role as a pioneer in a context where professions are undergoing a transformation driven by digital technology, the climate emergency and changing patterns of consumption.


The Apprentice Training Center offers a complete range of training courses, with courses leading to the professional baccalaureate or vocational training certificate (BTS) for young people aged 16 to 29. Developed in close partnership with well-known educational institutions, these training programs are designed to meet our changing needs and attract more young people to our professions in much greater numbers, particularly including young women. 


All these training programs will include a core component focusing on the transition to carbon neutrality which will seek to raise the awareness of all the young people training at the Academy of our challenges and the behaviors to adopt, particular with regard to health and safety and in dealing with our customers.


Reasons for choosing the ENGIE Apprentice Training Center

  • Innovative teaching methods at the heart of the project, with additional modules preparing for the jobs of tomorrow in addition to the courses, in a highly digitized training program. 
  • The network of Ambassador Technicians, available to support the apprentices and accompany them in their first professional steps. 
  • The ENGIE ecosystem, with a work placement in one of the ENGIE Group’s entities, a job at the end of the work/study period after a successful apprenticeship and good integration, and a career path at the end of the apprenticeship in the event of recruitment within the Group.
  • Support from the teaching team, in addition to a network of tutors.
  • The opportunities provided by an international group with roughly 170,000 employees 
  • Preparing for a profession with a future which will contribute to the transition to carbon neutrality, which is the key challenge facing our society.